Explain why white nationalism is bad?

KKK was PRO democrat-------and they attacked more than blacks Hun.

they were also pro ' christian '


huh ... imagine that.
I still can't get them to define "white nationalism."

nationalism is an over all patriotic stance for what america & the constitution stands for.

WHITE nationalism is an over all emotional stance based on an ideology that a certain 'culture' remain even if it is detrimental to other americans that are not white.
What? The KKK was a product of the south. Sure, there are assholes everywhere but that particular group originated from douchebags upset with the changes of the time. Kind of like white nationalists now.
So.....if a black individual likes the USA, its borders and in turn likes having a nation....does that make him/her/it a "white" nationalist, just because he/she/it believes in having a nation?
The same question goes for Asians, Hispanics and Native Americans that wave the American flag and love this country. Are they by your definition, "white" supremacists?
If you say yes, perhaps you need to curb your racism.
Oh, so all Christians must be racist, is that right? How stupid.

what's stupid is that you don't understand why i put the word christian in

' quotes '

but please.... by all means .... don't change.
So.....if a black individual likes the USA, its borders and in turn likes having a nation....does that make him/her/it a "white" nationalist, just because he/she/it believes in having a nation?
The same question goes for Asians, Hispanics and Native Americans that wave the American flag and love this country. Are they by your definition, "white" supremacists?
If you say yes, perhaps you need to curb your racism.
Nationalism is always aggressive, authoritarian and racist. List of figures in nationalism - Wikipedia
So.....if a black individual likes the USA, its borders and in turn likes having a nation....does that make him/her/it a "white" nationalist, just because he/she/it believes in having a nation?
The same question goes for Asians, Hispanics and Native Americans that wave the American flag and love this country. Are they by your definition, "white" supremacists?
If you say yes, perhaps you need to curb your racism.

I "like the USA, its borders and in turn likes having a nation" but I don't think this is a white country so I'm not a white nationalist. Simple enough for you Dixie?
Only God can judge a persons heart...Are you saying you're God?

okey dokey ... let's leave question open as to what god thinks about a bunch of hooded 'christians' who terrorized &/or lynched those who were the wrong color, deemed uppity, maybe were a little light in the loafers or who were of the jewish persuasion who they believed had horns <----- that last one couldn't be any more ironic if they tried.
I "like the USA, its borders and in turn likes having a nation" but I don't think this is a white country so I'm not a white nationalist. Simple enough for you Dixie?
I'm not the one that calls people "white nationalists" just because they like having a nation. We are a nation of mixed races, yet the left keeps referring to anyone that is a nationalist, as a "white" nationalist. As I said, the left just likes to slap the word "white" on the front of a word to make it seem racist.
As for me, no matter what race you are, if you love this nation and believe in having strong borders, you are a patriot and a nationalist. Period.
Frankly, I don't know how you drug up the word "Dixie" in my previous statement. I am not southern and I don't support the racist left's agenda, or the left at all.
White Nationalism is an erroneous term in America.
America is a nation whose peoples came from everywhere.
The first to voyage here were obviously overwhelmingly white, but that is only true for the first 100 years or so.
After the 1800s... people were coming from all over the globe.
This is the beauty of America. The most diverse nation on the planet. No other country even comes close.
Wow, look at all that.

Good stuff. Looks like I nailed it again.
Has anyone gotten a definition of “white nationalism” from ole Mac?

I’m too lazy to review all the posts, but chances are he was allowed to jump directly into his rants against trump voters

white nationalism means different things to different people

and we need to see the image he sees in order to know whats going on in his mind
okey dokey ... let's leave question open as to what god thinks about a bunch of hooded 'christians' who terrorized &/or lynched those who were the wrong color, deemed uppity, maybe were a little light in the loafers or who were of the jewish persuasion who they believed had horns <----- that last one couldn't be any more ironic if they tried.
I don't presume to know what God thinks....Only a fool would do so...

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