Extreme weather events that show AGW

Really? Then why are they not at the AGU conference? Or at the AMS conference? And these people make explicit reference to the historical record. You sit there, covered in the slime of the worst of scientific ignorance, and spout how you know so much more than these scientists.

Because opposing voices, and opposing research isn't tolerated. That is the hallmark of that scam, and why it isn't true science.
Every major scientific institution in the world agrees that the globe is warming and that Man is the cause. There is no real dissenting research, only a few paid industry shills.

Can you provide a single piece of observed, measured data that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...NO..you can not. That being said, upon what, exactly do you suppose this agreement that man is causing climate change is based? If it isn't observed, measured data, then the only other thing that I can think of that would bring a bunch of natural skeptics together in agreement is money...and lots of it.
Lol, co2 makes the world warmer than it would be without it. Man is adding huge amounts of co2 and other green house gasses to the atmosphere. Poof! Global warming!

Then tell us dupe, why is it so fucking cold, huh?why is it still snowing in many parts of the country?
Let Musk take over supplying the power in Puerto Rico.

Great idea!

Oh Wait... Bad Idea... this is what happened to that infrastructure...

this was a solar panel farm..

this was a wind mill farm

Nice cherry picking. The inland solar panels survived. And solar helped to get up vital communications quickly. Much faster than waiting on the clown of a President.

A fire department in Puerto Rico is now powered by solar: 'It's a matter of life and death'

The actor Mark Ruffalo, an Empowered by Light advisor who supported the effort, also weighed in: "Energy from the sun and wind are abundant, and can be used to power Puerto Rico," he said in a statement. "I think renewable energy solutions should be integrated into any emergency relief effort."

Other solar projects are also underway on the island. The Solar Energy Industries Association said it has received pledges of more than $1.2 million in solar products and monetary contributions since the storm hit. Separately, companies such as Tesla and Sonnen have pledged various battery and microgrid products. Utah-based New Star Solar sent a Boeing 747 jetliner with $300,000 worth of panels and solar generators that left Salt Lake City for Puerto Rico last weekend.

The project has been a labor of love and 18-hour days, with a total cost somewhere in the "hundreds of thousands" of dollars, Birt said. Sunrun and Givepower collectively donated about 15,000 pounds of equipment, Newbold said. In Friday's Caribbean heat, everyone involved pitched in to bring heavy equipment up four flights of stairs to get supplies to the roof of the fire station.
Really? Then why are they not at the AGU conference? Or at the AMS conference? And these people make explicit reference to the historical record. You sit there, covered in the slime of the worst of scientific ignorance, and spout how you know so much more than these scientists.

Because opposing voices, and opposing research isn't tolerated. That is the hallmark of that scam, and why it isn't true science.
Every major scientific institution in the world agrees that the globe is warming and that Man is the cause. There is no real dissenting research, only a few paid industry shills.

Can you provide a single piece of observed, measured data that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...NO..you can not. That being said, upon what, exactly do you suppose this agreement that man is causing climate change is based? If it isn't observed, measured data, then the only other thing that I can think of that would bring a bunch of natural skeptics together in agreement is money...and lots of it.
Lol, co2 makes the world warmer than it would be without it. Man is adding huge amounts of co2 and other green house gasses to the atmosphere. Poof! Global warming!

Then tell us dupe, why is it so fucking cold, huh?why is it still snowing in many parts of the country?
What do you mean, cold? After all, it was 70 here yesterday. LOL
Let Musk take over supplying the power in Puerto Rico.

Great idea!

Oh Wait... Bad Idea... this is what happened to that infrastructure...

this was a solar panel farm..

this was a wind mill farm

Nice cherry picking. The inland solar panels survived. And solar helped to get up vital communications quickly. Much faster than waiting on the clown of a President.

A fire department in Puerto Rico is now powered by solar: 'It's a matter of life and death'

The actor Mark Ruffalo, an Empowered by Light advisor who supported the effort, also weighed in: "Energy from the sun and wind are abundant, and can be used to power Puerto Rico," he said in a statement. "I think renewable energy solutions should be integrated into any emergency relief effort."

Other solar projects are also underway on the island. The Solar Energy Industries Association said it has received pledges of more than $1.2 million in solar products and monetary contributions since the storm hit. Separately, companies such as Tesla and Sonnen have pledged various battery and microgrid products. Utah-based New Star Solar sent a Boeing 747 jetliner with $300,000 worth of panels and solar generators that left Salt Lake City for Puerto Rico last weekend.

