Face Masks are Voluntary. Up Next: Mask Shaming.

My doctor said he can't get mask, and said they've been ordered but nothing yet. He was wearing a mask, and so was his nurse, but none of his office staff was wearing mask. They were behind glass, so maybe that is sufficient.

He looked like he had the crud, but said that he had been tested and was good to go. I can only hope so.

This covid-19 thing is going to tell on alot of traitor's who sold this nation out to China, an when it does they should be locked up for their actions over the years that left this nation vulnerable.

You're going to have to lock up a lot of corporations who shipped manufacturing overseas because it was cheaper, so now a lot of medical supplies we need we don't have because they're no longer made in the U.S.
Please do! Go out and about!
My occupation is considered essential, so my ass has been out and about every day since the doomsday virus has hit. Not any more worried about it than any other danger that faces me everyday including my own job that requires me to work at heights that would make most feel the vapors.
Life must go on and one can be out and about and still be cautious without crippling the entire worlds economy.
Was in Wally Mart after work yesterday.
About 25 percent of folks were wearing masks.

I will not be joining them as this will not be my "new normal".
Hey, you rock! You're not going to let some fucking virus stop you from living your life! Oh, wait -- you've got the virus... but actually, for you it's not too bad. But then you give it to your grandma and she dies. Damn!

And the shaming continues. People just like you are who the OP is about.

Stupid people who are endangering others by their actions OUGHT to be shamed. In fact, they ought to be arrested.

Oh, and you know what? Memes will keep Covid-19 from killing you! So you're safe.

Go hide under your bed...........you Fucking Coward.............

You probably don't even work anyway......waiting to suck at the Gov't tits.....like a good little communist...........

Your opinions are circular filed.

Such an incisive argument! Wow, you cut me to the quick. And I admit, I'd like to continue living. Is that a crime in your world?

You do what you must......I will go back to work.......and what happens happens........

So HIDE..........I don't care.

People like you accusing me of being a coward? It doesn't bother me one bit. It's not about being brave; it's about being smart.

Whatever.............we can't destroy our country for this virus that isn't gonna go away soon.

Go HIDE..........we shall take our chances and whatever happens is in God's hands.........Destroy our nation for a stinking virus....i don't think so.

Please do! Go out and about! Put it all in God's hands! And then if you die, the world will have one less stupid person.

Get back under your bed coward.......if I die then I will not do so hiding .........scoot...........under the bed before the Kung Flu kills you.

Doubt you work for a living anyway...........probably sucking on the gov'ts tits.
No, the stupid award goes to the people who think that ANY person currently wearing a mask is a criminal.
Obviously a professional thought they looked like criminals. Maybe they will think twice next time.
"A professional"? Somebody who works at Walmart is "a professional"? A professional what? A professional cashier? You have GOT to be kidding. But unfortunately, I'm sure you're not kidding. But really, you posted that because you wanted to ridicule two ******* who had the nerve to wear masks into a store, even though the CDC now advises people to do so. Mocking those "stupid" ******* is what you really wanted to do, isn't it?
Of course N95 masks are much better for protection FROM air born viruses, but that is NOT why the majority of the population should be wearing masks.
They should be wearing masks to prevent their spit from getting out.
And the simplest cloth can easily do that.
We do not need expensive or short supply masks in order to make other people safer.
Please do! Go out and about!
My occupation is considered essential, so my ass has been out and about every day since the doomsday virus has hit. Not any more worried about it than any other danger that faces me everyday including my own job that requires me to work at heights that would make most feel the vapors.
Life must go on and one can be out and about and still be cautious without crippling the entire worlds economy.
And how can you be cautious if you can't tell who's infectious and who isn't? How can you be cautious if you don't have the protective gear that you need to BE cautious? Are you just waiting to get infected so then you can hope that you'll get a mild case? And if you infect your grandmother and she dies, well, that's just the way it goes?
Please do! Go out and about!
My occupation is considered essential, so my ass has been out and about every day since the doomsday virus has hit. Not any more worried about it than any other danger that faces me everyday including my own job that requires me to work at heights that would make most feel the vapors.
Life must go on and one can be out and about and still be cautious without crippling the entire worlds economy.
And how can you be cautious if you can't tell who's infectious and who isn't? How can you be cautious if you don't have the protective gear that you need to BE cautious? Are you just waiting to get infected so then you can hope that you'll get a mild case? And if you infect your grandmother and she dies, well, that's just the way it goes?
Was in Wally Mart after work yesterday.
About 25 percent of folks were wearing masks.

