Explaining Conservatives

You're right PoliticalChic... Liberals who scream loudest are the most guilty of what they are screaming about. Truthmatters just proved it! Never has their been a more fraudulent vote-cheating party than the Democrats.

We must have a valid ID to get health care, but it's "unconstitutional" to ask for it from a voter?
At Supreme Court, no reprieve for GOP in voting rights consent decree - CSMonitor.com

At Supreme Court, no reprieve for GOP in voting rights consent decree

US Supreme Court on Monday turned aside a petition from the Republican National Committee to lift a 30-year-old consent decree. The decree requires the RNC to refrain from tactics that could suppress voting rights.

By Warren Richey, Staff writer / January 14, 2013

th right leaning scotus agreed the republican party needs to be punished
gee why didn't that "left leaning media" you guys always talk about report on this?

because its a myth.

we have a corporate media
How do we judge the nature of strangers, or those we know only in passing?

Simply by assuming them to be most like the individual we know the best. That is the measuring stick we use to estimate.
Hence, the old saying 'we can only judge others by ourselves.'

What would we do in similar circumstances, how would we act, what would we say?
That's human nature.

1. I find this most explicative when one on the other side of the political divide calls the other a liar.
I don't lie. But I have found that those who do so regularly are the quickest to jump to this accusation.

Nor is it a surprise to find that those on the Left, the Liberal folks, are the fastest on the draw in this respect.

2. Another character difference between the two political persuasions is individualism. It is one of the cornerstones of conservatism, and the 'sotto voce' of America's founding documents. We want to make our own decisions.

The other side seems to feel that we lack the capability, and they should do this for us. That's why Liberal folks leap to ban things that they don't like, and use judicial decree to overturn voter's opinions.

And that goes right back to judging others by ourselves.
Liberals must feel that they need experts to 'advise' them what the right things to do are.
When Liberals hear the words ‘studies show,’ or ‘experts say,’ they cease to ‘question authority.’

3. And speaking of judging others by oneself, it seems to me a constant calumny by Liberals that Rush Limbaugh and Fox News tell right-wingers, and conservatives what to think....but I never hear conservatives claiming that those on the Left are 'programmed' by the ubiquitous variations on MSNBC or the NYTimes that echo throughout our secular society.
Why is that?

Kinda sounds like the Left is trying to prevent the reality from becoming broadcast....i.e., they are the ones who march lock-step, following orders.

4. Another difference is preparation, knowledge,...or perhaps that related to item #3.
Conservatives know more about what's going on....in fact, if Liberals knew as many of the ingredients in a story as conservatives do, they'd probably be conservatives. Instead, when they're told things they didn't know, they shout "liar!"

Examples? Sure....

a. "Stephanopoulos appeared on The Sean Hannity Show and New York radio station WOR's The Steve Malzberg Show, where both Hannity and Malzberg suggested to Stephanopoulos that he ask Obama about Ayers."
Right-wing radio hosts suggested "damn good" Ayers question to Stephanopoulos day before Dem debate | Research | Media Matters for America
He didn't know about Ayers!!

b. CBS's Bob Schieffer on Sunday said the reason he didn't ask Attorney General Eric Holder about the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case on last week's "Face the Nation" was because he didn't know about it.
Chatting with Howard Kurtz on CNN's "Reliable Sources," Schieffer said, "This all really became a story when the whistleblower came out and testified that he'd had to leave the Justice Department and so on. And, frankly, had I known about that, I would have asked the question."
His excuse?
"I was on vacation that week. This happened -- apparently, it got very little publicity. And, you know, I just didn't know about it" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Bob Schieffer: What Black Panther Story? 'I Was on Vacation' - Fox Nation

c. Several Chicago readers and Twitterers report that ABC News anchor Charlie Gibson told WLS-AM Chicago talk show hosts Don Wade and Roma this morning that the reason he hasn’t covered the ACORN scandal is that he didn’t know about it.

“…Charlie Gibson on as their usual Tuesday morning guest. Don asked Charlie, why, after the senate last night voted to halt funding to ACORN and after three of those video tapes of ACORN employees helping the pimp and prostitute set up shop, there was no mention of it anywhere on the network news. Charlie gave out a most uncomfortable laugh and said that that was the first he heard of it!”
ABC’s Jake Tapper reported on the Census Bureau’s decision to drop ACORN from its data collection partnerships on Friday as a result of BigGovernment.com’s video stings.
Gibson also admitted to Don and Roma that he didn’t know about the Senate vote to de-fund ACORN.
Michelle Malkin | ACORN Watch: Charlie Gibson and the ostrich media; Update: Audio added «

Maybe the difference is just plain ol' laziness.

5. One more difference: insight- found more in the conservative camp than in the Liberal.
There was actually a study by Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist at the University of Virginia who, until 2009, considered himself a partisan liberal.

"In “The Righteous Mind,” Haidt seeks to enrich liberalism, and political discourse generally, with a deeper awareness of human nature.
The hardest part, Haidt finds, is getting liberals to open their minds. Anecdotally, he reports that when he talks about authority, loyalty and sanctity, many people in the audience spurn these ideas as the seeds of racism, sexism and homophobia. And in a survey of 2,000 Americans, Haidt found that self-described liberals, especially those who called themselves “very liberal,” were worse at predicting the moral judgments of moderates and conservatives than moderates and conservatives were at predicting the moral judgments of liberals.

Liberals don’t understand conservative values. And they can’t recognize this failing, because they’re so convinced of their rationality, open-mindedness and enlightenment."

