extremist Christian-hate-filled posts

Did you even comprehend what I'd said? Apparently not. What you should have understood, if your mind wasn't so closed, is that many holy symbols of many faiths have been twisted by ignorant assholes.

Religious delusions? Ummmm.......no. I have no delusions, as I actually understand the Bible, as well as quite a bit of the Torah. I've got some really good teachers. Touting "my" religion as the only one? Ummmmm......again, no. I follow the religions that have come before me (like Christianity, Tao, and Judaism), and then figure out where I fit in all of this thing called Creation.

You also DO realize that we are God's "hands and feet", right? And.....since we were created in His image (but then again, that's like a picture is an image of a person, but it's not the person), along with the fact that there is a small piece of God in all of us (it's called your soul), don't you kinda think that were supposed to help in Creation rather than supressing everything that doesn't agree with you?

No, you don't understand the bible or you wouldn't say the ridiculous things you say. You don't even have a working knowledge of the contents of it.
No, the good Christian is telling you you're a moron who pretends to know a lot more than he actually does.
What about Judaism is wrong? That was the foundation for Christianity.

What about Tao is wrong? It mirrors Jewish theology.

"The way of Heaven
Is to act without harming.
The way of the Sage
Is to act without struggling".

- Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
I'm not debating what's wrong about those religions. I believe in mine. YOu believe in yours. I think you're an idiot not because of what you believe, but because of the things you say.
Pro-queers are Christian and Bible hating workers of iniquity by nature, since they can't defend what they like in a rational manner, they attack those who don't like and or disagree with what they do. Just a bunch of self loathing losers.
I'm not the one who claimed the Christians killed millions, nitwit. *smirk*. I'm making fun of a fellow troller, who also posts extremist Christian-hate-filled posts, and refuses, as you do, to actually back up any of the garbage she posts.

Go ahead and start posting the proof to any of the ridiculous lies you've spouted. And *smirk* don't be tricked into thinking that the posters here are anything but vastly prepared for whatever weak arguments and propoganda you may choose to befoul the waters with.

You aren't original, you aren't talented, and you aren't posing any sort of a challenge to any of us. You'll get nothing but ridicule until you actually start to back up your b.s.

Which of course you can't, because so far your arsenal consists of nothing but lies and weak bigotry.

allie you are really thick....i said i was mistaken to have added the s on the million...you seem to find that so outragous even thou i have said the s was a mistake. you attack others belief systems then expect them to show respect for yours...how is that working for you allie?

do you realize where your own bible tells you to pray....its says pray not for the glory of man ...but go to your closet and pray. It would be nice if you would show the simple respect for others that you expect to be shown after trashing others. You have continued to call me Wiccan, which I have continued to tell you I am not. But you like to lie or are simply too thick to let a new idea is that airy head of yours. This has nothing to do with you being a christian as far as I am concerned. Since I have read enough of your posts to realize that is a totally false claim.

Why are you any better than a troll? You attack people quickly and without merit? You seem to always want to attack and protest the essences of your being? Uncomfie in your own skin?
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