I will not be joining them as this will not be my "new normal".
Hey, you rock! You're not going to let some fucking virus stop you from living your life! Oh, wait -- you've got the virus... but actually, for you it's not too bad. But then you give it to your grandma and she dies. Damn!

And the shaming continues. People just like you are who the OP is about.

Stupid people who are endangering others by their actions OUGHT to be shamed. In fact, they ought to be arrested.

Oh, and you know what? Memes will keep Covid-19 from killing you! So you're safe.

Go hide under your bed...........you Fucking Coward.............

You probably don't even work anyway......waiting to suck at the Gov't tits.....like a good little communist...........

Your opinions are circular filed.

Such an incisive argument! Wow, you cut me to the quick. And I admit, I'd like to continue living. Is that a crime in your world?

You do what you must......I will go back to work.......and what happens happens........

So HIDE..........I don't care.

People like you accusing me of being a coward? It doesn't bother me one bit. It's not about being brave; it's about being smart.

Whatever.............we can't destroy our country for this virus that isn't gonna go away soon.

Go HIDE..........we shall take our chances and whatever happens is in God's hands.........Destroy our nation for a stinking virus....i don't think so.

Please do! Go out and about! Put it all in God's hands! And then if you die, the world will have one less stupid person.

Get back under your bed coward.......if I die then I will not do so hiding .........scoot...........under the bed before the Kung Flu kills you.

Doubt you work for a living anyway...........probably sucking on the gov'ts tits.

I'm on Social Security, if that's what you mean. But I paid into SS for decades, so the govt is just giving me my own money back.
Was in Wally Mart after work yesterday.
About 25 percent of folks were wearing masks.

I will not be joining them as this will not be my "new normal".
Hey, you rock! You're not going to let some fucking virus stop you from living your life! Oh, wait -- you've got the virus... but actually, for you it's not too bad. But then you give it to your grandma and she dies. Damn!

And the shaming continues. People just like you are who the OP is about.

Stupid people who are endangering others by their actions OUGHT to be shamed. In fact, they ought to be arrested.

Oh, and you know what? Memes will keep Covid-19 from killing you! So you're safe.

Go hide under your bed...........you Fucking Coward.............

You probably don't even work anyway......waiting to suck at the Gov't tits.....like a good little communist...........

Your opinions are circular filed.

Such an incisive argument! Wow, you cut me to the quick. And I admit, I'd like to continue living. Is that a crime in your world?

You do what you must......I will go back to work.......and what happens happens........

So HIDE..........I don't care.

People like you accusing me of being a coward? It doesn't bother me one bit. It's not about being brave; it's about being smart.

Whatever.............we can't destroy our country for this virus that isn't gonna go away soon.

Go HIDE..........we shall take our chances and whatever happens is in God's hands.........Destroy our nation for a stinking virus....i don't think so.

Please do! Go out and about! Put it all in God's hands! And then if you die, the world will have one less stupid person.

Get back under your bed coward.......if I die then I will not do so hiding .........scoot...........under the bed before the Kung Flu kills you.

Doubt you work for a living anyway...........probably sucking on the gov'ts tits.

I'm on Social Security, if that's what you mean. But I paid into SS for decades, so the govt is just giving me my own money back.

Then you are retired.......and don't have to work......I'm not quite there yet........so to work I must go............

