explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

I don't know about you, but I'm not going to be a victim in USA. I'm voting out politicians who don't take terror seriously.
"There's only one way Britain should respond to attacks such as Manchester. That is by carrying on exactly as before" - The UK Independent

Yeah that'll fix it
8 yr old Saffie Rose killed
May she rest in peace
And, another known individual-

Authorities said the suspect is known to them, but wouldn’t release further details….

Confirmed, it's a Muslim.

Salman Abedi.

Every single Islamic Terrorist Attack in a Western nation the perpetrators have all been known to the authorities, is it any wonder there are Conspiracy Theorists on this?

The situation is if they are already known to the authorities why are they still on the street? They should be taken off the street immediately and away from all humanity.

If you have a rabid dog then what do you do? Yes that's what you do.

They CAN'T do something without the very hardest evidence of immediate danger, because otherwise they will be accused of racial profiling and destroyed by the Left.

So, the government just lets known bad actors roam the streets because they are not allowed to deport people just because they are the enemies of society and the nation.
Kids still not found, from twitter-

Look at these faces Tommy... Be sure to let the families know that it was you, and yours who held the door open for their killer. Be sure to assuage their families sorrow, with the knowledge that their kids should die rather than hurt the feelings of foreigners, who would inavde their country. Remember their faces every time you pat yourself on the back for being such a "tolerant" fellow. Easy to do isn't it? Especially when you're letting others pay the price...

Leftist Extremists love it when White people die, especially White women of child bearing age or approaching child bearing age, it's also why they are so fanatically pro-Abortion on Demand, just let the babies be killed In Utero, who cares as long as they're dead.

We even have threads posted here frequently from a few Leftist Extremists where they celebrate their insane fantasy that by the year 2060 or something the White population of the world will be 5% or some horsecrap like that.

They use this as the excuse for why ONLY Western nations need to mass import Kebabs and Jungle Bunnies ie. Open Borders-No Borders, because "Whites aren't breeding enough to replace the Whites who are dying each year"

Population Replacement is what educated people refer to it as. The Leftist Extremists don't think we know....but we know and the Leftist Extremists will lose because their very DNA is the DNA of losers.
And, another known individual-

Authorities said the suspect is known to them, but wouldn’t release further details….

Confirmed, it's a Muslim.

Salman Abedi.

Every single Islamic Terrorist Attack in a Western nation the perpetrators have all been known to the authorities, is it any wonder there are Conspiracy Theorists on this?

The situation is if they are already known to the authorities why are they still on the street? They should be taken off the street immediately and away from all humanity.

If you have a rabid dog then what do you do? Yes that's what you do.

They CAN'T do something without the very hardest evidence of immediate danger, because otherwise they will be accused of racial profiling and destroyed by the Left.

So, the government just lets known bad actors roam the streets because they are not allowed to deport people just because they are the enemies of society and the nation.

"They CAN'T do something without the very hardest evidence of immediate danger, because otherwise they will be accused of racial profiling and destroyed by the Left."

The Left need destroying. Fuck Political Correctness.

The choice is simple, it's not rocket science:

Do you want to live or do you want to die? Do you want to live and be called a racist or do you want to die because at least you never got called a racist?

The choice is easy: CHOOSE LIFE and get the wastes of human skin off the streets and deal with them like you deal with rabid dogs.
And, another known individual-

Authorities said the suspect is known to them, but wouldn’t release further details….

Confirmed, it's a Muslim.

Salman Abedi.

Every single Islamic Terrorist Attack in a Western nation the perpetrators have all been known to the authorities, is it any wonder there are Conspiracy Theorists on this?

The situation is if they are already known to the authorities why are they still on the street? They should be taken off the street immediately and away from all humanity.

If you have a rabid dog then what do you do? Yes that's what you do.

They CAN'T do something without the very hardest evidence of immediate danger, because otherwise they will be accused of racial profiling and destroyed by the Left.

So, the government just lets known bad actors roam the streets because they are not allowed to deport people just because they are the enemies of society and the nation.

"They CAN'T do something without the very hardest evidence of immediate danger, because otherwise they will be accused of racial profiling and destroyed by the Left."

The Left need destroying. Fuck Political Correctness.

The choice is simple, it's not rocket science:

Do you want to live or do you want to die? Do you want to live and be called a racist or do you want to die because at least you never got called a racist?

The choice is easy: CHOOSE LIFE.

Trump won the election promising a Muslim Ban.

He tried to give us a fairly weak one.

And was stopped by the Deep State.
And, another known individual-

Authorities said the suspect is known to them, but wouldn’t release further details….

