Extreme rightwinger calls out trump’s BS

It was a lot more than one stupid incident.

You lefties have really moved away from Free Speech. Like a 180.
I’m all about free speech... and Shapiro speaks all the time. Stop being a drama queen

He has also been stopped plenty of times.

Generally with the violent street thugs getting at least tacit cooperation from the local liberal in administration or government, often with security and/or police ordered to stand down.

This is real. Ignoring it empowers it.
I don’t support any of that stuff. I also don’t think it is happening as often as you are trying to portray

I like to watch various speakers on youtube, mostly conservative of course.

I come across ones that are shut down, quite regularly.

HOw often is enough for it to be a problem, in your opinion?

One time is a problem... however Shapiro is not getting shut down on a regular basis. YouTube is littered with speeches he gives at universities. They are actually quite entertaining. He is a sharp cookie
Most of them are older.
I am just responding to your response about my argument. Apparently you are having great difficulty accepting the response.
"Accepting"....huh? Are you "accepting" my responses? You certainly are a proud, prancing little guy...

You just called me a big guy in your last post, and now a little guy. Try to decide... No wonder you are having difficulty staying coherent when you are constantly changing your stance to the opposite it was before.

Yes, you were/are having difficulty accepting that I was correct all along, while you basically produced gibberish and took a shit on my argument that had almost nothing to do with what I said.
The debt is off the charts, $20 trillion freaking dollars our financial problems are so bad at this point there's only one hope left for our country, GROWTH. We can't tax our way out of the problem and spending cuts is like shooting spit wads at the debt and deficit. Very aggressive growth which includes bitch slapping all these other countries like China who have been fucking us over.

Throw more DC status quo at the problem, dither, do nothing, the country will go down the tubes.
Deficits were declining before trump... His policies are increasing them.

Lets say I drink 30 beers a month, on average, for several years. Next month, I will jack that up to 60 beers a month, and then, the month after that, I cut back to 45 beers a month. The month after that, I cut it back to 40 beers a month. Yes, my beer consumption is declining. I am thrilled about that.
Ben Shapiro? Extreme conservative?

Man's as fake as it gets. What does he think about the proposition "open borders for Israel"?
Yeah right, have you ever heard Shapiro speak or do you just say that anybody opposing Trump is fake?! BTW, tariffs are not conservative policy. They fall under the government control/taxation arena which is progressive

You don't have a clue about conservative policy. National Defense is a top conservative policy, and if tariffs are necessary to protect industries crucial to national defense, then so be it.
Sure, whatever you need to tell yourself to justify it, that’s fine. Trumps trade war is all about national security. Got it
I’m all about free speech... and Shapiro speaks all the time. Stop being a drama queen

He has also been stopped plenty of times.

Generally with the violent street thugs getting at least tacit cooperation from the local liberal in administration or government, often with security and/or police ordered to stand down.

This is real. Ignoring it empowers it.
I don’t support any of that stuff. I also don’t think it is happening as often as you are trying to portray

I like to watch various speakers on youtube, mostly conservative of course.

I come across ones that are shut down, quite regularly.

HOw often is enough for it to be a problem, in your opinion?

One time is a problem... however Shapiro is not getting shut down on a regular basis. YouTube is littered with speeches he gives at universities. They are actually quite entertaining. He is a sharp cookie
Most of them are older.
Yeah most are back when he was doing the circuit and now he runs the daily wire, has a radio show and does tv appearances, he’s a busy guy. Are you trying to suggest that he is getting his speeches shut down by protestors on a regular basis?
Sales taxes add expenses to Americas, therefore they increase debt?
I was referring only to the statement that "tariffs are a tax on Americans." meaning, it can not go to pay down the debt, but still amount to a tax , in the spirit of an added expense.

Seemed obvious. Can't really dumb it down any further.

If the tariffs are collected, they are a tax, and they do bring down the national debt. The increased internal prices for American made goods, caused by the tariffs raise the price of the product, and the extra income goes to the producers and distributors.
Ben Shapiro? Extreme conservative?

Man's as fake as it gets. What does he think about the proposition "open borders for Israel"?
Yeah right, have you ever heard Shapiro speak or do you just say that anybody opposing Trump is fake?! BTW, tariffs are not conservative policy. They fall under the government control/taxation arena which is progressive

You don't have a clue about conservative policy. National Defense is a top conservative policy, and if tariffs are necessary to protect industries crucial to national defense, then so be it.
Sure, whatever you need to tell yourself to justify it, that’s fine. Trumps trade war is all about national security. Got it

In a few years, it is highly possible that we will be in a shooting war with the Chinese. It would be nice, if we didn't have to depend on them to supply the steel we need to build ships and guns.

It is also a good idea to quit supplying them the $Billions they use to build up their armed forces, and quit letting them steal all of our military and industrial secrets.

