*Extinction Of Human Race*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Will it happen, and what forces plot its coming.
2. The people who lost their marbles in America's Stone Hinge?
3. Will they rear up and accidently squash human kind?
4. Will the super rich likes of Billy Gates launch a try to end mankind?
5. Will some other nation go wild and push for it?
6. Will a one world order start it?
7. Lots a questions lets see your answer.

8. Suicide Death Camps For Everyone!
9. "You get a Suicide! and you!,..and you!!!
10. Its coming, save us Lord.

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Sorry bout that,

1. They've half assed tried with the China Virus, and people survived.
2. Same labs may ramp the same virus up and release it again, and this time its gets us all.
3. Its very deadly, just a tweak here, a tweak there and re-release it, and *ALL* fall down.
4. You don't know what you got till its gone.
5. Life is wasted on many of you, you have no idea what you got.
6. Your heads into *CLIMATE CHANGE* to where you have lost touch with reailty.
7. Electric cars are going to somehow make things safe again.
8. And yet you have a target on your back unawares to you.
9. In some ones mind your worthless.
10. One day you will catch onto this fact.

Sorry bout that,

1. Will it happen, and what forces plot its coming.
2. The people who lost their marbles in America's Stone Hinge?
3. Will they rear up and accidently squash human kind?
4. Will the super rich likes of Billy Gates launch a try to end mankind?
5. Will some other nation go wild and push for it?
6. Will a one world order start it?
7. Lots a questions lets see your answer.

8. Suicide Death Camps For Everyone!
9. "You get a Suicide! and you!,..and you!!!
10. Its coming, save us Lord.

^ :cuckoo:
Sorry bout that,

1. Earthling Suiciders.
2. They choose to die, rather than live what they call guilty living.
3. Some one hand them a loaded gun, for humanities sake.

It is NOT US that is destroying the human race. The left (all over the world which goes by different names but it is still the left) in its hubris think that they can destroy the parts of the human race that they don't like and then enslave the rest to do the work for them. Bill Gates is part of that. They label it with nice sounding names...but it means death to man. (there is a way that seems right to man...but it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12) And...it is all demonically inspired. My world view is biblically inspired. BECAUSE i see from God's inspired word the truth of the matter. There has been a serious effort by the prince of darkness to destroy Christ..before, during, and after his death. He is alive..so. Satan went after the jewish people to confound the endtimes. Satan has control of this world. THAT was not God's choice. It was ours. I THINK that satan believes he can thwart God's plan for the end of this world by 1. destroying the church (christians united), destroying belief in God thus eliiminating believers, 2. taking over the world in his belief that he can make Christ's return to this world pointless. Satan would rather rule a cursed, destroyed hell on earth than for any of mankind to be saved. Earth was made for man. Satan hates that.

Satan tried this when he poisoned mankind with his own 'mark' in the time of Noah...and he did not succeed then...he will not succeed now. This world will be 'destroyed' when God says so and not before.
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If it doesn't take much to be hysterical about the future of mankind during a time of relative peace and prosperity, I wonder how you would have felt during the Great Depression or when the world was at war and approximately 20 million people died a violent death. lefties never have a good day.
Sorry bout that,

1. Will it happen, and what forces plot its coming.
2. The people who lost their marbles in America's Stone Hinge?
3. Will they rear up and accidently squash human kind?
4. Will the super rich likes of Billy Gates launch a try to end mankind?
5. Will some other nation go wild and push for it?
6. Will a one world order start it?
7. Lots a questions lets see your answer.

8. Suicide Death Camps For Everyone!
9. "You get a Suicide! and you!,..and you!!!
10. Its coming, save us Lord.

I kinda figure that if they are coming for me, i am going to make it as hard as possible and with plenty of body bags for them, before i end up in the camp....Just saying...
It is NOT US that is destroying the human race. The left (all over the world which goes by different names but it is still the left) in its hubris think that they can destroy the parts of the human race that they don't like and then enslave the rest to do the work for them. Bill Gates is part of that. They label it with nice sounding names...but it means death to man. (there is a way that seems right to man...but it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12) And...it is all demonically inspired. My world view is biblically inspired. BECAUSE i see from God's inspired word the truth of the matter. There has been a serious effort by the prince of darkness to destroy Christ..before, during, and after his death. He is alive..so. Satan went after the jewish people to confound the endtimes. Satan has control of this world. THAT was not God's choice. It was ours. I THINK that satan believes he can thwart God's plan for the end of this world by 1. destroying the church (christians united), destroying belief in God thus eliiminating believers, 2. taking over the world in his belief that he can make Christ's return to this world pointless. Satan would rather rule a cursed, destroyed hell on earth than for any of mankind to be saved. Earth was made for man. Satan hates that.

Satan tried this when he poisoned mankind with his own 'mark' in the time of Noah...and he did not succeed then...he will not succeed now. This world will be 'destroyed' when God says so and not before.
Sorry bout that,

1. Very well said.
2. I happen to agree with *ALL* of it.


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