The project has been a labor of love and 18-hour days, with a total cost somewhere in the "hundreds of thousands" of dollars, Birt said. Sunrun and Givepower collectively donated about 15,000 pounds of equipment, Newbold said. In Friday's Caribbean heat, everyone involved pitched in to bring heavy equipment up four flights of stairs to get supplies to the roof of the fire station.


Fantasy not being seen according to FEMA... talk about cherry picking your facts...
If you watch science sh

There are now events that can definitely be attributed to man's influence on the climate.

ows you realize how connected everything is and how fragile and thin our atmosphere is.

The more science and facts you know the more you realize republicans are fos
Let Musk take over supplying the power in Puerto Rico.

Great idea!

Oh Wait... Bad Idea... this is what happened to that infrastructure...

this was a solar panel farm..

this was a wind mill farm

Nice cherry picking. The inland solar panels survived. And solar helped to get up vital communications quickly. Much faster than waiting on the clown of a President.

A fire department in Puerto Rico is now powered by solar: 'It's a matter of life and death'

The actor Mark Ruffalo, an Empowered by Light advisor who supported the effort, also weighed in: "Energy from the sun and wind are abundant, and can be used to power Puerto Rico," he said in a statement. "I think renewable energy solutions should be integrated into any emergency relief effort."

Other solar projects are also underway on the island. The Solar Energy Industries Association said it has received pledges of more than $1.2 million in solar products and monetary contributions since the storm hit. Separately, companies such as Tesla and Sonnen have pledged various battery and microgrid products. Utah-based New Star Solar sent a Boeing 747 jetliner with $300,000 worth of panels and solar generators that left Salt Lake City for Puerto Rico last weekend.

The project has been a labor of love and 18-hour days, with a total cost somewhere in the "hundreds of thousands" of dollars, Birt said. Sunrun and Givepower collectively donated about 15,000 pounds of equipment, Newbold said. In Friday's Caribbean heat, everyone involved pitched in to bring heavy equipment up four flights of stairs to get supplies to the roof of the fire station.


Fantasy not being seen according to FEMA... talk about cherry picking your facts...

I don’t trust fema now that republicans are in charge. They want to undermine and they lie. Then they fight watch dog groups on freedom of information act
well Sealy, you'd have a cow if you knew what plans they have for disasters , man made OR environmental....~S~:CryingCow:
If you watch science sh

There are now events that can definitely be attributed to man's influence on the climate.

ows you realize how connected everything is and how fragile and thin our atmosphere is.

The more science and facts you know the more you realize republicans are fos

There are the whole of the lectures at the American Geophysical Union's lectures on Youtube. Real scientists explaining their methods, observations, and conclusions for all to see. They are available for the last several years. But our 'Conservatives' would rather listen to people with no education or evidence, as long as it agrees with their pre-conceived ideological fantasies.
Lol, co2 makes the world warmer than it would be without it. Man is adding huge amounts of co2 and other green house gasses to the atmosphere. Poof! Global warming!

Yeah...I already heard you say that. Alas, saying it doesn't make it true...which is why I asked you if you could provide a single observation or measurement which establishes a coherent link between the absorption of IR by a gas and warming in the atmosphere. I wouldn't have asked if I though you would be able to produce such an observation or measurement. If you could, then I probably wouldn't be so skeptical...Actual evidence that absorption and emission of IR by a gas equals warming would be pretty convincing evidence...but alas, there is none...only within models does absorption and emission equal warming.
If you watch science sh

There are now events that can definitely be attributed to man's influence on the climate.

ows you realize how connected everything is and how fragile and thin our atmosphere is.

The more science and facts you know the more you realize republicans are fos

There are the whole of the lectures at the American Geophysical Union's lectures on Youtube. Real scientists explaining their methods, observations, and conclusions for all to see. They are available for the last several years. But our 'Conservatives' would rather listen to people with no education or evidence, as long as it agrees with their pre-conceived ideological fantasies.

Corporations don’t want to go green.
If you watch science sh

There are now events that can definitely be attributed to man's influence on the climate.

ows you realize how connected everything is and how fragile and thin our atmosphere is.

The more science and facts you know the more you realize republicans are fos

There are the whole of the lectures at the American Geophysical Union's lectures on Youtube. Real scientists explaining their methods, observations, and conclusions for all to see. They are available for the last several years. But our 'Conservatives' would rather listen to people with no education or evidence, as long as it agrees with their pre-conceived ideological fantasies.

Your so called "scientists" used worthless models to create their world of fiction. If you were actually a scientist you could evaluate this for yourself but you are ok with consensus of a group of people who have fooled themselves. They have long ago lost the titles of 'scientists' as they have abandoned the scientific method, principals, and skepticism. They have sold out to be nothing more than political whores looking for their next grant to keep the lie alive by saying what the politicians seeking power want.