If that causes a little internal pain, so be it.
Ben Shapiro is obviously a genius.
Compared to most Republicans, sure. Compared to most Americans, not so much.

Ben Shapiro - Wikipedia

"Shapiro was born in Los Angeles, California. His family is Jewish, having emigrated from Russia and Lithuania. Skipping two grades (third and ninth), Shapiro went from Walter Reed Middle School to Yeshiva University High School of Los Angeles where he graduated in 2000 at age 16.[6][3] He graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2004, at age 20, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and then cum laude from Harvard Law School in 2007."

You are a moron. Ben Shapiro is literally a genius.
Wanna compare him to Rachel Maddow? She’s a Rhodes Scholar.

Whenever the university achievements of Liberals is pointed out wingnuts laugh and call them ivory tower pinheads. Then they want liberals to be impressed by degrees for conservatives. Typical hypocrisy and double standard.
Ben Shapiro? Extreme conservative?

Man's as fake as it gets. What does he think about the proposition "open borders for Israel"?
Yeah right, have you ever heard Shapiro speak or do you just say that anybody opposing Trump is fake?! BTW, tariffs are not conservative policy. They fall under the government control/taxation arena which is progressive

Please Shapiro is dumb as a post on this subject. He and all the rest of the anti Trump stupid shits need to pull their head, out of their ass.

Are you an economist? You would be hard pressed to find even a few economist that think Trump's tariffs are a good thing. But you won't have a hard time finding top economists who think Trump's tariffs are a bad thing and that Trump is clueless about basic economics.
Economists united: Trump tariffs won't help the economy
Economists united: Trump tariffs won't help the economy
1,100+ Economists: No Trump Tariffs
1,100+ Economists: No Trump Tariffs
Little Trumpsters are so clueless and gullible..
Ben Shapiro? Extreme conservative?

Man's as fake as it gets. What does he think about the proposition "open borders for Israel"?
Yeah right, have you ever heard Shapiro speak or do you just say that anybody opposing Trump is fake?! BTW, tariffs are not conservative policy. They fall under the government control/taxation arena which is progressive

Please Shapiro is dumb as a post on this subject. He and all the rest of the anti Trump stupid shits need to pull their head, out of their ass.

Are you an economist? You would be hard pressed to find even a few economist that think Trump's tariffs are a good thing. But you won't have a hard time finding top economists who think Trump's tariffs are a bad thing and that Trump is clueless about basic economics.
Economists united: Trump tariffs won't help the economy
Economists united: Trump tariffs won't help the economy
1,100+ Economists: No Trump Tariffs
1,100+ Economists: No Trump Tariffs
Little Trumpsters are so clueless and gullible..

I am an economist.

They are very welcome. The "economists" you talk about are shills. Hired to make up shit in order to repeat the mantra of big business. Or did you think that they all just happened to come to the conclusions that were wanted all along?

As such, I expect to not see any evidence for these statements. But who needs evidence when you can just point to opinions? And no, inferring from some made up cherry picked economic theory that in no way corresponds to reality leaving dozens of factors out of the analysis... is not evidence.

The leftists, always with their reality by chanting.
Ben Shapiro? Extreme conservative?

Man's as fake as it gets. What does he think about the proposition "open borders for Israel"?
Yeah right, have you ever heard Shapiro speak or do you just say that anybody opposing Trump is fake?! BTW, tariffs are not conservative policy. They fall under the government control/taxation arena which is progressive

Please Shapiro is dumb as a post on this subject. He and all the rest of the anti Trump stupid shits need to pull their head, out of their ass.

Are you an economist? You would be hard pressed to find even a few economist that think Trump's tariffs are a good thing. But you won't have a hard time finding top economists who think Trump's tariffs are a bad thing and that Trump is clueless about basic economics.
Economists united: Trump tariffs won't help the economy
Economists united: Trump tariffs won't help the economy
1,100+ Economists: No Trump Tariffs
1,100+ Economists: No Trump Tariffs
Little Trumpsters are so clueless and gullible..

I am an economist.

They are very welcome. The "economists" you talk about are shills. Hired to make up shit in order to repeat the mantra of big business. Or did you think that they all just happened to come to the conclusions that were wanted all along?

As such, I expect to not see any evidence for these statements. But who needs evidence when you can just point to opinions? And no, inferring from some made up cherry picked economic theory that in no way corresponds to reality leaving dozens of factors out of the analysis... is not evidence.

The leftists, always with their reality by chanting.

I have read your posts, you are too stupid to be an economist.You are just a Little Trumpster, who had posted some of the most ignorant shit I have ever read.
The very top economists in the world, think Trump's tariffs are a formula for failure and you have a rough time putting a sentence together.
100% Of Economists Asked Said Import Tariffs Were Not A Good Idea
100% Of Economists Asked Said Import Tariffs Were Not A Good Idea
Trump's trade battles are behind a huge shift in how some of America's top economists feel about the economy
Trump's trade battles are behind a huge shift in how some of America's top economists feel about the economy
Ben Shapiro? Extreme conservative?

