explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

I don't care, I honestly don't. :)

I know this is rude..but its honest rude.

Your religion sucks. I don't trust ANY muslim. Never will.
Of course you don't. To you, I am an infidel and need to be stoned to death because I don't know my place, right? And on my end...you can kiss my lily white american ass.

Already anticipated this canard --- see post 717.

And if your prior post is to be believed that would be your SNOW White American ass.

Snow - flowers... know the difference. :rofl:
Didn't Jews fled to Muslim countries escaping from Iberia and other parts of Europe? They fled to north African counties that happened to be Muslim countries.
Jews lived like normal citizens in those countries, till the creation of Israel and the tensions rose.
I come from Morocco, our king refused to hand the Moroccan Jews and to the French army and then to the Germans. Lot of still live there, some still visit from all over the world and every time im there I see hundreds of them at airport from Israel, with their orthodox clothes. No one bothers them and they having a good time.

I'm a Muslim, my best of fri3nds are Jews, my best man was Jewish....Muslim countries harbored Jews when they fled Europe twice.
Stop your ignorance and don't contaminate others please.

Issa ---your statement is idiotic besides being rude and vulgar and, simply, a parroting of
Islamic revisionist history. "MUSLIM COUNTRIES" harbored jews? There is not a
"muslim country" today that did not have a jewish population BEFORE islam was invented.
Jews were oppressed in EVERY country which was eventually infected with islam. There is
not a muslim country in the world FROM which jews have FLED----or been murdered
I have a brain. The statement "terrorists have hijacked islam" is silly. Read the Koran and learn a bit
about the DEVELOPEMENT of islam in its early years. Did Richard the Lion-hearted "HIJACK" Christianity? How about the Emperor of the FIRST REICH (holy roman empire)....... did CONSTANTINE HIJACK JESUS? Use your brain for something other than PROJECTION
How about you get somewhat closer to this century.

how close? Josef Goebbels and his faithful wife Magda were church going adherent catholics
in good standing-------observant of CANON law as elaborated by JUSTINIAN (grandson of
Emperor of the first Reich--CONSTANTINE)
Wrong wrong and wrong.
Most of us Muslims assimilate just fine, love live and let live. This craziness has too many factors one big one is the interference of world powers in muslim countries.

Iraq was very stable under Saddam, no Isis no chaos, they toppled him and hell break loose.
The west want cheap oil they back puppets and invade countries and they help isis when it's necessary and create a good atmosphere to recruit and brainwash the crazies.
Most of us Muslims we just want to work, take care of our families and enjoy life ad much as we can. No one is craving to me a Virgin in after life but a mental p weer son and those are probably 0.0001%. Just like any other group or religion.

Let's be serious...bombings and invasions will make matters worse.
Isis do recruit and brainwash easily when there is an invasion or agression on a Muslim country. They can't brainwash 1.5 billion Muslims but the few crazies do make too much noise.

Not a find an excuse for the terrorists, but invading Iraq, Afghanistan, distabilizing others created this chaos.
No. Drones believing there are 72 virgins waiting for them in heaven..prolly 10 year old virgins at that..and male...are the ones that create this chaos.

I am being serious. And it looks to me like 1.5 billion are being brainwashed daily. Whether there is aggression or not...muslims will still want their sharia law, treat women like chattel, etc etc etc.

Its a warped religion and it teaches infidels and heathens that don't go along with their warped views, deserve to die.

There are no other religions with suicide bombers killing at the rates and numbers of Islam- not Hindu, not Buddhists, not Jews, not Christians, not atheists,......no one.

You're not fooling anyone with the "lone gunman", or "religious extremists" crap. It's Islam, pure and simple. The only "good Muslims" are non-practicing ones.

There are no "religions" AT ALL doing that shit. But there are lots of morons running around cherrypicking them some false associations so they can make up comic books featuring Captain Fallacy. Apparently because studying complex contexts is just too much work. Lazy-ass motherfucker.
What's the IRA up to these days?
I'm pretty sure they're not slaughtering people, including young girls and children, all over Europe.

Why do you ask?

Prolly because when they were doing that, nobody jumped up and said "this is because they're Christian!"

Britain is no stranger to terrorism and bombings. First time I went there about four decades ago the whole joint was on high alert, due to the IRA. Strangely enough in no corner did I ever hear anyone say anything like "here's the solution --- bomb the Vatican". It would have been absurd.

See what I did there?

"Anthropologist Scott Atran states that since 2004 the overwhelming majority of bombers have been motivated by the ideology of Islamist martyrdom.[10]"

Suicide attack - Wikipedia

See what I did there Pogo?
I destroyed your claim that religion has nothing to do with this attack.
What's the IRA up to these days?
I'm pretty sure they're not slaughtering people, including young girls and children, all over Europe.

