Facebook permanently locks conservative children books publisher

Read the OP. Some bullshit about disruptive content. More like some twatwaffle leftist got their panties in a twist
Conservatives all over the country are banning books..

That doesn't bother you I am sure....

But you are whining about Facebook??

Even tho at least 7 of the top 10 content creators on Facebook are conservatives
I know YOU want to have it both ways.
Selling a cake and selling lies on a social media site are two different things. But, if they don't want to sell cakes to Gays, it's their right. And that's their problem with hate not mine. The gays haven't done anything to me. I could care less whether someone is gay or not.
At least 35% of Americans are Conservative. I wish you success in building Free Speech Media. Then The Enemy of Freedom will not be able to censor anyone.

There are tens of Independent groups. All these groups represent under 5% of US population. We can not build a third or fourth Media. Hopefully Conservatives will allow us to use their Social Media.
Private company status was brought into this thread because private companies are not bound by the same laws as the Govt.

I am here to defend a private company making a business decisions just as I defended the right of a baker to say "no, I will not make that cake". I suppose you attacked the guy for saying that.

Not baking a cake on religious grounds has nothing to do with silencing your political opponents for political reasons.

And if they want to act like a publisher then they need to no longer be protected by 230 bullshit. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
This site is a provider. That's clear. No posts or threads are deleted because of ideology...unlike Facebook.
This is an ad for a book using conservative politics, that happens to be lies. At the end of the day, it's selling a political agenda.
Yea, facistbook. Facists also silenced those that they disagreed with.
Maybe, but this isn't Fascism. This is censorship from selling conservative books to children, that happens to be propaganda. That has nothing to do with Fascism.

It's nice to reveal that folks such as you and the OP, haven't a clue what the word means.
Yes. And face consequences when they publish false information.

They claim, however, to be content providers, and have no control over said content.

That is, of course, a flat-out lie.
Reagan was no hero for liberty. I already proved that.
this is pretty stupid.

even for you.

and once again, notice the bulk of your post is attacking conservatives, not talking to the censorship?

trollboy can't hide here.
Is it? Where are the ads from the Left selling books for children with a Liberal agenda on social media?
No idea, I'm not a huge Trump fan.

That didn't play out like you envisioned, eh?

Yeah, you never voted for him or voiced support for him, right?

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Progressives are The Enemies of Freedom. Hopefully Conservatives will build an Alternative Media which will allow both Conservative and Independent views.
Now this is funny as shit right here. Pot, meet kettle. A conservative publisher posts an ad on social media trying to sell a book for children portraying Reagan as a hero for liberty, when Reagan was the same enemy of that cause, and you want to talk about progressives being the enemy of freedom. :auiqs.jpg:Reagan's Dangerous Game in Nicaragua
Not baking a cake on religious grounds has nothing to do with silencing your political opponents for political reasons.

I do not care why they do it, I support the right of both to do it. Unlike you, who only supports things they agree with.

And if they want to act like a publisher then they need to no longer be protected by 230 bullshit. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

They are not acting like a publisher. The distinctive characteristic of a publisher is they pre-approve everything that makes it to their paper/site/magazine/book etc.

When a Twitter or FB starts to do that, then they will also be a publisher.
Why on earth are you telling me this? Did somebody say they are not. C'mon, I know you can't be THIS stupid.
Hmmm…so,if I go to a tech convention and run down my employer’s product, who sent me there represent the company, he can’t fire me? If my right of free speech extends to another’s private property…then I should be able to bring a mariachi band to your front yard for an all night concert right?
Its status as a private company does not mean that it did not censor.

Let's first be clear on what censorship is, here is how Wikipedia defines censorship:

"Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient". Censorship can be conducted by governments, private institutions and other controlling bodies."
Sure. Private property owners can censor you. Tough shit. Find some place else.
Oh well...I'm sure Trump's new media empire (snicker) will welcome all of the refugees from Facebook....right.

How's that working out?
They have a rule that you can’t disparage Trump or The Company. I wonder if they will call that censorship?

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