Facebook delete my posts questioning why some races have lower IQ

1. Saying a group of people generally have a lower iq, is miles away from saying they are all "by nature stupid".
So what does IQ represent if according to you that it does not represent intelligence ?
2. Why do you assume, lower iq equals "must be killed"?
Because get to the point.

Get to the doing part. Because all I'm seeing is some "My gang is smarter than your gang" thing.

And that's trick, they keep running with this, just as long as they never get to the doing part.
I'm getting the idea you're in a crabby mood today. Amirite?
I am chinese and I think western culture is superior in many (though not all) ways.
In addition to being intellectually inferior, you are also a very disturbed person.


Chinese cheat.

They do it under the guise of "language and communications barriers" They team up and gather notes and sell each other plagiarized final papers. They all sit together and give each other answers to scored evaluations and nobody says nothing

Why ? Because to accuse them of doing what they're doing, when they aren't speaking engrissh is "racist"

Fuck outta here.

I don't need to speak mandarin to see you just passed your friend the bubble sheet you filled out, Wong.

If me and my kind did that wild sh*t we'd be branded cheaters and banned from campus. but its ok for you to do it

Trust me Asians are not as brilliant as folks think. Sure, other kids cheat too. But nobody cheats like Asians.

- geometry and alg 2 in high school an Asian kid cheated on every single test. Every one.

-english class an Asian girl paid a white kid to write all of her papers.

- bio class in uni I saw a lot of Asians cheating

One day I asked one of the Asians I caught cheating why he cheated. He said, "Cause they never expect us to cheat. We do it all the time though.".

Charles Murray (Author of The Bell Curve) married an Asian woman
and had two hapa children and this is the author of the most-cited white supremacist handbooks.

The dismal reality you find yourself in is that women don’t want you for anything except the occasional help on a computer or numbers-related problem.

Chinese men are the world’s least fuckable men.


Your own females are getting dick downed by white boys ...

Men don’t respect you. Your social value is zero.

Irony is now the leaders of the Alt-Right are complaining about the growing number of Hapas attending their white nationalist conferences that their white supremacist fathers dragged them to. And instead of being mad at white supremacy, they are pissed that they are half Asian and starting hating on black people to raise their damaged self esteem.

But asians experience positive racism. They are seen as good minorities who serve whites. Blacks experience negative racism because we protest and have tried to improve our lot. We are seen as bad minorities. Asians try to work harder despite the system. Blacks try to change the system. Whites pat Asians on the head for being good while they scold blacks for being bad and then tell blacks,”Why can’t you be more like Asians and just kiss our asses ?”

You're even trying to debate like them "No. I don't hate black people. They're just not clever and dumb generally"

Guess what ?

They used to say that 150 years ago. Long before IQ.

Beliefs about black people

    • Abraham Lincoln in 1849 : less intelligence, more sex drive, more likely to break the law, less self-control
    • White or Asian Supremacists in 2019 : less intelligence, more sex drive, more likely to break the law, less self-control
People have been saying black people were stupid forever.

But I guess you can claim ideological martyr status for being shouted down as being iconoclasts in the public square and pretend that marginalized trash are actually hidden gems of knowledge only you and a select few others can see.

A lot of Asians wouldn't even be in the USA if it wasn't for black people taking all the ass whoopings in the 60’s which kicked the door open for your lot to come (In large numbers) via the 1965 immigration act.

You got some nerve.

The black community rode for the Asian community. The rise of the Chinese films in the 70’s, black supported them.

And look how we get repayed ?

All those Asian firms in black areas beating up black women. The Peter Liang case. (The Asian cop who shot and killed a black man)

Asians supported this a guy heavy. They’re argument was “Well how come our guy got convicted when white cops don't. If they can get away with killing blacks. We should too”

And they were mad because they got their Asian n*gga wake up call. That is : The privilege of killing black people and walking free.

Not to mention that when I was younger some of the biggest opposition to my trying to attain more knowledge in the Information Technology were Asian Men.