Why do you ask?

Prolly because when they were doing that, nobody jumped up and said "this is because they're Christian!"

Britain is no stranger to terrorism and bombings. First time I went there about four decades ago the whole joint was on high alert, due to the IRA. Strangely enough in no corner did I ever hear anyone say anything like "here's the solution --- bomb the Vatican". It would have been absurd.

See what I did there?
Yep, you diverted from the jihadist slaughter of innocent young girls and children last night, again.

Lots of that going on here today.
Not really but no one can deny that things got worse and the US shouldn't have invaded that country.
I agree we should all stand up to terrorism....
Bullying other countries and changing regimes and creating safe heavens for terrorist groups. None existed when Gaddafi was in lybia, right? Saddam, right?
And let's not forget who aided al Qaeda against the USSR and he who financed ISIS at first in Syria.

The Muslim apologists are out in force, tweeting crap like "Muslim taxi drivers are offering free rides", and "Muslim doctors working hard to save lives tonight".

As i have stated many times before, the left will only dig its heels in more every time there is a terror attack. The far left is with Islam 100%, and always will be. The destruction of white, Christian, capitalist West is priority number one, and Islam is the best vehicle for that route.

And those who demand that everyone follow their policies otherwise they'll sling insults at them are out in an even larger force today.

No, the left isn't 100% with Islam, it's 100% with sensible and not being the schoolyard bully. You can justify your bullying as much as you want, but it's still bullying.

There are no bigger bullies than Islamists, although perhaps progressives are a close second.

Everyone should stand up against bullies and hatred, which is why we should all stand against Pisslam.
Ah. so you are a fan of Saddam, eh? No surprise there.

According to our Secretary of War we abandoned Afghanistan and went to Iraq because they had "better targets". Thus spake Don Rumsfeld.

How's that for logic, eh? :rolleyes:
What's the IRA up to these days?
I'm pretty sure they're not slaughtering people, including young girls and children, all over Europe.

Why do you ask?

Prolly because when they were doing that, nobody jumped up and said "this is because they're Christian!"

Britain is no stranger to terrorism and bombings. First time I went there about four decades ago the whole joint was on high alert, due to the IRA. Strangely enough in no corner did I ever hear anyone say anything like "here's the solution --- bomb the Vatican". It would have been absurd.

See what I did there?

"Anthropologist Scott Atran states that since 2004 the overwhelming majority of bombers have been motivated by the ideology of Islamist martyrdom.[10]"

Suicide attack - Wikipedia

See what I did there Pogo?
I destroyed your claim that religion has nothing to do with this attack.

Yeah I see what you did there --- ignored the point and tried to continue the Adventures of Captain Cherrypick.

NOBODY KNOWS the motive for this attack. We just a few hours ago got his NAME. And if we did know you Fallacists would just try to twist it into "religion" anyway, as y'all have been doing since last night, so there's really not even a point in finding out the motives or the people, since y'all Ignorami are just gonna go :lalala: anyway.
Your religion sucks. I don't trust ANY muslim. Never will.
I don't care, I honestly don't. :)
And, bingo.

There you go.

And where is that?
I doubt that I could get you to understand. Or more accurately, get you to admit that you understand.

Soooooo ---- you don't know? Your own point and you don't know?

As I always say, if you can't articulate your point --- you ain't got one.
Everyone should stand up against bullies and hatred, which is why we should all stand against Pisslam.


Thanks. I'm gonna harvest that for my sigline. :lmao:

You're welcome. Islam should be rejected, like Nazism was. I freely admit I am a "bigot", I hate Nazis and Muslims. Islam is the most hateful, violent, and oppressive ideology on the planet. Folks like you that welcome Islam and try to normalize it will go down in history as traitors to humanity.
No I actually admire strong women but not the racist ones, nor the ignorant ones.

I'm not into obese women. But educate yourself. And don't generalise.
Before I moved to the US, every I went (Asia, Europe, Africa) they all stereotype and they say Americans are stupid, ignorant, arrogant, obese....it would've been stupid to believe that would it.
Moved here and yes there are stupid, ignorant and arrogant people...but not all Americans are.
Don't generalise Mr white ass.
That's Mrs BODACIOUS white ass to you, sparky.
Now kiss it again.
Who said I was obese? Oh. wait. I am talking back to "da man" and you don't like that, so therefore..I must be fat? lol. Yer a dweeb. Now go ride your camel like a good boy.
You mean the women who bow and grovel at your feet, right? And since when is islam a race? Methinks you are the ignorant one.

