Explain why white nationalism is bad?

So you forget white nationalists that fought against actual real flesh and blood NAZIS and racism and hate, (our fathers), instead you shame them? What have liberals done lately?
In their defense, American black, brown and asian nationalists fought those same Nazis. Color has nothing to do with American nationalism.
Nationalism is bad for the same reason that all identity politics is bad: it emphasizes group membership over individual accountability. It's appealing to the weak and insecure in the same way racism is appealing. "I maybe a dimwit loser, but at least I'm [American, white, etc...]"
You must hate how our government encourages the compartmentalization of the citizenry huh?
“The black community”
”The latino community”
”The Asian community”
”The LGBT community”

Do you find it odd that they never refer to the “white community” or does that completely escape you?
The democrats of the last few decades aren't the democrats of the JFK era. He would be considered a republican today. The democrats of today are actually pro-Marxists and they definitely don't like this country and its freedoms. To conquer the country they have to divide it and by doing such things as falsely claiming racism in everything and adding race (namely "white") to a word, they postulate that it is racist, when in fact, there are, in the case of people that are pro-USA, plenty of non-whites that are also pro-USA.
They are also, without openly admitting it, proponents of the George Soros, free-movement-of people's, one world (Marxist) government goal, hence their desire to just allow people to flow into the nation without going through border checkpoints.
Once they accomplish their goal, there will only be two classes of people, the corrupt politburo and the poor. We can already see how our monetary value keeps dwindling and they have no intention of correcting it. To them, everybody must be poor to the point where they must rely on the government for everything and then the government will rule over their lives.
As I have said in other posts, One-Party Rule is always...ALWAYS...authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and murderous. People that lived under Marxism and fled to the U.S., have been coming forward publicly and stating their fears that this nation is headed in the Marxist direction.
The racism division is most prominent, but these globalists are using any kind of division to defeat American nationalism---male/female, LGBTQ+/straight, liberal/conservative--the 2020 election showed more division than I've ever seen in this country. The globalists figure if they can defeat American nationalism, the French, German, Canadian, Russian will be easy pickins.
Sad to see Identity Politics being practiced by both ends of the spectrum.

They can be so similar in their behaviors.
I remeber all your posts condemning Mexicrats for their constant use of identity politics before the Right became retaliatory….Hmmm, oh wait, no, actually I don’t.
Do you remember those posts of his dblack ?
I remeber all your posts condemning Mexicrats for their constant use of identity politics before the Right became retaliatory….Hmmm, oh wait, no, actually I don’t.
Do you remember those posts of his dblack ?
How many would you like? I've been hammering PC/Identity Politics since I've been here.

Let's start with five:

My first sentence refers to what I saw on the page. Unfortunately, you're right, there's a zillion other groups that could be referred to, as Identity Politics drives us right over the cliff.
(Post 18, You Guys Go Ahead And Pick From That Bunch Of Lush Rambo Clowns)

Indeed, dividing people into little groups, identity politics, is a Democrat specialty. The problem for the Republicans, however, is that the strategy has been very successful, and they face an uphill battle. The least they could do is try to communicate their message to those groups on a clear and consistent basis. The other guys are, and it's hardening many minorities against the Republicans.
(Post 56, Who would you like to see at Romneys running mate..)

Identity politics has destroyed that. We've gone from being Americans to becoming hyphenated-Americans. Identity politics has divided us into groups, territories that must be defended against other territories. The English language is no longer even our lone, universally-uniting language. Melting pot? Bullshit. No. Not even close. That's very un-PC. We'll need to come up with another metaphor. One that involves many different, competing groups with different agendas, all separate. And the metaphor should also describe something that is unraveling due to its lack of unity.
(Post 27, Our diversity is our strength)

Identity Politics, dividing Americans into smaller groups and pandering to them for political advantage, often pitting them against each other, has been fabulously successful for the Democrats. Congratulations on that. It's no longer E Pluribus Unum, it's no longer a melting pot, we're all separated and hyphenated now.
(Post 14, Phyllis Schlafly Tells Republicans To Ignore Hispanics, reach out to White People)

We can't have anyone thinking that people should be judged by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin. It's all about skin color in New America, baby. Identity Politics rules.
(Post2, Support for Affirmative Action at historic low)

How many more would you like? Would you like some newer ones, Trumpster? PICK A YEAR. I can go on forever!

Boom. Shoved right down your throat.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
What's the opposite of "nationalist"? Anti-nationalist, internationalist? A nationalist is a person who puts the welfare of his own country ahead of international schemes like global warming. The "white" part is self evident isn't it? The same dumb ass kids who chanted "better red than dead" and won the "right" to desecrate the Flag about forty years ago are now in charge and the term "duty, honor, Country" is not in their vocabulary.
They weren't nationalists. Americans are patriots not nationalists. What a horrible thing to say. Hitler was a nationalist and Stalin. Usually goes with with fascism.
You've been reading too much Wikipedia.

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