Asian men that I came across, were not only resistant, but hostile at the thought of a black man getting into technology. They can’t take what they dish out at all. They will be WICKED towards a black person. However the minute a white person discriminates against them, they are ready to slit their own wrists.

Africans better recognize fast. Be careful about the immigration of Asians to their Continent. Or they are going to end up being oppressed in their own land all over again.

The Asian menace must be resisted.
Akira Toriyama is Japanese, you stupid racist twit.
It matters not. The same dog that bites black ppl in Japan is the same dog that would bite black ppl in China.

And I keep on saying this. Get to the doing part that is "What do u do with a race of ppl who r by nature stupid ?"

Or is this some "My gang is smarter than ur gang" nonsense ?

But if white or asian supremacists said "Ok. We are gonna finally stop telling blk.ppl what they are. We are gonna tell them what we are gonna do"

I'd say "Great !! Finally they've manned up"

And if they said "We are gonna try n kill every blk person on the planet n die trying"

I'd say "Cool. Now shut the fk up n get on with it"

And according to the code I'd die killing as many white or Asians as I could.

Running around trying prove how stupid blk ppl r? Pathetic.

Stop tryna prove points. We don't need points. Either cut the bullshit or let s just get it on. For the last time n for the final time.
Asian supremacists are anti-white. They think black people are a joke.
Asians are the biggest bunch of white ass kisser on the planet and bunch of cowards at that.

Nazi chic is all the rage over their




Asians think black people are joke ? You reckon ?

I bet they didn't think black people were a joke when I was at school when they'd always want to walk home with us, because they were to pathetic to push bk against the white kids who used to jump them and rob their money

Their parents were bunch of fking pussies to, into that "We wan no twabble" mantra that runs through their culture. None of the white boys would fkin dare start any face to face shit with us, because they knew they'd come off second best.

I bet they didn't think black people were a joke in the 40's, 50's and 60's when we fought for the rights of all non white people. It's always been black people who've got in your face and been willing to put there lives on the lines to stop the B.S. We. No one else. We black people are the only ones. Every Asian, Latino should kiss the fking feet of black people who faced tanks, dogs, lynching, castration, fingers cut for reading.

The same dog that bit black people bit them too. But you won't find Asian Malcolm X's, Asian Martin Luther Kings, Asian Black Panthers. Asian Muhammad Ali, Asian Nelson Mandela.

Who have they got ? Gandhi and even he was a white ass kisser who hated black people

None. They sat bk and let black people do the heavy lifting.

That's why everyone deep down respects black people.
The solution is simple: Do Not Post On FASCISTBOOK.
I'm getting the idea you're in a crabby mood today. Amirite?
No. I'm good but serial Killer (Ted Bundy) supposedly had an IQ off the chart (in the 140's). But would it be correct to say that a guy who used to slit women from their vagina to their neck was intelligent ?

Alfred Binet created IQ test’s to see which children weren’t profiting from the Parisian school system, not so that they could be labelled stupid but so new educational programs could be created to help those children.

I think he was physic because he was afraid that his tests would be misused for nepharious reasons and he could not have been more right, because once the certain people got a hold of it, it took on a whole new meaning.

In neurology no one takes IQ seriously. It is archaic and only really useful to social scientists. Neurologists who have a better understanding of how the brain works because they spend decades of their lives studying it have little to no use for it, but to the public at large it is so important.

What grbb doesn't get is that if you are trying to ground IQ as a genetic product of race the very first thing he needs to do is offer up a genetic definition of race.

Something no one has not done. Nor has any study. But I'll sit back n invite a definition. Mainly because his fumbling attempts to define race will point out just how subjective such definitions are.

In close to a decade of debating race and IQ and genetics.

I have yet to see any one of them, no matter what their scientific credentials, offer up an acceptably neutral definition of race.

No-one has shown that human variation is great enough to account for differences of IQ, nor has anyone established the veracity of IQ as a legitimate measurement.

No one has provided an inextricable link between genetics, race, and IQ outside of methodologically flawed correlations. They make the claim, then they prove the claim.

Which are those “races” then, purely scientifically speaking and in clear text ? What are the precise genetic criteria for making this classification ?

