Explain why white nationalism is bad?


I didn't say anything about the MAGA group.

Not a word.

I was talking about the mind numbingly stupid liberals.

Even a detached third party, even a foreigner who knows almost nothing about our politics, can see how fucked up the regressives are.

They have to go. Yesterday
Are you talking about liberals or regressive and reactionaries?
There's nothing wrong with nationalism.

I personally wouldn't add the racial element to it, though.

I prefer that we remain just "America".
Look at the Nationalists of the 20th century. Nationalism isn't the same as patriotism.
the KKK was both pro white and also nationalist.
But the KKK only want blacks out of the USA, not really change anything else.
The nazis wanted to control everything.

I suppose though that white nationalism is just racism.

Honestly I'll take the kkk over the majority of blacks today.

Atleast they were productive parts of America, loved america and believed in America. Most blacks are none of those things. They don't want to conform to American society, they want it to conform to them. And i am a firm believer if you stay at someone's house you respect their rules. Same thing with a country, if you live in it you need to respect where you live, but blacks don't they want America to change for them.

And it isn't just blacks, all kinds of people don't love america, they just want to do whatever they want and be catered to and a society doesn't work like that.

Go to a country like Switzerland and they have very low crime because they don't have a diverse society so everyone is comfortable around everyone and they all have a similar mind set and follow the same rules. You can't even become a swiss citizen unless you can speak the language fluently and understand their customs.

All i want is for people to have atleast some respect for America. We rapidly became a major country in the world and now we want to destroy what makes America America by changing it.
Honestly I'll take the kkk over the majority of blacks today.

Atleast they were productive parts of America, loved america and believed in America. Most blacks are none of those things. They don't want to conform to American society, they want it to conform to them. And i am a firm believer if you stay at someone's house you respect their rules. Same thing with a country, if you live in it you need to respect where you live, but blacks don't they want America to change for them.

And it isn't just blacks, all kinds of people don't love america, they just want to do whatever they want and be catered to and a society doesn't work like that.

Go to a country like Switzerland and they have very low crime because they don't have a diverse society so everyone is comfortable around everyone and they all have a similar mind set and follow the same rules. You can't even become a swiss citizen unless you can speak the language fluently and understand their customs.

All i want is for people to have atleast some respect for America. We rapidly became a major country in the world and now we want to destroy what makes America America by changing it.
I lived in Switzerland too. They speak 4 different languages in the various Canyons

I didn't say anything about the MAGA group.

Not a word.

I was talking about the mind numbingly stupid liberals.

Even a detached third party, even a foreigner who knows almost nothing about our politics, can see how fucked up the regressives are.

They have to go. Yesterday
That doesn't answer my question.

But that's okay.
Honestly I'll take the kkk over the majority of blacks today.

Atleast they were productive parts of America, loved america and believed in America. Most blacks are none of those things. They don't want to conform to American society, they want it to conform to them. And i am a firm believer if you stay at someone's house you respect their rules. Same thing with a country, if you live in it you need to respect where you live, but blacks don't they want America to change for them.

And it isn't just blacks, all kinds of people don't love america, they just want to do whatever they want and be catered to and a society doesn't work like that.

Go to a country like Switzerland and they have very low crime because they don't have a diverse society so everyone is comfortable around everyone and they all have a similar mind set and follow the same rules. You can't even become a swiss citizen unless you can speak the language fluently and understand their customs.

All i want is for people to have atleast some respect for America. We rapidly became a major country in the world and now we want to destroy what makes America America by changing it.
The KKK didn't like Catholics and Jews either, nitwit.
my father fought in WW2 as well. he was a nationalist also but didn't feel he had to be considered a 'white' one. that denotes a whole other animal aside from being an american patriot.

Explain why white nationalism is bad?​

It’s not bad at all…the better question is….why do Lefties LOVE and embrace black nationalism, brown nationalism and yellow nationalism but hate hate hate white nationalism?

you literally have a CONflag as part of yer avatar & you are questioning why identifying 'white nationalism' might be a bad thing?

holy crap batman.
the KKK was both pro white and also nationalist.
But the KKK only want blacks out of the USA, not really change anything else.
The nazis wanted to control everything.

I suppose though that white nationalism is just racism.
KKK was PRO democrat-------and they attacked more than blacks Hun.
To answer your question white nationalist simply want a land where white customs and ways of life are left to whites. Much like how Japan today is for the Japanese

mexican nationalists would like cali back & NATIVE americans want the rest of the nation.

my guess is that you would have a problem with that, 'eh?

Other than the fact I am the OP, you really don't get it. Yeah, huge difference.

ummmm.... no.

Definition of white nationalist

: one of a group of militant white people who espouse white supremacy (see WHITE SUPREMACY sense 1) and advocate enforced racial segregation

Definition of white supremacy

1: the belief that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races
And yet, liberals are stuck in a time loop calling anyone they don't like (taadah!) Nazis. Because, like that.

i've seen quite a few rw nutters with avatars here showing a swastika imprinted over the (D) mascot.

Anything that you attach color too is racism. Nationalism is the love of one's country. I am a firm believer in nationalism. I don't understand why the democrats want to conflate nationalism with white supremacy.
The democrats of the last few decades aren't the democrats of the JFK era. He would be considered a republican today. The democrats of today are actually pro-Marxists and they definitely don't like this country and its freedoms. To conquer the country they have to divide it and by doing such things as falsely claiming racism in everything and adding race (namely "white") to a word, they postulate that it is racist, when in fact, there are, in the case of people that are pro-USA, plenty of non-whites that are also pro-USA.
They are also, without openly admitting it, proponents of the George Soros, free-movement-of people's, one world (Marxist) government goal, hence their desire to just allow people to flow into the nation without going through border checkpoints.
Once they accomplish their goal, there will only be two classes of people, the corrupt politburo and the poor. We can already see how our monetary value keeps dwindling and they have no intention of correcting it. To them, everybody must be poor to the point where they must rely on the government for everything and then the government will rule over their lives.
As I have said in other posts, One-Party Rule is always...ALWAYS...authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and murderous. People that lived under Marxism and fled to the U.S., have been coming forward publicly and stating their fears that this nation is headed in the Marxist direction.
Excuse me? My father was white and a ardent nationalist, starved during so called 1929 bank holiday and was years starving in the time known as the depression. He grew up and he fought the NAZIS. He was wounded and less a left arm. He gave me life. WHAT DO LIBERALS DO?
I eat vanilla wafers.
lol mostly in northern states and California; they had a lot of political enemies in the South.
What? The KKK was a product of the south. Sure, there are assholes everywhere but that particular group originated from douchebags upset with the changes of the time. Kind of like white nationalists now.

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