Explain how a Trump could ever win the WH

Seriously folks.....How could a Trump ever win the WH with a current 60-62 % unfavorable ratings?

Bear in mind that blacks don't like him and have actually given Clinton a huge advantage over Sanders....
Also, Latino/Hispanics actually hate Trump with a passion.
Finally, the progressives, LGBT community, and advocates for raising the minimum wage would never vote for Trump.

So, the question is simple (even if you disregard the current polls that have Sanders beating Trump by 16 points and Clinton beating Trump by 13 points) ........What makes ANYONE "think" that Trump has a snowball chance in Hell???

Trump has said that he is open to raising the minimum wage.
Trump says anything!
Trump is NOT looking to lower wages, he is looking to bring back White Collar careers and Blue Collar jobs that require skills.
If Chinses and Indians made $10.00/hour and received Health Insurance and pensions, many of those companies would have to pay a Tariff or move back.

100% wool. Nice.

100 % wool is what Trump has pulled over your eyes shit head :beer:
You have any more advice on how I should edit my post ...you fuck head ..:2up:[
Red herring dude.
Oh that is deep ...its a red herring to bring up CEO pay...your tongue and nose are a nice shade of brown
What a CEO is worth to a company has nothing to do with what a laborer is worth.
That is real deep ...how much was Fiorina worth to the failed HP she headed...you are an ass kisser for anyone with a dollar LOL
Fiorina was hired to attain the best Stock Price of failure for HP.
Not to mention she's an elitist Piece of Shit.
Because of some of his positions on some social issuses and trade Trump could pull in indpendents and moderate blue collar Democrats and swing some states that normally go Democrat if he can do this and get a high enough percent of Republicans to vote for him he could pull it off. I don't think this is likely to happen but as I said on another thread one reason Trump has gotten as far as he has is because people have continually underestimated him continuning to do so could come back to bite the left.

I partially agree with you but consider this........Trump was indeed UNDER-estimated by the republican establishment, but his rise in defeating his fellow republican candidates was due to the years of pandering and lies offered to that GOP base (like the Tea sippers) by republican candidates......HOWEVER, in the national contest that formerly disenfranchised republican base will NOT be enough.

I know several Democrats that are voting Trump, they like his liberal stands. I think they are crazy but when the option is a liar such as Clinton, he looks to be a better choice.

This election has surprised me, Sanders is actually the better of the two Democratic contenders. Kasich and Rubio were better choices than Trump. Yet, it looks like the worst two on each side will be our choices.

Well known and long time republicans will not be voting for Trump but they will vote for Hillary.

Portfolio Republicans will do better with Clinton.
All 1.3% of them.
Democrats are running Hillary Clinton

See how Barack beat her in 2008, by coming from way behind?
See how she almost lost to a Socialist that,at one time, polled at 3%?

Now she is facing Trump, which she leads by a mere 12pts?

Excuse me, but doesn't she need a 40pt lead to ensure she can win? Seems like the record shows she is going to lose about 30pts on average to her competitor!!

I don't think you can count Trump out. Let see what things look like in August!!

True......but all you right wingers are forgetting what the O/P alluded to.......

Will Latino/Hispanics vote for Trump?
Will blacks vote for Trump?
Will pro-choice women (and men) vote for Trump?
Will the LGBT communities vote for Trump?
Will union members vote for Trump?

The answer to all of your questions.........................
And Hell No
Please explain yourself as you make no sense.
Wages here are too high.
Trump...Penalize the low wage nations to being back the jobs.

The post was meant to be for TyroneSlothrop-san who keep lying about Trump's quotes.

I agree with Trump, our wages are too high in comparison with foreign, and because of that and high taxes businesses are leaving.
Because of some of his positions on some social issuses and trade Trump could pull in indpendents and moderate blue collar Democrats and swing some states that normally go Democrat if he can do this and get a high enough percent of Republicans to vote for him he could pull it off. I don't think this is likely to happen but as I said on another thread one reason Trump has gotten as far as he has is because people have continually underestimated him continuning to do so could come back to bite the left.

I partially agree with you but consider this........Trump was indeed UNDER-estimated by the republican establishment, but his rise in defeating his fellow republican candidates was due to the years of pandering and lies offered to that GOP base (like the Tea sippers) by republican candidates......HOWEVER, in the national contest that formerly disenfranchised republican base will NOT be enough.

I know several Democrats that are voting Trump, they like his liberal stands. I think they are crazy but when the option is a liar such as Clinton, he looks to be a better choice.

This election has surprised me, Sanders is actually the better of the two Democratic contenders. Kasich and Rubio were better choices than Trump. Yet, it looks like the worst two on each side will be our choices.

Well known and long time republicans will not be voting for Trump but they will vote for Hillary.


I didn't say otherwise did I? Thanks for adding nothing.
Red herring dude.
Oh that is deep ...its a red herring to bring up CEO pay...your tongue and nose are a nice shade of brown
What a CEO is worth to a company has nothing to do with what a laborer is worth.
That is real deep ...how much was Fiorina worth to the failed HP she headed...you are an ass kisser for anyone with a dollar LOL
What I think Fiorina was worth is immaterial to how much they paid her. It shouldn't be up to me, someone who is not a stockholder, someone who is not on their board, to dictate to them how much she should've been paid. It also isn't up to the government to install a maximum wage cap on CEO's.

Why do we pay so many millions to people who play stupid games like Football. Maybe we should get the government involved and cap players salaries instead of allowing the market to dictate how much they are paid.
Not to mention she's an elitist Piece of Shit.
Mirrors the GOP
Most members of both Parties couldn't care less about their constituents.

Hell, we are left with three liberals.

I don't want...
A Libertarian
A Neo-Conservative
A Conservative
A Progressive
A Liberal

I prefer something just Right of a Blue Dog Democrat.

I agree, we don't have that at all.
Trump is NOT looking to lower wages, he is looking to bring back White Collar careers and Blue Collar jobs that require skills.
If Chinses and Indians made $10.00/hour and received Health Insurance and pensions, many of those companies would have to pay a Tariff or move back.

100% wool. Nice.

100 % wool is what Trump has pulled over your eyes shit head :beer:
You have any more advice on how I should edit my post ...you fuck head ..:2up:[

I’d like to see things from your point of view, but I can’t seem to get my head that far up your ass.

I couldn't care less where Trump is making his clothing. If he could've make profit in US, he would probably do it here.

And actually, I could give you an advise on quoting, but you're too stupid to apply it.
Seal the border.
Jobs for Americans.
Bring corporate money home via reducing capital gains taxes.
Make trade an even playing field by raising tariffs on those that don't.
Condi liza Rice as VP.
Trump gets more blacks and hispanics than any other Republican candidate.

Most Hispanics are pissed. Trump is lucky if he even get 10% of Hispanic votes.
Seal the border.
Jobs for Americans.
Bring corporate money home via reducing capital gains taxes.
Make trade an even playing field by raising tariffs on those that don't.
Condi liza Rice as VP.
Trump gets more blacks and hispanics than any other Republican candidate.

Most Hispanics are pissed. Trump is lucky if he even get 10% of Hispanic votes.
American Hispanics don't want open borders either.

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