Explain how a Trump could ever win the WH

Absolutely brilliant deduction, Sherlock!

The reason why 76% of blacks and 88% of Latinos vote for Democrats is because... Democrats like you stoke fear in the same manner Trump supposedly does with the "Trump Tards" as Taz put it. Those are the facts, and you and your party are afraid of what the response from Blacks and Latinos will be when you actually tell them the truth.

Two responses....

First, you wrongly "assume" that blacks and Latinos need to be told the truth and not realize that truth themselves (see above bolded part)....and that, my friend, is latent racism.

Second, as Freud once quipped, sometimes a cigar is just that...a cigar......and blacks and Latinos have every right to fear right wingers...from ANTI civil rights and ANTI voting rights right wing policies.
Op said that those who are in favor of raising the min wage would never vote for Trump

I thought raising the minimum wage was great. When I was 18, and an ill educated high school graduate working at the local grocery store. This is one thing I disagree with Trump with (imagine that, someone who supports Trump but has the gall to disagree with him at the same time).

Fair Trade vs Minimum Wage?
I prefer Fair Trade.
Latino Political Ave ‏@LatPoliticalAve

The New #GrandOldParty just like the old #GrandOldParty

It's fascinating, the degree to which people have stopped listening the chattering class.

The combined weight of the Republican establishment, the leftist trolls, some Hispanic and black groups, all screaming racist, misogynist, women hater, nazi, you name it, and also not to forget the tyranny of verbal abuse called mainstream media and some of the alternative media... it didn't work, none of it could stomp the Trump.

I say, lefties... keep whining.

Well, in fairness, want to guess who coined the slogan "I will make Italy great again".......So, draw your own conclusion. LOL
Yes or No...You are in favor of having a nation without borders.
yes or no are you in favor of the Trump line of clothing being made in China by coolies...?
Trump has stated many times he has to play on a level playing field.
Fair Trade, otherwise known as Ricardian Free Trade, does NOT obviate producing selected products in other nations.
It DOES obviate producting EVERYTHING in other nations.
Trump will getting hit by this kind of EVERY DAY UNTIL NOVEMBER...by surrogates by the Hillary Campaign a coordinated effort ...he will be defined ..

Yes or No...You are in favor of having a nation without borders.
yes or no are you in favor of the Trump line of clothing being made in China by coolies...?

It depends on the skill set required for producing various products.
For instance, the higher skilled subsets required for such production should be done in a non-3rd World nation.
Trump has stated many times he has to play on a level playing field.
Fair Trade, otherwise known as Ricardian Free Trade, does NOT obviate producing selected products in other nations.
It DOES obviate producting EVERYTHING in other nations.

Explain to the workers that they will have to have pay cuts from Trump...they will understand LOL
Yes or No...You are in favor of having a nation without borders.
yes or no are you in favor of the Trump line of clothing being made in China by coolies...?

It depends on the skill set required for producing various products.
For instance, the higher skilled subsets required for such production should be done in a non-3rd World nation.
The Americans worker will understand they have to sacrifice for Trump
Trump has stated many times he has to play on a level playing field.
Fair Trade, otherwise known as Ricardian Free Trade, does NOT obviate producing selected products in other nations.
It DOES obviate producting EVERYTHING in other nations.

Explain to the workers that they will have to have pay cuts from Trump...they will understand LOL

From where do you derive lower wages based upon Ricardian Fair Trade?
You seem to have a rather fuzzy knowledge of Business Operations.
Seriously folks.....How could a Trump ever win the WH with a current 60-62 % unfavorable ratings?

Bear in mind that blacks don't like him and have actually given Clinton a huge advantage over Sanders....
Also, Latino/Hispanics actually hate Trump with a passion.
Finally, the progressives, LGBT community, and advocates for raising the minimum wage would never vote for Trump.

So, the question is simple (even if you disregard the current polls that have Sanders beating Trump by 16 points and Clinton beating Trump by 13 points) ........What makes ANYONE "think" that Trump has a snowball chance in Hell???

Trump has said that he is open to raising the minimum wage.
yes and cut taxes But hasn't opened his yapper about how he'll pay for it
What part of improving the economy don't you understand? When the economy improves there will be more money to tax.
For example right now we have 35% capital gains tax rate. Apple has 3 Billion dollars in China which we are receiving 0 money via taxation because Apple refuses to bring it here and nobody can make them. Trump lowers capital gains to 10% and abracadabra Apple brings that money to America and pays it off to it's stockholders as dividends. Not only does Apple pay 10% on the 3 billion but the stock holders will pay 10% on their dividends, doubling up. and 10% of something is better than 35% of nothing.

And this is only one single company. There are trillions of dollars in foreign countries that will come back to the states should we give them a repatriation holiday.
I'll give you a hint...
Are American wages too high compared to China's wages?

Americans workers are going to be turned into Chinese Coolies by el Trumpo
From where do you derive this opinion?
From speeches and declarations by Trump

You have NO idea what you're talking about.
The US and Europe cannot currently complete with $13.00/day for Chinese laborers.
A Minimum Wage is pointless.
We need to force China and India to compete with us on a level playing field by penalizing MNCs that off-shore.

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