extremist Christian-hate-filled posts

Hey swallow chick, the definition of Christian is one who believes in Christ. They follow Jesus (at least they claim to), they read the same Bible you do, as well as do a lot of the same things that Christians do.

Are you really this stupid? Yeah.....I made a mistake, and was confused. You on the other hand are nothing more than a soup sandwich.

That's your definition. But the truth is, the real Christians,the original Christians, who believed in baptism by immersion and being born again, have always been persecuted by the cults which followed...including Catholicism.

I used to think "Christian" simply meant a belief in Jesus as savior. I know longer believe that. The more I study, the more I realize...a Christian is a believer who believes salvation comes ONLY through Christ, and Christ alone.

That is in direct conflict with the Catholic religion, which believes salvation comes through intermediaries and rituals.
Oddly, even when there IS evidence, it's still a sin by their teachings to judge others. They like to ignore facts like that though.

Actually, the admonishment in that often quoted and little understood statement is that when you judge, you need to be careful while judging that you consider the fact that you will also be judged in the end, and as you hope for merciful and wise judgment, so you should extend it.

There is more about judging non-believers. If you're really interested you should look it up so you don't sound so stupid.

Pro-queers are Christian and Bible hating workers of iniquity by nature, since they can't defend what they like in a rational manner, they attack those who don't like and or disagree with what they do. Just a bunch of self loathing losers.

Dude, so yourself and every other conservative on this board a favor and STFU, huh? Do you live in a bomb shelter, or what? When I read your posts I think of Humphrey Bogart on the stand in "The Caine Mutiny."

When you have God appear before me and tell me that He has appointed you his spokesman, THEN you might have a case.

Nowhere in the Bible does Christ tell you nor anyone else to hate homosexuals, and/or those who disagree with you. And don't bother trying to haul out some Levitican bullshit on me ... not if you're Christian.

If you've got some homosexual buggering you every day, I can see you having a complaint. If not, mind your own business. Try worrying about gettting your hate-filled ass into Heaven and let others worry about themselves.
I detest born agains. They sicken me. I hate to say I hate religion but I can't help it. What they did to religion makes me sick. I'd rather be Jewish or Muslim than a born again. I'm talking about Hagee, Palin, PTL, Baker, Oral Roberts, Falwell.

These people will burn in hell. Well, Palin won't burn in hell, but she will find out that nothing she learned here on earth was the truth.

The rest of them will burn. Actually, I don't believe in hell. But if their version of heaven and hell is correct, they will burn in the pit of eternal damnation praise the lord. LOL.
The fact is, most who support the homosexual agenda are pretty dismissive of the contents of the bible. That's the problem. They sort through and discard the parts of the bible they don't like, and they cling to those which support their beliefs.
Actually, the admonishment in that often quoted and little understood statement is that when you judge, you need to be careful while judging that you consider the fact that you will also be judged in the end, and as you hope for merciful and wise judgment, so you should extend it.

There is more about judging non-believers. If you're really interested you should look it up so you don't sound so stupid.


Where does it say it is about judging non-believers? Got a quote?

Here, let me help:

The Gospel according to
St. Matthew

Judging Others
Lk. 6.3738, 4142
1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Mk. 4.24

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

6 ¶ Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Matthew 7. The Holy Bible: King James Version.
I detest born agains. They sicken me. I hate to say I hate religion but I can't help it. What they did to religion makes me sick. I'd rather be Jewish or Muslim than a born again. I'm talking about Hagee, Palin, PTL, Baker, Oral Roberts, Falwell.

These people will burn in hell. Well, Palin won't burn in hell, but she will find out that nothing she learned here on earth was the truth.

The rest of them will burn. Actually, I don't believe in hell. But if their version of heaven and hell is correct, they will burn in the pit of eternal damnation praise the lord. LOL.

THe first Christians were born agains, you idiot. Baptism by immersion was the FIRST form of baptism, and is repeatedly alluded to in the bible.

And as a non-believer, you will have nothing to say about who burns in hell. I can guarantee that if you do not accept Jesus as your savior that you will. We are all sinners. Including every politician who is born again. Their sins are no greaters than yours, you parsimonious, hate-filled piece of shit. They are just more public.
The fact is, most who support the homosexual agenda are pretty dismissive of the contents of the bible. That's the problem. They sort through and discard the parts of the bible they don't like, and they cling to those which support their beliefs.

