Exposing Indoctrination

2. Karl Marx was the first of the modern progenitors of political doctrine who outright endorsed genocide. Yes....the slaughter of those who disagreed with his views.....and his followers did just that.


Okay, for those who haven't played before.

The Mail Order Bride from Hell writes one of these OCD Numbered screeds with some crazy point full of unattributed quotes..

People then come on and mock her.

Then she keeps posting it. People mock that. Then she gets all angry we aren't recognizing how brilliant she is because she got a doctorate from the University of Phoenix or something.
She is really Mongolian and is trying to defer ghastly tales of genocide by the Khan era of the Mongols..
Oh...gee....another "I hate you" post from a dunce who is unable to counter nor deny anything in one more of my unassailable OPs.

You mean like the time you built a whole thread around a misattributed quote from Karl Marx, and when several people pointed out Marx never said anything about "holocausts", you kept going on like you did nothing wrong?

Now, I'm sure you can get away with that at the University of Phoenix, where they only paper they check is the check you send in to pay for their classes.

This, of course, is totally false....there was no such 'genocide against Indians."
Nor were the Indians native to this continent.

I'll say they weren't. The thing is, they weren't from "India", so why do you keep calling them "Indians"?

But, yeah, white people did genocide the shit out of Native Americans.

"The thing is, they weren't from "India", so why do you keep calling them "Indians"? "

As I have shown that they weren't 'native' to the continent, what would you like to call them?

And watch your language....it shows how angry you are that I've destroyed you again.
Indoctrination is not the result of thought, analysis, or insight. It is the result of hissing at Emanuel Goldstein in "1984."

"It was nearly eleven hundred, and in the RECORDS DEPARTMENT, they were dragging the chairs out of the cubicles and grouping them in the centre of the hall opposite the big telescreen, in preparation for theTwo Minutes Hate....

The next moment a hideous, grinding speech, as of some monstrous machine running without oil, burst from the big telescreen at the end of the room. It was a noise that set one's teeth on edge and bristled the hair at the back of one's neck. The Hate had started.

As usual, the face ofEmmanuel Goldstein, theEnemy of the People, had flashed on to the screen. There were hisses here and there among the audience."

The first defector from Stalin's 'paradise,' Victor Kravchenko, described the process:

The new history" became possible... "study" of the new version was made obligatory for all responsible Party people. History classes met nearly every night in this period and lecturers from Sverdlovsk came to our town to help hammer home the lies, while most of us fumed inwardly. .... But even the most gigantic lie, by dint of infinite repetition, takes root; Stalin knew this before Hitler discovered it. As I looked on I could see terrible falsehoods, at first accepted under pressure, become established as unquestioned "facts," particularly among younger people without personal experience to the contrary to bother them."
Text collection

Here is America's version:

“The federally funded “National History Standards” for elementary schools were released in 1994, cemented a revisionist view of American Communism for schoolteachers, as the guide mentions McCarthy over twenty times, while Edison and the Wright Brothers got no mention. “It …repeatedly condemns McCarthyism as an unmitigated evil…[but] the Hiss-Chambers and Rosenberg cases, the two dominant controversies of the anticommunist era, are described with bland, neutral language crafted to keep from implying guilt while not being quite so foolhardy as to actually assert innocence..’National Standards’…implies that the cases are part and parcel of the McCartyite horror.” From “In Denial,” by Haynes and Klehr, pg. 151

1. In a recent thread, an example of the depth and the indelibility of indoctrination emerged.

"Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions,..."
Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

It is so jaw-droppingly insane that it deserves a thread of its own.

It is difficult to conceive of a college educated adult American who can subscribe to totally inconsistent views, and incorporate these diametric opposites as the basis of his thinking....but that is exactly what happens, daily, on the Left side of the political spectrum.
The basic Liberal worldview is as follows: "Our side believes in goodness and virtue, and the equally of all men, yet embraces the most evil and pathological of political doctrines."


