Exposed Documents Reveal Biden Administration Intentipnal Flooding of US With Illegals

I actually even misspoke. The house cannot remove him from office. I would fix that but past my edit time.
NP. I think the Neo-GOP would vote to impeach him just for shits and grins if they can win a majority.
1. Get the fuck over Trump. He's gone, tge Democrats own congress, & the dementia-ravaged puppet is in charge.

2. I do not support Trump. Why? See #2.

3. You don't have to be a Trump supporter to see and assess all the damage he is doing to realize he is trying to destroy this country or those controlling him are.

4. Re-read #1
Trump may be gone from office but he's controlling the former Republican Party. And until they get out from under that maniac's thumb this Country will be in turmoil. It doesn't matter what Biden does or doesn't do. This Country is in trouble & it can't be fixed without input from members of both parties & that's not happening.

Tump is the one trying to destroy this Country. Him & Fox News with the propoganda they puke 24/7/365.
Trump may be gone from office but he's controlling the former Republican Party. And until they get out from under that maniac's thumb this Country will be in turmoil. It doesn't matter what Biden does or doesn't do. This Country is in trouble & it can't be fixed without input from members of both parties & that's not happening.

Tump is the one trying to destroy this Country. Him & Fox News with the propoganda they puke 24/7/365.
Controlling the Republican Party? HOW?

Does he have super powers?

Have the Republicans have no balls or mind of their own?
- When it comes to standing up to the corrupt, criminal Marxist tyrannical Democrats they don't...

Perhaps what Democrats and snowflakes fear is that through Trump American citizens finally had a voice the Marxist Left, Tyrankical Drmocrats, & Washingto Establishment politicians were FORCED to listen to and how he completely destroyed the fake news media,exposed the corruption and crime, and beat the traitos' coup and fake Impeachment attempts every time.

He isn't controlling anyone. The Democrats and NeverTrumper RINOs are just afraid he will comeback, undo all the Damage Biden has wrought, and will kick ass again.
Controlling the Republican Party? HOW?

Does he have super powers?

Have the Republicans have no balls or mind of their own?
- When it comes to standing up to the corrupt, criminal Marxist tyrannical Democrats they don't...

Perhaps what Democrats and snowflakes fear is that through Trump American citizens finally had a voice the Marxist Left, Tyrankical Drmocrats, & Washingto Establishment politicians were FORCED to listen to and how he completely destroyed the fake news media,exposed the corruption and crime, and beat the traitos' coup and fake Impeachment attempts every time.

He isn't controlling anyone. The Democrats and NeverTrumper RINOs are just afraid he will comeback, undo all the Damage Biden has wrought, and will kick ass again.
No, the Republicans don't have any balls. If they did they wouldn't still be kissing Trump's ass, who's a no good traiterous lowlife.

Try to grow a fucking brain you moron instead of listening to cable tv propoganda.

Dems are Marxists? You're a first class idiot.
No, the Republicans don't have any balls. If they did they wouldn't still be kissing Trump's ass, who's a no good traiterous lowlife.

Try to grow a fucking brain you moron instead of listening to cable tv propoganda.

Dems are Marxists? You're a first class idiot.
Again with Trump. You have a serious mental problem when it comes to him. Unless you are progressing hatred gor him so much because yiu are experiencing some weird sexual attraction towards the man.

Either way, seek professional medical help immediately.
How bout you & the rest of you Trump asslickers haul ass out of the Country to ease the crunch? You'd be doing the rest of us a big favor & you can bring your orange blabbering god with a big mouth with you as your Dear Leader.

How bout it, Ace?

How about you just move to mexico?
Thats where we're heading now anyway.

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