Explain how a Trump could ever win the WH

some wages are too high. It is stupid to pay assembly line workers $65 and up for doing anything a high school student can do simply because they have a union. It's unreasonable for them to demand so much. WE PEOPLE, who make minimum wage can't afford their products because of it.
Yes or No...You are in favor of having a nation without borders.
yes or no are you in favor of the Trump line of clothing being made in China by coolies...?

It depends on the skill set required for producing various products.
For instance, the higher skilled subsets required for such production should be done in a non-3rd World nation.
The Americans worker will understand they have to sacrifice for Trump

Please explain how Trump, as president, will cut workers pay?
Unfortunately, Trump will beat Hillary. And, the DNC supporting Hillary are shooting themselves in the foot. Sanders would win in a landslide against Trump.
oh Shit monti aren't you tired of being on the wrong side of everything?
“It was miraculous. It was almost no trick
at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into
abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into
honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into
justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required
no character.
— Joseph Heller, Catch-22
some wages are too high. It is stupid to pay assembly line workers $65 and up for doing anything a high school student can do simply because they have a union. It's unreasonable for them to demand so much. WE PEOPLE, who make minimum wage can't afford their products because of it.[/QUOTE]

how do you feel about a CEO making 10,000 times an hour what a worker makes?

How do you feel about failed CEO s still getting multi million dollar golden parachutes/

any comments
some wages are too high. It is stupid to pay assembly line workers $65 and up for doing anything a high school student can do simply because they have a union. It's unreasonable for them to demand so much. WE PEOPLE, who make minimum wage can't afford their products because of it.
Part of the issue is that come Blue Collar workers stay with a company for 30+ years and keep getting raised into the 90K range.
They are often offered incentive package to get them to retire but many don't want to be bored at home.
The MAJORITY of Blue Collar workers make in the 30K-40K range but have great Health Insurance which costs mucho diniro.
some wages are too high. It is stupid to pay assembly line workers $65 and up for doing anything a high school student can do simply because they have a union. It's unreasonable for them to demand so much. WE PEOPLE, who make minimum wage can't afford their products because of it.

how do you feel about a CEO making 10,000 times an hour what a worker makes?

How do you feel about failed CEO s still getting multi million dollar golden parachutes/

any comments[/QUOTE]
How do you feel that Hillary has been by Bill's side since the 90s and has endorsed every piece of legislation that has enabled this situation?
How do you feel that Trump and Bernie are the ONLY candidates to bring this issue up on their own?
some wages are too high. It is stupid to pay assembly line workers $65 and up for doing anything a high school student can do simply because they have a union. It's unreasonable for them to demand so much. WE PEOPLE, who make minimum wage can't afford their products because of it.
Part of the issue is that come Blue Collar workers stay with a company for 30+ years and keep getting raised into the 90K range.
They are often offered incentive package to get them to retire but many don't want to be bored at home.
The MAJORITY of Blue Collar workers make in the 30K-40K range but have great Health Insurance which costs mucho diniro.
I work with these people so I know what I'm talking about.
some wages are too high. It is stupid to pay assembly line workers $65 and up for doing anything a high school student can do simply because they have a union. It's unreasonable for them to demand so much. WE PEOPLE, who make minimum wage can't afford their products because of it.
Part of the issue is that come Blue Collar workers stay with a company for 30+ years and keep getting raised into the 90K range.
They are often offered incentive package to get them to retire but many don't want to be bored at home.
The MAJORITY of Blue Collar workers make in the 30K-40K range but have great Health Insurance which costs mucho diniro.[/QUOTE]

so the blue collar workers are the problem because they want to keep on working and not retire...your last name is definitely not Einstein....
What the hell? You folks have been saying Trump can't or Trump won't for 6 months now and yet he did. Now you ask to have it explained to you why you were so wrong. Wow, try some introspection.

OK, so he said he thinks a "low minimum wage is a good thing". How does this equate to lowering wages for American workers? I mean seriously, as President, you think he's going to issue an EO ordering companies to pay workers less?

Come on man.
Go look it up...its not up to me to detail for you how Trump is going to do what he says he wants done ...look it up...Trump says he wants lower wages ...
some wages are too high. It is stupid to pay assembly line workers $65 and up for doing anything a high school student can do simply because they have a union. It's unreasonable for them to demand so much. WE PEOPLE, who make minimum wage can't afford their products because of it.
Part of the issue is that come Blue Collar workers stay with a company for 30+ years and keep getting raised into the 90K range.
They are often offered incentive package to get them to retire but many don't want to be bored at home.
The MAJORITY of Blue Collar workers make in the 30K-40K range but have great Health Insurance which costs mucho diniro.

so the blue collar workers are the problem because they want to keep on working and not retire...your last name is definitely not Einstein....[/QUOTE]

Of course not.
The issue is that there's nothing wrong with not being fired and getting raises.
The issue is that Hillary's disposition has been to support sending these jobs off-shore.
And I notice you're avoiding Hiilary's horrible record of supporting an anti-American Global Economy.

OK, so he said he thinks a "low minimum wage is a good thing". How does this equate to lowering wages for American workers? I mean seriously, as President, you think he's going to issue an EO ordering companies to pay workers less?

Come on man.
Go look it up...its not up to me to detail for you how Trump is going to do what he says he wants done ...look it up...Trump says he wants lower wages ...
No he doesn't.
You're a phony with lots of smiley icons.
Seriously folks.....How could a Trump ever win the WH with a current 60-62 % unfavorable ratings?

Bear in mind that blacks don't like him and have actually given Clinton a huge advantage over Sanders....
Also, Latino/Hispanics actually hate Trump with a passion.
Finally, the progressives, LGBT community, and advocates for raising the minimum wage would never vote for Trump.

So, the question is simple (even if you disregard the current polls that have Sanders beating Trump by 16 points and Clinton beating Trump by 13 points) ........What makes ANYONE "think" that Trump has a snowball chance in Hell???
Trump will not win. He didn't get independent and moderates to vote for him he got Republican voters who normally don't vote in primaries to vote in the primaries. Bfd. Any Republican nominee would get those votes in November. Trumps got 70% negative with women and Hispanics.

Trumps will get high voter turnout. Some for and some against. This high voter turnout is not good for the GOP. Never is

I am a registered independent. (unaffiliated). And Trump is the only person I saw which I would vote.

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