Extreme Frigid & Brutal Winter Weather On The Way.Gore&Kerry Have Some "Esplaining" To Do.

How long has this 'debate' been going on? And you idiots still don't seem to know the difference between weather and climate and you still seem to think it all depends on Al Gore. Wow...
I for one like the cold. I hope the south gets really cold for a long period of time... people who don't like the cold are soft. Although the winter way up here has been exceptionally mild and we only have 150 inches of snowfall this year which is lagging behind averages. If it gets cold, put another chunk of maple in the outdoor furnace. House stays 72 degrees all day.
A good megafreeze is always welcome, as it knocks the bug populations way down for the next spring.

However, there's no unusually cold forecast for the USA, which is another way that the OP did a faceplant into a cow patty. For the next week, the northeast sees colder than normal temps, but much of country sees warmer than normal temps. And not a single denier thought to check the forecast themselves. They all just simply BELIEVED, as deniers tend to do. After all, evidence just gets in the way of their faith-based lifestyle.
Not that I'm aware of. If they are, they are damn fools.
Well being a fool fits the criteria for being a conservative. So I'm confused by your post :dunno:

You're obviously easily confused. Mitt Romney says he believes in climate change. The kicker becomes...does he believe in HUMAN CAUSED climate change? If he does and tries to do anything about it he's a damned fool. And that's why the algores of the world have changed the terminology from GLOBAL WARMING to CLIMATE CHANGE...climate change caused by mother nature as opposed to "global warming" purportedly caused by mankind...when mankind cannot possibly do anything to cause or stop global warming and cooling.

You've just been un-confused.
How long has this 'debate' been going on? And you idiots still don't seem to know the difference between weather and climate and you still seem to think it all depends on Al Gore. Wow...

We know that you idiots are ashamed of algore. Which is why I love to mention that idiot's name. It puts everything about GLOBAL WARMING (and global cooling) in perspective.What's the weather like in your neck of the woods? Bought any global warming carbon credits lately?
Only you can prevent climate change. Do your part. At noon today hop up and down on planet Earth to move it further from the Sun
A few days ago the GOP majority senate voted 98-1 that climate change was real. Are you, Rexx Taylor, saying they're wrong?

Oh Look.. another left wit moron who doesn't realize that "man caused" was stripped from the statement. We do not challenge that earths climate is changing... we have issues with how relevant man is in it as everything the IPCC and EPA have spouted has been a lie or exaggerated to a point of silliness..
A few days ago the GOP majority senate voted 98-1 that climate change was real. Are you, Rexx Taylor, saying they're wrong?

It would pay you to read a little closer....CLIMATE CHANGE is not a hoax. Claiming HUMAN CAUSED climate change IS A HOAX. Where do you idiots think the glacier that covered half of North American went 25,000 years ago...CLIMATE CHANGE.

Senate Says Climate Change Real But Not Really Our Fault It s All Politics NPR

Senate Says Climate Change Real, But Not Really Our Fault
JANUARY 23, 201510:06 AM ET

Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., was the only senator to vote against an amendment calling climate change "real and not a hoax."

J. Scott Applewhite/AP
Breathtakingly broad as its jurisdiction may be, the U.S. Senate does not usually vote on the validity of scientific theories.

This week, it did. And science won. The Senate voted that climate change is real, and not a hoax. The vote was 98-1.

The vote was about an amendment to the bill approving the Keystone XL pipeline. The near-unanimity of the climate change judgment was notable, because so many senators have cast doubt on ideas of "global warming."

Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, a former mayor of Tulsa and longtime friend to the oil industry, even has a book out entitled The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future. But, to the surprise of many, Inhofe actually voted for the "not a hoax" amendment offered by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat from Rhode Island.

Of course, Inhofe could do that and then vote against another, later amendment attributing climate change to human activity. (Relax, Tulsa: Sen. Inhofe has not changed his stripes.)

"The hoax is that there are some people who are so arrogant [as] to think they are so powerful that they can change climate," Inhofe said in a speech on the Senate floor. "Man cannot change climate."

