Explain how a Trump could ever win the WH

Wages ARE too high to compete with India and China.
Are you too stupid to figure that out?

Explain to the American workers they need to make what the Chinese coolies and Indian poor make because Trump needs more money...just straight out tell the American worker "we are taking you to China Bangladesh levels " I am sure they will vote for that LOL
You are one dumb fuck.
Trump is NOT looking to lower wages, he is looking to bring back White Collar careers and Blue Collar jobs that require skills.
If Chinses and Indians made $10.00/hour and received Health Insurance and pensions, many of those companies would have to pay a Tariff or move back.
You're getting defensive. You were asked how Trump, as president, will cut workers pay.

How about that explanation?
My response is "why don't you ask TrumP' ..he is AFTER ALL the one who says
Donald Trump wants to lower working Americans incomes and standards of living because we’re “Not competitive“ (with places like Bangladesh). Trump wants to accelerate America’s Race to the Bottom by lowering Americans’ standards of living se we can ‘compete’ with countries like Vietnam and China

Trump doubles down: ‘Wages are too high’

By Ben Kamisar

Donald Trump on Wednesday doubled down on his argument that American wages are “too high” after making a similar claim during Tuesday night’s GOP presidential debate.

“We have to become competitive with the world. Our taxes are too high,, everything is too high,”he said Wednesday morning during an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“What's going to happen is now people are going to start firing people.”
Wages ARE too high to compete with India and China.
Are you too stupid to figure that out?

That's what he said, and as usual it's a lie.
Trumo actually said that businesses are leaving because of wages are to high in comparison to other countries.
First of all, stop shouting, it's annoying.

Second, yes, you're nuts for not quoting whole thing. If you quoted whole thing, you would at least look honest.

FUCK YOU IF ITS ANNOYING LUMP IT ASSHOLE:2up: I edit my own post fuck head...I quoted Trump with a link...read the link and stop whining
Trump is NOT looking to lower wages, he is looking to bring back White Collar careers and Blue Collar jobs that require skills.
If Chinses and Indians made $10.00/hour and received Health Insurance and pensions, many of those companies would have to pay a Tariff or move back.
The problem is they received pay raises that they did not deserve because the union forced their companies to pay base on seniority not based on worth. The job should pay what it's worth and you don't get a pay raise unless you get promoted up to a higher level job.
Excluded cost of living increases.
Only failed CEO deserve millions ...you sure are an ass kisser ..I bet you are poor LOL
Red herring dude.
First of all, stop shouting, it's annoying.

Second, yes, you're nuts for not quoting whole thing. If you quoted whole thing, you would at least look honest.

FUCK YOU IF ITS ANNOYING LUMP IT ASSHOLE:2up: I edit my own post fuck head...I quoted Trump with a link...read the link and stop whining

Typical leftie. When things goes awry for him, only thing left is to be obnoxious.

You provided the link with a title that is skewed. If you watch the video, you would know it. If you did...
You're getting defensive. You were asked how Trump, as president, will cut workers pay.

How about that explanation?
My response is "why don't you ask TrumP' ..he is AFTER ALL the one who says
Donald Trump wants to lower working Americans incomes and standards of living because we’re “Not competitive“ (with places like Bangladesh). Trump wants to accelerate America’s Race to the Bottom by lowering Americans’ standards of living se we can ‘compete’ with countries like Vietnam and China

Trump doubles down: ‘Wages are too high’

By Ben Kamisar

Donald Trump on Wednesday doubled down on his argument that American wages are “too high” after making a similar claim during Tuesday night’s GOP presidential debate.

“We have to become competitive with the world. Our taxes are too high,, everything is too high,”he said Wednesday morning during an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“What's going to happen is now people are going to start firing people.”
Wages ARE too high to compete with India and China.
Are you too stupid to figure that out?

That's what he said, and as usual it's a lie.
Trumo actually said that businesses are leaving because of wages are to high in comparison to other countries.

Please explain yourself as you make no sense.
Wages here are too high.
Trump...Penalize the low wage nations to being back the jobs.
Trump is NOT looking to lower wages, he is looking to bring back White Collar careers and Blue Collar jobs that require skills.
If Chinses and Indians made $10.00/hour and received Health Insurance and pensions, many of those companies would have to pay a Tariff or move back.
So there is nothing wrong with a company making stuff where it's most profitable to do so.
We need to change Americans trade policy so that it's no longer most profitable to make stuff elsewhere.
So there is nothing wrong with a company making stuff where it's most profitable to do so.
We need to change Americans trade policy so that it's no longer most profitable to make stuff elsewhere.

sure but do not do like Trump and pretend he is going to be a champion for American workers LOL
Because of some of his positions on some social issuses and trade Trump could pull in indpendents and moderate blue collar Democrats and swing some states that normally go Democrat if he can do this and get a high enough percent of Republicans to vote for him he could pull it off. I don't think this is likely to happen but as I said on another thread one reason Trump has gotten as far as he has is because people have continually underestimated him continuning to do so could come back to bite the left.

I partially agree with you but consider this........Trump was indeed UNDER-estimated by the republican establishment, but his rise in defeating his fellow republican candidates was due to the years of pandering and lies offered to that GOP base (like the Tea sippers) by republican candidates......HOWEVER, in the national contest that formerly disenfranchised republican base will NOT be enough.

I know several Democrats that are voting Trump, they like his liberal stands. I think they are crazy but when the option is a liar such as Clinton, he looks to be a better choice.

This election has surprised me, Sanders is actually the better of the two Democratic contenders. Kasich and Rubio were better choices than Trump. Yet, it looks like the worst two on each side will be our choices.

Well known and long time republicans will not be voting for Trump but they will vote for Hillary.


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