Extremist party Likud calls for stealing land in Gaza

The only thing this indicates is that Netenyahu never had any intention of supporting a two-state solution.
The only thing this indicates is that Netenyahu never had any intention of supporting a two-state solution.

You are kidding me! It demonstrates exactly the opposite. It demonstrates Israel has always had the intention for a two State solution. She maintained the status quo for decades. Its only changed recently.

So why has she suddenly changed? What is she doing?

She is consolidating those areas she needs to keep for her own security and for the security of the Jewish people who live there. (Areas which we have known for DECADES would be part of land swaps for exactly that reason).

Ask yourself what's changed in the world that Israel would suddenly make moves like this.
You see, the Israelis made a unilateral withdrawal from in late 2005.
Big fat Israeli lie. Israel still actively patrols Palestinian airspace and territorial waters. (boots on the ground) Israel still patrols Gaza on land shooting farmers working their own land.

Why do you base your conclusions on false premise?

Containment field. It will go away when Israel is no longer threatened. The fact that Israel was forced to throw up a containment field is no way negates the unilateral withdrawal that she made. The Gazans had the opportunity to do whatever they wanted with that. They chose wrong.
The only thing this indicates is that Netenyahu never had any intention of supporting a two-state solution.

You are kidding me! It demonstrates exactly the opposite. It demonstrates Israel has always had the intention for a two State solution. She maintained the status quo for decades. Its only changed recently.

So why has she suddenly changed? What is she doing?

She is consolidating those areas she needs to keep for her own security and for the security of the Jewish people who live there. (Areas which we have known for DECADES would be part of land swaps for exactly that reason).

Ask yourself what's changed in the world that Israel would suddenly make moves like this.

I'm talking about Netanyahu only. Is there ANY indication he has EVER been a serious supporter of a two state solution? I've not seen any evidence of it and plenty that indicates the opposite imo.

As to what has changed - the US has changed. Now there is nothing holding Israel back from doing as she wishes. There is absolutely zero Trump support for a peace plan or a two state solution. So it behooves Netanyahu to strike while the iron is hot so to speak.

Who knows - it might be for the best. Just depends on what happens to the Palestinian people.
Is there ANY indication he has EVER been a serious supporter of a two state solution?

A two-state solution requires two parties interested in creating them. Only Israel has shown any indication in creating an equitable arrangement for a Palestinian state.
As to what has changed - the US has changed. Now there is nothing holding Israel back from doing as she wishes. There is absolutely zero Trump support for a peace plan or a two state solution. So it behooves Netanyahu to strike while the iron is hot so to speak.

Who knows - it might be for the best. Just depends on what happens to the Palestinian people.

I disagree. There is NOTHING Trump would like better to suck on his ego than to be the one who made the peace plan for the Arab/Israel conflict in a two state solution. He has been horny for that since day one.

But yes, he is one of the things which has changed. What's the more important one?
As to what has changed - the US has changed. Now there is nothing holding Israel back from doing as she wishes. There is absolutely zero Trump support for a peace plan or a two state solution. So it behooves Netanyahu to strike while the iron is hot so to speak.

Who knows - it might be for the best. Just depends on what happens to the Palestinian people.

I disagree. There is NOTHING Trump would like better to suck on his ego than to be the one who made the peace plan for the Arab/Israel conflict in a two state solution. He has been horny for that since day one.

But yes, he is one of the things which has changed. What's the more important one?

I think the important change that shifted things is Trump. Because suddenly all pressure is off Israel. The open recognition of Jerusalem along with other things Trump has said made it clear that he's giving Israel a free hand to do as she wishes. Trump has invested a lot of energy in supporting Israel and zero in supporting the Palestinians - in fact he's barely acknowledged them. There is no longer any pressure from the US on Israel regarding settlements or negotiating for peace. Trump may want a peace plan but he certainly doesn't care enough to put the effort in.

With Trump's unilateralism - the US has shown itself to be incapable of negotiating in good faith with the Palestinians. This is probably the best opportunity Israel will have for acting unilaterally, resolving things to her satisfaction and there will be no repurcussions because a Trump administration will supply the veto
As to what has changed - the US has changed. Now there is nothing holding Israel back from doing as she wishes. There is absolutely zero Trump support for a peace plan or a two state solution. So it behooves Netanyahu to strike while the iron is hot so to speak.

Who knows - it might be for the best. Just depends on what happens to the Palestinian people.

I disagree. There is NOTHING Trump would like better to suck on his ego than to be the one who made the peace plan for the Arab/Israel conflict in a two state solution. He has been horny for that since day one.

But yes, he is one of the things which has changed. What's the more important one?

