Zone1 Explaining Jesus to a Jew

Your decision that sparkling=color and therefore the word for "appearance" actually means "color" is fatally flawed.
Pay attention! In the beginning of Ezekiel the Ophanim were described as being covered with many eyes and the word used also denotes colors. Later in Ezekiel the Ophanim were described again, the 'wheels' "sparkling like a diamond in the sun" which is only about colors, like light through a prism, which definitively clears up the original description to mean that the encircling radiance of the Ophanim were sparkling with the many colors of a rainbow.

All of the musing and speculations about the mysterious meaning of the Ophanim being covered with many eyes has been a waste of time. I have seen it. Thats how I know.

Knowing Hebrew, eating or abstaining from certain food, or ethnicity, was not a prerequisite.
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Pay attention! In the beginning of Ezekiel the Ophanim were described as being covered with many eyes and the word used also denotes colors.
At best, it might connote them, but it does not denote them.
Later in Ezekiel the Ophanim were described again, the 'wheels' "sparkling like a diamond in the sun" which is only about colors, like light through a prism, which definitively clears up the original description to mean that the encircling radiance of the Ophanim were sparkling with the many colors of a rainbow.
You mean like how eyes sparkle like diamonds? Does that mention anything about colors? You want to read into the text, that's fine. But don't claim the text says it as a direct meaning.
All of the musing and speculations about the mysterious meaning of the Ophanim being covered with many eyes has been a waste of time. I have seen it. Thats how I know.
well, who am I to argue with your, um, "visions"...
well, who am I to argue with your, um, "visions"...

So you can keep your thirty pieces of silver and ram it up your snout.

But thanks for helping me to reveal the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate by so generously demonstrating for all to see the terrifying and deeply disturbing death consequent for setting that instruction aside.

You have your reward already!

Mazel tov!
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You want to read into the text, that's fine. But don't claim the text says it as a direct meaning.
Why lie? Thats seems very desperate for a person of such distinguished pretensions.

I never claimed that the text says that it has a direct meaning. In fact I said the exact opposite, the meaning is hidden in figurative language. What actually happened is that I demonstrated rational reasoning on how to arrive at a logical conclusion as to what the indirect meaning is.

Colors not eyes. You can speculate forever about which interpretation is right to no avail but if you want to see with your own 'eyes' what the prophet 'saw' with his own eyes to eliminate any doubts in your mind, just comply with the deeper implications of kosher law as I (and Jesus) have clearly explained and God will come to you personally and make himself known to you directly and then you will know what the truth of the matter is whatever you eat for dinner.

Would that be too inconvenient? Too difficult to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures?

If you don't you will read and wonder for the rest of your life but you will never understand.
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I never claimed that the text says that it has a direct meaning. In fact I said the exact opposite, the meaning is hidden in figurative language.

In post 661 you claimed that the word denotes colors.

You said this also in post 603 iirc.

Now you say that all you did was point to an indirect meaning. You should then have said "connote."
In post 661 you claimed that the word denotes colors.

Right, according to the Rambam.

You said this also in post 603 iirc.

Now you say that all you did was point to an indirect meaning. You should then have said "connote."

Is that your response? Is that the best you can do? Copra sanctum! Aren't you embarrassed?

No? Go figure! First you falsely claimed in post 662 that I said it has a direct meaning. "But don't claim the text says it as a direct meaning".Now the opposite? Are you confused? Sleepy?

Indirect yes, the word has two meanings. Its a homonym, not directly stating what was meant until it was later described by the prophet as appearing "like a diamond sparkling in the sun." And it wasn't a diamond or the sun or covered with many eyes. Maybe you should take a nap.

I heard that without enough sleep neural function declines and the brain struggles to function.

"The body of the Ofannim is described as being covered with eyes; it is possible that a body covered with real eyes is here meant, or a body with different colours [‘ayin denoting “eye”, but also “color” ]"

How is that not indirect? It can't be both. Apparently the meaning remains hidden from you.

I'll tell the Rambam he should have said connote professor. Will that make you feel any better?

Damn. I'll maka sure that I maka spelling and grammatical errores, in every future post so that; you can hava the magnificent appearance! of farting someting intelligent to say in response*
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Right, according to the Rambam.

