explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

When are authorities ever going to just round up all the people on their "terror watch list" and deport their asses? How many kids have to die?

The fear of offending Moslems is greater than the desire to protect our children. I have no such fear.

Jeremy Corbyn preaching how we should all come together, and not let it divide us. No suggestion of how to rid ourselves of this scourge.

And he's running for Prime Minister.

Something has to change.

Like you said, the fear of offending Moslems.
I thought Theresa May was for stronger immigration laws, to not let in every Tom, Dick, and Harry.
Calm down folks, teresa may said "The terrorists will never win and our values, our country and our way of life will always prevail."

This is what britain has for leadership today. Her way of life is dead and she's too stupid to know this and that she's part of the problem This is why we voted for Trump. We still have a chance to stop that insanity from happening here.
Last edited:
Yes, religions tend to be bullies, Blasphemy seems to have come through Judaism to Christianity, and then in modern times Islam has used it too, as the Koran doesn't punish blasphemy.

Blasphemy is "do what we tell you and think how we tell you to think or we'll beat you up, or kill you". Ireland threatened to charge Stephen Fry with Blasphemy recently.

So, Islamic right wing extremists are the same as any other right wing extreme of any other religion, or non-religion.

For you to put Islam ahead and the "progressives" next seems to be nothing more than what is convenient for you. I disagree with your classification of the worst, however such people exist in all parts of life, left wing, right wing, religious, non-religious etc. It's a thing PEOPLE do, not just particular groups.

WTF are you blabbering about? Blasphemy? Muslims are literally blowing kids up and you're here whining about Judaism and Christianity and claiming everyone else is just as bad.

You're obviously one of the ones that wants to just keep your head firmly planted in the ground.

Terrorists are blowing kids up. Terrorists who have hijacked a religion. They don't actually represent Islam; they just say they do.They are warped and have a warped interpretation of Islam. If you can't understand that, you haven't got a brain.

I have a brain. The statement "terrorists have hijacked islam" is silly. Read the Koran and learn a bit
about the DEVELOPEMENT of islam in its early years. Did Richard the Lion-hearted "HIJACK" Christianity? How about the Emperor of the FIRST REICH (holy roman empire)....... did CONSTANTINE HIJACK JESUS? Use your brain for something other than PROJECTION
I live in a Muslim country. Have been here for 6 years. Before that I spent 4 years in two other Muslim countries. I work with and am surrounded by Muslims all day. You are ignorant. Obviously narrow minded and foolish. Terrorists are terrorists. A miniscule proportion of the entire 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. The Koran doesn't promote violence any more than the Bible does. You are stupid and ignorant and bigoted. Sad to be you.

As well, you obviously know nothing about the 'DEVELOPMENT OF THE BIBLE IN IT'S EARLY YEARS,' LOL


Obviously if you are in an all Muslim country they would seem "normal". Next time you meet a new Muslim, tell them you are a Jew. See how civilized they are then.

I know Muslims who wouldn't care what you are, they wouldn't ask. Of course she's educated.
The Muslim apologists are out in force, tweeting crap like "Muslim taxi drivers are offering free rides", and "Muslim doctors working hard to save lives tonight".

As i have stated many times before, the left will only dig its heels in more every time there is a terror attack. The far left is with Islam 100%, and always will be. The destruction of white, Christian, capitalist West is priority number one, and Islam is the best vehicle for that route.

And those who demand that everyone follow their policies otherwise they'll sling insults at them are out in an even larger force today.

No, the left isn't 100% with Islam, it's 100% with sensible and not being the schoolyard bully. You can justify your bullying as much as you want, but it's still bullying.

There are no bigger bullies than Islamists, although perhaps progressives are a close second.

Everyone should stand up against bullies and hatred, which is why we should all stand against Pisslam.

Yes, religions tend to be bullies, Blasphemy seems to have come through Judaism to Christianity, and then in modern times Islam has used it too, as the Koran doesn't punish blasphemy.

Blasphemy is "do what we tell you and think how we tell you to think or we'll beat you up, or kill you". Ireland threatened to charge Stephen Fry with Blasphemy recently.

So, Islamic right wing extremists are the same as any other right wing extreme of any other religion, or non-religion.

