Extreme rightwinger calls out trump’s BS

He says that tariff's are taxes.

Yet, they somehow don't bring down the debt.

Brilliant analysis Shapiro. So I assume that the only way to pay down the debt is by magic then.

No...it's called 'cutting spending'. It's what Conservatives are supposed to be good at. You know...'small government'?

First you cut spending. Then you balance the budget. Then you increase tax revenues by (hopefully) having the economy boom. Then you start paying down the debt.

That is how you pay down the debt.

Tariffs have NOTHING to do with paying down the national debt...NOTHING. They are (ideally) to protect/create jobs. They (ideally) reduce the trade deficit.

But the trade deficit has NOTHING to do with the national debt.
Trade deficit is kind of a deceiving term as it is perceived by some as a simple financial loss... but we can’t forget that the “loss” of money we pay to the Chinese is for goods that fuel many American businesses. And those dollars do come back through the cycle of a free trade system. World trade and commerce is a very complicated subject with many moving parts but you are right that the trade deficit has nothing to do with the national debt...

Unless of course you are considering the entire American economy and assume that the tarriffs will result in more US businesses/jobs and/or better trade deals which will result in a higher GDP, increasing revenues and going towards our national debt. We need to get our GDP to debt ratio down bigly
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He says that tariff's are taxes.

Yet, they somehow don't bring down the debt.

Brilliant analysis Shapiro. So I assume that the only way to pay down the debt is by magic then.

No...it's called 'cutting spending'. It's what Conservatives are supposed to be good at. You know...'small government'?

First you cut spending. Then you balance the budget. Then you increase tax revenues by (hopefully) having the economy boom. Then you start paying down the debt.

That is how you pay down the debt.

Tariffs have NOTHING to do with paying down the national debt...NOTHING. They are (ideally) to protect/create jobs. They (ideally) reduce the trade deficit.

But the trade deficit has NOTHING to do with the national debt.
Trade deficit is kind of a deceiving term as it is perceived by some as a simple financial loss... but we can’t forget that the “loss” of money we pay to the Chinese is for goods that fuel many American businesses. And those dollars do come back through the cycle of a free trade system. World trade and commerce is a very complicated subject with many moving parts but you are right that the trade deficit has nothing to do with the national debt...

Unless of course you are considering the m entire American economy and assume that the tarriffs will result in more US businesses/jobs and/or better trade deals which will result in a higher GD, increasing revenues and going towards our national debt. We need to get our GDP to debt ratio down bigly

Those consumer items from China really do benefit our businesses.

Supposedly the trade deficit has nothing to do with government debt, until you actually look at the US debt held by China. Then you discover that it ain't quite so.

TL;DR Each year we have to pay more and more interest to China as politicians have deemed it a good idea to have an endless amount of consumer goods financed by credit. Meanwhile all the business too is leaving to China to benefit from slave labor... and the tariffs are supposedly a bad idea? I think not...

Tariffs just like open borders, benefit rich countries like the USA. The only way to lose is to not fight back.
I watch Shapiro every day, have for a long time now. He's a never-Trumper, always has been (it's because he's really concerned with "moral culture" being devoutly religious) - he constantly calls Trump a terrible person, I've heard him call Trump a "dumpster fire" and lot of other typically left wing propaganda phrases.

He's also a "free market" person who believes that tariffs of any kind, for any reason are wrong, bad, and "a tax on your own nations people."

I personally disagree with him and his analysis. I don't see anything wrong with using tariffs in conjunction with business deregulation and lower taxes as an incentive too bring business back to America - boosting our economy, instead of the economies of other nations who offer better profit potential (like China - who I'll note use tariffs that way - in addition to something I wouldn't agre with; requiring any foreign business to partner, and thus share their technological research, with Chinese controlled businesses. Thus businesses don't want to ever leave China again, because the Chinese owned company will become their direct competitor, making the same product and of course China can do it cheaper because they don't pay their workers as much. It's a no-win for the business. A brilliant strategy on China's part, gotta respect that - even if I dislike what they've done to the US.)

I think tariffs are kind of a national defense thing - like these days we're a service nation, if some shit goes down, another world war or whatever, we could be in some deep shit because we are losing the infrastructure to do our own manufacturing (much less the skilled employees to work at them.)
He is a good broadcaster and has some great guests on his Sunday podcast.

Last week’s interviews with David Mamet was awesome.

Mamet is one of the best writers of our time, lifetime liberals, but when he reassessed his position among all the current vitriol and decided he was actually a libertarian, Hollywood shunned him.