No, really....it's true. It's what passes for critical thinking among the masses of Liberals and Progressives.
One more example of the old saying "Sometimes, when you are a part of the masses, the "m" is silent.

Fact: Marx endorsed genocide, and his doctrine was subscribed to, and advanced by both Stalin and Hitler.....and by Franklin Roosevelt.


sweet irony. nice topic.
Oh...gee....another "I hate you" post from a dunce who is unable to counter nor deny anything in one more of my unassailable OPs.

You mean like the time you built a whole thread around a misattributed quote from Karl Marx, and when several people pointed out Marx never said anything about "holocausts", you kept going on like you did nothing wrong?

Now, I'm sure you can get away with that at the University of Phoenix, where they only paper they check is the check you send in to pay for their classes.

This, of course, is totally false....there was no such 'genocide against Indians."
Nor were the Indians native to this continent.

I'll say they weren't. The thing is, they weren't from "India", so why do you keep calling them "Indians"?

But, yeah, white people did genocide the shit out of Native Americans.

"You mean like the time you built a whole thread around a misattributed quote from Karl Marx, and when several people pointed out Marx never said anything about "holocausts", you kept going on like you did nothing wrong?"

Please provide same.
2. Karl Marx was the first of the modern progenitors of political doctrine who outright endorsed genocide. Yes....the slaughter of those who disagreed with his views.....and his followers did just that.


Okay, for those who haven't played before.

The Mail Order Bride from Hell writes one of these OCD Numbered screeds with some crazy point full of unattributed quotes..

People then come on and mock her.

Then she keeps posting it. People mock that. Then she gets all angry we aren't recognizing how brilliant she is because she got a doctorate from the University of Phoenix or something.

Hmmmm.....yet one more post empty of any quote of mine.

Your posts alone prove you a liar.
Oh...gee....another "I hate you" post from a dunce who is unable to counter nor deny anything in one more of my unassailable OPs.

You mean like the time you built a whole thread around a misattributed quote from Karl Marx, and when several people pointed out Marx never said anything about "holocausts", you kept going on like you did nothing wrong?

Now, I'm sure you can get away with that at the University of Phoenix, where they only paper they check is the check you send in to pay for their classes.

This, of course, is totally false....there was no such 'genocide against Indians."
Nor were the Indians native to this continent.

I'll say they weren't. The thing is, they weren't from "India", so why do you keep calling them "Indians"?

But, yeah, white people did genocide the shit out of Native Americans.
Even the natives of Siberia were massacred to make way for the capitalistic Romanov's of Russia.....

Did you imagine that the requirement is to see how much nonsense you can put into one post?

Wrong thread.
n introducing the Black Book, lead author Stephane Courtois, Director of Research at theCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique(CNRS) in Paris, offers the following rough breakdown of the numbers of people that communism killed:

Except the numbers are utter bullshit.

SO how is it you want to give the Communists credit for the supposed 1.7 million Vietnamese killed but not the 3 million vietnamese killed by the US Military in the Vietnam War?

A defining characteristic: on my side of the aisle, facts and knowledge; on your side of the aisle, profanity and vulgarity.

Don't ever change.
2. Karl Marx was the first of the modern progenitors of political doctrine who outright endorsed genocide. Yes....the slaughter of those who disagreed with his views.....and his followers did just that.


Okay, for those who haven't played before.

The Mail Order Bride from Hell writes one of these OCD Numbered screeds with some crazy point full of unattributed quotes..

People then come on and mock her.

Then she keeps posting it. People mock that. Then she gets all angry we aren't recognizing how brilliant she is because she got a doctorate from the University of Phoenix or something.
She is really Mongolian and is trying to defer ghastly tales of genocide by the Khan era of the Mongols..

What sort of post does a dolt post when they can't find a cogent way to dispute the facts I provide?