Confirmed, it's a Muslim.

Salman Abedi.

Every single Islamic Terrorist Attack in a Western nation the perpetrators have all been known to the authorities, is it any wonder there are Conspiracy Theorists on this?

The situation is if they are already known to the authorities why are they still on the street? They should be taken off the street immediately and away from all humanity.

If you have a rabid dog then what do you do? Yes that's what you do.

They CAN'T do something without the very hardest evidence of immediate danger, because otherwise they will be accused of racial profiling and destroyed by the Left.

So, the government just lets known bad actors roam the streets because they are not allowed to deport people just because they are the enemies of society and the nation.

"They CAN'T do something without the very hardest evidence of immediate danger, because otherwise they will be accused of racial profiling and destroyed by the Left."

The Left need destroying. Fuck Political Correctness.

The choice is simple, it's not rocket science:

Do you want to live or do you want to die? Do you want to live and be called a racist or do you want to die because at least you never got called a racist?

The choice is easy: CHOOSE LIFE.

Trump won the election promising a Muslim Ban.

He tried to give us a fairly weak one.

And was stopped by the Deep State.

Yes because they want you dead that's why. That's why Trump's Muslim ban was stopped.
"There's only one way Britain should respond to attacks such as Manchester. That is by carrying on exactly as before" - The UK Independent

Yeah that'll fix it

Well, it's not about "fixing" it. It's about showing the terrorists that you won't alter your lifestyle because of them. Grande, by cancelling her tour, has shown them that there are rewards to terrorism. Had she stood firm, and said the tour will go on as scheduled, I would be much more proud of her. It takes a real coward to run in the face of islamic terrorism. Thank God our troops aren't cowards.

The terrorists are there to terrorize. If you show them that you aren't scared and will go on with life, then they lose. If you show them you are scared, they win. You want them to win?
One witness account, from the guardian, how horrific-

Abby Mullen, from the town of Airdrie in North Lanarkshire, Scotland, wrote on Facebook that she had left “seconds” before the show finished in the hope of skipping the queue for a taxi. The blast went off metres in front of her.

Mullen posted graphic images of blood in her hair.

“That sound, the blood and those who were running around clueless with body parts and bits of skin missing will not be leaving my mind any time soon or the minds of those involved ...,” she wrote.
I totally get your point, but that being said, how would she deal with it if anything happened again.
"There's only one way Britain should respond to attacks such as Manchester. That is by carrying on exactly as before" - The UK Independent

Yeah that'll fix it

Well, it's not about "fixing" it. It's about showing the terrorists that you won't alter your lifestyle because of them. Grande, by cancelling her tour, has shown them that there are rewards to terrorism. Had she stood firm, and said the tour will go on as scheduled, I would be much more proud of her. It takes a real coward to run in the face of islamic terrorism. Thank God our troops aren't cowards.
"There's only one way Britain should respond to attacks such as Manchester. That is by carrying on exactly as before" - The UK Independent

Yeah that'll fix it

Well, it's not about "fixing" it. It's about showing the terrorists that you won't alter your lifestyle because of them. Grande, by cancelling her tour, has shown them that there are rewards to terrorism. Had she stood firm, and said the tour will go on as scheduled, I would be much more proud of her. It takes a real coward to run in the face of islamic terrorism. Thank God our troops aren't cowards.

"It takes a real coward to run in the face of islamic terrorism."

What more of a coward than blows up children out having a good time?


Now, tell us do you find it funny when court blocks Trump EO that prevent people from terror prone countries to come over? You and like you are enabling these kind of things. Funny eh?

I find it to be justice. That is what our (or my) nation was founded upon: Not bigotry, not assigning quilt based on skin color, ethnicity or creed.

Well then, justice will have blood on her hands, and you, with your misguided feelings about terrorism along with her.

Hey asshole, I have no misguided feelings about terrorism. If had the power, I would not have let Saudis leave the US after 911, and I would not have kissed the ass of saudis as trump did yesterday. I would have sent ordinance into the town of the parents and families of each of the 19 assholes who flew planes into the twin towers and the pentagon, and left nothing but a giant hole in the ground.

How exactly Trump kissed their asses?
And I wonder who would strap on explosives? Hindu's?

Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

Oh go to hell Pogo, I mean really, please just go away.

Hey it's my gig here --- expose the fallacies. Pose questions that cannot be answered without admitting the poster only got there through fallacy.

Don't like it? Then stop posting fucking fallacies and start posting rational thought.

Tall order.

Oh and by the way ---- Google "Manchester bombing" and notice what comes up big on the sidebar --- a big bombing there in 1996. Responsibility attributed to the Provisional Irish Republican Army.

