Explain why white nationalism is bad?

Democrats today look more like racist KKKers ideologically than they do JFK. Fact

there are currently 58 blacks in congress; but only two of them are republican


there are currently 58 blacks in congress; but only two of them are republican

What are you saying?

56 out of 58 blacks are stupid?

Are you racist?
This seems to be a pretty concise view of White Nationalism in America (and perhaps other countries) today:

During Sunday’s episode of his “The Campaign Show,” Howley had a screaming meltdown over the fact that he has not achieved the comfortable life to which he believes he is “entitled” as a white man in America and that he is instead being “screwed” by a system that is actively trying to replace him with non-white citizens and committing genocide against white people.

“Every single arm of this crooked wicked system is mobilizing to screw me and everyone like me, and no one is coming to save us. And yes, I’m complaining about it,” Howley screamed. “Where’s the manager? I want to see the manager!. I want to speak to the manager! I have a fucking complaint!”

“I’m tired of waiting in line when I know that the line is simply leading to genocide,” he continued. “We are sick and damn tired of being disparaged, of being told that we are lazy, of being told that we are bad people, of being told that we’re whining about the fact that we are being replaced in our own country, which we actually love even though it doesn’t love us back anymore.”

“We have had enough!” Howley raged. “We hate your system.”

“I am going to work as hard as I possibly can to make the people who have taken this country away from me feel as miserable as they make us,” Howley vowed. “It is personal. It’s about revenge now, demons! You have declared war on us. You want to destroy our lives? You want to wipe Western civilization off the face of the Earth forever? Well, you know what? We are going to make your life miserable too, and that’s how it is now, and that’s how it’s going to be for the rest of our lives. So get used to it, fuckers!”
This seems to be a pretty concise view of White Nationalism in America (and perhaps other countries) today:

During Sunday’s episode of his “The Campaign Show,” Howley had a screaming meltdown over the fact that he has not achieved the comfortable life to which he believes he is “entitled” as a white man in America and that he is instead being “screwed” by a system that is actively trying to replace him with non-white citizens and committing genocide against white people.

“Every single arm of this crooked wicked system is mobilizing to screw me and everyone like me, and no one is coming to save us. And yes, I’m complaining about it,” Howley screamed. “Where’s the manager? I want to see the manager!. I want to speak to the manager! I have a fucking complaint!”

“I’m tired of waiting in line when I know that the line is simply leading to genocide,” he continued. “We are sick and damn tired of being disparaged, of being told that we are lazy, of being told that we are bad people, of being told that we’re whining about the fact that we are being replaced in our own country, which we actually love even though it doesn’t love us back anymore.”

“We have had enough!” Howley raged. “We hate your system.”

“I am going to work as hard as I possibly can to make the people who have taken this country away from me feel as miserable as they make us,” Howley vowed. “It is personal. It’s about revenge now, demons! You have declared war on us. You want to destroy our lives? You want to wipe Western civilization off the face of the Earth forever? Well, you know what? We are going to make your life miserable too, and that’s how it is now, and that’s how it’s going to be for the rest of our lives. So get used to it, fuckers!”
Sounds more like a simple case of nuttery.

What is that called... Occam's Razor.

The simplest explanation is usually the best.

Never ascribe to White Nationalism, that which can more easily be blamed on simple stupidity. :p

White Nationalism is a complicated political philosophy, this guy doesn't sound like he's quite up for anything complicated.

"It's about revenge now, demons". Well, no. It's not. Certainly for me it isn't.

I want the Democrats to be HEALTHY again. Good healthy Democrats are good for this country. But progs, are not. Progs are an evil aberration that must be destroyed at all costs, and the sooner the better.

In my view Progs are a lot more evil than White Nationalists. First of all there aren't many white nationalists, and secondly they don't have an organized political movement, and thirdly they have no money and no one's giving them any. Democrats on the other hand...
Excuse me? My father was white and a ardent nationalist, starved during so called 1929 bank holiday and was years starving in the time known as the depression. He grew up and he fought the NAZIS. He was wounded and less a left arm. He gave me life. WHAT DO LIBERALS DO?
I still can't get them to define "white nationalism."
I still can't get them to define "white nationalism."
Let me help!

