Zone1 Explaining Jesus to a Jew

The Lord awoke me with a headache to see this response I guess. How many Christians speak of the Talmud or Moses? I've seen interviews.on the streets of Israel, they are becoming more secular than ever there and many are aware of.Jesus. Most view him as a man who lived and died, but not with any religious significance as a Christian does obviously.

Of course Christians know about Moses.

Most people, including Christians do not know about the Talmud. It seems to be one of those things Jews don’t want to share that much. It seems they frown upon even translating it to other languages. It’s very difficult to get information about it, like summaries of each book and chapter, especially compared to the Bible. They probably don’t want people finding out it’s true intentions, like the fact that they changed their Mosaic Law without any real authority from God. They’ve changed so much they are nothing like religious Jews from 2000+ years ago. It’s more of a cult now.
Your sunday slut LIED----Jews read the Torah incessantly. The people who do not read are the
christians----neither the "OT" of the NT. Jews do not ---in general---talk about Jesus or Odin
or Krishnah or Siva You made no point other than the FACT that there is nothing in Jewish
literature about "JESUS"-----
Yea sure, you all read the Torah yet believe the messiah will be a “political leader” that will rule the world with a one world government and bring peace through military might. It’s no wonder why so many so-called Jews are raging Marxists that yearn for communism to conquer the world, so we can have world peace.
Of course Christians know about Moses.

Most people, including Christians do not know about the Talmud. It seems to be one of those things Jews don’t want to share that much. It seems they frown upon even translating it to other languages. It’s very difficult to get information about it, like summaries of each book and chapter, especially compared to the Bible. They probably don’t want people finding out it’s true intentions, like the fact that they changed their Mosaic Law without any real authority from God. They’ve changed so much they are nothing like religious Jews from 2000+ years ago. It’s more of a cult now.
the talmud has been fully and completely translated into English. According to people
who actually qualify as talmud scholars that I know----the translation is VERY GOOD.
Islamo nazi anglican propaganda addresses the issue of the talmud LOTS---every word
they print is an utterly ludicrous lie----just so that you know---Jesus is never mentioned
in the talmud----but that did not stop you and yours from burning the books MASSIVELY
based on lies
Yea sure, you all read the Torah yet believe the messiah will be a “political leader” that will rule the world with a one world government and bring peace through military might. It’s no wonder why so many so-called Jews are raging Marxists that yearn for communism to conquer the world, so we can have world peace.
there is no question that jews are IDEALISTS-----always seeking a world in which all people
EAT and are treated justly------the people who lived out in the desert in the time of
Jesus ----eg. the ESSENES lived a very communal life---. Lots of christian scholars
believed Jesus was an Essene ----sadly--NOPE Chances are John the Mikveh man
was a desert commune dweller
---just so that you know---Jesus is never mentioned
in the talmud--
Well of course not, LOL.

They wanted to run away from Jesus as much as possible. You’d think these great “scholars” would want to have a discussion about Jesus, and give a thorough explanation of why he wasn’t the messiah…..yet they didn’t.
Well of course not, LOL.

They wanted to run away from Jesus as much as possible. You’d think these great “scholars” would want to have a discussion about Jesus, and give a thorough explanation of why he wasn’t the messiah…..yet they didn’t.
Nope---they did not discuss Jesus-----he was considered just another of the thousands
of victims of Roman savagery-----which is utterly underplayed in jelly bean school
Examples of this “propaganda”?
Unfortunately I saved absolutely NONE of the seedy little pamphlets
promulgated in my anglican (semi-rural) town. But the same
material used to be prominent on the Website "STORMFRONT" and
if you really want to know what it is all about----find a bright muslim kid
with background in South east Asia--and discuss DA JOOOOS. The
stuff is also taught in Saudi arabia------but some "persons" will deny that
fact. I read it as a child----and had lots of colleagues from south east Asia
and a few from Saudi arabia as a young adult.
Nope---they did not discuss Jesus-----he was considered just another of the thousands
of victims of Roman savagery-----which is utterly underplayed in jelly bean school
LOL, “Roman savagery”…..right…..because the Jews themselves had nothing to do with his capture and death. They didn’t hand him over to the Romans and demand he be executed. Your “scholars” so say.
LOL, “Roman savagery”…..right…..because the Jews themselves had nothing to do with his capture and death. They didn’t hand him over to the Romans and demand he be executed. Your “scholars” so say.
Romans crucified jews left and right-----they left that one out of your jelly bean
class. "SAINT" Constantine founded the system of laws that made the
INQUISITION and auto de fe----LEGAL and HOLY. Your ignorance amazes me
Well of course not, LOL.

