explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Perhaps they wouldn't have attacked if we had raised the minimum wage or had more gun control.
22 dead 119 injured..........the innocent young who arent old enoughh to understand and participate pay for the sins of the old


Now, tell us do you find it funny when court blocks Trump EO that prevent people from terror prone countries to come over? You and like you are enabling these kind of things. Funny eh?

I find it to be justice. That is what our (or my) nation was founded upon: Not bigotry, not assigning quilt based on skin color, ethnicity or creed.

Well then, justice will have blood on her hands, and you, with your misguided feelings about terrorism along with her.

Hey asshole, I have no misguided feelings about terrorism. If had the power, I would not have let Saudis leave the US after 911, and I would not have kissed the ass of saudis as trump did yesterday. I would have sent ordinance into the town of the parents and families of each of the 19 assholes who flew planes into the twin towers and the pentagon, and left nothing but a giant hole in the ground.

So, your solution is to kill innocent people because they happened to live in the same town as a terrorist? And, you're a "sin of the father" kind of guy, because you want to kill the parents and families of people who commit terrorism?

Kind of reactionary, aren't ya?

An eye for and eye. When nothing else works, what is the response? Look how 911 changed life for all of us?

Islam will not police its own, maybe a missile or ten missiles targeted on Mecca would be a better alternative.
The DILEMMA of our age is ----HOW DOES ONE PUT A STOP TO SUCCESS? Muslims have
had GREAT SUCCESS over the past 1400 years utilizing TERROR. They built huge
empires on ----Murder, Rape, Pillage, Oppression and Exploitation

cheer up folks-------maybe TRUMP has the answer---------how to win without raping and murdering ????
One Twitter account posted a threat to Manchester four hours before the blast

Read more: ISIS fans celebrate Manchester attack on Twitter | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

and twitter did nothing......no warning .......nothing......patriots are going to have to develop their own moniitoring bots or networks

I disagree. That can only be bad. Keep the internet free.

Better yet to put pressure, real pressure, on all of Islam and to restrict their movements globally.

Now, tell us do you find it funny when court blocks Trump EO that prevent people from terror prone countries to come over? You and like you are enabling these kind of things. Funny eh?

I find it to be justice. That is what our (or my) nation was founded upon: Not bigotry, not assigning quilt based on skin color, ethnicity or creed.

Well then, justice will have blood on her hands, and you, with your misguided feelings about terrorism along with her.

Hey asshole, I have no misguided feelings about terrorism. If had the power, I would not have let Saudis leave the US after 911, and I would not have kissed the ass of saudis as trump did yesterday. I would have sent ordinance into the town of the parents and families of each of the 19 assholes who flew planes into the twin towers and the pentagon, and left nothing but a giant hole in the ground.

So, your solution is to kill innocent people because they happened to live in the same town as a terrorist? And, you're a "sin of the father" kind of guy, because you want to kill the parents and families of people who commit terrorism?

Kind of reactionary, aren't ya?

An eye for and eye. When nothing else works, what is the response? Look how 911 changed life for all of us?

Islam will not police its own, maybe a missile or ten missiles targeted on Mecca would be a better alternative.

DILEMMA -------in ancient times they consulted the oracle at Delphi-------and even
then------there was a RIDDLE
One Twitter account posted a threat to Manchester four hours before the blast

Read more: ISIS fans celebrate Manchester attack on Twitter | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

and twitter did nothing......no warning .......nothing......patriots are going to have to develop their own moniitoring bots or networks

I disagree. That can only be bad. Keep the internet free.

Better yet to put pressure, real pressure, on all of Islam and to restrict their movements globally.
Whats wrong with patriots doing their own monitoring.....no speech or corp is infringed on or forced to do anything

MULTIPLE CONFIRMED FATALITIES at Manchester Arena. The last time I listened to Ariana Grande I almost died too.

— David Leavitt (@David_Leavitt) May 22, 2017
One Twitter account posted a threat to Manchester four hours before the blast

Read more: ISIS fans celebrate Manchester attack on Twitter | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

and twitter did nothing......no warning .......nothing......patriots are going to have to develop their own moniitoring bots or networks

I disagree. That can only be bad. Keep the internet free.

Better yet to put pressure, real pressure, on all of Islam and to restrict their movements globally.
Whats wrong with patriots doing their own monitoring.....no speech or corp is infringed on or forced to do anything

It is better to know------free speech out of the mouths of jihadist dogs------helps the cops ferret them out
The DILEMMA of our age is ----HOW DOES ONE PUT A STOP TO SUCCESS? Muslims have
had GREAT SUCCESS over the past 1400 years utilizing TERROR. They built huge
empires on ----Murder, Rape, Pillage, Oppression and Exploitation

cheer up folks-------maybe TRUMP has the answer---------how to win without raping and murdering ????

He does. Its called banning Muslims from Western society. No wars necessary.
One Twitter account posted a threat to Manchester four hours before the blast

Read more: ISIS fans celebrate Manchester attack on Twitter | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

and twitter did nothing......no warning .......nothing......patriots are going to have to develop their own moniitoring bots or networks

I disagree. That can only be bad. Keep the internet free.

Better yet to put pressure, real pressure, on all of Islam and to restrict their movements globally.
Whats wrong with patriots doing their own monitoring.....no speech or corp is infringed on or forced to do anything

It is better to know------free speech out of the mouths of jihadist dogs------helps the cops ferret them out
and this would not prevent that.......
One Twitter account posted a threat to Manchester four hours before the blast

Read more: ISIS fans celebrate Manchester attack on Twitter | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

and twitter did nothing......no warning .......nothing......patriots are going to have to develop their own moniitoring bots or networks

I disagree. That can only be bad. Keep the internet free.

Better yet to put pressure, real pressure, on all of Islam and to restrict their movements globally.
Whats wrong with patriots doing their own monitoring.....no speech or corp is infringed on or forced to do anything

It is better to know------free speech out of the mouths of jihadist dogs------helps the cops ferret them out
and this would not prevent that.......

oh----I thought the issue was getting muslims out of the SOCIAL NETWORK things----like suspending
their accounts -------I am against it for security reasons

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