Who said "Islam is a race"?
Didn't Jews fled to Muslim countries escaping from Iberia and other parts of Europe? They fled to north African counties that happened to be Muslim countries.
Jews lived like normal citizens in those countries, till the creation of Israel and the tensions rose.
I come from Morocco, our king refused to hand the Moroccan Jews and to the French army and then to the Germans. Lot of still live there, some still visit from all over the world and every time im there I see hundreds of them at airport from Israel, with their orthodox clothes. No one bothers them and they having a good time.

Actually-----very little. Morocco was one of the least dangerous for jews but was still dangerous.
If you were told that jews were never oppressed in Morocco-----your teachers LIED. In fact
jews were confined to a WALLED GHETTO in Morocco----could not own land and could not
venture out of the prison after sundown. (I have relatives from morocco ---so try not to lie about
it.) Jews were ruled by the FILTH OF DHIMMIA in Morocco and forced to pay Jizya. Do you
understand the stench of Dhimmia? Maimonides fled from Cordoba to Morocco where he was
FORCED with a sword to his throat to convert to the filth of islam------so he fled. Try to learn
some history Moroccans I know tell me that things are getting worse for jews now because
the OLD KING died and his son is a jerk ruled by the filthy mullahs. That king that refused to give
up the jews of morocco is NOW DEAD. There are lots of countries in which the situation for jews
VARIED over time. The Islamic teaching that everything was ok so long as there was no ISRAEL---
is a GROSS LIE. My hubby was born in an Islamic cesspit that ----today MAKES THE SAME CLAIM.
His family began their escape around 1930. Other family members had ESCAPED years before
What's the IRA up to these days?
I'm pretty sure they're not slaughtering people, including young girls and children, all over Europe.

Why do you ask?

Prolly because when they were doing that, nobody jumped up and said "this is because they're Christian!"

Britain is no stranger to terrorism and bombings. First time I went there about four decades ago the whole joint was on high alert, due to the IRA. Strangely enough in no corner did I ever hear anyone say anything like "here's the solution --- bomb the Vatican". It would have been absurd.

See what I did there?

"Anthropologist Scott Atran states that since 2004 the overwhelming majority of bombers have been motivated by the ideology of Islamist martyrdom.[10]"

Suicide attack - Wikipedia

See what I did there Pogo?
I destroyed your claim that religion has nothing to do with this attack.

Yeah I see what you did there --- ignored the point and tried to continue the Adventures of Captain Cherrypick.

NOBODY KNOWS the motive for this attack. We just a few hours ago got his NAME. And if we did know you Fallacists would just try to twist it into "religion" anyway, as y'all have been doing since last night, so there's really not even a point in finding out the motives or the people, since y'all Ignorami are just gonna go :lalala: anyway.
Good, name-calling.

Hey, I think that it's a great idea for you, when innocent young girls and children are slaughtered by hateful, cowardly jihadists, to talk about the IRA and insult people.

You folks prove my point, pretty much every day. So we're good!
Your religion sucks. I don't trust ANY muslim. Never will.
I don't care, I honestly don't. :)
And, bingo.

There you go.

And where is that?
I doubt that I could get you to understand. Or more accurately, get you to admit that you understand.

Soooooo ---- you don't know? Your own point and you don't know?

As I always say, if you can't articulate your point --- you ain't got one.
Great, thanks!
Your religion sucks. I don't trust ANY muslim. Never will.
I don't care, I honestly don't. :)
And, bingo.

There you go.

And where is that?
I doubt that I could get you to understand. Or more accurately, get you to admit that you understand.

He's the garden variety liberal. He has no choice but to defend, deflect, protect Islam and it's followers. He can't admit the truth, that in the world today Islam and it's nutjobs are the problem. All's he's got is to point to the IRA of decades ago, or the Crusades of centuries ago to make the lame claim that Islam is no different.
Your religion sucks. I don't trust ANY muslim. Never will.
I don't care, I honestly don't. :)
And, bingo.

There you go.

And where is that?
I doubt that I could get you to understand. Or more accurately, get you to admit that you understand.

He's the garden variety liberal. He has no choice but to defend, deflect, protect Islam and it's followers. He can't admit the truth, that in the world today Islam and it's nutjobs are the problem. All's he's got is to point to the IRA of decades ago, or the Crusades of centuries ago to make the lame claim that Islam is no different.
No, no, these people are NOT liberal. They're "progressives", that's two different things.

They'll spin and deflect for jihadist slaughters of innocent children, they'll shut down debate in our colleges (of all places), and they'll attack you with everything they have if you dare to disagree with them.

That is NOT liberal.
I find the gloating on here to be nauseating. Children have been killed and you freaks are overjoyed.

"22 dead innocent kids" in the headlines is some people's cue for "oboy! Time to score bigot points on a message board". And they'll climb all over the corpses to do so, simply because "me me me".

Makes me want to puke.

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