Exxon Posts Record Profits

We didn't have to go begging like losers to OPEC for more oil under Trump but that's exactly what Biden did.
We didn't have to go begging like losers to OPEC for more oil under Trump but that's exactly what Biden did.

Biden threatens MBS then begs him for more oil.
MBS said no and then cut production.
Then Joe threatens to punish Saudi Arabia and now Joe backed down.
Is there anyone who respects old senile Joe?
WHAT DO YOU CARE? I mean, its not like you buy gas, right? All you Lefties own electric cars, so what brand are you driving?
Oh...you're a fucking troll...whining about high gas prices and defending the oil companies charging high gas prices.

Why am I not surprised?

From what I see here...it's Republicans who don't mind high gas prices
From what I've seen here...it's Republicans who didn't mind low gas prices when TRUMP! was president. Wonder if Quid Pro will ever manage to match those?
There is no shortage of crude. Oil companies have figured out that they can make more money off the wells and refineries they currently have just by jacking up the price...and people like you make excuses for it
Except that they don't set the price of crude, any more than a farmer sets the price of his wheat.
Oh...you're a fucking troll...whining about high gas prices and defending the oil companies charging high gas prices.

Why am I not surprised?

The oil companies don't determine the price of gasoline, the market does.

But if they didn't charge the price they do, the supply wouldn't be there and we would have sophisticated Carter-style gasoline lines that nostalgic libs pine for.

And that would be worse.
The oil companies don't determine the price of gasoline, the market does.

But if they didn't charge the price they do, the supply wouldn't be there and we would have sophisticated Carter-style gasoline lines that nostalgic libs pine for.

And that would be worse.
Still defending these record profits huh?


Don't bitch about em then.
Oh...you're a fucking troll...whining about high gas prices and defending the oil companies charging high gas prices.

Why am I not surprised?

You should yell at the oil companies. That will lower prices for sure.

Supply and demand doesn't matter any more.
THAT is why gas prices are so high
WHAT DO YOU CARE? I mean, its not like you buy gas, right? All you Lefties own electric cars, so what brand are you driving?
Oh...you're a fucking troll...whining about high gas prices and defending the oil companies charging high gas prices.

Did I change the channel and miss something brain-damaged troll? YOU are the one who whined that gas prices are high, I just asked what do you care if you drive an electric car! But you obviously DON'T judging by your deflection and non-answer, so here you are polluting the planet just like the rest of us, while sitting on your faux holier-than-thou plastic throne trying to point your rental staff down at others.
All under your puppet president? The left really are complete dipshits.

Really, why don't I have them all on ignore. Stupid pathetic nazi Ukraine ugly flag too.

What pathetic morons.

Russian casualties to date: 200,000
Did I change the channel and miss something brain-damaged troll? YOU are the one who whined that gas prices are high, I just asked what do you care if you drive an electric car! But you obviously DON'T judging by your deflection and non-answer, so here you are polluting the planet just like the rest of us, while sitting on your faux holier-than-thou plastic throne trying to point your rental staff down at others.
I did NOT whine about high gas prices. I noted the whining of the very people who EXCUSE those high prices.

I did NOT whine about high gas prices. I noted the whining of the very people who EXCUSE those high prices.

Who has excused the high gas prices? Names and links! Any?

And so, what EV car do you drive anyway?

Or are you too embarrassed to say?

Chevy Volt? :auiqs.jpg:

THAT is why gas prices are so high

Wanna bet that the people bitching about high gas prices will defend this?

Note the author of the endorsement on the cover.


Must be OP's favorite book.


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