Zone1 Explaining Jesus to a Jew

All righty then.

In the context of the first century and knowing what the Jewish beliefs were about dreams, the medium through which God communicates, can you see how having conversations in dreams with Jesus after the crucifixion would have convinced them that he survived physical death?
Nope Dead was dead, even 2000 years ago.
Nope Dead was dead, even 2000 years ago.
You didn't answer my question.

Anyway, can you use your imagination in a rational way and see that the subject of raising the dead was awakening people to the fact that their religious beliefs and practices were dumb?

Can you see that people who are living in denial of reality are living in the realm of the dead and reality to them is as painful as being burned alive in a raging fire that will never go out?


Do you realize that every time you try to alert some unfortunate lost soul, in vain, that what they profess to believe is completely irrational and insane you are speaking with the dead?

Now maybe you can understand how miraculous it really was that Jesus had some success?

It would be as miraculous as if theHawk stopped being a jackass or the Pope gave up acting.

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IT was .....See Moses lifting up the serpant...all who looked on it were saved just as all who look to Christ

You need to read further. According to scripture Hezekiah was credited with doing what is right in Gods eyes by destroying the serpent God told Moses to make for the people to turn to for healing after 'dying' when bitten by a plague of serpents sent by God because former slaves were complaining about the hardships of freedom. I think it was Gods way of saying FU.

Heres the thing. If it was right for Hezekiah to destroy the statue that Moses made then it was never right for anyone to turn to it for healing during the time of testing in the wilderness.

What does that tell you about worshipping Jesus? He even cited this story. Jn 3:14. Didn't he repeatedly warn his disciples to pray to be spared the test? What test? THINK. You can do it!

P.S. The statue of the serpent, the Nachash, probably looked like one of these shitheads;
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You need to read further. According to scripture Hezekiah was credited with doing what is right in Gods eyes by destroying the serpent God told Moses to make for the people to turn to for healing after 'dying' when bitten by a plague of serpents sent by God because former slaves were complaining about the hardships of freedom. I think it was Gods way of saying FU.

Heres the thing. If it was right for Hezekiah to destroy the statue that Moses made then it was never right for anyone to turn to it for healing during the time of testing in the wilderness.

What does that tell you about worshipping Jesus? He even cited this story. Jn 3:14. Didn't he repeatedly warn his disciples to pray to be spared the test? What test? THINK. You can do it!

P.S. The statue of the serpent, the Nachash, probably looked like one of these shitheads;
View attachment 810997 View attachment 810998
a bit harsh----but a very interesting insight
a bit harsh----
Maybe so, but there is no pleasant way to slaughter the scarlet beast, Roman Mithraism, the Babylonian "mystery religion", or the decked out bejeweled woman riding the beast (mother church) who is drunk on the blood of Gods people. (Revelation 17:1-6)

This beast and all of its horns is responsible for the murder of the minds and bodies of billions

Can you even imagine the unspeakable suffering endured by all of the people this woman who is riding the beast has persecuted and continues to persecute to this day according to its perverted views of the world, of God, right and wrong, Jesus, life itself, and human sexuality?

Should I be nice?
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Heres the thing. If it was right for Hezekiah to destroy the statue that Moses made then it was never right for anyone to turn to it for healing

hey, why stop there ... hereditary idolatry - apartheid heaven - false 10 commandments - genesis and the moses claim a&e were sinners - servitude and denial.

including most w/ the other two desert religions - - what have you for religions, certainly nothing heavenly.

they all live in torment, those that wrote the desert documents and those that worship the false gods they proclaim ...

- time to bring them to justice to again find the path to the everlasting through the teachings of jesus, liberation theology, self determination and accomplish the true judgement than that of desolation.
hey, why stop there ... hereditary idolatry - apartheid heaven - false 10 commandments - genesis and the moses claim a&e were sinners

Ugh. Moses never claimed that A&E were sinners. Stupid, for believing the lie of the talking serpent that they would become like God and would not die if they swallowed his bullshit, but not sinners except if sin is ignoring a warning and the consequent death the effect of stupidity

The bullshit of the talking serpent is the forbidden fruit. Their expulsion from Eden, a place of purity, was not a punishment but a consequence of their own choice, to set aside the warning God gave them in exchange for the specious lie that they would become like God and not die if they defied him which defiled and contaminated their minds, and ruined the rest of their lives.

You call that self determination? You are right. They self determined their own demise.

Just like all of those decent Christian folk who hope to rule the earth for God one fine day by stomping on those filthy unbelievers and killing them all with a combat rifle. :uhh: Imagine that!

Woo hoo! Combat Jesus is coming! Get you guns and ammo! Kill kill kill yay! Amen! Hallelujah!
Damn You act like its pure torture to be given instructions about how to remain sane in this life

Do you really think it was wrong for Moses (that bastard!) lol, to warn everyone on earth about the dangers of mind control, brainwashing, what the ancients called sorcery, the magical arts, and losing your money, your mind, your sanity, and your life to a conman, a talking serpent?

