Face Masks are Voluntary. Up Next: Mask Shaming.

Why do a small minority of Americans put their "right" to visit Macdonalds above the health and safety of their family and neighbours ?
There is no justification for it on any level.

That is Not Your Business Tommy
We have a minority here behaving like that. But they don't try and dress up their selfishness as a fight for liberty.
They are just stupid, selfish bastards.

Sue could infect her neighbours or be infected and then infect her family and friends. She has no justification for that.

So people can't go to McDonald's or go out and get food in Tommy's Fascist Land

Whatever who cares what you think? I don't
You obviously do. Who says you cant get food ? You are a hysterical snowflake.

What's the difference between driving through McDonald's and GOING IN to a grocery store?
Why do a small minority of Americans put their "right" to visit Macdonalds above the health and safety of their family and neighbours ?
There is no justification for it on any level.

That is Not Your Business Tommy
We have a minority here behaving like that. But they don't try and dress up their selfishness as a fight for liberty.
They are just stupid, selfish bastards.

Sue could infect her neighbours or be infected and then infect her family and friends. She has no justification for that.

So people can't go to McDonald's or go out and get food in Tommy's Fascist Land

Whatever who cares what you think? I don't
You obviously do. Who says you cant get food ? You are a hysterical snowflake.

What's the difference between driving through McDonald's and GOING IN to a grocery store?
There isn't much difference really. But a grocery store is essential. A big mac ain't. Shut down Macs and make your own dinner.
Why do a small minority of Americans put their "right" to visit Macdonalds above the health and safety of their family and neighbours ?
There is no justification for it on any level.

That is Not Your Business Tommy
We have a minority here behaving like that. But they don't try and dress up their selfishness as a fight for liberty.
They are just stupid, selfish bastards.

Sue could infect her neighbours or be infected and then infect her family and friends. She has no justification for that.

So people can't go to McDonald's or go out and get food in Tommy's Fascist Land

Whatever who cares what you think? I don't
You obviously do. Who says you cant get food ? You are a hysterical snowflake.

What's the difference between driving through McDonald's and GOING IN to a grocery store?
There isn't much difference really. But a grocery store is essential. A big mac ain't. Shut down Macs and make your own dinner.

Tommy you're not in charge of what other people think is essential, you fascist
Why do a small minority of Americans put their "right" to visit Macdonalds above the health and safety of their family and neighbours ?
There is no justification for it on any level.

That is Not Your Business Tommy
We have a minority here behaving like that. But they don't try and dress up their selfishness as a fight for liberty.
They are just stupid, selfish bastards.

Sue could infect her neighbours or be infected and then infect her family and friends. She has no justification for that.

So people can't go to McDonald's or go out and get food in Tommy's Fascist Land

Whatever who cares what you think? I don't
You obviously do. Who says you cant get food ? You are a hysterical snowflake.

What's the difference between driving through McDonald's and GOING IN to a grocery store?
social distancing

Definition of social distancing

: the practice of maintaining a greater than usual physical distance from other people or of avoiding direct contact with people or objects in public places during the outbreak of a contagious disease in order to minimize exposure and reduce the transmission of infection
Why do a small minority of Americans put their "right" to visit Macdonalds above the health and safety of their family and neighbours ?
There is no justification for it on any level.

That is Not Your Business Tommy
We have a minority here behaving like that. But they don't try and dress up their selfishness as a fight for liberty.
They are just stupid, selfish bastards.

Sue could infect her neighbours or be infected and then infect her family and friends. She has no justification for that.

So people can't go to McDonald's or go out and get food in Tommy's Fascist Land

Whatever who cares what you think? I don't
You obviously do. Who says you cant get food ? You are a hysterical snowflake.

What's the difference between driving through McDonald's and GOING IN to a grocery store?
social distancing

Definition of social distancing

: the practice of maintaining a greater than usual physical distance from other people or of avoiding direct contact with people or objects in public places during the outbreak of a contagious disease in order to minimize exposure and reduce the transmission of infection

Tell me what went on in your head that you thought I needed this definition. I'm curious as to your um, brain process here
Why do a small minority of Americans put their "right" to visit Macdonalds above the health and safety of their family and neighbours ?
There is no justification for it on any level.

That is Not Your Business Tommy
We have a minority here behaving like that. But they don't try and dress up their selfishness as a fight for liberty.
They are just stupid, selfish bastards.

Sue could infect her neighbours or be infected and then infect her family and friends. She has no justification for that.

So people can't go to McDonald's or go out and get food in Tommy's Fascist Land

Whatever who cares what you think? I don't
You obviously do. Who says you cant get food ? You are a hysterical snowflake.