Those questions can obviously only be answered in arbitrary dimensions which are man-made constructs according to human perception alone. However you twist it, the OP will run in circles and eventually spiral back into concepts based on human perception alone.


A scientific fact is that rain water freezes at 0°C at a pressure of 1 bar.

It’s observable and reproducible anywhere by anybody in the exact same way.

But yet grbb throws around concepts that have no constant repeatability everywhere they try to reproduce the experiment or apply the theoretical claim.

And bear in mind

In natural science, only one single significant deviation is enough to render the claim at least disputable, at worst invalid.

The OP (grbb) is trying to make an absolutist claim by using extremely relative variables – variables, which (as should be obvious by now) they can’t even be bothered to define in relativist fashion.
Last edited:
Great, sounds like you agree that it was within Facebook’s right to block the OP.
People that are offended by words have bigger issues than just hurt feelings....we believe in free speech here...even if it offends....deleting or banning and silencing others are not the American way....it is the way of cowards...
Sadly for you, you’re a nobody with no power to block anyone. Meanwhile, Facebook reserves the right to protect their own business
What the hell are you doing up so late?.....what no banks to burn or Starbucks stores to vandalize?....
You’ve lost what little mind you have as I neither burn banks nor vandalize Starbucks. Is there something about this thread topic you find too offensive to discuss? It’s about Facebook, not me.
Never had a fakebook account and IQ is not related to race....
You are wrong.
About what?.....spell it out....
They said it's hate speech.

I want to study how some cultural practice causes rising IQ or declining IQ. I wonder if we can improve society by improving IQ of society.

Facebook declares that it's hate speech.

The chinese and whites have a strange culture. Their monks don't get married. Think about it for a while. The monks are smarter. When monks don't get married that should be dysgenic right? Yet how come whites and asians have higher IQ? Why IQ of blacks in US are lower than the rest? To the opposite, in Africa, if you're dumb, you're dead. No welfare. People kill each other. That sounds a lot like survival of the fittest. Yet, their IQ is lower. It seems to me that IQ is essential only on evolutionary novel strategies. For evolutionary stable strategies, humans' emotion is much more effective. Emotional people do not need IQ. Those who are good at science will be like engineers that fix his own guillotine.

After they said it's hate speech, I created another thread questioning it.

Facebook says that my post saying that blacks have lower IQ and trying to explain why as hate speech. I didn't know I hate black people. I befriend a few of them. I think IQ tests would have helped them.

I am asking why black people have lower IQ. They do. I am asking why so we can help them. Why is it a hate speech?

They declare it's hate speech and discussing that it is not hate speech will lead to another hate speech accusation.

This is weird.

And the reason why I am interested in that has nothing to do with race. I am in a high IQ forum where we talk about politically incorrect topic.
That's Fakebook for ya....Try posting a Hitler meme in a forum dedicated to WWII humor some time.
Doesn’t Facebook possess the right to decide what is and isn’t allowed to be posted on their website?
Facebook is irrelevant. A Liberal progressive playground where you are right if you hate your country and the people that voted for Trump.
Great, sounds like you agree that it was within Facebook’s right to block the OP.
People that are offended by words have bigger issues than just hurt feelings....we believe in free speech here...even if it offends....deleting or banning and silencing others are not the American way....it is the way of cowards...
Which of course, has nothing to do with what I said.
They said it's hate speech.

I want to study how some cultural practice causes rising IQ or declining IQ. I wonder if we can improve society by improving IQ of society.

Facebook declares that it's hate speech.

The chinese and whites have a strange culture. Their monks don't get married. Think about it for a while. The monks are smarter. When monks don't get married that should be dysgenic right? Yet how come whites and asians have higher IQ? Why IQ of blacks in US are lower than the rest? To the opposite, in Africa, if you're dumb, you're dead. No welfare. People kill each other. That sounds a lot like survival of the fittest. Yet, their IQ is lower. It seems to me that IQ is essential only on evolutionary novel strategies. For evolutionary stable strategies, humans' emotion is much more effective. Emotional people do not need IQ. Those who are good at science will be like engineers that fix his own guillotine.