Is that your response? Is that the best you can do? Copra sanctum! Aren't you embarrassed?

No? Go figure! First you falsely claimed in post 662 that I said it has a direct meaning. "But don't claim the text says it as a direct meaning".Now the opposite? Are you confused? Sleepy?

Indirect yes, the word has two meanings. Its a homonym, not directly stating what was meant until it was later described by the prophet as appearing "like a diamond sparkling in the sun." And it wasn't a diamond or the sun or covered with many eyes. Maybe you should take a nap.

I heard that without enough sleep neural function declines and the brain struggles to function.

"The body of the Ofannim is described as being covered with eyes; it is possible that a body covered with real eyes is here meant, or a body with different colours [‘ayin denoting “eye”, but also “color” ]"

How is that not indirect? It can't be both. Apparently the meaning remains hidden from you.

I'll tell the Rambam he should have said connote professor. Will that make you feel any better?

Damn. I'll maka sure that I maka spelling and grammatical errores, in every future post so that; you can hava the magnificent appearance! of farting someting intelligent to say in response*
clearly, you don't know the difference between definition and indirect meaning, denotation and connotation. You claimed it was a denotation but now you say it is indirect so it is apparent that the specific terms elude you. And you cite the same translation which makes the denotative claim and yet say it is indirect. Since the Rambam said neither denote nor connote (and did not say "color" -- the translator did) I'll just chalk this up to your general ignorance and move on. Go have another vision -- maybe this time, you can see a dictionary.
clearly, you don't know the difference between definition and indirect meaning, denotation and connotation. You claimed it was a denotation but now you say it is indirect so it is apparent that the specific terms elude you. And you cite the same translation which makes the denotative claim and yet say it is indirect. Since the Rambam said neither denote nor connote (and did not say "color" -- the translator did) I'll just chalk this up to your general ignorance and move on. Go have another vision -- maybe this time, you can see a dictionary.
I, PERSONALLY, love my delusions and hypnagogic hallucinations. They provide
an insight into that which torments me-----BUT IT AIN'T NO CRYSTAL BALL
I, PERSONALLY, love my delusions and hypnagogic hallucinations. They provide
an insight into that which torments me-----BUT IT AIN'T NO CRYSTAL BALL
well, if that works for you, have fun with it. I guess I just assume that people who write on these forums are native speakers unless they say otherwise. Some people, it seems, are not native speakers so they misuse words because they simply don't know English very well, and that's OK. Connote and denote are not easy to distinguish for non-native speakers I guess.
and that's OK. Connote and denote are not easy to distinguish for non-native speakers I guess.

what would the distinction have to do with whichever language they did speak ... no doubt hobobilum speaks english than native american. from experience w/ past miscommunication. problems.
wrong again-----visions and dreams are not "NOTHING" ----they are the workings of
a BRAIN. The interpretation of dreams and hallucinations is a window into the workings
of a brain-----but they do not constitute a MAGICAL CRYSTAL BALL. The writings of
Ezekiel are sublime but far and away ABOVE your standard jelly bean head
How are they “above my head“?

You are the one confused by them and need to downplay them as if they aren’t important.
Are you telling us it doesn’t belong in the Tanakh? All those super smart Jews felt it was important. But nowadays you need your Talmud university rabbi to interpret it for you?
How are they “above my head“?

You are the one confused by them and need to downplay them as if they aren’t important.
Are you telling us it doesn’t belong in the Tanakh? All those super smart Jews felt it was important. But nowadays you need your Talmud university rabbi to interpret it for you?
I don't down play anything. All writings are important-----even Beowulf.
What I do not do is attribute MAGIC to them. Magic and witchcraft is for
clearly, you don't know the difference between definition and indirect meaning, denotation and connotation. You claimed it was a denotation but now you say it is indirect so it is apparent that the specific terms elude you.

Ugh. To denote is to indicate something. The word for eyes also denotes colors. If it was a direct meaning which is it? Eyes or colors? You already acknowledged that it could be eyes or colors so whats your problem? Wasted a lot of time wondering about the mysterious meaning of wheels covered with eyes? Thats a shame.

If your intention was to discern the truth of this matter you would not have degenerated into some schoolboy who has been spanked too much. You don't seem to have the integrity to even consider the possibility that your "teachers" are wrong about this and the true subject, hidden teaching, in kosher law that actually reflects the Divine wisdom of a benevolent God.