Liberals are funny, no room for free thought.
Is conservatives didn’t lie they would have nothing to say.

View attachment 208934

Did Mamet lie when he was liberal, or did he only start when he changed his mind and decided that liberals are cvnts?
He says that tariff's are taxes.

Yet, they somehow don't bring down the debt.

Brilliant analysis Shapiro. So I assume that the only way to pay down the debt is by magic then.

No...it's called 'cutting spending'. It's what Conservatives are supposed to be good at. You know...'small government'?

First you cut spending. Then you balance the budget. Then you increase tax revenues by (hopefully) having the economy boom. Then you start paying down the debt.

That is how you pay down the debt.

Tariffs have NOTHING to do with paying down the national debt...NOTHING. They are (ideally) to protect/create jobs. They (ideally) reduce the trade deficit.

But the trade deficit has NOTHING to do with the national debt.

Sure it does, downstream.

More companies making revenues and hiring more people means more taxes for the Fed.

Now, the budget has to be reduced in order to use the increased tax revenue to pay down the debt, but increasing exports can certainly lead to a lower debt.
He has also been stopped plenty of times.

Generally with the violent street thugs getting at least tacit cooperation from the local liberal in administration or government, often with security and/or police ordered to stand down.

This is real. Ignoring it empowers it.
I don’t support any of that stuff. I also don’t think it is happening as often as you are trying to portray

I like to watch various speakers on youtube, mostly conservative of course.

I come across ones that are shut down, quite regularly.

HOw often is enough for it to be a problem, in your opinion?

One time is a problem... however Shapiro is not getting shut down on a regular basis. YouTube is littered with speeches he gives at universities. They are actually quite entertaining. He is a sharp cookie

Next time you are on youtube, keep an eye out for him being shut down, or stopped. You might be surprised.
How many of his speeches do you think have been shut down/cancelled because of protestors?

Really I could not guess.

I have not seen any hard data on what percentage of the time that a conservatives tries to speak that liberals try to stop him.

The examples I have seen, indicate an extreme hostility to Free Speech by both activists and administration and local dem politicians.
Ben Shapiro is obviously a genius.
Compared to most Republicans, sure. Compared to most Americans, not so much.

Ben Shapiro - Wikipedia

"Shapiro was born in Los Angeles, California. His family is Jewish, having emigrated from Russia and Lithuania. Skipping two grades (third and ninth), Shapiro went from Walter Reed Middle School to Yeshiva University High School of Los Angeles where he graduated in 2000 at age 16.[6][3] He graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2004, at age 20, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and then cum laude from Harvard Law School in 2007."

You are a moron. Ben Shapiro is literally a genius.
Wanna compare him to Rachel Maddow? She’s a Rhodes Scholar.

Whenever the university achievements of Liberals is pointed out wingnuts laugh and call them ivory tower pinheads. Then they want liberals to be impressed by degrees for conservatives. Typical hypocrisy and double standard.

Generally we do that, when you guys are citing the libs in questions as an Authority, in place of making a real defense of your position.

Also, the common factor of an intelligent and educated person being out of touch with the day to day life of the regular guy, is something that does happen.

Indeed, I've seen Shapiro do it himself.

The topic here, is you calling him stupid though. His academic achievements, ALONE, demonstrate that that was a stupid thing for you to claim.

Ben Shapiro is literally a genius.
I don’t support any of that stuff. I also don’t think it is happening as often as you are trying to portray

I like to watch various speakers on youtube, mostly conservative of course.

I come across ones that are shut down, quite regularly.

HOw often is enough for it to be a problem, in your opinion?

One time is a problem... however Shapiro is not getting shut down on a regular basis. YouTube is littered with speeches he gives at universities. They are actually quite entertaining. He is a sharp cookie

Next time you are on youtube, keep an eye out for him being shut down, or stopped. You might be surprised.
How many of his speeches do you think have been shut down/cancelled because of protestors?

Really I could not guess.

I have not seen any hard data on what percentage of the time that a conservatives tries to speak that liberals try to stop him.

The examples I have seen, indicate an extreme hostility to Free Speech by both activists and administration and local dem politicians.
How many incidents have you seen involving Shapiro?
I like to watch various speakers on youtube, mostly conservative of course.

I come across ones that are shut down, quite regularly.

HOw often is enough for it to be a problem, in your opinion?