After they said it's hate speech, I created another thread questioning it.

Facebook says that my post saying that blacks have lower IQ and trying to explain why as hate speech. I didn't know I hate black people. I befriend a few of them. I think IQ tests would have helped them.

I am asking why black people have lower IQ. They do. I am asking why so we can help them. Why is it a hate speech?

They declare it's hate speech and discussing that it is not hate speech will lead to another hate speech accusation.

This is weird.

And the reason why I am interested in that has nothing to do with race. I am in a high IQ forum where we talk about politically incorrect topic.
That's Fakebook for ya....Try posting a Hitler meme in a forum dedicated to WWII humor some time.
Doesn’t Facebook possess the right to decide what is and isn’t allowed to be posted on their website?
Facebook is irrelevant. A Liberal progressive playground where you are right if you hate your country and the people that voted for Trump.
I wouldn’t know since I don’t use Facebook
They said it's hate speech.

I want to study how some cultural practice causes rising IQ or declining IQ. I wonder if we can improve society by improving IQ of society.

Facebook declares that it's hate speech.

The chinese and whites have a strange culture. Their monks don't get married. Think about it for a while. The monks are smarter. When monks don't get married that should be dysgenic right? Yet how come whites and asians have higher IQ? Why IQ of blacks in US are lower than the rest? To the opposite, in Africa, if you're dumb, you're dead. No welfare. People kill each other. That sounds a lot like survival of the fittest. Yet, their IQ is lower. It seems to me that IQ is essential only on evolutionary novel strategies. For evolutionary stable strategies, humans' emotion is much more effective. Emotional people do not need IQ. Those who are good at science will be like engineers that fix his own guillotine.

After they said it's hate speech, I created another thread questioning it.

Facebook says that my post saying that blacks have lower IQ and trying to explain why as hate speech. I didn't know I hate black people. I befriend a few of them. I think IQ tests would have helped them.

I am asking why black people have lower IQ. They do. I am asking why so we can help them. Why is it a hate speech?

They declare it's hate speech and discussing that it is not hate speech will lead to another hate speech accusation.

This is weird.

And the reason why I am interested in that has nothing to do with race. I am in a high IQ forum where we talk about politically incorrect topic.
That's Fakebook for ya....Try posting a Hitler meme in a forum dedicated to WWII humor some time.
Doesn’t Facebook possess the right to decide what is and isn’t allowed to be posted on their website?
Facebook is irrelevant. A Liberal progressive playground where you are right if you hate your country and the people that voted for Trump.
I wouldn’t know since I don’t use Facebook
I don't either.
They said it's hate speech.

I want to study how some cultural practice causes rising IQ or declining IQ. I wonder if we can improve society by improving IQ of society.

Facebook declares that it's hate speech.

The chinese and whites have a strange culture. Their monks don't get married. Think about it for a while. The monks are smarter. When monks don't get married that should be dysgenic right? Yet how come whites and asians have higher IQ? Why IQ of blacks in US are lower than the rest? To the opposite, in Africa, if you're dumb, you're dead. No welfare. People kill each other. That sounds a lot like survival of the fittest. Yet, their IQ is lower. It seems to me that IQ is essential only on evolutionary novel strategies. For evolutionary stable strategies, humans' emotion is much more effective. Emotional people do not need IQ. Those who are good at science will be like engineers that fix his own guillotine.

After they said it's hate speech, I created another thread questioning it.

Facebook says that my post saying that blacks have lower IQ and trying to explain why as hate speech. I didn't know I hate black people. I befriend a few of them. I think IQ tests would have helped them.

I am asking why black people have lower IQ. They do. I am asking why so we can help them. Why is it a hate speech?

They declare it's hate speech and discussing that it is not hate speech will lead to another hate speech accusation.

This is weird.