The bible is man made. Just like you are homophobic today, so were the guys that made up the bible thousands of years ago.

Why do you think Sarah Palin can not lead a sermon in her Penticostal church? Because thousands of years ago, you were no different than the goat your husband owned. So back then it would be insane to have a woman teaching gods word. Today we know this is outdated, but your church does not.

You don't realize how similar you are to the taliban. The only difference is we don't stone you for being a whore. At least not anymore we don't. LOL.

So even though I know gay sex is not normal, I don't care what they do in bed, and God doesn't either.

I'll have to go find it but I'll prove it to you. Shoot, what was that passage from the bible....I'll be right back.
Good luck, moron. This should be good.

Here you go you stupid bitch:

I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. 35 Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

King James version: Luke 17:35 "There will be two women grinding at the same place;

So being gay doesn't mean you will go to hell. Some will, some won't. Kind of depends on if you are a stupid bitch your whole life or not.
I never have said being gay meant you would go to hell, idiot. Not once. I don't believe it.

You're reading from the Gay Bruce Bible.

Luke 17:35:

"35Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left."
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The fact is, most who support the homosexual agenda are pretty dismissive of the contents of the bible. That's the problem. They sort through and discard the parts of the bible they don't like, and they cling to those which support their beliefs.

That's what born against do Allie! They leave out the piece, charity and love and focus on anti gay rhetoric.

I read the whole New Testiment and don't recall any anti gay stuff.

The Greek Orthodox translated the bible from old hebrew and gave it to the world, and ever since, the catholics distorted it and so did the anglo's. Why else are there presbyterians, lutherens, baptists, jehova's, penticostal, blablabla. It's a business. If I want to start my own business, I'll break away from the Greek Orthodox church and put my own spin on it.

That's what your church did. It is anything but religious. It's all about controlling you for your money.

And based on how you vote, I'm sure you are the kind of sucker these churches pray on. :eusa_pray: Not that kind of pray. Or is it spelled prey?
THe first Christians were born agains, you idiot. Baptism by immersion was the FIRST form of baptism, and is repeatedly alluded to in the bible.

And as a non-believer, you will have nothing to say about who burns in hell. I can guarantee that if you do not accept Jesus as your savior that you will. We are all sinners. Including every politician who is born again. Their sins are no greaters than yours, you parsimonious, hate-filled piece of shit. They are just more public.

My fairytale says anyone that does believe in Jesus is going to hell. Who's fairytale is more believable, mine or yours?

PS. Baptist might be the first baptist, but they are not the first christians.

You don't know how to enterpret the bible. Your whole church is flawed. It is mind control. A cult. Wrong.
I never have said being gay meant you would go to hell, idiot. Not once. I don't believe it.

You're reading from the Gay Bruce Bible.

Luke 17:35:

"35Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left."

See, you are reading from a re-write and you don't even get that. I read from King James and that is the bible.
The passage in Luke 17:34 does not refer to homosexuality, btw. It refers to life after the Tribulation. People will be in hiding and living in difficult circumstances.
That's what born against do Allie! They leave out the piece, charity and love and focus on anti gay rhetoric.

I read the whole New Testiment and don't recall any anti gay stuff.

The Greek Orthodox translated the bible from old hebrew and gave it to the world, and ever since, the catholics distorted it and so did the anglo's. Why else are there presbyterians, lutherens, baptists, jehova's, penticostal, blablabla. It's a business. If I want to start my own business, I'll break away from the Greek Orthodox church and put my own spin on it.

That's what your church did. It is anything but religious. It's all about controlling you for your money.

And based on how you vote, I'm sure you are the kind of sucker these churches pray on. :eusa_pray: Not that kind of pray. Or is it spelled prey?

Honey, the Baptists are the original Christians. We follow the Word, period. We are not a sub-cult of Catholocism, or the Greek Orthodox Church.

We're descendants of the first Christians, and believe the Word the way Christ and the disciples practiced and preached it.
But I just proved you wrong now didn't I. Ha!!!! HOw many times will you continue to argue when repeatedly you get schooled by everyone?

There are also those who believe that this passage doesn't refer to bringing people up to the bosom of God, but refers to the destruction of non-believers.

Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, kid.
I'm telling you.. I'm gonna whip out those David & Jonathan bible scriptures, baba.

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