Extreme Frigid & Brutal Winter Weather On The Way.Gore&Kerry Have Some "Esplaining" To Do.

when polar bears migrate to Canada, i will believe the north pole has melted.
I am still waiting for an explanation on how Global Warming has caused a major increase in ice on both poles.
It hasn't. That's just deniers believing faulty data that agrees with their bias. If CO2 absorbs energy and the concentration is going up, that energy has to be doing something, right? The Law of Conservation of Energy doesn't go away just because some find it inconvenient.
The earth is flat. Dont walk too far you might fall off or the island your on will flip over....
I am still waiting for an explanation on how Global Warming has caused a major increase in ice on both poles.
It hasn't. That's just deniers believing faulty data that agrees with their bias. If CO2 absorbs energy and the concentration is going up, that energy has to be doing something, right? The Law of Conservation of Energy doesn't go away just because some find it inconvenient.
The earth is flat. Dont walk too far you might fall off or the island your on will flip over....
what? its flat? well that explains all of these earthquakes in New England.
What ever happened to the cows who were accused of causing all of this?
Is it not hysterical how in the last couple of years, "global" in global warming no longer includes the United States??!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
For at least the past 2 or 3 years, we have seen stoopid levels of bitter cold and summers where the temperature strains to get into the low 80's.........FOR THE WHOLE SUMMER........and nowhere near 95 or 100 that we saw all the time years ago!!:uhh::uhh::uhh::uhh::uhh::wtf:

More audibles and morphing from the AGW climate crusaders who are into perpetual spin mode to make sure their ruse still keeps up with the general global warming standard.

Oh......by the way......but the science is "settled"!!!:boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::coffee:
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So it was Global Warming that caused New York not to see 100 degrees last summer? it was Global Warming that caused no Catagory 4/5 Hurricanes to strike the east coast? and what happened to all of those never ending destructive tornado's last spring?
gee, what the bajesus is going on in Boston/New York this weekend? oh,,,Global Warming again! Those cows need to stop Farting 24/7 !!!!!
What does a vote in the senate have to do with climate change? Maybe the need to take a vote on whether they believe todays weather in the northeast was caused by cow and dinasor farts.
Hmmmmmmmmmm..................... Don't let ol' Rexx get behind you, with his fascination with farts, your asshole would be in danger.

Now, really, have you ever posted anything that required intellect than that of a third grader, Rexx? Have you ever taken a science course in high school? Did you even attend high school? All indications are that you are operating at less than the intellectual level of an adolescent.

Since we all depend on weather and climate for the food we eat, you might consider finding out just what the scientists worldwide are trying to tell you.
Tonight's scheduled service at the New York Chapel of The First Universal Church of Global Warming has been postponed due to a street-closing edict from the mayor who the church has denounced as a denier and probable Tea Party sympathizer.
How long has this 'debate' been going on? And you idiots still don't seem to know the difference between weather and climate and you still seem to think it all depends on Al Gore. Wow...
Gee......and all of you libroids think terrorism began and ended with 911.
Tonight's scheduled service at the New York Chapel of The First Universal Church of Global Warming has been postponed due to a street-closing edict from the mayor who the church has denounced as a denier and probable Tea Party sympathizer.
i wonder if this is "Global Warming Awareness Week".

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