Extreme Frigid & Brutal Winter Weather On The Way.Gore&Kerry Have Some "Esplaining" To Do.

Tonight's scheduled service at the New York Chapel of The First Universal Church of Global Warming has been postponed due to a street-closing edict from the mayor who the church has denounced as a denier and probable Tea Party sympathizer.
i wonder if this is "Global Warming Awareness Week".
Meanwhile, it was 60F in Nebraska today.

And that's just weather, a concept Billy and pals are literally too 'effin stupid to understand. And they don't understand why everyone is laughing at them, which makes it even funnier.
the climate has been changing ever since the dinasours! but i am still waiting for the sea levels to rise and flood new york, then I will believe it.

Sandy flooded New York two years ago. Do you believe it now?

So? How many times has New York been flooded before? Until you can show us a weather event that has never happened before....repeatedly, you are pissing up a rope.
In another 20 years ... there won't be any deniers. The few remaining hardcore denier cult true believers will all have choked to death on their own bile by then.

That's why we now try to lead them away from that cult. We want to save them. We expose the denier cult frauds only because we care so much.

No, I think you anti-science deniers will be out of business in around five years. The collapse of your religion is occurring even faster than I predicted.
Right. Any deniers here want to use the current blizard in the northeast to try to deny global warming? (This should be fun).
the climate has been changing ever since the dinasours! but i am still waiting for the sea levels to rise and flood new york, then I will believe it.

Sandy flooded New York two years ago. Do you believe it now?

So? How many times has New York been flooded before? Until you can show us a weather event that has never happened before....repeatedly, you are pissing up a rope.
I was referring to Manhattan under 3 feet of water for a long period of time, caused by the melting of the north pole while polar bears are swimming all over the place.
Right. Any deniers here want to use the current blizard in the northeast to try to deny global warming? (This should be fun).

What are you babbling about olfraud?
A few days ago the GOP majority senate voted 98-1 that climate change was real. Are you, Rexx Taylor, saying they're wrong?
dude, the climate changes daily, why would anyone disagree with that? Sometimes you all just post stupid. You find the stupid and feel obligated to share when we don't want it. So take your stupid and go!
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ahh, too bad, the climate change activists were hoping for the worst snowmagoogan in history to use it as proof as global warming.(just another winter day in New York). oh well, maybe next week we will have another epic and sub-freezing snow storm they can again point out was a result of George Bush and Global Warming.
Well, there is a very definate reason that we are getting more storms like this further south than in the past.

Right. Any deniers here want to use the current blizard in the northeast to try to deny global warming? (This should be fun).

What are you babbling about olfraud?

The fact that deniers cannot descern the difference between climate and weather.

You mean like you? If it's warm it's global warming. If it's cold it's global warming. If it's wet it's global warming, if it's dry it's global warming. When everything is the fault of something, it becomes quite clear that NOTHING is the fault of that thing.
:oops-28:Yes,! Once again it's that time of the winter when millions will be sending their Al Gore jokes onto the web. The winter forecast for at least the next week or longer will surely have Al Gore,John Kerry and Obama in a state of "Oops". And would anyone like to take a few guesses where Al Gore is? Florida? Bahamas? St. John? And to think Obama is very adamant about Global Warming! And remember when John Kerry said that Global Warming is a fact of life, END OF ARGUMENT! Now who will look like a complete buffoon over the next four to eight weeks as "The Experts" have given us a pretty accurate and Extremely Cold Forecast for the rest of the winter.:night::hmpf::hellno:
You know I don't see one wrinkled face or toothless grin in the pages of Modern Bride Magazine...
Right. Any deniers here want to use the current blizard in the northeast to try to deny global warming? (This should be fun).

What are you babbling about olfraud?

The fact that deniers cannot descern the difference between climate and weather.

You mean like you? If it's warm it's global warming. If it's cold it's global warming. If it's wet it's global warming, if it's dry it's global warming. When everything is the fault of something, it becomes quite clear that NOTHING is the fault of that thing.

Thanks for proving my point, yet again.
Right. Any deniers here want to use the current blizard in the northeast to try to deny global warming? (This should be fun).

What are you babbling about olfraud?

The fact that deniers cannot descern the difference between climate and weather.

You mean like you? If it's warm it's global warming. If it's cold it's global warming. If it's wet it's global warming, if it's dry it's global warming. When everything is the fault of something, it becomes quite clear that NOTHING is the fault of that thing.

Thanks for proving my point, yet again.

There are several threads started by your cult members on the subject where are you to claim that they are wrong on this very subject?

Then again you keep proving that AGW is a religious quote..

Still waiting for the datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate..
Right. Any deniers here want to use the current blizard in the northeast to try to deny global warming? (This should be fun).

What are you babbling about olfraud?

The fact that deniers cannot descern the difference between climate and weather.

Once again the AGW cult shows that they do not know what they post..

Sure I do. Those are letters that are making up words in a sentence. WTF did you think they were?
Right. Any deniers here want to use the current blizard in the northeast to try to deny global warming? (This should be fun).

What are you babbling about olfraud?

The fact that deniers cannot descern the difference between climate and weather.

You mean like you? If it's warm it's global warming. If it's cold it's global warming. If it's wet it's global warming, if it's dry it's global warming. When everything is the fault of something, it becomes quite clear that NOTHING is the fault of that thing.

Thanks for proving my point, yet again.

There are several threads started by your cult members on the subject where are you to claim that they are wrong on this very subject?

Then again you keep proving that AGW is a religious quote..

Still waiting for the datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate..

Here, let me assist you:

What are you babbling about olfraud?

The fact that deniers cannot descern the difference between climate and weather.

You mean like you? If it's warm it's global warming. If it's cold it's global warming. If it's wet it's global warming, if it's dry it's global warming. When everything is the fault of something, it becomes quite clear that NOTHING is the fault of that thing.

Thanks for proving my point, yet again.

There are several threads started by your cult members on the subject where are you to claim that they are wrong on this very subject?

Then again you keep proving that AGW is a religious quote..

Still waiting for the datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate..

Here, let me assist you:

damn, I clicked on your link and got nothing. Seems that is always all you have. Thanks for the nothing posts? BTW, the weather in NY is weather and is the same as it has been for 30 years, climate. Now please provide a link to prove something of value to your more stupid posts.

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