What's the difference between driving through McDonald's and GOING IN to a grocery store?
There isn't much difference really. But a grocery store is essential. A big mac ain't. Shut down Macs and make your own dinner.
So there's no difference and you're whining about it

Why do a small minority of Americans put their "right" to visit Macdonalds above the health and safety of their family and neighbours ?
There is no justification for it on any level.

That is Not Your Business Tommy
We have a minority here behaving like that. But they don't try and dress up their selfishness as a fight for liberty.
They are just stupid, selfish bastards.

Sue could infect her neighbours or be infected and then infect her family and friends. She has no justification for that.

So people can't go to McDonald's or go out and get food in Tommy's Fascist Land

Whatever who cares what you think? I don't
You obviously do. Who says you cant get food ? You are a hysterical snowflake.

What's the difference between driving through McDonald's and GOING IN to a grocery store?
social distancing

Definition of social distancing

: the practice of maintaining a greater than usual physical distance from other people or of avoiding direct contact with people or objects in public places during the outbreak of a contagious disease in order to minimize exposure and reduce the transmission of infection

Tell me what went on in your head that you thought I needed this definition. I'm curious as to your um, brain process here

since you asked a stupid question, i thought i would follow up with an intelligent answer.

you're welcome.
Why do a small minority of Americans put their "right" to visit Macdonalds above the health and safety of their family and neighbours ?
There is no justification for it on any level.

That is Not Your Business Tommy
We have a minority here behaving like that. But they don't try and dress up their selfishness as a fight for liberty.
They are just stupid, selfish bastards.

Sue could infect her neighbours or be infected and then infect her family and friends. She has no justification for that.

So people can't go to McDonald's or go out and get food in Tommy's Fascist Land

Whatever who cares what you think? I don't
You obviously do. Who says you cant get food ? You are a hysterical snowflake.

What's the difference between driving through McDonald's and GOING IN to a grocery store?
social distancing

Definition of social distancing

: the practice of maintaining a greater than usual physical distance from other people or of avoiding direct contact with people or objects in public places during the outbreak of a contagious disease in order to minimize exposure and reduce the transmission of infection

Tell me what went on in your head that you thought I needed this definition. I'm curious as to your um, brain process here

since you asked a stupid question, i thought i would follow up with an intelligent answer.

you're welcome.

What's the difference in social distancing between a drive through and a grocery store? In a drive through they hand you your food with gloves on. Even at a self-check out at a grocery store, if you have coupons or alcohol or something goes wrong, a clerk has to approach. Plus the stores are packed.

So really what's the difference?
The funny thing about the shaming is that the people doing it don't even realize they were conditioned to do it. Like all useful idiots, they do the work they were manipulated to do. This video talks about the subtle indoctrination.

I actually watched the entire video, which was torture, but this guy is an idiot. But you know what? If you believe him, I probably won't be able to convince you otherwise. So the hell with it.

Real compelling argument... if you're in the 4th grade. Go back to watching the idiot box and doing what exactly what they tell you to do. Maybe one day when you begin to think for yourself, you might be worth listening to. Until then, you're just regurgitating what you've been spoon-fed and you're inadvertently proving the video correct.

As I said, I probably won't be able to convince you otherwise. So go get Covid-19...

Says another asshole who has a guaranteed income.
The funny thing about the shaming is that the people doing it don't even realize they were conditioned to do it. Like all useful idiots, they do the work they were manipulated to do. This video talks about the subtle indoctrination.

The Appeal to Authority is much loved by the Propaganda shillers too. So if a nurse comes shaming, the shamers gather like a virulent swarm themselves. "THIS IS A NURSE! LINE UP AND OBEY!"

And yes, I meant virulent as an apropos term there

And you don't see that you are a propaganda shiller, too.
The funny thing about the shaming is that the people doing it don't even realize they were conditioned to do it. Like all useful idiots, they do the work they were manipulated to do. This video talks about the subtle indoctrination.

I actually watched the entire video, which was torture, but this guy is an idiot. But you know what? If you believe him, I probably won't be able to convince you otherwise. So the hell with it.

Real compelling argument... if you're in the 4th grade. Go back to watching the idiot box and doing what exactly what they tell you to do. Maybe one day when you begin to think for yourself, you might be worth listening to. Until then, you're just regurgitating what you've been spoon-fed and you're inadvertently proving the video correct.

As I said, I probably won't be able to convince you otherwise. So go get Covid-19...

Says another asshole who has a guaranteed income.