I think the important change that shifted things is Trump. Because suddenly all pressure is off Israel. The open recognition of Jerusalem along with other things Trump has said made it clear that he's giving Israel a free hand to do as she wishes. Trump has invested a lot of energy in supporting Israel and zero in supporting the Palestinians - in fact he's barely acknowledged them. There is no longer any pressure from the US on Israel regarding settlements or negotiating for peace. Trump may want a peace plan but he certainly doesn't care enough to put the effort in.

With Trump's unilateralism - the US has shown itself to be incapable of negotiating in good faith with the Palestinians. This is probably the best opportunity Israel will have for acting unilaterally, resolving things to her satisfaction and there will be no repurcussions because a Trump administration will supply the veto

Trump is a factor, of course. Not the main one.

The main reason, imo, is the war that is coming in the ME. Syria was just an appetizer.
As to what has changed - the US has changed. Now there is nothing holding Israel back from doing as she wishes. There is absolutely zero Trump support for a peace plan or a two state solution. So it behooves Netanyahu to strike while the iron is hot so to speak.

Who knows - it might be for the best. Just depends on what happens to the Palestinian people.

I disagree. There is NOTHING Trump would like better to suck on his ego than to be the one who made the peace plan for the Arab/Israel conflict in a two state solution. He has been horny for that since day one.

But yes, he is one of the things which has changed. What's the more important one?

I think the important change that shifted things is Trump. Because suddenly all pressure is off Israel. The open recognition of Jerusalem along with other things Trump has said made it clear that he's giving Israel a free hand to do as she wishes. Trump has invested a lot of energy in supporting Israel and zero in supporting the Palestinians - in fact he's barely acknowledged them. There is no longer any pressure from the US on Israel regarding settlements or negotiating for peace. Trump may want a peace plan but he certainly doesn't care enough to put the effort in.

With Trump's unilateralism - the US has shown itself to be incapable of negotiating in good faith with the Palestinians. This is probably the best opportunity Israel will have for acting unilaterally, resolving things to her satisfaction and there will be no repurcussions because a Trump administration will supply the veto

Trump is a factor, of course. Not the main one.

The main reason, imo, is the war that is coming in the ME. Syria was just an appetizer.

You may well have a point there....unfortunately.
he's giving Israel a free hand to do as she wishes. Trump has invested a lot of energy in supporting Israel and zero in supporting the Palestinians

What some have believe, very wrongly, for decades, is that Israel and the Palestinians are partners in the peace process.

The Palestinian leadership has no desire for a state side-by-side with Israel. So much so that they can't even mention the name Israel but must resort to euphemisms such as 'Zionist Entity'.

Palestinians are encouraged in their hope that the a powerful ally will come to their aid and eliminate Israel for them so they can take everything Israelis have built.

But, President Trump not encouraging this fantasy, but making it impossible, the Palestinian leadership is only encouraged to finally come to the bargaining table and make peace with Israel while there's still time.
As to what has changed - the US has changed. Now there is nothing holding Israel back from doing as she wishes. There is absolutely zero Trump support for a peace plan or a two state solution. So it behooves Netanyahu to strike while the iron is hot so to speak.

Who knows - it might be for the best. Just depends on what happens to the Palestinian people.

I disagree. There is NOTHING Trump would like better to suck on his ego than to be the one who made the peace plan for the Arab/Israel conflict in a two state solution. He has been horny for that since day one.

But yes, he is one of the things which has changed. What's the more important one?

I think the important change that shifted things is Trump. Because suddenly all pressure is off Israel. The open recognition of Jerusalem along with other things Trump has said made it clear that he's giving Israel a free hand to do as she wishes. Trump has invested a lot of energy in supporting Israel and zero in supporting the Palestinians - in fact he's barely acknowledged them. There is no longer any pressure from the US on Israel regarding settlements or negotiating for peace. Trump may want a peace plan but he certainly doesn't care enough to put the effort in.

With Trump's unilateralism - the US has shown itself to be incapable of negotiating in good faith with the Palestinians. This is probably the best opportunity Israel will have for acting unilaterally, resolving things to her satisfaction and there will be no repurcussions because a Trump administration will supply the veto

Where have you been the last 8 years when there was an Israel hater in the white house? I never once saw you criticize his equally one-sided position.

Good grief, on his last day in office, he even tried to sneak millions of dollars to be used to take out Israel.
As to what has changed - the US has changed. Now there is nothing holding Israel back from doing as she wishes. There is absolutely zero Trump support for a peace plan or a two state solution. So it behooves Netanyahu to strike while the iron is hot so to speak.

Who knows - it might be for the best. Just depends on what happens to the Palestinian people.

I disagree. There is NOTHING Trump would like better to suck on his ego than to be the one who made the peace plan for the Arab/Israel conflict in a two state solution. He has been horny for that since day one.

But yes, he is one of the things which has changed. What's the more important one?

