Eye-Witness Account: Capitol Police Murdered 2 Unarmed Women on 1/6 - Roseanne Boyland

Typical snowflake asshole response in defense of Capitol Police and our government that helped set up 1/6, as proven by the bipartisan Committee report that cited the Capitol Police for the bulk of the blame for the event, and that murdered unarmed Americans for trespassing, disturbing the peace, and vandalism, according to the DOJ and judge.

Pelosi & the Democrats attempted another 'faux coup', and it, like their other failed coup and Impeachment attempts, FAILED.


No one was murdered. They should have been much more aggressive in using their weapons. That is why so many officers were injured with 1 dying. Someone comes at you with a fire extinguisher or hockey stick then you can use your gun and drop them like a 2 inch putt.
Democrats are using tax dollars not only to fund murder of innocent children capable of living outside the wombin the US, they are using tax dollars to fund abortions internationally.

Margaret Sanger would be overjoyed to know her plan to control black population is now international thanks to Democrats.

Democrats revel in black-on-blavk murders, making no effort to stop it.

Obama funded and armed Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, AL Qaeda, and ISIS terrorists who slaughtered millions...and today's Democrsts support, fund, defend, & bail out domestic terrorists Antifs & Marxist-vased BLM.

And now they facilitated an event where they murdered unarmed Americans in an attempt to paint conservatives and Trump supporters as the terrorists/ enemy.

And stupid duped sheep defend them...

You are so much bullshit. Abortion is a wedge issue and nothing else. You pieces of garbage don't give a damn about children. Witness Republican opposition to the childcare tax credit.
The history of federal police killing unarmed (mostly white) people is long. Randy Weaver's teenage son was shot in the back by a federal assault team and his wife was shot in the head while holding a 18 month child in her arms while standing in the door of their home. Apparently the FBI sniper received orders from unnamed federal authorities to shoot on sight regardless of Constitutional restrictions. The FBI sniper was indicted by a local Grand Jury but the case mysteriously disappeared. The same Feds who violated the Constitution went on to bigger and better outrages at a small quirky religious sect in Waco, Texas. Today the media is still mired in propaganda. The History Channel asks "Koresh, monster or messiah". Why can't Koresh be just an innocent victim of a federal conspiracy? The Jan 6 Capital Police were merely following orders when they opened fire on unarmed citizens. Sound familiar?
You are so much bullshit. Abortion is a wedge issue and nothing else. You pieces of garbage don't give a damn about children. Witness Republican opposition to the childcare tax credit.
Just because you call murdering children capable of surviving outside the womb 'a wedge issue', proving YOU don't give a damn about how many babies you liberals butcher and sell for parts don't project who you are onto me.
These leftist dupes still believe there was an insurrection hahahahahaha.
Hey did you also know Kavanaugh spiked the punch, Algore won Florida and then per pee tapes are out there ! It’s all true! It really is!
No one was murdered. They should have been much more aggressive in using their weapons. That is why so many officers were injured with 1 dying. Someone comes at you with a fire extinguisher or hockey stick then you can use your gun and drop them like a 2 inch putt.
They didn't have weapons, you brain-dead bimbo - that's what UNARMED means...

And one unarmed woman was shot point blank in the chest and died - wtf do you mean no one was murdered?

Ok, you just proved you are to stupid to warrant wasting time on - buh-bye.
No one was murdered. They should have been much more aggressive in using their weapons. That is why so many officers were injured with 1 dying. Someone comes at you with a fire extinguisher or hockey stick then you can use your gun and drop them like a 2 inch putt.

Finally admitting the capitol policeman wasn’t murdered.
Look at you putting your big boy pants on. I know….. it’s scary……but living in reality will be better for you in the long run. I promise.
That's what happens during an insurrection. And I don't see a couple of Capitol policeman pushing back on a couple hundred Trump supporters.
More likely that the crowd crushed them. Either way, shouldn't have been there.
No, we don't want any protesting in this country without burning police cars and burning business. We don't have to punish those people.

They had every right to be there, you dumb fuck.
What a crazy disinformation BS forum topic: The Babbitt woman was killed by an official of the CPD fulfilling his sworn duty to "Serve, Protect, and Defend" - she was the criminal - he was NOT. He did not know what weapons, bombs, or other weapons those maniacs had as they breached the chamber with one intent: Kill as members in Congress to "stop the steal" - then hang Mike Pence and see democracy survive I guess under Trump, the Tyrant-in-Waiting.
You don't assassinate people for trespassing, fascist boot licker.
And police aren't empowered to kill people because they might be carrying a bomb, or whatever else
your sick imagination can conceive of.

You believe people entered the chamber looking for politicians to kill. Prove it, asshole!
And then drop dead. Your presence here is an absolute minus dragging intelligent speech
down to your subterranean level.
Typical snowflake asshole response in defense of Capitol Police and our government that helped set up 1/6, as proven by the bipartisan Committee report that cited the Capitol Police for the bulk of the blame for the event, and that murdered unarmed Americans for trespassing, disturbing the peace, and vandalism, according to the DOJ and judge.

