explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

British citizens can thank the useless politicians who have allowed those jihadi animals, refugees, and immigrants into their country.....

And blame those citizens who voted in favor of such idiocy.......
Since this was obviously a venue and event that featured a huge crowd, and the fact that this was the anniversary of another attack, how on earth was someone able to get to the entrance area strapped with explosives ?
Since this was obviously a venue and event that featured a huge crowd, and the fact that this was the anniversary of another attack, how on earth was someone able to get to the entrance area strapped with explosives ?

no doubt the security people are reviewing right now
Just like in the USA the police have many of these people under Observation. Yet just like in the USA These people are still roaming free Able to collect explosives pack a backpack Get his hands on A few gross of bolts and nails Wade backwards into the accident crowd and pull the triggerThis guy should have been in a cage They had the Florida shooter Comma Boston bombers Comma Most of these people Under surveillance Yet due to the namby-pamby politicians they're not able to haul the son of a b**** ass off to sing sing Brought to you by Google tap talk I don't care if you can read it or not you get the point
It is becoming clear that the top-down promotion of a hollow ‘togetherness’ in response to terrorism is about cultivating passivity. It is about suppressing strong public feeling. It’s about reducing us to a line of mourners whose only job is to weep for our fellow citizens, not ask why they died, or rage against their dying. The great fear of both officialdom and the media class in the wake of terror attacks is that the volatile masses will turn wild and hateful. This is why every attack is followed by warnings of an ‘Islamophobic backlash’ and heightened policing of speech on Twitter and gatherings in public: because what they fundamentally fear is public passion, our passion. They want us passive, empathetic, upset, not angry, active, questioning. They prefer us as a lonely crowd of dutiful, disconnected mourners rather than a real collective of citizens demanding to know why our fellow citizens died and how we might prevent others from dying. We should stop playing the role they’ve allotted us. After Manchester: it’s time for anger
Manchester terrorist Salman Abedi was the son of Libyan refugees.

sheeeesh ----that's kinda weird-------Libyans used to be not so islam-nutty
------------------------- before someone pipes up and says ALGEBRA let me ask . ---------- What do young libyan muslims or muslims in general have to be proud of especially when they scrounge to get into the Western world eh ?? Over there in England and Europe they live as a despised underclass [their fault] so it only makes sense that they embrace the 'calphate' , islam and its past glories , imo Rosie !!

Now, tell us do you find it funny when court blocks Trump EO that prevent people from terror prone countries to come over? You and like you are enabling these kind of things. Funny eh?

I find it to be justice. That is what our (or my) nation was founded upon: Not bigotry, not assigning quilt based on skin color, ethnicity or creed.

Well then, justice will have blood on her hands, and you, with your misguided feelings about terrorism along with her.

Hey asshole, I have no misguided feelings about terrorism. If had the power, I would not have let Saudis leave the US after 911, and I would not have kissed the ass of saudis as trump did yesterday. I would have sent ordinance into the town of the parents and families of each of the 19 assholes who flew planes into the twin towers and the pentagon, and left nothing but a giant hole in the ground.

So, your solution is to kill innocent people because they happened to live in the same town as a terrorist? And, you're a "sin of the father" kind of guy, because you want to kill the parents and families of people who commit terrorism?

Kind of reactionary, aren't ya?

An eye for and eye. When nothing else works, what is the response? Look how 911 changed life for all of us?

Islam will not police its own, maybe a missile or ten missiles targeted on Mecca would be a better alternative.

I'm glad you're not in charge.
WOW! Is it true that they were not checking people going into the show?! That's a huge story one and two Kansas had to cancel their tour in Europe because it was not deemed safe! If this is so about security being non-existant then Ariana and whoever runs the show have a bunch to answer for! The level of incompetence and arrogance!

I have a better idea. Stop letting terrorists into your country. That way you could go back to going to a concert or walking on a bridge without being murdered. Much more satisfactory than happy Muslims and dead British children. Your children are dead as a direct result of bad judgement on the part of the adults in Manchester. Now you really ARE, Je sius Charlie Hebdo. And your children are being blown to bits thanks to your bizarre ideology.

