explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

An hour ago I was racist for assuming the Manchester attack was terrorism Now I'm racist for being right...

Whelp -- you had it right the first time. Ain't no religion with blowing shit up as a sacrament.

Unless of course you can show us the same video of "aaaaand it's Christians" when Eric Rudolph, Tim McVeigh, Ted Kazinsky or the IRA did their thing.

Yeah, didn't think so.

Stick your lame deflection attempt directly into your colon where it belongs, k?


Oh no, I'm too late for a lame deflection. Looks like you 'n' yours already set that up before I got here.

Thanks for not having an answer.

Let's wager on if it was Muslims or not then, Pogtard. Put your ass where your mouth is, owait, it's already there.

Pop quiz: Name the religions of Bobby Joe Rogers, Ted Kaczynsky and Eric Rudolph.



Now, tell us do you find it funny when court blocks Trump EO that prevent people from terror prone countries to come over? You and like you are enabling these kind of things. Funny eh?

Whelp -- you had it right the first time. Ain't no religion with blowing shit up as a sacrament.

Unless of course you can show us the same video of "aaaaand it's Christians" when Eric Rudolph, Tim McVeigh, Ted Kazinsky or the IRA did their thing.

Yeah, didn't think so.

Stick your lame deflection attempt directly into your colon where it belongs, k?


The fix is in.

Democratic Underground is trying to push the story that most of dead and injured are from stampede after the explosion. They'll probably keep going that direction...

If that's true, that's messed up and in fact completely misses the point. If the attack had occurred inside I would have assumed the possibility of a couple of dead due to trampled people and a number of injuries just out of the instinctive response and fear and experience of close proximity. Certainly not "most" of the dead.

Since the attack occurred outside the venue, I would guess only a few injuries due to pushing, shoving and incidental contact. As the immediate threat was not in their vicinity and/or seen.

Worse in all of this would be someone trying to minimize the sheer evil of the event by making excuses for the dead by placing blame on those who were attacked. Of course it might be true that some were harmed in the rush outside, that takes nothing away from the sick son of a dog who conducted this attack against kids.

One extra potential coincidence, it is the four year anniversary of those animals who killed a British soldier with a knife on British soil.
An hour ago I was racist for assuming the Manchester attack was terrorism Now I'm racist for being right...

Don't worry, "RACISM" is the birdsong of Snowflakes. It's the depth of their discourse.

They want PROOF it was terrorism prior to anyone saying it looks like terrorism....funny how they don't demand concrete proof to impeach Trump.
An hour ago I was racist for assuming the Manchester attack was terrorism Now I'm racist for being right...

Don't worry, "RACISM" is the birdsong of Snowflakes. It's the depth of their discourse.

They want PROOF it was terrorism prior to anyone saying it looks like terrorism....funny how they don't demand concrete proof to impeach Trump.

If a white man asks for cream in his coffee a liberal would call him racist for not drinking it black
This is an opportunity for Trump to win over or shut up his critics.

Most of his critics are on the side of the terrorists.
Where's the STFU button. Lol.

Sorry it's not cool trumps shady. Play by the rules Mr Trump. This isn't a private company. We own you the next four years. Transparency

Not sure what you mean.

Have you not noticed the ones in this very thread playing, let's deflect for the terrorists?

They are all hard core lefties, and if Trump proposes ANY useful action(s) in response to this, it will be the Left that attacks it as "racist" and who deflects from real debate on the issues, with "yeah but"s.

Have you noticed who have been celebrating the vile Judges who have ruled against Trump's very minor and limited "muslim ban"?


Now, tell us do you find it funny when court blocks Trump EO that prevent people from terror prone countries to come over? You and like you are enabling these kind of things. Funny eh?

I find it to be justice. That is what our (or my) nation was founded upon: Not bigotry, not assigning quilt based on skin color, ethnicity or creed.
Estoy sumamente triste e indignado por los lamentables acontecimientos ocurridos en Manchester. Estoy triste. estoy triste. ESTOY TRISTE!


Now, tell us do you find it funny when court blocks Trump EO that prevent people from terror prone countries to come over? You and like you are enabling these kind of things. Funny eh?

I find it to be justice. That is what our (or my) nation was founded upon: Not bigotry, not assigning quilt based on skin color, ethnicity or creed.

Well then, justice will have blood on her hands, and you, with your misguided feelings about terrorism along with her.


Now, tell us do you find it funny when court blocks Trump EO that prevent people from terror prone countries to come over? You and like you are enabling these kind of things. Funny eh?

I find it to be justice. That is what our (or my) nation was founded upon: Not bigotry, not assigning quilt based on skin color, ethnicity or creed.

Well then, justice will have blood on her hands, and you, with your misguided feelings about terrorism along with her.

Stupidly pretending that we don't know by whom or why we are being killed is not Justice, it is vile evilness.
Everyone, please change your profile picture to Pray For Manchester & make excuses for terrorism, then forget. NOT!

Whelp -- you had it right the first time. Ain't no religion with blowing shit up as a sacrament.

Unless of course you can show us the same video of "aaaaand it's Christians" when Eric Rudolph, Tim McVeigh, Ted Kazinsky or the IRA did their thing.

Yeah, didn't think so.

Stick your lame deflection attempt directly into your colon where it belongs, k?


Oh no, I'm too late for a lame deflection. Looks like you 'n' yours already set that up before I got here.

Thanks for not having an answer.

Let's wager on if it was Muslims or not then, Pogtard. Put your ass where your mouth is, owait, it's already there.

Pop quiz: Name the religions of Bobby Joe Rogers, Ted Kaczynsky and Eric Rudolph.


Pop quiz:
Pop your head out of your ass.

Pop quiz: Which religion tells its followers "

Sahih International
Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

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