And the reason why I am interested in that has nothing to do with race. I am in a high IQ forum where we talk about politically incorrect topic.
That's Fakebook for ya....Try posting a Hitler meme in a forum dedicated to WWII humor some time.
Doesn’t Facebook possess the right to decide what is and isn’t allowed to be posted on their website?
Facebook is irrelevant. A Liberal progressive playground where you are right if you hate your country and the people that voted for Trump.
I wouldn’t know since I don’t use Facebook
Fakebook works better if you can read....
I am chinese and I think western culture is superior in many (though not all) ways.


Chinese cheat.

They do it under the guise of "language and communications barriers" They team up and gather notes and sell each other plagiarized final papers. They all sit together and give each other answers to scored evaluations and nobody says nothing

Why ? Because to accuse them of doing what they're doing, when they aren't speaking engrissh is "racist"

Fuck outta here.

I don't need to speak mandarin to see you just passed your friend the bubble sheet you filled out, Wong.

If me and my kind did that wild sh*t we'd be branded cheaters and banned from campus. but its ok for you to do it

Trust me Asians are not as brilliant as folks think. Sure, other kids cheat too. But nobody cheats like Asians.

- geometry and alg 2 in high school an Asian kid cheated on every single test. Every one.

-english class an Asian girl paid a white kid to write all of her papers.

- bio class in uni I saw a lot of Asians cheating

One day I asked one of the Asians I caught cheating why he cheated. He said, "Cause they never expect us to cheat. We do it all the time though.".

Charles Murray (Author of The Bell Curve) married an Asian woman
and had two hapa children and this is the author of the most-cited white supremacist handbooks.

The dismal reality you find yourself in is that women don’t want you for anything except the occasional help on a computer or numbers-related problem.

Chinese men are the world’s least fuckable men.


Your own females are getting dick downed by white boys ...

Men don’t respect you. Your social value is zero.

Irony is now the leaders of the Alt-Right are complaining about the growing number of Hapas attending their white nationalist conferences that their white supremacist fathers dragged them to. And instead of being mad at white supremacy, they are pissed that they are half Asian and starting hating on black people to raise their damaged self esteem.

But asians experience positive racism. They are seen as good minorities who serve whites. Blacks experience negative racism because we protest and have tried to improve our lot. We are seen as bad minorities. Asians try to work harder despite the system. Blacks try to change the system. Whites pat Asians on the head for being good while they scold blacks for being bad and then tell blacks,”Why can’t you be more like Asians and just kiss our asses ?”

You're even trying to debate like them "No. I don't hate black people. They're just not clever and dumb generally"

Guess what ?

They used to say that 150 years ago. Long before IQ.

Beliefs about black people

    • Abraham Lincoln in 1849 : less intelligence, more sex drive, more likely to break the law, less self-control
    • White or Asian Supremacists in 2019 : less intelligence, more sex drive, more likely to break the law, less self-control
People have been saying black people were stupid forever.

But I guess you can claim ideological martyr status for being shouted down as being iconoclasts in the public square and pretend that marginalized trash are actually hidden gems of knowledge only you and a select few others can see.

A lot of Asians wouldn't even be in the USA if it wasn't for black people taking all the ass whoopings in the 60’s which kicked the door open for your lot to come (In large numbers) via the 1965 immigration act.

You got some nerve.

The black community rode for the Asian community. The rise of the Chinese films in the 70’s, black supported them.

And look how we get repayed ?

All those Asian firms in black areas beating up black women. The Peter Liang case. (The Asian cop who shot and killed a black man)

Asians supported this a guy heavy. They’re argument was “Well how come our guy got convicted when white cops don't. If they can get away with killing blacks. We should too”

And they were mad because they got their Asian n*gga wake up call. That is : The privilege of killing black people and walking free.

Not to mention that when I was younger some of the biggest opposition to my trying to attain more knowledge in the Information Technology were Asian Men.

Asian men that I came across, were not only resistant, but hostile at the thought of a black man getting into technology. They can’t take what they dish out at all. They will be WICKED towards a black person. However the minute a white person discriminates against them, they are ready to slit their own wrists.

Africans better recognize fast. Be careful about the immigration of Asians to their Continent. Or they are going to end up being oppressed in their own land all over again.