One time is a problem... however Shapiro is not getting shut down on a regular basis. YouTube is littered with speeches he gives at universities. They are actually quite entertaining. He is a sharp cookie

Next time you are on youtube, keep an eye out for him being shut down, or stopped. You might be surprised.
How many of his speeches do you think have been shut down/cancelled because of protestors?

Really I could not guess.

I have not seen any hard data on what percentage of the time that a conservatives tries to speak that liberals try to stop him.

The examples I have seen, indicate an extreme hostility to Free Speech by both activists and administration and local dem politicians.
How many incidents have you seen involving Shapiro?

AT least 3 off the top of my head.
Ben Shapiro is obviously a genius.
Compared to most Republicans, sure. Compared to most Americans, not so much.

Ben Shapiro - Wikipedia

"Shapiro was born in Los Angeles, California. His family is Jewish, having emigrated from Russia and Lithuania. Skipping two grades (third and ninth), Shapiro went from Walter Reed Middle School to Yeshiva University High School of Los Angeles where he graduated in 2000 at age 16.[6][3] He graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2004, at age 20, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and then cum laude from Harvard Law School in 2007."

You are a moron. Ben Shapiro is literally a genius.
Wanna compare him to Rachel Maddow? She’s a Rhodes Scholar.

Whenever the university achievements of Liberals is pointed out wingnuts laugh and call them ivory tower pinheads. Then they want liberals to be impressed by degrees for conservatives. Typical hypocrisy and double standard.

Generally we do that, when you guys are citing the libs in questions as an Authority, in place of making a real defense of your position.

Also, the common factor of an intelligent and educated person being out of touch with the day to day life of the regular guy, is something that does happen.

Indeed, I've seen Shapiro do it himself.

The topic here, is you calling him stupid though. His academic achievements, ALONE, demonstrate that that was a stupid thing for you to claim.

Ben Shapiro is literally a genius.
Show me where I called him stupid.

Then go look up the definition of genius.
Ben Shapiro is obviously a genius.
Compared to most Republicans, sure. Compared to most Americans, not so much.

Ben Shapiro - Wikipedia

"Shapiro was born in Los Angeles, California. His family is Jewish, having emigrated from Russia and Lithuania. Skipping two grades (third and ninth), Shapiro went from Walter Reed Middle School to Yeshiva University High School of Los Angeles where he graduated in 2000 at age 16.[6][3] He graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2004, at age 20, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and then cum laude from Harvard Law School in 2007."

You are a moron. Ben Shapiro is literally a genius.
Wanna compare him to Rachel Maddow? She’s a Rhodes Scholar.

Whenever the university achievements of Liberals is pointed out wingnuts laugh and call them ivory tower pinheads. Then they want liberals to be impressed by degrees for conservatives. Typical hypocrisy and double standard.

Generally we do that, when you guys are citing the libs in questions as an Authority, in place of making a real defense of your position.

Also, the common factor of an intelligent and educated person being out of touch with the day to day life of the regular guy, is something that does happen.

Indeed, I've seen Shapiro do it himself.

The topic here, is you calling him stupid though. His academic achievements, ALONE, demonstrate that that was a stupid thing for you to claim.

Ben Shapiro is literally a genius.
Show me where I called him stupid.

Then go look up the definition of genius.

I overstated, you called him, "marginally intellectual."

And you are wrong, he is obviously a genius.

Jesus, they have really downgraded the requirements to be called a genius. 125? Christ, that is bullshit.

THat is like one in twenty could be potential geniuses....
Ben Shapiro? Extreme conservative?

Man's as fake as it gets. What does he think about the proposition "open borders for Israel"?
Yeah right, have you ever heard Shapiro speak or do you just say that anybody opposing Trump is fake?! BTW, tariffs are not conservative policy. They fall under the government control/taxation arena which is progressive
sure they are, the conservatives pre WW 2 were for tariffs.....post WW2 were not.
Trump is for tariffs if the other country has them

so what is the problem with that?
Ben Shapiro? Extreme conservative?

Man's as fake as it gets. What does he think about the proposition "open borders for Israel"?
Yeah right, have you ever heard Shapiro speak or do you just say that anybody opposing Trump is fake?! BTW, tariffs are not conservative policy. They fall under the government control/taxation arena which is progressive
sure they are, the conservatives pre WW 2 were for tariffs.....post WW2 were not.
Trump is for tariffs if the other country has them

so what is the problem with that?
I don’t have a problem with tarriffs, I’m simply looking for an honest discussion about them. There are serious effects to imposing tariffs, but we also have many serious problems in the trade arena

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