Explain to me how requiring a photo ID to vote is racist. Also explain how YOU are not a racist for implying blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

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Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Two very simple questions.

As an example my grandmother who was blind since sixth-grade had an ID till the day she died. She never drove a car in her life and never had a job. If anyone would have had trouble it would have been her yet she had one. Keep in mind this was all before the internet and mass public transportation options.

You're implication that blacks are too stupid to navigate the hurdles necessary to get an ID is the epitome of racism and a VERY blatant cover up for the fact that you don't mind if Democrats support fraud in our elections.
It's been explained in 50 other topics (that you also made). I'm not explaining anything to you. Now go plug in your applesauce IV, gramps
There is no valid explanation and you have nothing. Your not long for remaining unignored
It's very simple. White leftists think brown people are stupid and they may not be wrong considering they still get most of our support.
It's been explained in 50 other topics (that you also made). I'm not explaining anything to you. Now go plug in your applesauce IV, gramps

No it hasn't, you PROGS just talk with nothing to say. Explain what the OP asks instead of pretending you did in PROG.
It's been explained in 50 other topics (that you also made). I'm not explaining anything to you. Now go plug in your applesauce IV, gramps
I asked you a few days ago to show me where
It's been explained in 50 other topics (that you also made). I'm not explaining anything to you. Now go plug in your applesauce IV, gramps
A few days ago in another thread I asked you to show how the Blacks were being disenfranchised, you couldn't do it.
All your answers were just snarky deflecting responses, I see that hasn't changed.
It's been explained in 50 other topics (that you also made). I'm not explaining anything to you. Now go plug in your applesauce IV, gramps
I asked you a few days ago to show me where
It's been explained in 50 other topics (that you also made). I'm not explaining anything to you. Now go plug in your applesauce IV, gramps
A few days ago in another thread I asked you to show how the Blacks were being disenfranchised, you couldn't do it.
All your answers were just snarky deflecting responses, I see that hasn't changed.
I just explained it this morning for like a 10th time in that Colorado topic. Go find it, I'm not looking for it.
It's been explained in 50 other topics (that you also made). I'm not explaining anything to you. Now go plug in your applesauce IV, gramps
I asked you a few days ago to show me where
It's been explained in 50 other topics (that you also made). I'm not explaining anything to you. Now go plug in your applesauce IV, gramps
A few days ago in another thread I asked you to show how the Blacks were being disenfranchised, you couldn't do it.
All your answers were just snarky deflecting responses, I see that hasn't changed.
I just explained it this morning for like a 10th time in that Colorado topic. Go find it, I'm not looking for it.
You claimed I've made this thread 50 times and you supposedly answered me in them.

That is a lie. I have no other threads asking these two questions. You've only been here a month or two and you act like you've seen it all and answered it all.

You're just another liar it seems.
My bad, all your topics look the same to me. They're all just racist rants from an old man in a rocking chair on his front porch. I assumed you were Clint Eastwood from Gran Torino.

"RAWR tell me how I'm racist for not liking blacks!?"
It's been explained in 50 other topics (that you also made). I'm not explaining anything to you. Now go plug in your applesauce IV, gramps
I asked you a few days ago to show me where
It's been explained in 50 other topics (that you also made). I'm not explaining anything to you. Now go plug in your applesauce IV, gramps
A few days ago in another thread I asked you to show how the Blacks were being disenfranchised, you couldn't do it.
All your answers were just snarky deflecting responses, I see that hasn't changed.
I just explained it this morning for like a 10th time in that Colorado topic. Go find it, I'm not looking for it.
Sure ya did, dude/dudette. :rolleyes-41: You had to tell lies like Biden, no doubt.
Because requiring an ID to vote makes it harder for Dems to cheat, rig and commit election fraud.
Two very simple questions.

As an example my grandmother who was blind since sixth-grade had an ID till the day she died. She never drove a car in her life and never had a job. If anyone would have had trouble it would have been her yet she had one. Keep in mind this was all before the internet and mass public transportation options.

You're implication that blacks are too stupid to navigate the hurdles necessary to get an ID is the epitome of racism and a VERY blatant cover up for the fact that you don't mind if Democrats support fraud in our elections.

there are probably threads on this going back to the beginning of the board.

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