Oh...the one you just did.
Oh...gee....another "I hate you" post from a dunce who is unable to counter nor deny anything in one more of my unassailable OPs.

You mean like the time you built a whole thread around a misattributed quote from Karl Marx, and when several people pointed out Marx never said anything about "holocausts", you kept going on like you did nothing wrong?

Now, I'm sure you can get away with that at the University of Phoenix, where they only paper they check is the check you send in to pay for their classes.

This, of course, is totally false....there was no such 'genocide against Indians."
Nor were the Indians native to this continent.

I'll say they weren't. The thing is, they weren't from "India", so why do you keep calling them "Indians"?

But, yeah, white people did genocide the shit out of Native Americans.
Even the natives of Siberia were massacred to make way for the capitalistic Romanov's of Russia.....

Did you imagine that the requirement is to see how much nonsense you can put into one post?

Wrong thread.
Those Asian bastards destroyed entire cities and villages, wiping out inhabitants to conquer their lands, uncounted millions perished under the conquest of the mongols, they had the largest contiguous empire ever known to humans, and killed the most..
What were them there folks? Marxist, capitalist? opportunist? Or just ornery old humans that kill no matter what system in in place when it occurs??
Indoctrination is not the result of thought, analysis, or insight. It is the result of hissing at Emanuel Goldstein in "1984."

"It was nearly eleven hundred, and in the RECORDS DEPARTMENT, they were dragging the chairs out of the cubicles and grouping them in the centre of the hall opposite the big telescreen, in preparation for theTwo Minutes Hate....

The next moment a hideous, grinding speech, as of some monstrous machine running without oil, burst from the big telescreen at the end of the room. It was a noise that set one's teeth on edge and bristled the hair at the back of one's neck. The Hate had started.

As usual, the face ofEmmanuel Goldstein, theEnemy of the People, had flashed on to the screen. There were hisses here and there among the audience."

The first defector from Stalin's 'paradise,' Victor Kravchenko, described the process:

The new history" became possible... "study" of the new version was made obligatory for all responsible Party people. History classes met nearly every night in this period and lecturers from Sverdlovsk came to our town to help hammer home the lies, while most of us fumed inwardly. .... But even the most gigantic lie, by dint of infinite repetition, takes root; Stalin knew this before Hitler discovered it. As I looked on I could see terrible falsehoods, at first accepted under pressure, become established as unquestioned "facts," particularly among younger people without personal experience to the contrary to bother them."
Text collection

Here is America's version:

“The federally funded “National History Standards” for elementary schools were released in 1994, cemented a revisionist view of American Communism for schoolteachers, as the guide mentions McCarthy over twenty times, while Edison and the Wright Brothers got no mention. “It …repeatedly condemns McCarthyism as an unmitigated evil…[but] the Hiss-Chambers and Rosenberg cases, the two dominant controversies of the anticommunist era, are described with bland, neutral language crafted to keep from implying guilt while not being quite so foolhardy as to actually assert innocence..’National Standards’…implies that the cases are part and parcel of the McCartyite horror.” From “In Denial,” by Haynes and Klehr, pg. 151

1. In a recent thread, an example of the depth and the indelibility of indoctrination emerged.

"Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions,..."
Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

It is so jaw-droppingly insane that it deserves a thread of its own.

It is difficult to conceive of a college educated adult American who can subscribe to totally inconsistent views, and incorporate these diametric opposites as the basis of his thinking....but that is exactly what happens, daily, on the Left side of the political spectrum.
The basic Liberal worldview is as follows: "Our side believes in goodness and virtue, and the equally of all men, yet embraces the most evil and pathological of political doctrines."


No, really....it's true. It's what passes for critical thinking among the masses of Liberals and Progressives.
One more example of the old saying "Sometimes, when you are a part of the masses, the "m" is silent.

Fact: Marx endorsed genocide, and his doctrine was subscribed to, and advanced by both Stalin and Hitler.....and by Franklin Roosevelt.


sweet irony. nice topic.

