Explain how a Trump could ever win the WH

OK, so he said he thinks a "low minimum wage is a good thing". How does this equate to lowering wages for American workers? I mean seriously, as President, you think he's going to issue an EO ordering companies to pay workers less?

Come on man.
Go look it up...its not up to me to detail for you how Trump is going to do what he says he wants done ...look it up...Trump says he wants lower wages ...

Jesus... lighten up. Trump has no way of controlling what people get paid. And if the president had this power, why hasn't Obama mandated that all Americans make a minimum of $100k/year?
"Explain how a Trump could ever win the WH"

No one can.

High voter turnout typical of GEs is against him.

EC math is against him.

And his own many negatives are against him.
Not only that but 11 months ago there was no "book" on how to deal with trump...now there is a book on how to be effective against him ...the biggest advantage though is that there is a different population in the general election than in the primary....Trump will be hit like he has never been hit before ...personal and dirty...

Hillary Clinton ‎@HillaryClinton

"President Trump" is a dangerous proposition.

Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio agree.

2:46 PM - 4 May 2016
Every Republican who supports trump is just exposing themselves as the flip flopping hypocritical liars they are.

How can we believe someone who one day warns us about someone then endorses them the next? We know they will say anything.

Lyin Ted cruz

And the option is the flip-flopping Mrs. Tuzla Clinton? Sorry I don't think we should reward folks like her for the behavior she has demonstrated.
Yes or No...You are in favor of having a nation without borders.
yes or no are you in favor of the Trump line of clothing being made in China by coolies...?
Trump, like other successful clothing manufacturers, made their clothes in countries where it would be most profitable to do so. It doesn't change the fact that Trump, as President, will change the math so that it's more profitable to make clothes in America than it is in China. To change locations of the manufacturing plants for any other reason is stupid.
You're getting defensive. You were asked how Trump, as president, will cut workers pay.

How about that explanation?
My response is "why don't you ask TrumP' ..he is AFTER ALL the one who says
Donald Trump wants to lower working Americans incomes and standards of living because we’re “Not competitive“ (with places like Bangladesh). Trump wants to accelerate America’s Race to the Bottom by lowering Americans’ standards of living se we can ‘compete’ with countries like Vietnam and China

Trump doubles down: ‘Wages are too high’

By Ben Kamisar

Donald Trump on Wednesday doubled down on his argument that American wages are “too high” after making a similar claim during Tuesday night’s GOP presidential debate.

“We have to become competitive with the world. Our taxes are too high,, everything is too high,”he said Wednesday morning during an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“What's going to happen is now people are going to start firing people.”
Jesus... lighten up. Trump has no way of controlling what people get paid. And if the president had this power, why hasn't Obama mandated that all Americans make a minimum of $100k/year?
Then all that blow hard stuff about "we need lower wages" was what ...Trump kidding around ?
Donald Trump Calls U.S. Wages Too High...he wants a race to the bottom for wages ...just like the rest of the GOP

You're nutz. You really are.
some wages are too high. It is stupid to pay assembly line workers $65 and up for doing anything a high school student can do simply because they have a union. It's unreasonable for them to demand so much. WE PEOPLE, who make minimum wage can't afford their products because of it.
Part of the issue is that come Blue Collar workers stay with a company for 30+ years and keep getting raised into the 90K range.
They are often offered incentive package to get them to retire but many don't want to be bored at home.
The MAJORITY of Blue Collar workers make in the 30K-40K range but have great Health Insurance which costs mucho diniro.

so the blue collar workers are the problem because they want to keep on working and not retire...your last name is definitely not Einstein....
The problem is they received pay raises that they did not deserve because the union forced their companies to pay base on seniority not based on worth. The job should pay what it's worth and you don't get a pay raise unless you get promoted up to a higher level job.
Excluded cost of living increases.
Jesus... lighten up. Trump has no way of controlling what people get paid. And if the president had this power, why hasn't Obama mandated that all Americans make a minimum of $100k/year?
Then all that blow hard stuff about "we need lower wages" was what ...Trump kidding around ?
Donald Trump Calls U.S. Wages Too High...he wants a race to the bottom for wages ...just like the rest of the GOP

True, he said "wages are too high", then continued... "I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is".
You're getting defensive. You were asked how Trump, as president, will cut workers pay.

How about that explanation?
My response is "why don't you ask TrumP' ..he is AFTER ALL the one who says
Donald Trump wants to lower working Americans incomes and standards of living because we’re “Not competitive“ (with places like Bangladesh). Trump wants to accelerate America’s Race to the Bottom by lowering Americans’ standards of living se we can ‘compete’ with countries like Vietnam and China

Trump doubles down: ‘Wages are too high’

By Ben Kamisar

Donald Trump on Wednesday doubled down on his argument that American wages are “too high” after making a similar claim during Tuesday night’s GOP presidential debate.

“We have to become competitive with the world. Our taxes are too high,, everything is too high,”he said Wednesday morning during an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“What's going to happen is now people are going to start firing people.”
Wages ARE too high to compete with India and China.
Are you too stupid to figure that out?
The problem is they received pay raises that they did not deserve because the union forced their companies to pay base on seniority not based on worth. The job should pay what it's worth and you don't get a pay raise unless you get promoted up to a higher level job.
Excluded cost of living increases.
Only failed CEO deserve millions ...you sure are an ass kisser ..I bet you are poor LOL
some wages are too high. It is stupid to pay assembly line workers $65 and up for doing anything a high school student can do simply because they have a union. It's unreasonable for them to demand so much. WE PEOPLE, who make minimum wage can't afford their products because of it.
Part of the issue is that come Blue Collar workers stay with a company for 30+ years and keep getting raised into the 90K range.
They are often offered incentive package to get them to retire but many don't want to be bored at home.
The MAJORITY of Blue Collar workers make in the 30K-40K range but have great Health Insurance which costs mucho diniro.

so the blue collar workers are the problem because they want to keep on working and not retire...your last name is definitely not Einstein....
The problem is they received pay raises that they did not deserve because the union forced their companies to pay base on seniority not based on worth. The job should pay what it's worth and you don't get a pay raise unless you get promoted up to a higher level job.
Excluded cost of living increases.

Don't you think it is right that labor and management get to decide what is a fair wage?
Wages ARE too high to compete with India and China.
Are you too stupid to figure that out?

Explain to the American workers they need to make what the Chinese coolies and Indian poor make because Trump needs more money...just straight out tell the American worker "we are taking you to China Bangladesh levels " I am sure they will vote for that LOL
some wages are too high. It is stupid to pay assembly line workers $65 and up for doing anything a high school student can do simply because they have a union. It's unreasonable for them to demand so much. WE PEOPLE, who make minimum wage can't afford their products because of it.
Part of the issue is that come Blue Collar workers stay with a company for 30+ years and keep getting raised into the 90K range.
They are often offered incentive package to get them to retire but many don't want to be bored at home.
The MAJORITY of Blue Collar workers make in the 30K-40K range but have great Health Insurance which costs mucho diniro.

so the blue collar workers are the problem because they want to keep on working and not retire...your last name is definitely not Einstein....
The problem is they received pay raises that they did not deserve because the union forced their companies to pay base on seniority not based on worth. The job should pay what it's worth and you don't get a pay raise unless you get promoted up to a higher level job.
Excluded cost of living increases.

Hmmm...Those wages took 20+ years to attain.
I will state that auto workers are not physically strained to the limit like other manual laborers.
On the other hand, mega corp CEOs make their money by passing favorable legislation.
And yes, excessive wages are a big onus on Operational Costs.

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