The Asian menace must be resisted.
Akira Toriyama is Japanese, you stupid racist twit.
It matters not. The same dog that bites black ppl in Japan is the same dog that would bite black ppl in China.

And I keep on saying this. Get to the doing part that is "What do u do with a race of ppl who r by nature stupid ?"

Or is this some "My gang is smarter than ur gang" nonsense ?

But if white or asian supremacists said "Ok. We are gonna finally stop telling blk.ppl what they are. We are gonna tell them what we are gonna do"

I'd say "Great !! Finally they've manned up"

And if they said "We are gonna try n kill every blk person on the planet n die trying"

I'd say "Cool. Now shut the fk up n get on with it"

And according to the code I'd die killing as many white or Asians as I could.

Running around trying prove how stupid blk ppl r? Pathetic.

Stop tryna prove points. We don't need points. Either cut the bullshit or let s just get it on. For the last time n for the final time.
Asian supremacists are anti-white. They think black people are a joke.
Asians are the biggest bunch of white ass kisser on the planet and bunch of cowards at that.

Nazi chic is all the rage over their




Asians think black people are joke ? You reckon ?

I bet they didn't think black people were a joke when I was at school when they'd always want to walk home with us, because they were to pathetic to push bk against the white kids who used to jump them and rob their money

Their parents were bunch of fking pussies to, into that "We wan no twabble" mantra that runs through their culture. None of the white boys would fkin dare start any face to face shit with us, because they knew they'd come off second best.

I bet they didn't think black people were a joke in the 40's, 50's and 60's when we fought for the rights of all non white people. It's always been black people who've got in your face and been willing to put there lives on the lines to stop the B.S. We. No one else. We black people are the only ones. Every Asian, Latino should kiss the fking feet of black people who faced tanks, dogs, lynching, castration, fingers cut for reading.

The same dog that bit black people bit them too. But you won't find Asian Malcolm X's, Asian Martin Luther Kings, Asian Black Panthers. Asian Muhammad Ali, Asian Nelson Mandela.

Who have they got ? Gandhi and even he was a white ass kisser who hated black people

None. They sat bk and let black people do the heavy lifting.

That's why everyone deep down respects black people.
They aren't the only ones who think it's "chic".

Neo-Nazis Look for New Home in Trump’s Republican Party

Why won’t Republicans oppose Nazis and white supremacists?
I'm getting the idea you're in a crabby mood today. Amirite?
No. I'm good but serial Killer (Ted Bundy) supposedly had an IQ off the chart (in the 140's). But would it be correct to say that a guy who used to slit women from their vagina to their neck was intelligent ?

Alfred Binet created IQ test’s to see which children weren’t profiting from the Parisian school system, not so that they could be labelled stupid but so new educational programs could be created to help those children.

I think he was physic because he was afraid that his tests would be misused for nepharious reasons and he could not have been more right, because once the certain people got a hold of it, it took on a whole new meaning.

In neurology no one takes IQ seriously. It is archaic and only really useful to social scientists. Neurologists who have a better understanding of how the brain works because they spend decades of their lives studying it have little to no use for it, but to the public at large it is so important.

What grbb doesn't get is that if you are trying to ground IQ as a genetic product of race the very first thing he needs to do is offer up a genetic definition of race.

Something no one has not done. Nor has any study. But I'll sit back n invite a definition. Mainly because his fumbling attempts to define race will point out just how subjective such definitions are.

In close to a decade of debating race and IQ and genetics.

I have yet to see any one of them, no matter what their scientific credentials, offer up an acceptably neutral definition of race.

No-one has shown that human variation is great enough to account for differences of IQ, nor has anyone established the veracity of IQ as a legitimate measurement.

No one has provided an inextricable link between genetics, race, and IQ outside of methodologically flawed correlations. They make the claim, then they prove the claim.

Which are those “races” then, purely scientifically speaking and in clear text ? What are the precise genetic criteria for making this classification ?

Those questions can obviously only be answered in arbitrary dimensions which are man-made constructs according to human perception alone. However you twist it, the OP will run in circles and eventually spiral back into concepts based on human perception alone.