As it turned out, the only vote against the "real and not a hoax" language was cast by Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi. Wicker's is not a major energy-producing state, but Wicker could have been thinking of a gusher of another kind.

According to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, oil and gas interests in the most recent election cycle (2013-14) gave about $56 million to the campaigns of parties, candidates and outside interest groups. The overwhelming preponderance of this money went to Republicans and outside interest groups favoring Republicans.

As the brand-new chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Wicker might not have wanted to offend the oil and gas people in his first month on the job.

While Wicker stood alone against the mere admission of climate change, he had lots more company in his party when he voted against an amendment that recognized some human contribution to the problem. On this amendment, Wicker and Inhofe were joined by three dozen other Republicans in rejecting any attribution of human responsibility — even one that was gently alleged in compromise language offered by Republican Sen. John Hoeven of North Dakota.

Hoeven's amendment managed to clear the 60-vote threshold for approval because the Democrats voted for it and because there were 15 Republicans willing to say that, yes, people are contributing to climate change. The 15 included Rand Paul of Kentucky, a 2016 prospective presidential candidate, and also John McCain of Arizona, the GOP's 2008 nominee.

Other major committee chairs backing the Hoeven language were Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander, both of Tennessee, Orrin Hatch of Utah and yes, even Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, one of the great energy-producing wonder states.

They were joined by GOP colleagues Rob Portman of Ohio, Dean Heller of Nevada, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Jeff Flake of Arizona, Mike Rounds of South Dakota, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Susan Collins of Maine, Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire and Mark Kirk of Illinois.

Most of these 15 represent states that are net consumers rather than producers of energy. And five of them are facing re-election next year in states that have been voting Democratic lately in presidential years: Portman, Toomey, Collins, Ayotte and Kirk.

Five of the 15 who were willing to acknowledge some human contribution were also willing to say that human activity "significantly" contributed to climate change. This stronger language, offered by Sen. Brian Schatz, a Democrat from Hawaii, failed the 60-vote threshold. But this hard core of five Republicans were willing to endorse it, including two New Englanders (Collins and Ayotte), Kirk from deep blue Illinois and sometime mavericks Graham and Alexander.

Perhaps only Kirk and Ayotte of this group have any real political worries in 2016. But the presence of even a few GOP apostates on any issue so close to the heart of the party's ethos and fundraising base was enough to give satisfaction — grim or otherwise — to some on the other side of the aisle.

Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont, a left-leaning independent, was swift to predict that the center of gravity in the GOP would continue to move away from fossil fuels. Perhaps. But this week, a Sanders amendment explicitly describing that as the future trend was soundly defeated on the Senate floor.

Well I'm glad you believe in climate change. When lives are saved by people who are working on dealing with climate change, I hope you take some time out of your day to thank a liberal :thup:

Liberals lack any sense at all.
A few days ago the GOP majority senate voted 98-1 that climate change was real. Are you, Rexx Taylor, saying they're wrong?

Oh Look.. another left wit moron who doesn't realize that "man caused" was stripped from the statement. We do not challenge that earths climate is changing... we have issues with how relevant man is in it as everything the IPCC and EPA have spouted has been a lie or exaggerated to a point of silliness..
20 years ago deniers said climate change was a total lie. We've made some progress. :wink_2:
In another 20 years ... there won't be any deniers. The few remaining hardcore denier cult true believers will all have choked to death on their own bile by then.

That's why we now try to lead them away from that cult. We want to save them. We expose the denier cult frauds only because we care so much.
[QUOTE="TheOldSchool, post: 10609209, member: 39852"
20 years ago deniers said climate change was a total lie. We've made some progress. :wink_2:[/QUOTE]
No smiley...deniers said G-L-O-B-A-L W-A-R-M-I-N-G caused by mankind was a lie 20 years ago and it was and it still is. Don't try to take credit for the ice cap over the United States melting 25,000 years ago. THAT was climate change and had nothing to do with algore's G-L-O-B-A-L W-A-R-M-I-N-G. That would be NOTHING.
A few days ago the GOP majority senate voted 98-1 that climate change was real. Are you, Rexx Taylor, saying they're wrong?