That is the deal.....someone hast to put money into it .....and it's still going broke..............You are in no danger because others have to go to work..............
Please do! Go out and about!
My occupation is considered essential, so my ass has been out and about every day since the doomsday virus has hit. Not any more worried about it than any other danger that faces me everyday including my own job that requires me to work at heights that would make most feel the vapors.
Life must go on and one can be out and about and still be cautious without crippling the entire worlds economy.
And how can you be cautious if you can't tell who's infectious and who isn't? How can you be cautious if you don't have the protective gear that you need to BE cautious? Are you just waiting to get infected so then you can hope that you'll get a mild case? And if you infect your grandmother and she dies, well, that's just the way it goes?
You don't pay attention.
I already stated my grandparents are dead and I am a grandfather.

Do you get every talking point to parrot directly from CNN?
The virus will have several waves with one likely in the fall. The mitigation practices still assume this thing will run through the population and only buy time to lesson the peaks. Herd immunity will happen worldwide as this is far more widespread than the numbers show with limited testing.
The world is not shutting down for a year or more until a vaccine is available. This isn't the civilization ending virus, but the "cure" certainly could be.
Yeah, I hope to get a mild case. I also hope a distracted driver doesn't kill me, I fall at work, get cancer, become a murder victim, get hit by a bus, or have a piano fall on my head.
So continue to hide.
The world is far less crowded and more peaceful without all you Karen's out and about.

Question - Why is it that these farmers are dumping milk out, and turning crops under or leaving them to rot in the fields, when we got this vast expansive nation to feed, and all others whom still trade with us ????? Some claim it's because of the price bottoming out, so just dump it or bury it, but aren't we in the middle of an emergency in America ??? Last I checked we were told we are in an emergency, and our grocery stores are becoming more bare by the minute, yet we have our own farmers dumping milk and burying food ??? Last I heard is that the orders being put in by the grocery stores aren't coming in, so what's up with that ?? Maybe another thread should be started on the issue, because something ain't adding up.

Saw a local news story that Wisconsin farmers were dumping milk, yet at grocery store milk was literally wiped out.


I know right..... Explain that one to me, because I got nothing... One thing, I did notice that it was a lib news network reporting it. Not sure if that matters, but just sayin.
Was in Wally Mart after work yesterday.
About 25 percent of folks were wearing masks.

I will not be joining them as this will not be my "new normal".
Hey, you rock! You're not going to let some fucking virus stop you from living your life! Oh, wait -- you've got the virus... but actually, for you it's not too bad. But then you give it to your grandma and she dies. Damn!

And the shaming continues. People just like you are who the OP is about.

Stupid people who are endangering others by their actions OUGHT to be shamed. In fact, they ought to be arrested.

Oh, and you know what? Memes will keep Covid-19 from killing you! So you're safe.

Go hide under your bed...........you Fucking Coward.............

You probably don't even work anyway......waiting to suck at the Gov't tits.....like a good little communist...........

Your opinions are circular filed.

Such an incisive argument! Wow, you cut me to the quick. And I admit, I'd like to continue living. Is that a crime in your world?

You do what you must......I will go back to work.......and what happens happens........

So HIDE..........I don't care.

People like you accusing me of being a coward? It doesn't bother me one bit. It's not about being brave; it's about being smart.

Whatever.............we can't destroy our country for this virus that isn't gonna go away soon.

Go HIDE..........we shall take our chances and whatever happens is in God's hands.........Destroy our nation for a stinking virus....i don't think so.

Please do! Go out and about! Put it all in God's hands! And then if you die, the world will have one less stupid person.

Get back under your bed coward.......if I die then I will not do so hiding .........scoot...........under the bed before the Kung Flu kills you.

Doubt you work for a living anyway...........probably sucking on the gov'ts tits.

I'm on Social Security, if that's what you mean. But I paid into SS for decades, so the govt is just giving me my own money back.

Then you are retired.......and don't have to work......I'm not quite there yet........so to work I must go............

That is the deal.....someone hast to put money into it .....and it's still going broke..............You are in no danger because others have to go to work..............

