Explain how a Trump could ever win the WH

Seriously folks.....How could a Trump ever win the WH with a current 60-62 % unfavorable ratings?

Bear in mind that blacks don't like him and have actually given Clinton a huge advantage over Sanders....
Also, Latino/Hispanics actually hate Trump with a passion.
Finally, the progressives, LGBT community, and advocates for raising the minimum wage would never vote for Trump.

So, the question is simple (even if you disregard the current polls that have Sanders beating Trump by 16 points and Clinton beating Trump by 13 points) ........What makes ANYONE "think" that Trump has a snowball chance in Hell???

Trump has said that he is open to raising the minimum wage.
yes and cut taxes But hasn't opened his yapper about how he'll pay for it
Trump has yet to crank up his plan to expose Bitchillary as the conniving, dishonest, despicable, crooked bitch that she has been for DECADES. You can bet you last dollar that as he has been defeating one candidate after another, he has had teams of people investigating the bitch to find every previously hidden flaw in her character.

While there are diehard, brainwashed idiots that will vote for Hillary regardless of the truth to come, there are sensible people and undecided voters who will refuse to vote for her and will opt for Trump.

Unlike in the past two Presidential elections, this time the idiots will be outnumbered.

Trump has yet to crank up his plan to expose Bitchillary as the conniving, dishonest, despicable, crooked bitch that she has been for DECADES. You can bet you last dollar that as he has been defeating one candidate after another, he has had teams of people investigating the bitch to find every previously hidden flaw in her character.

While there are diehard, brainwashed idiots that will vote for Hillary regardless of the truth to come, there are sensible people and undecided voters who will refuse to vote for her and will opt for Trump.

Unlike in the past two Presidential elections, this time the idiots will be outnumbered.
Yes vote for the pathological liar the con man trump, the lying scumbag
Trump has yet to crank up his plan to expose Bitchillary as the conniving, dishonest, despicable, crooked bitch that she has been for DECADES. You can bet you last dollar that as he has been defeating one candidate after another, he has had teams of people investigating the bitch to find every previously hidden flaw in her character.

While there are diehard, brainwashed idiots that will vote for Hillary regardless of the truth to come, there are sensible people and undecided voters who will refuse to vote for her and will opt for Trump.

Unlike in the past two Presidential elections, this time the idiots will be outnumbered.
Seriously folks.....How could a Trump ever win the WH with a current 60-62 % unfavorable ratings?

Bear in mind that blacks don't like him and have actually given Clinton a huge advantage over Sanders....
Also, Latino/Hispanics actually hate Trump with a passion.
Finally, the progressives, LGBT community, and advocates for raising the minimum wage would never vote for Trump.

So, the question is simple (even if you disregard the current polls that have Sanders beating Trump by 16 points and Clinton beating Trump by 13 points) ........What makes ANYONE "think" that Trump has a snowball chance in Hell???

Trump has said that he is open to raising the minimum wage.

It is extremely shallow to stick to a narrow, dogmatic interpretation of conservatism. The GOP doesn't set the definition, the people do.

Op said that those who are in favor of raising the min wage would never vote for Trump ... even though Trump said he was open to raising it. So saying those people would never vote for Trump is disingenuous.
Unfortunately, Trump will beat Hillary. And, the DNC supporting Hillary are shooting themselves in the foot. Sanders would win in a landslide against Trump.
Interesting. You (and others of your kind) accuse Trump of playing on the fears of "ignorant" voters, whilst you and your ilk do the same to blacks and Latinos. And now this post.

Oh, they're going to deport you!

Oh they're going to re-institute slavery! Cops are evil! Jim Crow is real!

What's more compelling is that you don't combat with an argument, you respond by stoking fear.

Let's see ...I post "24% blacks and 12% Latinos would back Trump.....and YOU conclude that I was "stocking fear"???

Perhaps...to right wingers.....facts ARE fearful........
Please prove to me that you have an IQ higher that 80 by explain the CONTEXT of that statement.
Because I'm SURE you watched the ENTIRE segment.
Admit your IQ is low or you suffer from ADD and I will explain the CONTEXT of that statement.
Let's see ...I post "24% blacks and 12% Latinos would back Trump.....and YOU conclude that I was "stocking fear"???

Perhaps...to right wingers.....facts ARE fearful........

Absolutely brilliant deduction, Sherlock!

The reason why 76% of blacks and 88% of Latinos vote for Democrats is because... Democrats like you stoke fear in the same manner Trump supposedly does with the "Trump Tards" as Taz put it. Those are the facts, and you and your party are afraid of what the response from Blacks and Latinos will be when you actually tell them the truth.
It's fascinating, the degree to which people have stopped listening the chattering class.

The combined weight of the Republican establishment, the leftist trolls, some Hispanic and black groups, all screaming racist, misogynist, women hater, nazi, you name it, and also not to forget the tyranny of verbal abuse called mainstream media and some of the alternative media... it didn't work, none of it could stomp the Trump.

I say, lefties... keep whining.
Op said that those who are in favor of raising the min wage would never vote for Trump

I thought raising the minimum wage was great. When I was 18, and an ill educated high school graduate working at the local grocery store. This is one thing I disagree with Trump with (imagine that, someone who supports Trump but has the gall to disagree with him at the same time).
Because of some of his positions on some social issuses and trade Trump could pull in indpendents and moderate blue collar Democrats and swing some states that normally go Democrat if he can do this and get a high enough percent of Republicans to vote for him he could pull it off. I don't think this is likely to happen but as I said on another thread one reason Trump has gotten as far as he has is because people have continually underestimated him continuning to do so could come back to bite the left.

I partially agree with you but consider this........Trump was indeed UNDER-estimated by the republican establishment, but his rise in defeating his fellow republican candidates was due to the years of pandering and lies offered to that GOP base (like the Tea sippers) by republican candidates......HOWEVER, in the national contest that formerly disenfranchised republican base will NOT be enough.

I know several Democrats that are voting Trump, they like his liberal stands. I think they are crazy but when the option is a liar such as Clinton, he looks to be a better choice.

This election has surprised me, Sanders is actually the better of the two Democratic contenders. Kasich and Rubio were better choices than Trump. Yet, it looks like the worst two on each side will be our choices.

How were Rubio and Kasich better? They are a couple of open-borders traitors. They are "better" only if you want to flood this country with illegals.

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