Why is it you Liberals can never post anything substantive?

Is it boilerplate ignorance?

The result of never having to think in government school?

You may not like this, either:

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"
Oh...gee....another "I hate you" post from a dunce who is unable to counter nor deny anything in one more of my unassailable OPs.

You mean like the time you built a whole thread around a misattributed quote from Karl Marx, and when several people pointed out Marx never said anything about "holocausts", you kept going on like you did nothing wrong?

Now, I'm sure you can get away with that at the University of Phoenix, where they only paper they check is the check you send in to pay for their classes.

This, of course, is totally false....there was no such 'genocide against Indians."
Nor were the Indians native to this continent.

I'll say they weren't. The thing is, they weren't from "India", so why do you keep calling them "Indians"?

But, yeah, white people did genocide the shit out of Native Americans.
Even the natives of Siberia were massacred to make way for the capitalistic Romanov's of Russia.....

Did you imagine that the requirement is to see how much nonsense you can put into one post?

Wrong thread.
Those Asian bastards destroyed entire cities and villages, wiping out inhabitants to conquer their lands, uncounted millions perished under the conquest of the mongols, they had the largest contiguous empire ever known to humans, and killed the most..
What were them there folks? Marxist, capitalist? opportunist? Or just ornery old humans that kill no matter what system in in place when it occurs??

And now for reality.

"While it’s impossible to know for sure how many people perished during the Mongol conquests, many historians put the number at somewhere around 40 million."
10 Things You May Not Know About Genghis Khan - History Lists

Communists....about three times that number.

Yet you Liberals stand fore-score behind that ideology.
And that is the real point.

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"

Liberalism is winning and there's nothing your nor your demented mentor Ann Coulter can do about it.
4. The thesis behind this thread is that America's Liberals/Progressives/Democrats believe that they are the party of goodness and virtue, "Our side believes in goodness and virtue, and the equally of all men,"...yet is an iteration of communism and simply shrugs at communism's record of slaughter and oppression.

And they carry the banner of Karl Marx.

And, some Liberal simpleton proves same:

"Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions,..."
Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

a. “Revolutions, like trees, must be judged by their fruit,” Ignazio Silone wrote, and this is the standard the authors apply to the Communist experience—in the China of “the Great Helmsman,” Kim Il Sung’s Korea, Vietnam under “Uncle Ho” and Cuba under Castro, Ethiopia under Mengistu, Angola under Neto, and Afghanistan under Najibullah. The authors, all distinguished scholars based in Europe, document Communist crimes against humanity, but also crimes against national and universal culture, from Stalin’s destruction of hundreds of churches in Moscow to Ceausescu’s leveling of the historic heart of Bucharest to the widescale devastation visited on Chinese culture by Mao’s Red Guards."
"The Black Book of Communism"
The Black Book of Communism — Stéphane Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartošek, Jean-Louis Margolin, Dr. Mark Kramer | Harvard University Press

b. “In its many enthroned variations, from Lenin's 1917 revolution to the recent Marxist Leninist regimes of Africa, communism has killed upwards of 100 million people....65 million in China alone. Courtois and his colleagues do not simply unfold the numbers relentlessly and numbingly. Instead, they painstakingly explore the many ways the killing was done-from summary execution to forced deportations, from mass starvation to the gulag-and examine its many pretexts.”
"The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression,"

Foreign Affairs (Book Review); New York; Nov/Dec 1999; Robert Legvold;

Today's Democrat Party stands for the very same ideals and ideas that the Communist Party did in the 20th century.
Does the modern Democrat Liberal support those ideas?
You betcha'!


'Indoctrination is not the result of thought, analysis, or insight. It is the result of hissing at Emanuel Goldstein in "1984."
yet it was the white American invaders which practiced genocide against the natives..

"yet it was the white American invaders which practiced genocide against the natives.."