Your point being... ??
Fauci is on the side or the permanent bureacracy - himself, that is
No, that's idiotic, and you are only vomiting that because you are a cultist and Fauci embarrassed Dear Leader. Trump really has done a number on you.
It's just a fact. Fauci's love letters to Hillary are well publicized. He worked on HIV research for years and is one of the douchebags who claimed heterosexuals have just as much of a chance of getting HIV as homosexuals. That is a blatant lie. The CDC is well known for taking a PC line on health issues, and he helped push it.
All that is freakish, cultists prattling. None of that has a single thing to do with why you have a hard on for Fauci. It is due to your cultism.
Fauci is on the side or the permanent bureacracy - himself, that is
No, that's idiotic, and you are only vomiting that because you are a cultist and Fauci embarrassed Dear Leader. Trump really has done a number on you.
It's just a fact. Fauci's love letters to Hillary are well publicized. He worked on HIV research for years and is one of the douchebags who claimed heterosexuals have just as much of a chance of getting HIV as homosexuals. That is a blatant lie. The CDC is well known for taking a PC line on health issues, and he helped push it.
All that is freakish, cultists prattling. None of that has a single thing to do with why you have a hard on for Fauci. It is due to your cultism.
Those are facts, brain dead. I dislike Fauci because he's obviously trying to destroy the economy. His advice about the shutdown is utterly absurd. He also claimed Hydroxyquinine doesn't work. A constant stream of lies issues from his mouth.
The funny thing about the shaming is that the people doing it don't even realize they were conditioned to do it. Like all useful idiots, they do the work they were manipulated to do. This video talks about the subtle indoctrination.

I actually watched the entire video, which was torture, but this guy is an idiot. But you know what? If you believe him, I probably won't be able to convince you otherwise. So the hell with it.

Real compelling argument... if you're in the 4th grade. Go back to watching the idiot box and doing what exactly what they tell you to do. Maybe one day when you begin to think for yourself, you might be worth listening to. Until then, you're just regurgitating what you've been spoon-fed and you're inadvertently proving the video correct.

As I said, I probably won't be able to convince you otherwise. So go get Covid-19...

Says another asshole who has a guaranteed income.

Your point being... ??

You're a hypocrite asshole like every other douchebag who wants to extend this shutdown to forever.
The funny thing about the shaming is that the people doing it don't even realize they were conditioned to do it. Like all useful idiots, they do the work they were manipulated to do. This video talks about the subtle indoctrination.

The Appeal to Authority is much loved by the Propaganda shillers too. So if a nurse comes shaming, the shamers gather like a virulent swarm themselves. "THIS IS A NURSE! LINE UP AND OBEY!"

And yes, I meant virulent as an apropos term there

And you don't see that you are a propaganda shiller, too.

ROFL! Ironic
Why do a small minority of Americans put their "right" to visit Macdonalds above the health and safety of their family and neighbours ?
There is no justification for it on any level.

That is Not Your Business Tommy
We have a minority here behaving like that. But they don't try and dress up their selfishness as a fight for liberty.
They are just stupid, selfish bastards.

Sue could infect her neighbours or be infected and then infect her family and friends. She has no justification for that.

So people can't go to McDonald's or go out and get food in Tommy's Fascist Land

Whatever who cares what you think? I don't
You obviously do. Who says you cant get food ? You are a hysterical snowflake.

What's the difference between driving through McDonald's and GOING IN to a grocery store?
The former is worse because 3-4 people handle your food.
Why do a small minority of Americans put their "right" to visit Macdonalds above the health and safety of their family and neighbours ?
There is no justification for it on any level.

That is Not Your Business Tommy
We have a minority here behaving like that. But they don't try and dress up their selfishness as a fight for liberty.
They are just stupid, selfish bastards.

Sue could infect her neighbours or be infected and then infect her family and friends. She has no justification for that.

So people can't go to McDonald's or go out and get food in Tommy's Fascist Land

Whatever who cares what you think? I don't
You obviously do. Who says you cant get food ? You are a hysterical snowflake.

What's the difference between driving through McDonald's and GOING IN to a grocery store?
The former is worse because 3-4 people handle your food.

Not too different from the super market.

One guy takes from the box and puts it on the shelf. then you take it off the shelf after who knows how many other stock clerks and customers have touched it, the cashier then the bagger all handle your items as well

It might work out that less people touch your take out
Why do a small minority of Americans put their "right" to visit Macdonalds above the health and safety of their family and neighbours ?
There is no justification for it on any level.

That is Not Your Business Tommy
We have a minority here behaving like that. But they don't try and dress up their selfishness as a fight for liberty.
They are just stupid, selfish bastards.

Sue could infect her neighbours or be infected and then infect her family and friends. She has no justification for that.

So people can't go to McDonald's or go out and get food in Tommy's Fascist Land

Whatever who cares what you think? I don't
You obviously do. Who says you cant get food ? You are a hysterical snowflake.

What's the difference between driving through McDonald's and GOING IN to a grocery store?
The former is worse because 3-4 people handle your food.
There are probably more people handling your food in a supermarket. But we actually need them, unlike any fast food joint.

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