I think the important change that shifted things is Trump. Because suddenly all pressure is off Israel. The open recognition of Jerusalem along with other things Trump has said made it clear that he's giving Israel a free hand to do as she wishes. Trump has invested a lot of energy in supporting Israel and zero in supporting the Palestinians - in fact he's barely acknowledged them. There is no longer any pressure from the US on Israel regarding settlements or negotiating for peace. Trump may want a peace plan but he certainly doesn't care enough to put the effort in.

With Trump's unilateralism - the US has shown itself to be incapable of negotiating in good faith with the Palestinians. This is probably the best opportunity Israel will have for acting unilaterally, resolving things to her satisfaction and there will be no repurcussions because a Trump administration will supply the veto

Where have you been the last 8 years when there was an Israel hater in the white house? I never once saw you criticize his equally one-sided position.

Good grief, on his last day in office, he even tried to sneak millions of dollars to be used to take out Israel.

The U.S. Just Agreed to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid
You see, the Israelis made a unilateral withdrawal from in late 2005.
Big fat Israeli lie. Israel still actively patrols Palestinian airspace and territorial waters. (boots on the ground) Israel still patrols Gaza on land shooting farmers working their own land.

Why do you base your conclusions on false premise?

Bullshit! Let's see your proof!
As to what has changed - the US has changed. Now there is nothing holding Israel back from doing as she wishes. There is absolutely zero Trump support for a peace plan or a two state solution. So it behooves Netanyahu to strike while the iron is hot so to speak.

Who knows - it might be for the best. Just depends on what happens to the Palestinian people.

I disagree. There is NOTHING Trump would like better to suck on his ego than to be the one who made the peace plan for the Arab/Israel conflict in a two state solution. He has been horny for that since day one.

But yes, he is one of the things which has changed. What's the more important one?

I think the important change that shifted things is Trump. Because suddenly all pressure is off Israel. The open recognition of Jerusalem along with other things Trump has said made it clear that he's giving Israel a free hand to do as she wishes. Trump has invested a lot of energy in supporting Israel and zero in supporting the Palestinians - in fact he's barely acknowledged them. There is no longer any pressure from the US on Israel regarding settlements or negotiating for peace. Trump may want a peace plan but he certainly doesn't care enough to put the effort in.

With Trump's unilateralism - the US has shown itself to be incapable of negotiating in good faith with the Palestinians. This is probably the best opportunity Israel will have for acting unilaterally, resolving things to her satisfaction and there will be no repurcussions because a Trump administration will supply the veto

Where have you been the last 8 years when there was an Israel hater in the white house? I never once saw you criticize his equally one-sided position.

Good grief, on his last day in office, he even tried to sneak millions of dollars to be used to take out Israel.

The U.S. Just Agreed to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid

Every penny of which goes directly to Boeing, Raytheon, and Northrup. Israel is the celebrity endorsement for US weapons manufacturers.
The only thing this indicates is that Netenyahu never had any intention of supporting a two-state solution.
Netanyahu neither initiated this voting nor expressed support of it. He even didn't attend the meeting.
You see, the Israelis made a unilateral withdrawal from in late 2005.
Big fat Israeli lie. Israel still actively patrols Palestinian airspace and territorial waters. (boots on the ground) Israel still patrols Gaza on land shooting farmers working their own land.

Why do you base your conclusions on false premise?

Containment field. It will go away when Israel is no longer threatened. The fact that Israel was forced to throw up a containment field is no way negates the unilateral withdrawal that she made. The Gazans had the opportunity to do whatever they wanted with that. They chose wrong.
Another big fat Israeli lie. Part of the so called disengagement was to initiate a system of closure. Hundreds of tons of produce rotted waiting for Israel's permission to export. Many factories had to close for lack of getting products to market. What this had to do with security is a mystery.

So when some say that Gaza could have become the Hong Kong on the Mediterranean is just shoveling shit.
RE: Extremist party Likud calls for stealing land in Gaza
※→ Coyote, et al,

This is true to a degree.


That is the value of the annuity over a ten-year period. AND, it is not all discretionary funds (cash). Some of it is credit or grants towards US Foreign Military Financing for Sales (purchases on US Contacts). There is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This new MOU will replace the expiring MOU $30 Billion that expires this year (2018); with the limitation that no grant money can be used to buy fuel. However,some of the annual military aid will go forward towards joint considerations (annual combined funding) for joint American-Israeli (like the joint missile defense programs).

Since the end of the 1948/49 War of Independence, the US has given in grants and services, about $127+ Billion actual dollar value adjusted for inflation.

I know some people keep hearing about a new multi-Billion dollar agreement every other year of so; but, those replace the previous agreements that expire or are affected through changes in critical factors that exploit vulnerabilities or changes in technology.

Most Respectfully,

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