This, of course, is totally false....there was no such 'genocide against Indians."
Nor were the Indians native to this continent.

What the heck, is PC quoting herself from one of her crazy past threads? The definition of native is easy enough to look up. If the people who lived here in North America were born here, they were natives. As far as genocide goes, scholars debate the topic and the debate always hinges on what definition is used to define 'genocide'. If the definition of genocide being a government or authority committed to cleansing an entire group of people down to the last man, woman and child, the definition would probably only apply to genocide against specific tribes by the early colonist. If the definition is that genocide includes a committed effort to dramatically reduce a population, the US government can be judged guilty of genocide.

The modern world accepts the definition of genocide being a commitment to reduce a population dramatically and an effort to a limited reduction of an area's population, even if it only includes the men and teenage boys.
Serbian leader Radovan Karadzic was found guilty of Bosnian genocide just two days ago and sentenced to 40 years, probably equal to a life sentence for a man his age. This occurred just two days ago in the international court and detail of his conviction are in the current news.
4. The thesis behind this thread is that America's Liberals/Progressives/Democrats believe that they are the party of goodness and virtue, "Our side believes in goodness and virtue, and the equally of all men,"...yet is an iteration of communism and simply shrugs at communism's record of slaughter and oppression.

America's Democrats are not Marxist. Joe Biden is a Marxist? Barack Obama is a Marxist?

Quote either of them ever saying that we should abolish all private ownership of business. That is Marxism.
2. Karl Marx was the first of the modern progenitors of political doctrine who outright endorsed genocide. Yes....the slaughter of those who disagreed with his views.....and his followers did just that.


Okay, for those who haven't played before.

The Mail Order Bride from Hell writes one of these OCD Numbered screeds with some crazy point full of unattributed quotes..

People then come on and mock her.

Then she keeps posting it. People mock that. Then she gets all angry we aren't recognizing how brilliant she is because she got a doctorate from the University of Phoenix or something.
She is really Mongolian and is trying to defer ghastly tales of genocide by the Khan era of the Mongols..

What sort of post does a dolt post when they can't find a cogent way to dispute the facts I provide?

Oh...the one you just did.

Karl Marx never advocated genocide. You can tell that lie as many times as you want, it won't magically come true.
4. The thesis behind this thread is that America's Liberals/Progressives/Democrats believe that they are the party of goodness and virtue, "Our side believes in goodness and virtue, and the equally of all men,"...yet is an iteration of communism and simply shrugs at communism's record of slaughter and oppression.

And they carry the banner of Karl Marx.

And, some Liberal simpleton proves same:

"Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions,..."
Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

a. “Revolutions, like trees, must be judged by their fruit,” Ignazio Silone wrote, and this is the standard the authors apply to the Communist experience—in the China of “the Great Helmsman,” Kim Il Sung’s Korea, Vietnam under “Uncle Ho” and Cuba under Castro, Ethiopia under Mengistu, Angola under Neto, and Afghanistan under Najibullah. The authors, all distinguished scholars based in Europe, document Communist crimes against humanity, but also crimes against national and universal culture, from Stalin’s destruction of hundreds of churches in Moscow to Ceausescu’s leveling of the historic heart of Bucharest to the widescale devastation visited on Chinese culture by Mao’s Red Guards."
"The Black Book of Communism"
The Black Book of Communism — Stéphane Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartošek, Jean-Louis Margolin, Dr. Mark Kramer | Harvard University Press

b. “In its many enthroned variations, from Lenin's 1917 revolution to the recent Marxist Leninist regimes of Africa, communism has killed upwards of 100 million people....65 million in China alone. Courtois and his colleagues do not simply unfold the numbers relentlessly and numbingly. Instead, they painstakingly explore the many ways the killing was done-from summary execution to forced deportations, from mass starvation to the gulag-and examine its many pretexts.”
"The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression,"

Foreign Affairs (Book Review); New York; Nov/Dec 1999; Robert Legvold;

Today's Democrat Party stands for the very same ideals and ideas that the Communist Party did in the 20th century.
Does the modern Democrat Liberal support those ideas?
You betcha'!