A scientific fact is that rain water freezes at 0°C at a pressure of 1 bar.

It’s observable and reproducible anywhere by anybody in the exact same way.

But yet grbb throws around concepts that have no constant repeatability everywhere they try to reproduce the experiment or apply the theoretical claim.

And bear in mind

In natural science, only one single significant deviation is enough to render the claim at least disputable, at worst invalid.

The OP (grbb) is trying to make an absolutist claim by using extremely relative variables – variables, which (as should be obvious by now) they can’t even be bothered to define in relativist fashion.
Well said.

I have never heard anyone say "race" had never been defined though. We sure as hell use it a lot for a term that has no meaning?

No-one has shown that human variation is great enough to account for differences of IQ, nor has anyone established the veracity of IQ as a legitimate measurement.
IQ testing is legitimate for its own purposes and has validity. I don't really understand what you're getting at here.
A 16 year black kid in London has a higher IQ than B.Gates or Einstein

In USA - Nigerian school kids are pretty much out performing ever race combined

Look at the main people who have been running around trying to prove how stupid black people are and how smart NE Asians are over the last 30 or so years:

  • Steve Sailer, journalist/computer salesman.
  • J. Philippe Rushton, psychologist.
  • Francis Fukuyama, political economist.
  • Steve Hsu, astrophysicist.
  • Richard Herrnstein, psychologist. (Bell Curve - Author)
  • Charles Murray, political scientist. (Bell Curve - Author)
  • Arthur Jensen, psychology professor
You notice anything strange?

No biologists or anthropologists, much less geneticists in sight. There should be hordes of them - Right ? And trust me it's not like scientfic community is free of racism towards black people.

So why should ppl trust these people over biologists and anthropologists the very people who study these things for a living?

And how about “White people or "Asians”

They are certainly less genetically diverse than Blacks but they obviously have genetic variance between say Scandinavians and Italians or Anglo Saxons and Spaniards but evidently, those genetic differences are somehow never linked to intelligence ?

If grbb believe's in all this stuff then why isn't he and others debating on which group of white or Asian people are the least intelligent ?

If there is enough genetic difference for whites to have different hair color, eye color and different average height, then why not intelligence?

The answer is because this is not science. It’s politics and to ask that question does not serve his goals.

grbb doesn't want to face the idea that he might belong to the dumbest group of White or Asian people in his little hierarchy. So he theorizes that “Whiteness” or "Asian-ness" simply makes all Whites and Asian just as capable and all Blacks equally disadvantaged.

Science makes progress though discovery and disproof. Science loves facts that don't fit because they point to new ideas and discoveries.

True science would find surprises, it would challenge old ideas, it would deepen our understanding.

Guys like grbb never makes new discoveries that go against his claims.

And that's thing racists have been saying black people are stupid for over 250 years.

Long before the IQ.
So most people think what I said is hate speech too like facebook? Yes, I know Facebook is a private entity. I am not challenging that. I want to know what others' think.

Yes, most people consider your claim to be hate speech. Your discredited claim that blacks inherently have a lower IQ was proven to be wrong a long time ago Only the KKK and similar groups hold that belief
They are still trying to figure out why; they are learning that IQ's rise as people leave poverty, but only after a couple of generations--it is not instantaneous. I was gobsmacked when I learned about the IQ difference on this board. I figured the racists must be lying, but they weren't. In my years of teacher training and all the professional development I have taken, this little nugget was NEVER mentioned to teachers. I can understand why; you don't want to have teachers holding lower expectations for any group of students and also, IQ is worth a hill of beans in predicting how successful one will be in life. It is an academic predictor more than anything else. I'm not sure why they even give it to all students when starting school.

This is what the Brookings Institute says, and they are a pretty reliable source, no?

African Americans score lower than European Americans on vocabulary, reading, and math tests, as well as on tests that claim to measure scholastic aptitude and intelligence. The gap appears before children enter kindergarten and it persists into adulthood. It has narrowed since 1970, but the typical American black still scores below 75 percent of American whites on almost every standardized test. This statistic does not imply, of course, that all blacks score below all whites. There is a lot of overlap between the two groups. Nonetheless, the test score gap is large enough to have significant social and economic consequences.