For you to put Islam ahead and the "progressives" next seems to be nothing more than what is convenient for you. I disagree with your classification of the worst, however such people exist in all parts of life, left wing, right wing, religious, non-religious etc. It's a thing PEOPLE do, not just particular groups.

WTF are you blabbering about? Blasphemy? Muslims are literally blowing kids up and you're here whining about Judaism and Christianity and claiming everyone else is just as bad.

You're obviously one of the ones that wants to just keep your head firmly planted in the ground.


The non ignorant and the awake among us know where this is heading with our peoples ie. The Christian West vs Islam, where it headed in previous times, history is on course to repeat itself.


Pope Urban II preached The First Crusade (1095-1099) at The Council of Clermont on November 27th 1095, which was the official starting point of The First Crusade, Pope Urban II at the end of his speech told those gathered "Deus vult" (God Wills it)

The most famous illustration of Pope Urban II preaching The First Crusade at The Council of Clermont, is the illustration by Jean Colombe * which appears in Sébastien Mamerot's "Les Passages D'Outremer: A Chronicle of the Crusades" (1495)

Jean Colombe was a French Miniaturist and illuminator of manuscripts, he's more famously known for his work in The Limbourg Brothers "Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry" (1412-1416) which itself has a fascinating and dramatic history:

Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry - Wikipedia

Here is the Jean Colombe illustration from Sébastien Mamerot's crusader chronicle, it's a spectacularly vulgar work from an aesthetic perspective.


So the sooner the better, lets get this show on the road.

Of course The Anti Pope that Heretic Francis must fuck off back to Hell and then we can have a Christian Pope who doesn't suck the dick of Islam and then it'll be time for the show to begin, the final one this time, Number Ten:



Just proof that religion sucks balls.
When are authorities ever going to just round up all the people on their "terror watch list" and deport their asses? How many kids have to die?

The fear of offending Moslems is greater than the desire to protect our children. I have no such fear.

Jeremy Corbyn preaching how we should all come together, and not let it divide us. No suggestion of how to rid ourselves of this scourge.

And he's running for Prime Minister.

Something has to change.

Like you said, the fear of offending Moslems.

The British will not elect Jeremy Corbyn, he's got a long record of supporting terrorist groups including the IRA, he's also a Marxist.

Theresa May is no Margaret Thatcher but she and the Conservative Party are going to win the British election in a landslide, the British are not that idiotic that they will vote Labour and many Labour voters will probably vote for Theresa May.

It could be a landslide like Margaret Thatcher had against that other Far Left Extremist what was his name, he looked like he had slept in his clothes and had spectacles and white hair.
Ariana Grande hopes fans will all die: Full disclosure in FAKE blood 3 years later.
From Sep 2014, text apppended May 2017:

Ariana Grande, same as almost every other icon created for the human cattle:
designed from scratch, starting with how she was named.
Script includes "stealing songs and videos": sued for music copyright over her track One Last Time; Australian band Safia accused Ariana Grande of ripping off their video.
The "One Last Time" line is also a joke about human cattle fed with "hit songs" that could as well be generated by software: not only the same the chorus but also the same lyrics.

No limits to illuminati scripts:
Illuminati jokes confirming that "teen idol Ariana Grande" is in fact casted in the agenda "generate hatred against non-whites and mixed people in particular". Released Sep 2014:
Ariana Grande, 'overheard saying she hoped her fans would all f***ing die'.

Added May 2017:
What exactly was "Ariana's hope" line about: fully disclosed May 2017 at Manchester, in yet another episode of the this series: FAKE BLOOD in "public", which started 2013, at the Boston Marathon.

Ariana Grande at the big arena: bomb at teen idol's concert:
How it was staged: End Times Reductionism: all you need to explain:
Same suggestion technique as at Boston Marathon 2013 milestone to suggest that "it can't be fake because thousands witnessed it".