Funny how empirical evidence calls them out and you refuse to even look..
If you watch science sh

There are now events that can definitely be attributed to man's influence on the climate.

ows you realize how connected everything is and how fragile and thin our atmosphere is.

The more science and facts you know the more you realize republicans are fos

There are the whole of the lectures at the American Geophysical Union's lectures on Youtube. Real scientists explaining their methods, observations, and conclusions for all to see. They are available for the last several years. But our 'Conservatives' would rather listen to people with no education or evidence, as long as it agrees with their pre-conceived ideological fantasies.

I have seen some of them over the years, while you as usual IGNORED my post at #43

You posted about six times after my post 43 reply, which indicate you have no name calling free reply to offer, which are drawn from official sources.

If you watch science sh

There are now events that can definitely be attributed to man's influence on the climate.

ows you realize how connected everything is and how fragile and thin our atmosphere is.

The more science and facts you know the more you realize republicans are fos

There are the whole of the lectures at the American Geophysical Union's lectures on Youtube. Real scientists explaining their methods, observations, and conclusions for all to see. They are available for the last several years. But our 'Conservatives' would rather listen to people with no education or evidence, as long as it agrees with their pre-conceived ideological fantasies.

Corporations don’t want to go green.

Unless it's in their back pocket

In my trade the green machine is hands down the biggest deal since edison lit up wall street

If you watch science sh

There are now events that can definitely be attributed to man's influence on the climate.

ows you realize how connected everything is and how fragile and thin our atmosphere is.

The more science and facts you know the more you realize republicans are fos

There are the whole of the lectures at the American Geophysical Union's lectures on Youtube. Real scientists explaining their methods, observations, and conclusions for all to see. They are available for the last several years. But our 'Conservatives' would rather listen to people with no education or evidence, as long as it agrees with their pre-conceived ideological fantasies.

Your so called "scientists" used worthless models to create their world of fiction. If you were actually a scientist you could evaluate this for yourself but you are ok with consensus of a group of people who have fooled themselves. They have long ago lost the titles of 'scientists' as they have abandoned the scientific method, principals, and skepticism. They have sold out to be nothing more than political whores looking for their next grant to keep the lie alive by saying what the politicians seeking power want.

Funny how empirical evidence calls them out and you refuse to even look..


If you watch science sh

There are now events that can definitely be attributed to man's influence on the climate.

ows you realize how connected everything is and how fragile and thin our atmosphere is.

The more science and facts you know the more you realize republicans are fos

There are the whole of the lectures at the American Geophysical Union's lectures on Youtube. Real scientists explaining their methods, observations, and conclusions for all to see. They are available for the last several years. But our 'Conservatives' would rather listen to people with no education or evidence, as long as it agrees with their pre-conceived ideological fantasies.

Your so called "scientists" used worthless models to create their world of fiction. If you were actually a scientist you could evaluate this for yourself but you are ok with consensus of a group of people who have fooled themselves. They have long ago lost the titles of 'scientists' as they have abandoned the scientific method, principals, and skepticism. They have sold out to be nothing more than political whores looking for their next grant to keep the lie alive by saying what the politicians seeking power want.

Funny how empirical evidence calls them out and you refuse to even look..



Ok dim bulb...

Post up the relevant science which has EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE to support your position. It must be verifiable and repeatable. Note: Modeling is NOT empirical evidence, it is pure fantasy.
Once again I will pose the question I have many times in this forum..... and that is yet to be answered by a single climate crusader.

Where is the science mattering in the real world?

Links please!!!!:bigboy:
Where is the science mattering in the real world?


Nibblin' on sponge cake,

watchin' the sun bake;

All those deniers addicted to oil

Sucking the CO , and Big oil BS

Tempers in Congress begining to boil

Wasted away in the Oilocracy

Claiming all alt energy shill gain

Same folks claim middle east is insane

But I know my addiction ain't changed

Some think it's treason, Redfords lost reason

With all his tar sands spillage ado

I liked him as sundance, so i gave him a chance

But wonder if he's got the slightest of clues.

Wasted away again in Oilocracy,

Searchin' through those kocktopus vaults.

Some people claim them cannuck pipelines ashame

But I know..... it's my SUV's fault.

I love when they flip flop,

and claim we're all on top

Tell us the troops will be coming back home.

But there's crude in the pipeline,

And soon it will refine

That dark brown concoction that helps me drive on.

Wasted away again in Oilocracy,

Listening to them oilman explain

Some people claim climate change is their blame

But I know ......it's all just a game

Yes i know..... it's all just a game


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