In today's vernacular, White Nationalism might be described as a paranoia that has gripped conservative white Americans that they are living in a country that is rigged against them, that the goal is to change America from a free and capitalist country to one that is communist, and that there is a plot to replace them with other ethnic groups to the fullest extent possible.

Examples of white nationalism manifesting in rhetoric would be a post you made (post 110) in this thread:

Purging a shit stain who makes the peocess look tainted is a good idea. The other two jigaboos quit, so fuck them. They can go to hell.

And we do need to send all the marxist jigaboos back to Africa or execute them.

I used to not hate black people but they sure made it easy recently, so I hate them all. I will make life hell for every fucking neegrow I deal with. Pray I am never on a jury because I will convict all day long SOLELY because fuck black people in the fucking black asshole!!!

Time to make black people suffer!!!

You're welcome!
Let me help!

In today's vernacular, White Nationalism might be described as a paranoia that has gripped conservative white Americans that they are living in a country that is rigged against them, that the goal is to change America from a free and capitalist country to one that is communist, and that there is a plot to replace them with other ethnic groups to the fullest extent possible.

Examples of white nationalism manifesting in rhetoric would be a post you made (post 110) in this thread:

Purging a shit stain who makes the peocess look tainted is a good idea. The other two jigaboos quit, so fuck them. They can go to hell.

And we do need to send all the marxist jigaboos back to Africa or execute them.

I used to not hate black people but they sure made it easy recently, so I hate them all. I will make life hell for every fucking neegrow I deal with. Pray I am never on a jury because I will convict all day long SOLELY because fuck black people in the fucking black asshole!!!

Time to make black people suffer!!!

You're welcome!
So, it is your boogeyman about other people's boogeyman?
It is even more pathetic that I thought.

When is the last time you took a college course?

I went to arguably the most "conservative" public university on the planet. I made excellent grades writing like Karl Marx himself. When I didn't write like a goose-stepping commie, I made only decent grades.

Don't sit there and tell me I didn't see it. Don't tell me to ignore my eyes.

You know good and goddamn well that YOUR PARTY is overrun by flaming commies. Obama and his team of goose-steppers were fucking Marxists in the open.

Or maybe you don't know. You are pretty fucking stupid.

So, it is your boogeyman about other people's boogeyman?
It is even more pathetic that I thought.

When is the last time you took a college course?

I went to arguably the most "conservative" public university on the planet. I made excellent grades writing like Karl Marx himself. When I didn't write like a goose-stepping commie, I made only decent grades.

Don't sit there and tell me I didn't see it. Don't tell me to ignore my eyes.

You know good and goddamn well that YOUR PARTY is overrun by flaming commies. Obama and his team of goose-steppers were fucking Marxists in the open.

Or maybe you don't know. You are pretty fucking stupid.

Wow, look at all that.

Good stuff. Looks like I nailed it again.
Would you say that anyone not in the MAGA group is evil?

If not, could you provide an example or two?

I didn't say anything about the MAGA group.

Not a word.

I was talking about the mind numbingly stupid liberals.

Even a detached third party, even a foreigner who knows almost nothing about our politics, can see how fucked up the regressives are.

They have to go. Yesterday

I didn't say anything about the MAGA group.

Not a word.

I was talking about the mind numbingly stupid liberals.

Even a detached third party, even a foreigner who knows almost nothing about our politics, can see how fucked up the regressives are.

They have to go. Yesterday
Mac is eaten up with Trump hate. He will turn everything into a discussion about Trump.
So, according to Mac, White Nationalism is a bunch of white people who think others are out to get them.

We didn't witness BLM and Summer of Love. It was a grotesque figment of our diseased imaginations.
Excuse me? My father was white and a ardent nationalist, starved during so called 1929 bank holiday and was years starving in the time known as the depression. He grew up and he fought the NAZIS. He was wounded and less a left arm. He gave me life. WHAT DO LIBERALS DO?
We try to NOT be like you
Excuse me? My father was white and a ardent nationalist, starved during so called 1929 bank holiday and was years starving in the time known as the depression. He grew up and he fought the NAZIS. He was wounded and less a left arm. He gave me life. WHAT DO LIBERALS DO?
They also survived the Depression and fought the Nazis and Japanese.

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