Actually, I am in danger because my wife is a health care worker and she is still working. So there's always the possibility that she'll bring the virus home one day. But yes, the world is between a rock and a hard place (or between the devil and the deep blue sea, if you prefer). If we do business as usual, many people may die. If we stop doing business as usual, many people may go bankrupt and we'd have another Great Depression. Neither alternative is good for anybody. I don't blame anyone (not even Donald Trump) for wanting to get back to "normal" -- I want to, too. But the new normal can't be hundreds of people in the ICU every day. That would be insanity.
Please do! Go out and about!
My occupation is considered essential, so my ass has been out and about every day since the doomsday virus has hit. Not any more worried about it than any other danger that faces me everyday including my own job that requires me to work at heights that would make most feel the vapors.
Life must go on and one can be out and about and still be cautious without crippling the entire worlds economy.
And how can you be cautious if you can't tell who's infectious and who isn't? How can you be cautious if you don't have the protective gear that you need to BE cautious? Are you just waiting to get infected so then you can hope that you'll get a mild case? And if you infect your grandmother and she dies, well, that's just the way it goes?
You don't pay attention.
I already stated my grandparents are dead and I am a grandfather.

Do you get every talking point to parrot directly from CNN?
The virus will have several waves with one likely in the fall. The mitigation practices still assume this thing will run through the population and only buy time to lesson the peaks. Herd immunity will happen worldwide as this is far more widespread than the numbers show with limited testing.
The world is not shutting down for a year or more until a vaccine is available. This isn't the civilization ending virus, but the "cure" certainly could be.
Yeah, I hope to get a mild case. I also hope a distracted driver doesn't kill me, I fall at work, get cancer, become a murder victim, get hit by a bus, or have a piano fall on my head.
So continue to hide.
The world is far less crowded and more peaceful without all you Karen's out and about.
Gee, excuse me for not remembering every detail about your extended family. You're not really even a name to me. Do you think that I post here to make friends? Clearly, if that's the case, I'm really bad at it!

Wow, you seem to be an expert about stuff like "herd immunity." Where did you get your medical degree? But seriously, yes, the virus will likely run through the population eventually. The point of social distancing and all that is to slow the spread, so that hospitals aren't overwhelmed with sick people all at once. I also agree that the shutdown can't continue forever, or even for a year. But it might go on for another month or two. And yeah, I hope that a piano won't fall on my head, either. The way I avoid that is by NOT walking under pianos that are up in the air.

And why pick on Karen? What did she ever do to you? And really, that whole train of thought is deeply sexist. You're basically saying that I am like a woman and that's just not good enough. You're implying that a female is inferior to you, a male. If you are the epitome of a man, then I'd be proud to be thought of as a woman. (Also, the plural would be Karens, not the possessive Karen's)
Was in Wally Mart after work yesterday.
About 25 percent of folks were wearing masks.

I will not be joining them as this will not be my "new normal".
Hey, you rock! You're not going to let some fucking virus stop you from living your life! Oh, wait -- you've got the virus... but actually, for you it's not too bad. But then you give it to your grandma and she dies. Damn!

And the shaming continues. People just like you are who the OP is about.

Stupid people who are endangering others by their actions OUGHT to be shamed. In fact, they ought to be arrested.

Oh, and you know what? Memes will keep Covid-19 from killing you! So you're safe.

Go hide under your bed...........you Fucking Coward.............

You probably don't even work anyway......waiting to suck at the Gov't tits.....like a good little communist...........

Your opinions are circular filed.

Such an incisive argument! Wow, you cut me to the quick. And I admit, I'd like to continue living. Is that a crime in your world?

You do what you must......I will go back to work.......and what happens happens........

So HIDE..........I don't care.

People like you accusing me of being a coward? It doesn't bother me one bit. It's not about being brave; it's about being smart.

Whatever.............we can't destroy our country for this virus that isn't gonna go away soon.

Go HIDE..........we shall take our chances and whatever happens is in God's hands.........Destroy our nation for a stinking virus....i don't think so.

Please do! Go out and about! Put it all in God's hands! And then if you die, the world will have one less stupid person.

Get back under your bed coward.......if I die then I will not do so hiding .........scoot...........under the bed before the Kung Flu kills you.

Doubt you work for a living anyway...........probably sucking on the gov'ts tits.

I'm on Social Security, if that's what you mean. But I paid into SS for decades, so the govt is just giving me my own money back.