Man's as fake as it gets. What does he think about the proposition "open borders for Israel"?
Yeah right, have you ever heard Shapiro speak or do you just say that anybody opposing Trump is fake?! BTW, tariffs are not conservative policy. They fall under the government control/taxation arena which is progressive

Please Shapiro is dumb as a post on this subject. He and all the rest of the anti Trump stupid shits need to pull their head, out of their ass.

Are you an economist? You would be hard pressed to find even a few economist that think Trump's tariffs are a good thing. But you won't have a hard time finding top economists who think Trump's tariffs are a bad thing and that Trump is clueless about basic economics.
Economists united: Trump tariffs won't help the economy
Economists united: Trump tariffs won't help the economy
1,100+ Economists: No Trump Tariffs
1,100+ Economists: No Trump Tariffs
Little Trumpsters are so clueless and gullible..

I am an economist.

They are very welcome. The "economists" you talk about are shills. Hired to make up shit in order to repeat the mantra of big business. Or did you think that they all just happened to come to the conclusions that were wanted all along?

As such, I expect to not see any evidence for these statements. But who needs evidence when you can just point to opinions? And no, inferring from some made up cherry picked economic theory that in no way corresponds to reality leaving dozens of factors out of the analysis... is not evidence.

The leftists, always with their reality by chanting.

I have read your posts, you are too stupid to be an economist.
The very top economists in the world, think Trump's tariffs are a formula for failure.
100% Of Economists Asked Said Import Tariffs Were Not A Good Idea
100% Of Economists Asked Said Import Tariffs Were Not A Good Idea
Trump's trade battles are behind a huge shift in how some of America's top economists feel about the economy
Trump's trade battles are behind a huge shift in how some of America's top economists feel about the economy

You claim other people are dumb, when you parrot shills and do not even read their arguments?

Well of course, that's exactly what an 80 IQ moron would do. I don't give a shit what shill economists thought when asked about tariffs by even more shill journalists. I am betting, this is not a random sample. It's like a coin handing tails 1000 times in a row, and only you are idiotic enough to believe that the coin is fair.

My IQ has been determined to be yuge by specialists, so your opinion is less than worthless to me. You have no credentials to assess the IQ of anyone, just like you have no credentials assessing the tariffs.
He says that tariff's are taxes.

Yet, they somehow don't bring down the debt.

Brilliant analysis Shapiro. So I assume that the only way to pay down the debt is by magic then.

No...it's called 'cutting spending'. It's what Conservatives are supposed to be good at. You know...'small government'?

First you cut spending. Then you balance the budget. Then you increase tax revenues by (hopefully) having the economy boom. Then you start paying down the debt.

That is how you pay down the debt.

Tariffs have NOTHING to do with paying down the national debt...NOTHING. They are (ideally) to protect/create jobs. They (ideally) reduce the trade deficit.

But the trade deficit has NOTHING to do with the national debt.
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Ben Shapiro is a stupid moron who should avoid saying anything about taxes, deficits, or the economy.


'He (Ben Shapiro) graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2004, at age 20, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and then cum laude from Harvard Law School in 2007.[7] He then practiced law at Goodwin Procter. As of March 2012 he ran an independent legal consultancy firm, Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting, in Los Angeles.'

Ben Shapiro - Wikipedia

This sounds like someone who is a 'stupid moron' to you - yes or no, please?
He says that tariff's are taxes.

Yet, they somehow don't bring down the debt.

Brilliant analysis Shapiro. So I assume that the only way to pay down the debt is by magic then.

No...it's called 'cutting spending'. It's what Conservatives are supposed to be good at. You know...'small government'?

First you cut spending. Then you balance the budget. Then you increase tax revenues by (hopefully) having the economy boom. Then you start paying down the debt.

That is how you pay down the debt.

Tariffs have NOTHING to do with paying down the national debt...NOTHING.

Revenue has nothing to do with debt?

That is nonsense.

But anyway I agree with the cutting spending part.
Trump is a TOTAL idiot on tariffs if he thinks they have ANYTHING to do with the national debt.
Ben Shapiro? Extreme conservative?

Man's as fake as it gets. What does he think about the proposition "open borders for Israel"?
Yeah right, have you ever heard Shapiro speak or do you just say that anybody opposing Trump is fake?! BTW, tariffs are not conservative policy. They fall under the government control/taxation arena which is progressive

Please Shapiro is dumb as a post on this subject. He and all the rest of the anti Trump stupid shits need to pull their head, out of their ass.

So the former editor-at-large of Breitbart is 'anti-Trump'?

Suuuuuuuure he is.

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