Muslims kill. British Muslims kill Brits. French Muslims kill French and German Muslims are killing Germans. So, you can have our quota. We are no longer playing that game.
Here's a picture of all of the Muslims out protesting the horrific attack in Manchester, waving placards 'NOT IN MY NAME'

Manchester terrorist Salman Abedi was the son of Libyan refugees.

sheeeesh ----that's kinda weird-------Libyans used to be not so islam-nutty
------------------------- before someone pipes up and says ALGEBRA let me ask . ---------- What do young libyan muslims or muslims in general have to be proud of especially when they scrounge to get into the Western world eh ?? Over there in England and Europe they live as a despised underclass [their fault] so it only makes sense that they embrace the 'calphate' , islam and its past glories , imo Rosie !!

math is HINDU -----all HINDU ------ islam IS CALIPHATE----------it is ALL CALIPHATE----
Muslims have no identity other than CALIPHATE -------- <<< I learned that fact from muslims
It is becoming clear that the top-down promotion of a hollow ‘togetherness’ in response to terrorism is about cultivating passivity. It is about suppressing strong public feeling. It’s about reducing us to a line of mourners whose only job is to weep for our fellow citizens, not ask why they died, or rage against their dying. The great fear of both officialdom and the media class in the wake of terror attacks is that the volatile masses will turn wild and hateful. This is why every attack is followed by warnings of an ‘Islamophobic backlash’ and heightened policing of speech on Twitter and gatherings in public: because what they fundamentally fear is public passion, our passion. They want us passive, empathetic, upset, not angry, active, questioning. They prefer us as a lonely crowd of dutiful, disconnected mourners rather than a real collective of citizens demanding to know why our fellow citizens died and how we might prevent others from dying. We should stop playing the role they’ve allotted us. After Manchester: it’s time for anger
Yep. Vigil already arranged for 6pm and warnings from police already received.
It is becoming clear that the top-down promotion of a hollow ‘togetherness’ in response to terrorism is about cultivating passivity. It is about suppressing strong public feeling. It’s about reducing us to a line of mourners whose only job is to weep for our fellow citizens, not ask why they died, or rage against their dying. The great fear of both officialdom and the media class in the wake of terror attacks is that the volatile masses will turn wild and hateful. This is why every attack is followed by warnings of an ‘Islamophobic backlash’ and heightened policing of speech on Twitter and gatherings in public: because what they fundamentally fear is public passion, our passion. They want us passive, empathetic, upset, not angry, active, questioning. They prefer us as a lonely crowd of dutiful, disconnected mourners rather than a real collective of citizens demanding to know why our fellow citizens died and how we might prevent others from dying. We should stop playing the role they’ve allotted us. After Manchester: it’s time for anger
Yep. Vigil already arranged for 6pm and warnings from police already received.[/QUOTE

the IMAMS will show up --------dressed in costume
Too many brainwashed idiots are afraid of being called racists, they'd rather be dead than be called a racist, thats the insanity of Political Correctness for you :cuckoo:

People have a phobia of offending Moslems. I don't have this phobia. You don't either.

Not just Muslims, I have no phobia and I don't give a crap who I offend, if they don't like it they can fuck off and get a Safe Space and I'll buy them some Play Doh and crayons.

No, you don't have a phobia. A "phobia" is an irrational fear. There is nothing irrational about fearing Islam.

I don't even have a phobia, I don't FEAR Islam, I HATE Islam, I'm not afraid of it, I hate it.

It's not compatible with Western values, it's the only religion that hasn't adapted for the contemporary times, Christianity has modernised, Judaism has modernised, Islam is still as it was when it was vomited up in the 7th Century by the Paedophile Mohammed.

Many Muslims in the West might dress in Western type clothing, except for the women who are basically just treated lower down the social scale than a dog, but many of the Muslim men in the West might dress in Western type clothing but their minds are in the 7th Century thanks to the brainwashing they get from The Qur'an, where they are taught to emulate the Paedophile Mohammed who is considered in Islam The Ideal Man who they should emulate.

Why should any of us LIKE Islam when Islam preaches that we Infidels either have to submit to the Will of Allah or face the sword?

And how many westerners are compatible with "western values"?

I don't like Islam, and I don't like Christianity, but if someone wants to believe some fairy story or other I'm not going to stop them.

However there are plenty of people all over who wouldn't live up to "western values", take gay marriage in the US, how many oppose this because of their religion?

Since when is the "gay marriage" a western value?
One Twitter account posted a threat to Manchester four hours before the blast

Read more: ISIS fans celebrate Manchester attack on Twitter | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

and twitter did nothing......no warning .......nothing......patriots are going to have to develop their own moniitoring bots or networks

I disagree. That can only be bad. Keep the internet free.

Better yet to put pressure, real pressure, on all of Islam and to restrict their movements globally.
Whats wrong with patriots doing their own monitoring.....no speech or corp is infringed on or forced to do anything

I prefer that it stay free.
One Twitter account posted a threat to Manchester four hours before the blast

Read more: ISIS fans celebrate Manchester attack on Twitter | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

and twitter did nothing......no warning .......nothing......patriots are going to have to develop their own moniitoring bots or networks

I disagree. That can only be bad. Keep the internet free.

Better yet to put pressure, real pressure, on all of Islam and to restrict their movements globally.
Whats wrong with patriots doing their own monitoring.....no speech or corp is infringed on or forced to do anything

I prefer that it stay free.
Once more s l o w l y .....nothing suggested infringes on their freedom...... what is clear is twitter doesnt give a damn about violence

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