Aug 2016 - Ariana Grande is 'sued for music copyright' over her track One Last Time
Songwriter Alex Greggs says her David Guetta tune One Last Time has the same chorus as his EDM tune, Takes All Night, which he wrote for Skye Stevens.
According to entertainment website TMZ, Alex Greggs says Ariana Grande copied his music as well as lyrics like "take(s) [or taking] you home".
Alex Greggs has worked with the likes of Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake and Michael Jackson in the past.
Australian band Safia accused Ariana Grande of ripping off their video last year.
The trio suggested on Facebook that similarities between the US star's clip for One Last Time and their song You Are The One "might just be a coincidence".
Ariana Grande is 'sued for music copyright' over her track One Last Time

18 Sep 2014 - Ariana Grande 'overheard saying she hoped her fans would all f***ing die':
Ariana Grande 'said she hoped her fans would all f***ing die' | Daily Mail Online

Boston marathon bombings milestones: from "public" fake blood staged only with actors in public to manhunt for perfectly integrated aliens
It was the first episode :
1. only with actors suposedly staged in public. Reality: staged after almost all runners had finished race and the few remaining were previously barred from entering the arrival area.
2. preparing martial law by simulating a manhunt, large urban areas in lockdown, everyone controlled by neo-Gestapo
3. where impostor impersonating Putin played the main role in convincing the audience that a "terrorist attack" staged with actors is reality.
4. "perfectly integrated" muslim suddenly turns into a terrorist (younger Tsarnaev).
The script has fully integrated teen Dzhokhar Tsarnaev dying later: following his brother yet to be sentenced to death.
The psy-op is part of setting thes stage for mass internments in extermination camps for just being "an alien".
5. anyone ("joker" Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a minor at the time of the "crime") sentenced to death for any "crime" (Dzhokhar was only following orders from his older cruel, dominating brother).
Illuminati Milestones: Boston marathon bombings: from all actors suggesting "in public" to start of psy-ops targeting "perfectly integrated"

All in Blog
Illuminati Icons: Ariana Grande hopes fans will all die - for dummies 2014. 2017: Climax at Manchester

It wasn't the Mossad disguised as Muslims disguised as White Guys disguised as Arianne Grande fans disguised as...?

"It wasn't the Mossad disguised as Muslims disguised as White Guys disguised as Arianne Grande fans disguised as...?"

Amish of course :smoke:
There are no bigger bullies than Islamists, although perhaps progressives are a close second.

Everyone should stand up against bullies and hatred, which is why we should all stand against Pisslam.

Yes, religions tend to be bullies, Blasphemy seems to have come through Judaism to Christianity, and then in modern times Islam has used it too, as the Koran doesn't punish blasphemy.

Blasphemy is "do what we tell you and think how we tell you to think or we'll beat you up, or kill you". Ireland threatened to charge Stephen Fry with Blasphemy recently.

So, Islamic right wing extremists are the same as any other right wing extreme of any other religion, or non-religion.

For you to put Islam ahead and the "progressives" next seems to be nothing more than what is convenient for you. I disagree with your classification of the worst, however such people exist in all parts of life, left wing, right wing, religious, non-religious etc. It's a thing PEOPLE do, not just particular groups.

WTF are you blabbering about? Blasphemy? Muslims are literally blowing kids up and you're here whining about Judaism and Christianity and claiming everyone else is just as bad.

You're obviously one of the ones that wants to just keep your head firmly planted in the ground.

Terrorists are blowing kids up. Terrorists who have hijacked a religion. They don't actually represent Islam; they just say they do.They are warped and have a warped interpretation of Islam. If you can't understand that, you haven't got a brain.

I have a brain. The statement "terrorists have hijacked islam" is silly. Read the Koran and learn a bit
about the DEVELOPEMENT of islam in its early years. Did Richard the Lion-hearted "HIJACK" Christianity? How about the Emperor of the FIRST REICH (holy roman empire)....... did CONSTANTINE HIJACK JESUS? Use your brain for something other than PROJECTION
I live in a Muslim country. Have been here for 6 years. Before that I spent 4 years in two other Muslim countries. I work with and am surrounded by Muslims all day. You are ignorant. Obviously narrow minded and foolish. Terrorists are terrorists. A miniscule proportion of the entire 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. The Koran doesn't promote violence any more than the Bible does. You are stupid and ignorant and bigoted. Sad to be you.