Oh Look.. another left wit moron who doesn't realize that "man caused" was stripped from the statement. We do not challenge that earths climate is changing... we have issues with how relevant man is in it as everything the IPCC and EPA have spouted has been a lie or exaggerated to a point of silliness..
20 years ago deniers said climate change was a total lie. We've made some progress. :wink_2:

Again, YOU misrepresent what has always been said. We have never denied climactic change, we have always held man is not the cause. Only the left tries to manipulate the terms used and what they mean for their personal gain just as all liars do.. Words mean things, Alarmists change the meaning in order to further their agenda and fool people into making decisions on their freedoms which then give them up. I hate LYING FOOLs!
A few days ago the GOP majority senate voted 98-1 that climate change was real. Are you, Rexx Taylor, saying they're wrong?

Oh Look.. another left wit moron who doesn't realize that "man caused" was stripped from the statement. We do not challenge that earths climate is changing... we have issues with how relevant man is in it as everything the IPCC and EPA have spouted has been a lie or exaggerated to a point of silliness..
20 years ago deniers said climate change was a total lie. We've made some progress. :wink_2:

Again, YOU misrepresent what has always been said. We have never denied climactic change, we have always held man is not the cause. Only the left tries to manipulate the terms used and what they mean for their personal gain just as all liars do.. Words mean things, Alarmists change the meaning in order to further their agenda and fool people into :dig:making decisions on their freedoms which then give them up. I hate LYING FOOLs!
Or maybe... and this could be very shocking to you... they actually believe what they're saying :ack-1::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:
A few days ago the GOP majority senate voted 98-1 that climate change was real. Are you, Rexx Taylor, saying they're wrong?

Oh Look.. another left wit moron who doesn't realize that "man caused" was stripped from the statement. We do not challenge that earths climate is changing... we have issues with how relevant man is in it as everything the IPCC and EPA have spouted has been a lie or exaggerated to a point of silliness..
20 years ago deniers said climate change was a total lie. We've made some progress. :wink_2:

Again, YOU misrepresent what has always been said. We have never denied climactic change, we have always held man is not the cause. Only the left tries to manipulate the terms used and what they mean for their personal gain just as all liars do.. Words mean things, Alarmists change the meaning in order to further their agenda and fool people into making decisions on their freedoms which then give them up. I hate LYING FOOLs!
Or maybe... and this could be very shocking to you... they actually believe what they're saying :ack-1::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

Keep digging fool... IF they believe this then they are not looking at empirical evidence. They are looking at BROKEN MODELS which are incapable of predicting a dam thing.. I dont know how many times I must repeat this, MODEL OUTPUTS ARE NOT EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE!

This is also why they are scrambling to change the historical record. WHy they are trying to reinvent the temps of the past and adjust them. The facts do not support the CAGW lie! It is also why many of us store histories, in the size of 100 terabytes, to keep them from pulling an EAU data dump after altering the records... Climate-gate was very enlightening on how the inner working of the One World Government UN machine works..
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In another 20 years ... there won't be any deniers. The few remaining hardcore denier cult true believers will all have choked to death on their own bile by then.

That's why we now try to lead them away from that cult. We want to save them. We expose the denier cult frauds only because we care so much.

Look the true deniers of science still check in and show us how much they hate real science, they prefer their religion over actual science.
Keep in mind how different the poles actually are. The Arctic is a small sea surrounded by land. The Antarctic is a medium small continent surrounded by ocean.

The long term trend of ice extents in the Arctic, since the data became available, has been downward. That has not changed. The trends in the Antarctic - increasing ice and accelerating glaciers in response to global warming - were predicted in the early 1980s. They are due to increased precipitation and the destabilization of the coastal ice shelves. Glacial flow rates off the WAIS have increased five-fold in the last decade. Ice shelves have destabilized primarily from warming in the Southern Ocean.
I am still waiting for an explanation on how Global Warming has caused a major increase in ice on both poles.
It hasn't. That's just deniers believing faulty data that agrees with their bias. If CO2 absorbs energy and the concentration is going up, that energy has to be doing something, right? The Law of Conservation of Energy doesn't go away just because some find it inconvenient.

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