You have dedicated a lot of time trying to bury the subjects. Hows that working out for you?

Trying to appear right by straining at a gnat only proves that you are a coward. Well done!

Go have another vision -- maybe this time, you can see a dictionary.

I speak with God face to face. He told me decades ago that he doesn't give a crap about what you eat or what you wear or the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds and never did.

That may be too much for you to bear. All that spanking for nothing. You have my condolences
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I, PERSONALLY, love my delusions and hypnagogic hallucinations. They provide
an insight into that which torments me-----BUT IT AIN'T NO CRYSTAL BALL
I am sorry to hear that you are in torment, but at least it explains your charming disposition.

Care to elaborate? Maybe I can help. I have CONNECTIONS. I know a guy who knows a guy.

Delusions and hallucinations and torments are no match for good drugs. Do you want some?
Ugh. To denote is to indicate something. The word for eyes also denotes colors. If it was a direct meaning which is it? Eyes or colors? You already acknowledged that it could be eyes or colors so whats your problem? Wasted a lot of time wondering about the mysterious meaning of wheels covered with eyes? Thats a shame.

If your intention was to discern the truth of this matter you would not have degenerated into some schoolboy who has been spanked too much. You don't seem to have the integrity to even consider the possibility that your "teachers" are wrong about this and the true subject, hidden teaching, in kosher law that actually reflects the Divine wisdom of a benevolent God.

You have dedicated a lot of time trying to remain blind. Hows that working out for you?

Trying to appear right by straining at a gnat only proves that you are a coward. Well done!


I speak with God face to face. He told me decades ago that he doesn't give a crap about what you eat or what you wear or the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds and never did.

That may be too much for you to bear. All that spanking for nothing. You have my condolences
that's why these matters get DISCUSSED------and people state their learned
opinions----to wit TALMUD----then other people continue to discuss and
state THEIR learned opinions, HOBIE!!!! YOUR OPINION would probably
not make it into Rambam's commentary------but I read it-----be happy---
I am willing to read your opinion---such as it is
HOBIE!!!! YOUR OPINION would probably
not make it into Rambam's commentary

The Rambam should have learned from his own chapter on the language of the prophets, homonyms, metaphors, analogies, hyperbole, similes, parables, etc., and applied that knowledge to the words of the Divine commands, given by God through Moses, a prophet.

If he was here now he would have slapped his head and exclaimed,"Why didn't I think of that".
I am sorry to hear that you are in torment, but at least it explains your charming disposition.

Care to elaborate? Maybe I can help. I have CONNECTIONS. I know a guy who knows a guy.

Delusions and hallucinations and torments are no match for good drugs. Do you want some?
no thanks-----everyone experiences dreams which is a kind of hallucination and under a bit of stress --Hypnagogic hallucinations. I did have one prolonged
episode of coma followed by a toxic delirium which was FASCINATING but I refuse
LSD and whatever variety of hallucinogenic mushrooms or Fentanyl. The experience was NOT entirely pleasant
The Rambam should have learned from his own chapter on the language of the prophets and applied it to the words used in the Divine commands, given by God through Moses, a prophet.

If he was here now he would have slapped his head and exclaimed,"Why didn't I think of that".
no he wouldn't-----the laws transmitted by Moses are just AND define
a cohesive society-----AND have produced a fascinating cuisine------

So you can keep your thirty pieces of silver and ram it up your snout.

But thanks for helping me to reveal the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate by so generously demonstrating for all to see the terrifying and deeply disturbing death consequent for setting that instruction aside.

You have your reward already!

Mazel tov!
for the record, Hobie, CAMELS ruminate but are not KOSHER
the laws transmitted by Moses are just AND define
a cohesive society-

People can take the law literally and base a society on that but historically that way to interpret and apply the law results in a living hell on earth where people worship a false god who is a capricious and puerile petty tyrant and believers strive to reflect that image and likeness

If people could discern the deeper implication of the same words used and base a society on that there will be peace on earth among all peoples and nations, worshiping a benevolent God

In the beginning God made a lesser light to rule the night and a greater light to rule the day.

I prefer the day.

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