As well, you obviously know nothing about the 'DEVELOPMENT OF THE BIBLE IN IT'S EARLY YEARS,' LOL


^Hello Margot.
From the guardian-
21 mins ago

Manchester Police have conducted a controlled explosion and carried out two more arrests.

In a brief statement it said:

Police have executed warrants, one in Whalley Range, and one in Fallowfield, where a controlled explosion took place, as part of the investigation into last night’s horrific attack at the Manchester arena.
When are authorities ever going to just round up all the people on their "terror watch list" and deport their asses? How many kids have to die?

The fear of offending Moslems is greater than the desire to protect our children. I have no such fear.

Jeremy Corbyn preaching how we should all come together, and not let it divide us. No suggestion of how to rid ourselves of this scourge.

And he's running for Prime Minister.

Something has to change.

Like you said, the fear of offending Moslems.

The British will not elect Jeremy Corbyn, he's got a long record of supporting terrorist groups including the IRA, he's also a Marxist.

Theresa May is no Margaret Thatcher but she and the Conservative Party are going to win the British election in a landslide, the British are not that idiotic that they will vote Labour and many Labour voters will probably vote for Theresa May.

It could be a landslide like Margaret Thatcher had against that other Far Left Extremist what was his name, he looked like he had slept in his clothes and had spectacles and white hair.

There have been some worrying trends just lately. Tories losing a lot of ground.
Kids still not found, from twitter-

Look at these faces Tommy... Be sure to let the families know that it was you, and yours who held the door open for their killer. Be sure to assuage their families sorrow, with the knowledge that their kids should die rather than hurt the feelings of foreigners, who would inavde their country. Remember their faces every time you pat yourself on the back for being such a "tolerant" fellow. Easy to do isn't it? Especially when you're letting others pay the price...
It has nothing to do with a religion, a cult might be involved however we will find out more later.
Here is your cult.

Salafi jihadism - Wikipedia

Gilles Kepel writes that the Salafis whom he encountered in Europe in the 1980s were "totally apolitical".[3][5] But by the mid-1990s he met some who felt jihad in the form of "violence and terrorism" was "justified to realize their political objectives". The combination of Salafi alienation from all things non-Muslim – including "mainstream European society" – and violent jihad created a "volatile mixture".[5] "When you're in the state of such alienation you become easy prey to the jihadi guys who will feed you more savory propaganda than the old propaganda of the Salafists who tell you to pray, fast and who are not taking action".[5]

According to Kepel, Salafist jihadism combined "respect for the sacred texts in their most literal form, ... with an absolute commitment to jihad, whose number-one target had to be America, perceived as the greatest enemy of the faith."[13]

Salafi jihadists distinguished themselves from salafis they term "sheikist", so named because – the jihadists believed – the "sheikists" had forsaken adoration of God for adoration of "the oil sheiks of the Arabian peninsula, with the Al Saud family at their head". Principal among the sheikist scholars was Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz – "the archetypal court ulema [ulama al-balat]". These allegedly "false" salafi "had to be striven against and eliminated", but even more infuriating was the Muslim Brotherhood, who were believed by Salafi jihadists to be excessively moderate and lacking in literal interpretation of holy texts.[13] Iyad El-Baghdadi describes Salafism as "deeply divided" into "mainstream (government-approved, or Islahi) Salafism", and jihadi Salafism.[7]

Another definition of Salafi jihadism, offered by Mohammed M. Hafez, is an "extreme form of Sunni Islamism that rejects democracy and Shia rule". Hafez distinguished them from apolitical and conservative Salafi scholars (such as Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani, Muhammad ibn al Uthaymeen, Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz and Abdul-Azeez ibn Abdullaah Aal ash-Shaikh), but also from the sahwa movement associated with Salman al-Ouda or Safar Al-Hawali.[14]

According to Mohammed M. Hafez, contemporary jihadi Salafism is characterized by "five features":

  • immense emphasis on the concept of tawhid (unity of God);
  • God's sovereignty (hakimiyyat Allah), which defines right and wrong, good and evil, and which supersedes human reasoning is applicable in all places on earth and at all times, and makes unnecessary and un-Islamic other ideologies such as liberalism or humanism;
  • the rejection of all innovation (bid‘ah) in Islam;
  • the permissibility and necessity of takfir (the declaring of a Muslim to be outside the creed, so that they may face execution);
  • and on the centrality of jihad against infidel regimes.[14]
Another researcher, (Thomas Hegghammer), has outlined five objectives shared by jihadis:[15]