They wanted to run away from Jesus as much as possible. You’d think these great “scholars” would want to have a discussion about Jesus, and give a thorough explanation of why he wasn’t the messiah…..yet they didn’t.
according to church doctrine---the Talmud is ALL ABOUT JESUS----try reading some
islamo nazi propaganda -----it is actually hilarious ----albeit blood stained
Unfortunately I saved absolutely NONE of the seedy little pamphlets
promulgated in my anglican (semi-rural) town. But the same
material used to be prominent on the Website "STORMFRONT" and
if you really want to know what it is all about----find a bright muslim kid
with background in South east Asia--and discuss DA JOOOOS. The
stuff is also taught in Saudi arabia------but some "persons" will deny that
fact. I read it as a child----and had lots of colleagues from south east Asia
and a few from Saudi arabia as a young adult.
Suradie does a thumbs down----because she cannot admit that the
malignant stuff is taught in Saudi Arabia-----kinda funny----she is
very faithful to the CAUSE. She even denies that "JEW" had ever been
mentioned in her church or school ---but she is very well read in English
literature (roflmao)
Bull. Jews, especially in Israel, no nothing of Jesus.

The Talmidian Jews don’t even read their own Torah. They only listen to Rabbis that “interpret” the Torah for them, and they sure as hell aren’t going to talk about Jesus.
Jews study Torah. And discuss and argue about every verse, every word.
It seems to be one of those things Jews don’t want to share that much. It seems they frown upon even translating it to other languages. It’s very difficult to get information about it, like summaries of each book and chapter, especially compared to the Bible. They probably don’t want people finding out it’s true intentions, like the fact that they changed their Mosaic Law without any real authority from God. They’ve changed so much they are nothing like religious Jews from 2000+ years ago. It’s more of a cult now.
The talmud is a collection of conversations, arguments, and stories from which normative law is extrapolated. It, like any technical text, can't be "read" -- it must be studied. If you would like to just read it, and not understand it, there is Babylonian Talmud Online in English . If you want to delve a little deeper, try Talmud | Sefaria . If you want it in another language, try French

or Spanish

I don't think the Russian translation is complete yet but here is a place to start

But remember, just reading it won't really unlock much. There is a methodology to dissect and a precision in language that makes studying in translation a bit dicey. Best of luck.
There is a methodology to dissect and a precision in language that makes studying in translation a bit dicey
Of course, because it’s full of nonsense, so you need a certified propagandist to explain why you don’t actually follow Mosaic Law anymore, without any justification from the Tanakh.
Of course, because it’s full of nonsense, so you need a certified propagandist to explain why you don’t actually follow Mosaic Law anymore, without any justification from the Tanakh.
Did you pass Organic Chemistry?
Of course, because it’s full of nonsense, so you need a certified propagandist to explain why you don’t actually follow Mosaic Law anymore, without any justification from the Tanakh.
You made a claim. I showed you are wrong. Instead of acknowledging your error, you run to a different claim, one that is untrue and you, because you have never studied the material, can't support that either.

You really should ask questions if you don't know things.

Here's a question -- do you read the Jewish scriptures in Hebrew? If not, then you are relying on "propagandists" to explain it to you in a language you ostensibly know.
You made a claim. I showed you are wrong. Instead of acknowledging your error, you run to a different claim, one that is untrue and you, because you have never studied the material, can't support that either.

You really should ask questions if you don't know things.

Here's a question -- do you read the Jewish scriptures in Hebrew? If not, then you are relying on "propagandists" to explain it to you in a language you ostensibly know.
Oh right, because every translation is “wrong”? Our language cannot adequately convey the message from original Hebrew or Aramaic? And you know this how? Because you are a self appointed world class translator?

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