Sadly, it is much easier in our milieu to be a Liberal than a conservative, and perhaps because there are so many more of 'em, it even takes an extra dollop of courage to be a conservative...

And....in judging others by ourselves....
.... we end up being governed by ineptitude personified.

332-206....Romney didnt even make a concession speech...so much for knowing anything.

And, this responds exactly how to the OP, Ms Truthmatters....?

Ooop! So sorry....I do get you two confused due to the similarity in presentations.

Many here predicted a Romney landslide.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw]Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo) - YouTube[/ame]

the founder the heritage foundation knew this and planned a way for the republicans to keep winning anyway
At Supreme Court, no reprieve for GOP in voting rights consent decree - CSMonitor.com

At Supreme Court, no reprieve for GOP in voting rights consent decree

US Supreme Court on Monday turned aside a petition from the Republican National Committee to lift a 30-year-old consent decree. The decree requires the RNC to refrain from tactics that could suppress voting rights.

By Warren Richey, Staff writer / January 14, 2013

th right leaning scotus agreed the republican party needs to be punished

why did your right leaning packed SCOTUS think or party needs punishing?
Excellent OP, PoliticalChic.

. . .

Fundamental differences in a nutshell:

Liberals: democracy; arbitrary law; the Constitution is living

Conservatives: republicanism; the natural law; the Constitution is timeless​

IOW, to explain conservatives further is to associate them with a frame of reference. That is, the success of American republicanism before the Progressive Era, millennia of reason and experience, and legislative predictability.

With the dismantling of its frame of reference, the United States is devolving into majority tyranny, an ordinary country that has strayed from its centrist, Constitutional moorings.

So since the document calls for a well regulated militia...
2. Another character difference between the two political persuasions is individualism. It is one of the cornerstones of conservatism, and the 'sotto voce' of America's founding documents. We want to make our own decisions.
individualism during the Founding Fathers day was a liberal ideology, thus the idea of conservatism at that time was the old regime
The other side seems to feel that we lack the capability, and they should do this for us. That's why Liberal folks leap to ban things that they don't like, and use judicial decree to overturn voter's opinions.

So conservatives have never banned anything,hmmm, project much trying to make yourself look good when your whole OP is biased beyond reproach, or are conservatives just a cypher in govt regs?
the republican party KNOWS it should not have power.

Its why they are willing to cheat to get it
332-206....Romney didnt even make a concession speech...so much for knowing anything.

And, this responds exactly how to the OP, Ms Truthmatters....?

Ooop! So sorry....I do get you two confused due to the similarity in presentations.

Many here predicted a Romney landslide.

I did, too.

Seems I gave the electorate far too much credit.

Events have proven that the prediction should have been the reality.

"Many here" realize that now, too late.

Hard to believe that the median family income actually went down more during the "Obama Recovery" than during the recession.

"...median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession."
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession | The Weekly Standard

Just wow.

Except for the real dopes who still crow over the election....
Raise your paw.
you said it because carl Rove told you to say it.

why would you think you would win when you admit there are more people on the left in this county.

why do you hate democracy?
And for all the money conservatives spend, for all the Fox news broadcasts, for all the Limbaughs, and for all their attempts to take the world and America back to the past, America still travels on its liberal way. each 100 years a little more liberal than the last 100 years.
you cant answer can you pc?

Of course I can.

I prove you to be ignorant regularly.

Need so, once again?

OK, OK....

"New Analysis Shows Voter Identification Laws Do Not Reduce Turnout
The findings of this analysis suggest that voter identification requirements, such as requiring non-photo and photo identification, have virtually no suppressive effect on reported voter turnout.


Controlling for factors that influence voter turn*out, voter identification laws largely do not have the claimed negative impact on voter turnout based on state-to-state comparisons. When statistically signif*icant and negative relationships are found, the effects are so small that the findings offer little policy significance. White survey respondents in photo identification states are 0.002 percent less likely to report voting than white respondents from states that only required voters to state their name. Afri*can-American respondents in non-photo identifica*tion states are 0.012 percent less likely to report voting than African-American respondents from states that only required voters to state their name.

In other cases, no effect was found. In general, respondents in photo identification and non-photo identification states are just as likely to report voting compared to respondents from states that only required voters to state their name. African-Ameri*can respondents in photo identification states are just as likely to report voting compared to African- American respondents from states that only required voters to state their name. Hispanic respondents in photo identification states are just as likely to report voting compared to Hispanic respondents from states that only required voters to state their name."
New Analysis Shows Voter Identification Laws Do Not Reduce Turnout
How do we judge the nature of strangers, or those we know only in passing?

Simply by assuming them to be most like the individual we know the best. That is the measuring stick we use to estimate.
Hence, the old saying 'we can only judge others by ourselves.'

What would we do in similar circumstances, how would we act, what would we say?
That's human nature.


Liberals don’t understand conservative values. And they can’t recognize this failing, because they’re so convinced of their rationality, open-mindedness and enlightenment."


Sadly, it is much easier in our milieu to be a Liberal than a conservative, and perhaps because there are so many more of 'em, it even takes an extra dollop of courage to be a conservative...

And....in judging others by ourselves....
.... we end up being governed by ineptitude personified.

What a pile of pixelated puffery. And your last link to the NYT is, just like you, LOST:

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And for all the money conservatives spend, for all the Fox news broadcasts, for all the Limbaughs, and for all their attempts to take the world and America back to the past, America still travels on its liberal way. each 100 years a little more liberal than the last 100 years.
No one is denying that. The country made a radical move to the left even in the 1780s with its new constitution.

Very few societies have ever experienced liberty, and none have ever been able to resist tyranny.

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