All the research I've read on this topic has verified this. I'm asking, BULLDOG, because I would truly welcome research that proves the above wrong. I just haven't found it.

The Black-White Test Score Gap: Why It Persists and What Can Be Done

Now Old Lady you would agree that you believe my IQ is very low with my poor grammar but if you knew me in real life and sat down with a discussion with me and watched how I can take things apart and rebuild them while never doing it before you would realize I am a anomaly in life.

So I do not put much into the IQ nonsense because some people score high and lack the ability to do what I do in life.

In a way I am like the Pretender with poor grammar skills...
I do not guess at anyone's IQ, Bruce. Like I said, IQ scores are quite meaningless unless it is under 70 or above 130, which does give you a certain understanding of what someone might be able to learn, but it still isn't that helpful.

I agree with you, and so does every educator I know, that IQ ain't the only "smarts" out there and it's not up to any one of us to belittle someone who talks sloppy.

Funny part is I write like I am low as can be in the IQ Department but sitting and conversing with me is a totally different story.

Had I ever called in on GT podcast none of you would have known it was me because I am one strange bird that sounds professional as can be.

I am like that Don William's song " What do you do with Good ol'Boys like me "...

I learned to talk like Peter Jennings when I was younger...
Again, it has been shown that standardized tests are not accurate indicators of intelligence. The only reason IQ keeps being bought up is for racist scum to keep trying to tell us blacks how dumb we are supposed to be as compared to whites.
Yes, I think the reason IQ tests and IQ scores were hardly mentioned in my four years of college, where I focused on teaching and on cognitive development etc. were because IQ scores really don't mean much.

Or was it because what they show is taboo in our politically correct universities?
Again, it has been shown that standardized tests are not accurate indicators of intelligence. The only reason IQ keeps being bought up is for racist scum to keep trying to tell us blacks how dumb we are supposed to be as compared to whites.
Yes, I think the reason IQ tests and IQ scores were hardly mentioned in my four years of college, where I focused on teaching and on cognitive development etc. were because IQ scores really don't mean much.

Or was it because what they show is taboo in our politically correct universities?
No, IQ was honestly ignored because it is not much use to teachers at all. I guess they don't even IQ test students routinely anymore--they give the IOWA tests instead, which are different. In my day, we all got tested in K or 1.
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Teachers have to figure out how to teach you whether you've got an IQ of 85 or 125. IQ scores don't matter; I've never once known a student's IQ and I have never thought "Gee, that would be helpful..."
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1. Saying a group of people generally have a lower iq, is miles away from saying they are all "by nature stupid".
So what does IQ represent if according to you that it does not represent intelligence ?
2. Why do you assume, lower iq equals "must be killed"?
Because get to the point.

Get to the doing part. Because all I'm seeing is some "My gang is smarter than your gang" thing.

And that's trick, they keep running with this, just as long as they never get to the doing part.

1. Because groups overlap. Despite the iq gap, plenty of white people of low iq, and plenty of black people of high iq and even more in the middle.
That you needed me to explain that to you, well... I got some bad news for you.

2. You want the point? YOu want to know what the doing is? Fine. ASK then what the doing is. ASSUMING you know the answer, and then attributing your guess to other people, is just you being an asshole.
Again, it has been shown that standardized tests are not accurate indicators of intelligence. The only reason IQ keeps being bought up is for racist scum to keep trying to tell us blacks how dumb we are supposed to be as compared to whites.
Yes, I think the reason IQ tests and IQ scores were hardly mentioned in my four years of college, where I focused on teaching and on cognitive development etc. were because IQ scores really don't mean much.

Or was it because what they show is taboo in our politically correct universities?
No, IQ was honestly ignored because it is not much use to teachers at all. I guess they don't even IQ test students routinely anymore--they give the IOWA tests instead, which are different. In my day, we all got tested in K or 1.

What about for tracking and selecting for Gifted programs?

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