Eye-Witness Account: Capitol Police Murdered 2 Unarmed Women on 1/6 - Roseanne Boyland

Hey, I just reported the findings of the DC coroner. If you choose to believe something else, that is up to you.

I prefer to believe the eye-witness who was with her when she died, who endured the same gassing / pepper=spraying, trampling, and who was spared her fate because some one saved his live by dragging him to safety.

BTW, it does not take a lot of police to 'push' a crowd back when they are using large quantities of pepper spray against unarmed women, children, young peope, and other citizens.
Floyd was an active threat who had been subdued. You don’t un-subdue him because he becomes an active threat again
Apparently you just murder him to keep him from being a “threat”.

Babbitt had plenty of opportunities to stop. She decided not to. Whose fault is that?
I'm not buying that she was killed by police. Shooting an unarmed person is one thing. Using pepper-spray for crowd control is another. She was tramped by Trump supporters. The crowd should accept responsibility for its actions.
I prefer to believe the eye-witness who was with her when she died, who endured the same gassing / pepper=spraying, trampling, and who was spared her fate because some one saved his live by dragging him to safety.

BTW, it does not take a lot of police to 'push' a crowd back when they are using large quantities of pepper spray against unarmed women, children, young peope, and other citizens.

It really takes a stretch to have a hostile crowd trying to force their way into someplace, and when the police respond with non-lethal weapons, it is their fault that someone was trampled?

And I am sure the eye-witness has the medical training to know when someone died of an overdose and when they died from being trampled. And given the amount of hysteria, noise, crowd movement and panic, his attention was probably not as focused as a coroner in a quiet morgue.

You believe what you want. Especially if it fits your agenda.
I'm not buying that she was killed by police. Shooting an unarmed person is one thing. Using pepper-spray for crowd control is another. She was tramped by Trump supporters. The crowd should accept responsibility for its actions.
Why do you think the crowd was stampeding away from the capitol and Capitol police. Multiple eyewitnesses have come forward, like this young man, to tell how the Capital Police initiated it by using massive amounts of Pepper Spray and pushing civilians. Again, Trump supporters did not simply turn around and start stampeding over each other for nothing. Common sense...
I prefer to believe the eye-witness who was with her when she died, who endured the same gassing / pepper=spraying, trampling, and who was spared her fate because some one saved his live by dragging him to safety.

BTW, it does not take a lot of police to 'push' a crowd back when they are using large quantities of pepper spray against unarmed women, children, young peope, and other citizens.
Jesus, the gaslighting is intense.
Why do you think the crowd was stampeding away from the capitol and Capitol police. Multiple eyewitnesses have come forward, like this young man, to tell how the Capital Police initiated it by using massive amounts of Pepper Spray and pushing civilians. Again, Trump supporters did not simply turn around and start stampeding over each other for nothing. Common sense...

When you are trying to force your way into a building as a huge crowd, you can expect some sort of response. Common sense.
When the responses causes the crowd to back away, and people get hurt, it is not the fault of those tasked with protecting the entry. Common sense.
When the DC coroner pronounces the cause of death, with no political motivation on his part, most people accept that. Especially since tissue samples would be maintained in case it needed to be reviewed. Common sense.
Babbit was murdered by “police” while under police supervision.
At least Floyd’s police person had the balls to hang around. This masked fairy murderer has run off and unprecedented effort is being made to hide him. Why in leakville DC is not one word out? Because we have been thrown off the track about looking for a “policeman” when this murderer is actually very well known
She was shot whilst climbing a door to get into the broken window of the Speaker's lobby. Wearing a backpack. While a number of her comrades on the outside were attempting to break the doors and the glass to get in.
As I recall, no one had their knee on Ashley Babbitt's neck for 9 minutes. She wasn't shot while face down on the ground. She wasn't murdered. She was shot..while being stupid...because she believed in magical
conspiracy theories.
She was shot whilst climbing a door to get into the broken window of the Speaker's lobby. Wearing a backpack. While a number of her comrades on the outside were attempting to break the doors and the glass to get in.
As I recall, no one had their knee on Ashley Babbitt's neck for 9 minutes. She wasn't shot while face down on the ground. She wasn't murdered. She was shot..while being stupid...because she believed in magical
conspiracy theories.

We already know you enthusiastically support cops killing unarmed protesters (preferable female ones). No need to reiterate.
We already know you enthusiastically support cops killing unarmed protesters (preferable female ones). No need to reiterate.

Get lost, Hoss. She participated in an insurrection.
Time you guys accept some responsibility for that.
Get lost, Hoss. She participated in an insurrection.
Time you guys accept some responsibility for that.
Find out what an "insurrection" is, first of all.

You can't be other than stupid when you misuse words to align with your political agenda.

And secondly, the penalty for being in the Capitol melee is not death!
We have laws that prescribe certain penalties for law breakers. The penalty for wrestling around with
Pelosi's glorified mall cops is not death!

This isn't China or Russia, jerk off! No matter how much you want it to be. I suggest you move to Bejing
where the political climate suits your personality better.
Find out what an "insurrection" is, first of all.

You can't be other than stupid when you misuse words to align with your political agenda.

And secondly, the penalty for being in the Capitol melee is not death!
We have laws that prescribe certain penalties for law breakers. The penalty for wrestling around with
Pelosi's glorified mall cops is not death!

This isn't China or Russia, jerk off! No matter how much you want it to be. I suggest you move to Bejing
where the political climate suits your personality better.

The penalty for refusing to stop at barricades put up by professional security to protect our highest elected officials is death. If the vice-president is at an event, try running up to the stage or to his vehicle.
The penalty for refusing to stop at barricades put up by professional security to protect our highest elected officials is death. If the vice-president is at an event, try running up to the stage or to his vehicle.
Really? When was that law enacted?
Cite it, genius.
The penalty for refusing to stop at barricades put up by professional security to protect our highest elected officials is death. If the vice-president is at an event, try running up to the stage or to his vehicle.
You're going to make a top flight funktionshäftling at the camps.
Try it. I dare ya
So you can't even attempt to claim such a law exists....thanks for your inadvertent "honesty".
Darwin yourself like Ashes did.
Just as soon as you stand in front of Tienanmen Square Chinese tanks to demonstrate respect for
your preferred form of law and order.

Don't lead the tank treads roll over your stupid ass. Or do.
So you can't even attempt to claim such a law exists....thanks for your inadvertent "honesty".
WTF are you talking about.

You go rush the stage at a Vice Presidential address and don't let anything stop you...see if you don't get Darwined like Ashes did

DO it...please

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