'Indoctrination is not the result of thought, analysis, or insight. It is the result of hissing at Emanuel Goldstein in "1984."
Non communist regimes have killed millions for power also...But you will never recognize that fact...
yet it was the white American invaders which practiced genocide against the natives..

"yet it was the white American invaders which practiced genocide against the natives.."

This, of course, is totally false....there was no such 'genocide against Indians."
Nor were the Indians native to this continent.

What the heck, is PC quoting herself from one of her crazy past threads? The definition of native is easy enough to look up. If the people who lived here in North America were born here, they were natives. As far as genocide goes, scholars debate the topic and the debate always hinges on what definition is used to define 'genocide'. If the definition of genocide being a government or authority committed to cleansing an entire group of people down to the last man, woman and child, the definition would probably only apply to genocide against specific tribes by the early colonist. If the definition is that genocide includes a committed effort to dramatically reduce a population, the US government can be judged guilty of genocide.

The modern world accepts the definition of genocide being a commitment to reduce a population dramatically and an effort to a limited reduction of an area's population, even if it only includes the men and teenage boys.
Serbian leader Radovan Karadzic was found guilty of Bosnian genocide just two days ago and sentenced to 40 years, probably equal to a life sentence for a man his age. This occurred just two days ago in the international court and detail of his conviction are in the current news.
Like 1920's Virginia, in the USA, by Supreme Court jurisprudence, allowed the sterilization of all in Virginia that were labeled imbeciles? I believe 20-40k were sterilized..
4. The thesis behind this thread is that America's Liberals/Progressives/Democrats believe that they are the party of goodness and virtue, "Our side believes in goodness and virtue, and the equally of all men,"...yet is an iteration of communism and simply shrugs at communism's record of slaughter and oppression.

And they carry the banner of Karl Marx.

And, some Liberal simpleton proves same:

"Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions,..."
Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

a. “Revolutions, like trees, must be judged by their fruit,” Ignazio Silone wrote, and this is the standard the authors apply to the Communist experience—in the China of “the Great Helmsman,” Kim Il Sung’s Korea, Vietnam under “Uncle Ho” and Cuba under Castro, Ethiopia under Mengistu, Angola under Neto, and Afghanistan under Najibullah. The authors, all distinguished scholars based in Europe, document Communist crimes against humanity, but also crimes against national and universal culture, from Stalin’s destruction of hundreds of churches in Moscow to Ceausescu’s leveling of the historic heart of Bucharest to the widescale devastation visited on Chinese culture by Mao’s Red Guards."
"The Black Book of Communism"
The Black Book of Communism — Stéphane Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartošek, Jean-Louis Margolin, Dr. Mark Kramer | Harvard University Press

b. “In its many enthroned variations, from Lenin's 1917 revolution to the recent Marxist Leninist regimes of Africa, communism has killed upwards of 100 million people....65 million in China alone. Courtois and his colleagues do not simply unfold the numbers relentlessly and numbingly. Instead, they painstakingly explore the many ways the killing was done-from summary execution to forced deportations, from mass starvation to the gulag-and examine its many pretexts.”
"The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression,"

Foreign Affairs (Book Review); New York; Nov/Dec 1999; Robert Legvold;

Today's Democrat Party stands for the very same ideals and ideas that the Communist Party did in the 20th century.
Does the modern Democrat Liberal support those ideas?
You betcha'!


'Indoctrination is not the result of thought, analysis, or insight. It is the result of hissing at Emanuel Goldstein in "1984."
Non communist regimes have killed millions for power also...But you will never recognize that fact...

I searched and searched your post to determine whether you could support your contention....
...or it is merely more Liberals hot air.

Guess what I found?

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