  • Changing the social and political organisation of the state, (an example, being the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) and the former Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) which fought to overthrow the Algerian state and replace it with an Islamic state.)[15]
  • Establishing sovereignty on a territory perceived as occupied or dominated by non-Muslims, (an example being the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba (Soldiers of the Pure) in Indian occupied Kashmir and the Caucasus Emirate in the Russian Federation).[15]
  • Defending the Muslim community (ummah) from external non-Muslim perceived threats, either the "near enemy" (al-adou al-qarib, this includes jihadists Arabs who travelled to Bosnia and Chechnya to defend local Muslims against non-Muslim armies) or the "far enemy" (al-adou al-baid, often affiliates of Al-Qaeda attacking the West).[15]
  • Correcting other Muslims' moral behaviour. (In Indonesia, vigilantes first used sticks and stones to attack those they considered "deviant" in behavior before moving on to guns and bombs).[15]
  • Intimidating and marginalising other Muslim sects, (an example being Lashkar-e-Jhangvi which has carried out violent attacks on Pakistani Shia for decades, and killings in Iraq.[15])
Robin Wright notes the importance in Salafi jihadist groups of

  • the formal process of taking an oath of allegiance (Bay'ah) to a leader.[16] (This can be by individuals to an emir or by a local group to a transglobal group.)
  • "marbling", i.e. pretending to cut ties to a less-than-popular global movement when "strategically or financially convenient". (An example is the cutting of ties to al-Qaeda by the Syrian group Al-Nusra Front with al-Qaeda's approval.[16]
According to Michael Horowitz, Salafi jihad is an ideology that identifies the "alleged source of the Muslims' conundrum" in the "persistent attacks and humiliation of Muslims on the part of an anti-Islamic alliance of what it terms 'Crusaders', 'Zionists', and 'apostates'."[17]

Al Jazeera journalist Jamal Al Sharif describes Salafi jihadism as combining "the doctrinal content and approach of Salafism and organisational models from Muslim Brotherhood organisations. Their motto emerged as 'Salafism in doctrine, modernity in confrontation'".[18]

Antecedents of Salafism jihadism include Islamist author Sayyid Qutb, who developed "the intellectual underpinnings" of the ideology. Qutb argued that the world had reached a crisis point and that the Islamic world has been replaced by pagan ignorance of Jahiliyyah.

The group Takfir wal-Hijra, who kidnapped and murdered an Egyptian ex-government minister in 1978, inspired some of "the tactics and methods" used by Al Qaeda.[5]

In Afghanistan the Taliban were of the Deobandi, not Salafi, school of Islam but "cross-fertilized" with bin Laden and other Salafist jihadis.[3]
And, another known individual-

Authorities said the suspect is known to them, but wouldn’t release further details….

Confirmed, it's a Muslim.

Salman Abedi.

Every single Islamic Terrorist Attack in a Western nation the perpetrators have all been known to the authorities, is it any wonder there are Conspiracy Theorists on this?

The situation is if they are already known to the authorities why are they still on the street? They should be taken off the street immediately and away from all humanity.

If you have a rabid dog then what do you do? Yes that's what you do.
Kids still not found, from twitter-

Look at these faces Tommy... Be sure to let the families know that it was you, and yours who held the door open for their killer. Be sure to assuage their families sorrow, with the knowledge that their kids should die rather than hurt the feelings of foreigners, who would inavde their country. Remember their faces every time you pat yourself on the back for being such a "tolerant" fellow. Easy to do isn't it? Especially when you're letting others pay the price...

It's okay the Leftist Extremists don't care, they were just white people afterall, it's not like they were Kebabs or Jungle Bunnies is it? :rolleyes-41:

The Leftist Extremists will look at those pictures and think "great those white kids won't be able to breed anymore white kids", we all know that's exactly what the Leftist Extremists will think being self hating white people themselves, they hate their own but worship the alien, completely fucked up in the membrane, they all should just do everyone a favour and kill themselves.

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