Member all that buzz demanding to know what religion the IRA followed, and pinning the act on the religion instead of the politics?

Yeah I don't either.

Again --- don't like having your simplistic fallacies exposed? Don't commit them in the first place.

You mean communists? The Official IRA were marxists...

No, I mean whatever their "religion" was.

IRA bombs --- nobody brings up "religion".

An unknown bombs --- "nuke a billion people".

Humans are pretty fucked up, huh?

The IRA was and Independence movement.....and as I just pointed out....a large part of that group were marxists....
"There's only one way Britain should respond to attacks such as Manchester. That is by carrying on exactly as before" - The UK Independent

Yeah that'll fix it

Well, it's not about "fixing" it. It's about showing the terrorists that you won't alter your lifestyle because of them. Grande, by cancelling her tour, has shown them that there are rewards to terrorism. Had she stood firm, and said the tour will go on as scheduled, I would be much more proud of her. It takes a real coward to run in the face of islamic terrorism. Thank God our troops aren't cowards.

The terrorists are there to terrorize. If you show them that you aren't scared and will go on with life, then they lose. If you show them you are scared, they win. You want them to win?

The America hating singer has suspended the tour, it was not canceled.
Yes, religions tend to be bullies, Blasphemy seems to have come through Judaism to Christianity, and then in modern times Islam has used it too, as the Koran doesn't punish blasphemy.

Blasphemy is "do what we tell you and think how we tell you to think or we'll beat you up, or kill you". Ireland threatened to charge Stephen Fry with Blasphemy recently.

So, Islamic right wing extremists are the same as any other right wing extreme of any other religion, or non-religion.

For you to put Islam ahead and the "progressives" next seems to be nothing more than what is convenient for you. I disagree with your classification of the worst, however such people exist in all parts of life, left wing, right wing, religious, non-religious etc. It's a thing PEOPLE do, not just particular groups.

WTF are you blabbering about? Blasphemy? Muslims are literally blowing kids up and you're here whining about Judaism and Christianity and claiming everyone else is just as bad.

You're obviously one of the ones that wants to just keep your head firmly planted in the ground.

Terrorists are blowing kids up. Terrorists who have hijacked a religion. They don't actually represent Islam; they just say they do.They are warped and have a warped interpretation of Islam. If you can't understand that, you haven't got a brain.

I have a brain. The statement "terrorists have hijacked islam" is silly. Read the Koran and learn a bit
about the DEVELOPEMENT of islam in its early years. Did Richard the Lion-hearted "HIJACK" Christianity? How about the Emperor of the FIRST REICH (holy roman empire)....... did CONSTANTINE HIJACK JESUS? Use your brain for something other than PROJECTION
I live in a Muslim country. Have been here for 6 years. Before that I spent 4 years in two other Muslim countries. I work with and am surrounded by Muslims all day. You are ignorant. Obviously narrow minded and foolish. Terrorists are terrorists. A miniscule proportion of the entire 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. The Koran doesn't promote violence any more than the Bible does. You are stupid and ignorant and bigoted. Sad to be you.

As well, you obviously know nothing about the 'DEVELOPMENT OF THE BIBLE IN IT'S EARLY YEARS,' LOL


you are so fucking stupid it hurts. There are hundreds of violent texts about killing all non muslims in the koran. Have you seen Europe lately? They are taking over you stupid fuck- praying in the streets, killing, beheading, suicide bombing. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

yeah but they are not ALL doing that-------some are home, beating their wives and others are
out--------raping kaffirin..... and other are yelling "ENEMEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM" in the
"There's only one way Britain should respond to attacks such as Manchester. That is by carrying on exactly as before" - The UK Independent

Yeah that'll fix it

Well, it's not about "fixing" it. It's about showing the terrorists that you won't alter your lifestyle because of them. Grande, by cancelling her tour, has shown them that there are rewards to terrorism. Had she stood firm, and said the tour will go on as scheduled, I would be much more proud of her. It takes a real coward to run in the face of islamic terrorism. Thank God our troops aren't cowards.

The terrorists are there to terrorize. If you show them that you aren't scared and will go on with life, then they lose. If you show them you are scared, they win. You want them to win?
Wrong! It's about retaliation. It's about hitting back so hard that merely thinking of commiting an act such as this sickens the stomach, and withers the soul. The retaliation should be so daunting that that Muslims would tear themselves apart to put anyone even remotely suspected of harboring such thoughts to the sword. A revenge so dreadful, that the Muslims would police their own with the same vigor that their jihadis bring to bear. That is the answer...

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