Explain why white nationalism is bad?

Wrong as always! Post 69! You're welcome!

In today's vernacular, White Nationalism might be described as a paranoia that has gripped conservative white Americans that they are living in a country that is rigged against them, that the goal is to change America from a free and capitalist country to one that is communist, and that there is a plot to replace them with other ethnic groups to the fullest extent possible.


I think you misjudge conservatives by making skin color the defining issue instead of beliefs and values

without saying so exactly, for most conservatives it boils down to what kind of a person someone is rather than their skin color

conservatives want to preserve the values handed down by the white founding fathers and the generations of whites that have preserved those values for 200 years

if you are being fair you must admit that people of color are fully accepted within the republican party when their values are the same as other conservatives
Yeah... cause there is a huge difference between saying White conservatives, which you did say, and Whire Republicans.

Pardon me....You said "conservative white Americans"....

A difference without distinction if you ask me....
I've been told by many on the Right that conservatives and Republicans are not necessarily the same thing.

If you want to deny that because you don't like what I'm saying, that's fine with me.
Here ya go. More clarity for the OP.
How many rapes and murders were the KKK responsible for last year?
That probably doesn’t matter to you does it?

mexican nationalists would like cali back & NATIVE americans want the rest of the nation.

my guess is that you would have a problem with that, 'eh?

You should spend your pathetic days THANKING GOD that America was conquered by whitey….Have you been to ANY predominantly dark community, city, state or nation? Why are they ALL dangerous, disgusting shitholes?

There is no such thing you stupid troll. Why does Republicanism under Trump have such appeal to the brainless and lazy?
Based on the data it sounds like you and Mac1958 are saying that Trump appeals to dark people and basement dwelling gamers?
You racist bigot!
White nationalism is a type of racial nationalism or pan-nationalism which espouses the belief that white people are a race[1] and seeks to develop and maintain a white racial and national identity.[2][3][4] Many of its proponents identify with and are attached to the concept of a white nation, or a "white ethnostate".[5]

Analysts describe white nationalism as overlapping with white supremacism and white separatism.[6][4][7][8][9][10] White nationalism is sometimes described as a euphemism for, or subset of, white supremacism and the two have been used interchangeably by journalists and analysts.[8][11] White separatism is the pursuit of a "white-only state" while supremacism is the belief that white people are superior to nonwhites and should dominate them,[7][8][9] taking ideas from social Darwinism and Nazism.[12] White nationalists generally avoid the term "supremacy" because it has negative connotations.[13][14]
White nationalism is a type of racial nationalism or pan-nationalism which espouses the belief that white people are a race[1] and seeks to develop and maintain a white racial and national identity.[2][3][4] Many of its proponents identify with and are attached to the concept of a white nation, or a "white ethnostate".[5]

Analysts describe white nationalism as overlapping with white supremacism and white separatism.[6][4][7][8][9][10] White nationalism is sometimes described as a euphemism for, or subset of, white supremacism and the two have been used interchangeably by journalists and analysts.[8][11] White separatism is the pursuit of a "white-only state" while supremacism is the belief that white people are superior to nonwhites and should dominate them,[7][8][9] taking ideas from social Darwinism and Nazism.[12] White nationalists generally avoid the term "supremacy" because it has negative connotations.[13][14]
Always interesting to see how many of them jump into threads like this, downplaying it.
We haven't had on from the OP, which is the one that counts.
White Natioanlists are people wise enough to know and courageous enough to say that white people founded and built the greatest nation the world has ever known in a very short 150 years…they are wise enough to know and courageous enough to say that America’s greatness is charged to the ideals that lie within the bedrock of white culture and NOT DARK CULTURE….they are wise enough to know and courageous enough to say that white culture must ALWAYS remain the dominant culture in America if we want and expect America to retain and sustain it’s greatness.
This shit isn’t complicated….the data is all up in your face…one simply needs a pair of balls to acknowlege it…balls that Mac1958 certainly doesn’t have.
White Natioanlists are people wise enough to know and courageous enough to say that white people founded and built the greatest nation the world has ever known in a very short 150 years…they are wise enough to know and courageous enough to say that America’s greatness is charged to the ideals that lie within the bedrock of white culture and NOT DARK CULTURE….they are wise enough to know and courageous enough to say that white culture must ALWAYS remain the dominant culture in America if we want and expect America to retain and sustain it’s greatness.
This shit isn’t complicated….the data is all up in your face…one simply needs a pair of balls to acknowlege it…balls that Mac1958 certainly doesn’t have.
It will be interesting to watch you make this happen.

Whatever it is you're trying to do, that is.
It will be interesting to watch you make this happen.

Whatever it is you're trying to do, that is.
Make what happen? What am I trying to do?
You all wanted a raw, real, honest description / definition of White Nationalism…..that’s it with no filter. Did it hurt your feelings?
Nationalism is bad for the same reason that all identity politics is bad: it emphasizes group membership over individual accountability. It's appealing to the weak and insecure in the same way racism is appealing. "I maybe a dimwit loser, but at least I'm [American, white, etc...]"
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The melting pot experiment has failed and its never been more obvious than the last decade.
Some thoughtful people have pointed out that we no longer believe or try to practice the melting pot theory.

We now live in a salad bowl society. (Caucasians are, say, the lettuce; Asians are the broccoli, etc.)

Each group wants to do its particular (and often peculiar) thing. They do not want to "fit in."

Remember reading a while back that some refugees came to the States and became taxi drivers in Minneapolis (I think). They decided that they would not pick up anyone who drank, for their religion forbids liquor.

Today a person can wear any hair style s/he wishes, for example, even if the boss would prefer that his employees project a certain image.

And forget about treating everyone equally. Today some people are given special privileges simply because of who they are.

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