Some things never change. What was stupid then, thousands of years ago, is still stupid now.
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Maybe so, but there is no pleasant way to slaughter the scarlet beast, Roman Mithraism, the Babylonian "mystery religion", or the decked out bejeweled woman riding the beast (mother church) who is drunk on the blood of Gods people. (Revelation 17:1-6)

This beast and all of its horns is responsible for the murder of the minds and bodies of billions

Can you even imagine the unspeakable suffering endured by all of the people this woman who is riding the beast has persecuted and continues to persecute to this day according to its perverted views of the world, of God, right and wrong, Jesus, life itself, and human sexuality?

Should I be nice?
calm yourself-----Francis has CONNECTIONS
Do you really think it was wrong for Moses

you really lose the vernacular of what is written over your preemptive interpretations bearing little resemblance for what was actually written ... and do the same - as most - in your interpretation of a post.

are you claiming moses or those that wrote in that name did not write genesis - and accused a&e of committing a sin for the decision they made and the fictitious pleas made by their madeup antagonist - a snake.


the answer to your question is, yes - they put horns on moses for a reason - if there ever were a satan they knew who it was.

you have no clarity for jesus - they knew the truth their goal was the same religion as prescribed by the heavens in the very beginning to a&e for their planed journey and means for remission to the everlasting.

the 1st century was meant as that revision, liberation theology, self determination - judaism and the other to be religions have all three abandoned for - servitude and denial ... hobobelum.
to set aside the warning God gave them in exchange for the specious lie that they would become like God and not die if they defied him

that is you - who believes that lie ... written in all three books of forgeries and fallacies.
that is you - who believes that lie ... written in all three books of forgeries and fallacies.
So do you think that you believe the truth? If so what is it? How does one attain eternal life?

Blathering about a fairy tale forgery? I don't think so.
calm yourself-----Francis has CONNECTIONS
lol.. I have CONNECTIONS too! Friends and family, in very high and very low places.

And, I carry the Great Seal of the Living God, with Vorpel Sword in hand!

Hoka hey! Nake nula wauŋ welo!
Horns on Moses was a medieval mistranslation, an error that inspired artists, which originally meant that rays of light, not horns, emitted from his head.

That the reason.

sure it was ...


it was an accident, those in the medieval period hadn't the faintest what putting horns on an individual would mean - - -

oh, a ray of lite from the heavens and those were his antennas ... hobo the magician.
So do you think that you believe the truth? If so what is it? How does one attain eternal life?

Blathering about a fairy tale forgery? I don't think so.

the spoken religion of antiquity - or so in their book ...

the parable of noah was the statement from the heavens for remission to the everlasting the same as granted a&e for their journey - the triumph of good vs evil - when accomplished they are eligible for judgement and admission to the everlasting.
that is you - who believes that lie ... written in all three books of forgeries and fallacies.
Did you never notice how you are the only person who says such stupid things every day?

who stood w/ jesus in their hour of need, can't be helped ...

that but those moses lovers they are the criminals that worship a liar and murderer - and persecute and victimize to this day the same using their false commandments they claim to be heavenly to do it ... the three desert religions.
There are Messianic Jews who view Jesus as a Messiah and Jews for Jesus. I bett you more followers of Judaism know of Jesus than Christians do of Moses. I am a bit of a hybrid, I feel closer to G_d since reading the Old Testament (or Torah for first chapters) and liste ing to Rabbis. with al due respect my Christian brothers, Rabbis are FAR more open to debate, dialogue and discussion. I greatly appreciate that as we all have questions.
Bull. Jews, especially in Israel, no nothing of Jesus.

The Talmidian Jews don’t even read their own Torah. They only listen to Rabbis that “interpret” the Torah for them, and they sure as hell aren’t going to talk about Jesus.
Bull. Jews, especially in Israel, no nothing of Jesus.

The Talmidian Jews don’t even read their own Torah. They only listen to Rabbis that “interpret” the Torah for them, and they sure as hell aren’t going to talk about Jesus.
The Lord awoke me with a headache to see this response I guess. How many Christians speak of the Talmud or Moses? I've seen interviews.on the streets of Israel, they are becoming more secular than ever there and many are aware of.Jesus. Most view him as a man who lived and died, but not with any religious significance as a Christian does obviously.
Bull. Jews, especially in Israel, no nothing of Jesus.

The Talmidian Jews don’t even read their own Torah. They only listen to Rabbis that “interpret” the Torah for them, and they sure as hell aren’t going to talk about Jesus.
Your sunday slut LIED----Jews read the Torah incessantly. The people who do not read are the
christians----neither the "OT" of the NT. Jews do not ---in general---talk about Jesus or Odin
or Krishnah or Siva You made no point other than the FACT that there is nothing in Jewish
literature about "JESUS"-----

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