Then you are retired.......and don't have to work......I'm not quite there yet........so to work I must go............

That is the deal.....someone hast to put money into it .....and it's still going broke..............You are in no danger because others have to go to work..............

Actually, I am in danger because my wife is a health care worker and she is still working. So there's always the possibility that she'll bring the virus home one day. But yes, the world is between a rock and a hard place (or between the devil and the deep blue sea, if you prefer). If we do business as usual, many people may die. If we stop doing business as usual, many people may go bankrupt and we'd have another Great Depression. Neither alternative is good for anybody. I don't blame anyone (not even Donald Trump) for wanting to get back to "normal" -- I want to, too. But the new normal can't be hundreds of people in the ICU every day. That would be insanity.

Good post.
Please do! Go out and about!
My occupation is considered essential, so my ass has been out and about every day since the doomsday virus has hit. Not any more worried about it than any other danger that faces me everyday including my own job that requires me to work at heights that would make most feel the vapors.
Life must go on and one can be out and about and still be cautious without crippling the entire worlds economy.
And how can you be cautious if you can't tell who's infectious and who isn't? How can you be cautious if you don't have the protective gear that you need to BE cautious? Are you just waiting to get infected so then you can hope that you'll get a mild case? And if you infect your grandmother and she dies, well, that's just the way it goes?
You don't pay attention.
I already stated my grandparents are dead and I am a grandfather.

Do you get every talking point to parrot directly from CNN?
The virus will have several waves with one likely in the fall. The mitigation practices still assume this thing will run through the population and only buy time to lesson the peaks. Herd immunity will happen worldwide as this is far more widespread than the numbers show with limited testing.
The world is not shutting down for a year or more until a vaccine is available. This isn't the civilization ending virus, but the "cure" certainly could be.
Yeah, I hope to get a mild case. I also hope a distracted driver doesn't kill me, I fall at work, get cancer, become a murder victim, get hit by a bus, or have a piano fall on my head.
So continue to hide.
The world is far less crowded and more peaceful without all you Karen's out and about.
Gee, excuse me for not remembering every detail about your extended family. You're not really even a name to me. Do you think that I post here to make friends? Clearly, if that's the case, I'm really bad at it!

Wow, you seem to be an expert about stuff like "herd immunity." Where did you get your medical degree? But seriously, yes, the virus will likely run through the population eventually. The point of social distancing and all that is to slow the spread, so that hospitals aren't overwhelmed with sick people all at once. I also agree that the shutdown can't continue forever, or even for a year. But it might go on for another month or two. And yeah, I hope that a piano won't fall on my head, either. The way I avoid that is by NOT walking under pianos that are up in the air.

And why pick on Karen? What did she ever do to you? And really, that whole train of thought is deeply sexist. You're basically saying that I am like a woman and that's just not good enough. You're implying that a female is inferior to you, a male. If you are the epitome of a man, then I'd be proud to be thought of as a woman. (Also, the plural would be Karens, not the possessive Karen's)
Why are you and Petro at each other's throats ? Got no dog in the fight, but man let's get out of this thing alive how bout it ? I also have family members who are essential, and my risk are greater because of that also. I think what's working is the mask finally, and the awareness that finally was brow beaten into everyone's minds about the seriousness of the situation. Everyone at first figured in the words similar to Al Pacinos "I ain't afraid if no stinking VIRUS", but once the data started coming in, that's when it gave them pause.

Be safe everyone, and let's practice distancing, wearing mask around strangers out of respect for them, and let's get back to work.
Then you are retired.......and don't have to work......I'm not quite there yet........so to work I must go............

That is the deal.....someone hast to put money into it .....and it's still going broke..............You are in no danger because others have to go to work..............

I'm in the same boat, I go to work everyday, no "remote" work for me. And I'm really thankful I have a job to go into, as there are currently 17 million people who don't. It's times like this that you can reassess things a bit and find ways to be thankful.
Get back under your bed coward.......if I die then I will not do so hiding .
Most people are observing distancing because of their concern for others, not themselves. I know this idea is quite foreign to a fucking screeching idiot like you. But not to everyone.

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