Explain why white nationalism is bad?

The KKK controlled a lot.

They controlled the electoral box, preventing blacks and others from voting.

They controlled who could live where, which jobs people could get. They had slavery at one point. They LOVED control.
What does any of that have to do with being white and being a nationalist (neither of which is bad)
Really? The everyone that doesn't agree with us is a white supremist ploy, sound familiar?

Did I say that?

It's like you've decided what I am and then you're going to have an argument with that person.

A white supremacist is a person who wants white people to be in a superior position to every other race. It's not hard. You asked the question "What's wrong with white nationalism", well, a lot is wrong with it.

I made a point, and you haven't yet managed to discuss the point I made, instead choosing to insult. Care to have another go this time without insulting people?
Excuse me? My father was white and a ardent nationalist, starved during so called 1929 bank holiday and was years starving in the time known as the depression. He grew up and he fought the NAZIS. He was wounded and less a left arm. He gave me life. WHAT DO LIBERALS DO?

Explain why white nationalism is bad?​

It’s not bad at all…the better question is….why do Lefties LOVE and embrace black nationalism, brown nationalism and yellow nationalism but hate hate hate white nationalism?
when the national mood is cranky, and people are on edge, white nationalism thrives. our political parties are at war with each other and fracturing internally at the same time, making white nationalists POUNCE. Trump as president considered it good politics to pull our citizens apart and he used the white nationalism issue to do that. his approach to world affairs prompts many to cringe while others stick out their chests.

common ground is hard to find, instead we're at each other's throats. even now, with the volume on my TV turned low, i can hear the yelling. white nationalism is a divisive issue that contributes to that toxic national climate i'm talking about
So you forget white nationalists that fought against actual real flesh and blood NAZIS and racism and hate, (our fathers), instead you shame them? What have liberals done lately?
Ah, I see. You have an interesting point.

If I'm understanding you correctly, I probably agree with the gist of what you're saying.

Everyone has something to contribute, even if we don't agree with them.

Liberals rag on old white men, yet old white men gave them everything they have, down to the very keys on which they're typing their words.

Now watch, I'll probably get called a racist for saying all that. :p

Truth is, I believe in the First Amendment. Beliefs belong to the individual. I don't "care" about your beliefs, very much - I care about your actions. I look for common ground, and ways we can help each other. So like, I have racist friends, some of my Korean friends are way more racist than any of my skinhead pals up in Lancaster. But you know what, both of those "little nations" are very good with weapons, and last time the shit hit the fan the Koreans were the only ones out there protecting their corner of the world.

Yeah, I hear you. Respect. There's not enough respect in the world. Too many of us reaching into other peoples' beliefs.
Excuse me? My father was white and a ardent nationalist, starved during so called 1929 bank holiday and was years starving in the time known as the depression. He grew up and he fought the NAZIS. He was wounded and less a left arm. He gave me life. WHAT DO LIBERALS DO?

White nationalism is a political movement, wherein non-whites have no votes and/or power. Apartheid South Africa was a white nationalist government.
when the national mood is cranky, and people are on edge, white nationalism thrives. our political parties are at war with each other and fracturing internally at the same time, making white nationalists POUNCE. Trump as president considered it good politics to pull our citizens apart and he used the white nationalism issue to do that. his approach to world affairs prompts many to cringe while others stick out their chests.

common ground is hard to find, instead we're at each other's throats. even now, with the volume on my TV turned low, i can hear the yelling. white nationalism is a divisive issue that contributes to that toxic national climate i'm talking about
Not just white nationalism.

Black nationalism too.

And Mexican nationalism, that happens too.
American White nationalism fought white supremist NAZIS. Think about it. B17s or B 24's bombed the hell out of Germany. White men liberated Dachau and fought the NAZIS. Not pansy ass hair splitting Liberals. White men did that.
Well, y'know.... credit where credit is due.

Without any disrespect, hopefully.

American White nationalism fought white supremist NAZIS. Think about it. B17s or B 24's bombed the hell out of Germany. White men liberated Dachau and fought the NAZIS. Not pansy ass hair splitting Liberals. White men did that.

Problem here is that "white nationalism" and "white supremacist" isn't much different.

"White supremacy or white supremacism is the belief that white people are superior to those of other races and thus should dominate them. "

"White nationalism is a type of racial nationalism or pan-nationalism which espouses the belief that white people are a race[1] and seeks to develop and maintain a white racial and national identity."

Now, you're saying that in the US is was "white nationalism". I'd suggest that it's white supremacy because a lot of people like the KKK were keeping black people down. They weren't just trying to keep a "white racial identity". They ENSLAVED, the SEGREGATED UNFAIRLY, they kept blacks out of government, out of jobs etc etc. That's not "white nationalism"

The Germans on the other hand, under Hitler, where GERMANIC NATIONALISTS, not white supremacists. They looked to the Germanic people and killed anyone who wasn't (unless they sided with the Germans, like the Italians and Japanese.)

But then again, the Slavs in Russia attacked the Slavs in the Ukraine. It's not uncommon for political beliefs that are based on hatred, anger, violence to turn on each other.
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Problem here is that "white nationalism" and "white supremacist" isn't much different.

"White supremacy or white supremacism is the belief that white people are superior to those of other races and thus should dominate them. "

"White nationalism is a type of racial nationalism or pan-nationalism which espouses the belief that white people are a race[1] and seeks to develop and maintain a white racial and national identity."

Now, you're saying that in the US is was "white nationalism". I'd suggest that it's white supremacy because a lot of people like the KKK were keeping black people down. They weren't just trying to keep a "white racial identity". They ENSLAVED, the SEGREGATED UNFAIRLY, they kept blacks out of government, out of jobs etc etc. That's not "white nationalism"

The Germans on the other hand, under Hitler, where GERMANIC NATIONALISTS, not white supremacists. They looked to the Germanic people and killed anyone who wasn't (unless they sided with the Germans, like the Italians and Japanese.)

But then again, the Slavs in Russia attacked the Slavs in the Ukraine. It's not uncommon for political beliefs that are based on hatred, anger, violence to turn on each other.
LOL Wikipedia

There's a reason colleges won't accept Wikipedia as a source
LOL Wikipedia

There's a reason colleges won't accept Wikipedia as a source

Is this a college? Half the people (or more) are incapable of writing a college level argument, reading more than a few sentences etc etc.

That you've chosen to try and criticize me for using wikipedia, rather than disputing what it says is very, VERY telling.
White nationalism is a political movement, wherein non-whites have no votes and/or power. Apartheid South Africa was a white nationalist government.
I'm 75 years old, have lived all over the US in my life. I have never met or heard of anybody who fits that description. This appears to be yet another one of the Democrats' concoctions, designed to give them something rant about.

Find a dozen people who think bad things and make it look like there are millions of them. Southern Poverty Laughingstock Center has been raking in Millions$$ for years this way, sending out scare talk letters to impressionable liberals, about mostly small & impotent groups.
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