Pelosi & the Democrats attempted another 'faux coup', and it, like their other failed coup and Impeachment attempts, FAILED.


First you went on and on and on about the imaginary crimes of Hillary Clinton. For years you posted obsessively about how she was going to be locked up any day now. We’re still waiting for that day.

There were no “impeachment attempts” Sleazy. There were two impeachments. Well you were busy claiming Hillary was the criminal, it became increasingly obvious that Trump had no respect for the rule of law, ethics, or honesty.

No you’re saying that Trump never did anything illegal and there was no insurrection. What bullshit!

Trump planned this cool from the moment the election was called for Biden. That’s why he put his loyalists into positions of the Pentagon, so they could block troops going to the capital to aid police there. That’s why Roger stone hired a bunch of Proud Boys’ leaders as his “personal bodyguards”. Verbal conspiracies are so hard to prove.
No, we don't want any protesting in this country without burning police cars and burning business. We don't have to punish those people.

They had every right to be there, you dumb fuck.

No they didn’t have the right to be there. The building was locked and closed. They had to break in. Break and entry is illegal.
The POINT is that the law says shooting Ashli Babbitt was illegal murder UNLESS the shooter knew for sure she had a weapon, bomb, etc., that she intended to use.
You can not legally kill someone because you don't know, just in case.
And you can't diminish the rights of one individual like Ashli because you want to exalt the value of someone else like a member of Congress. Their rights are supposed to be defended equally.,
She had a backpack on and was climbing the door attempting to get into the broken window ahead of a hallway full of a mob who were trying to break the doors down.
All she has to do is make it inside and unlock the doors and the angry mob is in the Speaker's lobby. Open one set of doors and you're on the House floor balcony.
Unfortunate she got shot. But as a military veteran, she should have known better.
McConnell shot down the one the House voted for two months ago and Pelosi is in the process if trying to get a House committee started yet you say they already had one?? how about doing the link one more time, just for old times sake.
I'm not talking about Pelosi' history rewrite committee. An actual bipartisan committee investigated and released an indepth report. In it, thecommittee c item the Hkuse was to bkane:
No Intel
No plan
No Training
No leadership
No communication with FBI or Natl Guard
Not enough people on hand.
Burned House & Senate Sergeants-At-Arms, Pelosi,& DC MAYOR for refusing to have Batl Guard present
Approx 35 Capitol police suspended, under investigation for m owing barriers, holding doors open, escorting people into/through Capitol - 2 murders/deaths if unarmed citizens...

Lots of good recommendations AFTER THE FACT...
The DOJ says otherwise. The fact that the protestors heavily outnumbered the police was a aggravating factor Using weapons is justifiable. No one has the right to storm the capitol.
You lie. Use of deadly force against unar MN ed selfie-taking trespassers was NOT deemed 'okay. That was YOUR snowflake opinion.
Sounds like the OP has a personal problem because of lemmings in action.
No, we don't want any protesting in this country without burning police cars and burning business. We don't have to punish those people.

They had every right to be there, you dumb fuck.
Of course they had a right to protest. Stay in the courtyard (as long as you clear it with the Capitol Police), hold your pep rallies, chant your slogans, hold your signs up. If it had stayed like that, we wouldn't be talking about this at all.
But to storm the Capitol? Smash windows, ransack offices, steal government property, attack Capitol Police with any weapon they could lay their hands on?, call for the VP and members of Congress to be hanged or harmed?
Sorry, you have no right to do that. Next time (if there is a next time), I'm all for using live ammunition. :)
She had a backpack on and was climbing the door attempting to get into the broken window ahead of a hallway full of a mob who were trying to break the doors down.
All she has to do is make it inside and unlock the doors and the angry mob is in the Speaker's lobby. Open one set of doors and you're on the House floor balcony.
Unfortunate she got shot. But as a military veteran, she should have known better.
Or I suppose the police waiting on the inside could have just arrested the unarmed woman
and put her in cuffs.

But assholes like you think executing someone in cold blood is the only way to end the imagined
threat she posed.

Go fuck yourself. You will forever be stained by your unnecessary call for blood.
Or I suppose the police waiting on the inside could have just arrested the unarmed woman
and put her in cuffs.

But assholes like you think executing someone in cold blood is the only way to end the imagined
threat she posed.

Go fuck yourself. You will forever be stained by your unnecessary call for blood.
Or, the crowd could have simply demonstrated outside in the courtyard and not stormed the building.
Problem solved. She'd still be alive.

Call for blood? Yes, like you alt-right pukes have the moral high ground on calling for non-violence.
Were it up to me, there would have been a much bigger and stronger message sent that day.
Comparing the response to what happens in other countries during an insurrection/coup,the people
that were there that day based on the Big Lie....are going to get off light.

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