Facebook removes the 'Stop the Steal' page.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
The Facebook group where supporters of President Donald Trump discussed allegations of voter fraud and organized rallies across the country was purged from the platform in an effort to prevent “violence or civil unrest,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said.

But who was it causing the violence and civil unrest this year, and their Facebook pages are okay ?

A fake antifa page ? Not even a proper description.

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People who use FB need to rethink it. They say its to keep in touch with family and real life friends. So..um..whats wrong with phone calls and regular ol letters?
That's why Parler membership is exploding and people are leaving Fakebook and Twizzler. Real Americans have a problem with Big Brother deciding who gets to speak and who is silenced.
Mewe isn't to be sneezed at either. They have live chat. And groups. Remember when we had groups here then they took them away? :(

Anyway....here is great for long posts and chitchatting, but if you want real time yakking...check mewe. I did last night and I really like it.
People who use FB need to rethink it. They say its to keep in touch with family and real life friends. So..um..whats wrong with phone calls and regular ol letters?

Who wants half the fucking world reading about what you like.

Katie Perry found out how stupid that is.
The Facebook group where supporters of President Donald Trump discussed allegations of voter fraud and organized rallies across the country was purged from the platform in an effort to prevent “violence or civil unrest,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said.

But who was it causing the violence and civil unrest this year, and their Facebook pages are okay ?

A fake antifa page ? Not even a proper description.

We—the American People—are being set up for genocide. Why do you think the tech giants, who are in bed with the radical left and deep state, don't want patriots/conservatives to coordinate group get togethers or rallies or whatever? Big tech wants us to feel alone, isolated, helpless against the juggernaut that is our own local, state and federal government. The lockdowns, the censorship? You were warned. Also, about this Parler website? Cough, it's a setup, cough.
People who use FB need to rethink it. They say its to keep in touch with family and real life friends. So..um..whats wrong with phone calls and regular ol letters?

Who wants half the fucking world reading about what you like.

Katie Perry found out how stupid that is.
I don't understand it, myself.

Today I had a really good shit. Those pills worked!

My son came over today. Said he wants to divorce his wife. Hope she doesn't see this.

Hubby finally got some last night. As usual, I had to fake it.
The Facebook group where supporters of President Donald Trump discussed allegations of voter fraud and organized rallies across the country was purged from the platform in an effort to prevent “violence or civil unrest,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said.

But who was it causing the violence and civil unrest this year, and their Facebook pages are okay ?

A fake antifa page ? Not even a proper description.

Private hosting sites are at liberty to edit content as they see fit – where such editing is neither ‘censorship’ nor a ‘violation’ of free speech; indeed, private hosting sites are not required to ‘justify’ how or why they edit their content.

And it’s perfectly appropriate and warranted for FB to refuse to host content that is clearly false and seeks only to propagate lies, such as 'Stop the Steal.'

There is no effort to ‘steal’ the election.
The Facebook group where supporters of President Donald Trump discussed allegations of voter fraud and organized rallies across the country was purged from the platform in an effort to prevent “violence or civil unrest,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said.

But who was it causing the violence and civil unrest this year, and their Facebook pages are okay ?

A fake antifa page ? Not even a proper description.

We—the American People—are being setup for genocide. Why do you think the tech giants, who are in bed with the radical left and deep state, don't want patriots/conservatives to coordinate group get togethers or rallies or whatever? Big tech wants us to feel alone, isolated, helpless against he juggernaut that is our own local, state and federal government. The lockdowns, the censorship? You were warned. Also, about this Parler website? Cough, it's a setup, cough.

Ya know..that DID cross my mind about Parler. What if its a set up to get lists of people supporting trump? Libs do want us in work camps. They just haven't decided on what mark to wear on our clothes. And those you trust usually wind up being the ones stabbing ya in in the back. Ask Trump how that feels.

Now ya got me all paranoid.
The Facebook group where supporters of President Donald Trump discussed allegations of voter fraud and organized rallies across the country was purged from the platform in an effort to prevent “violence or civil unrest,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said.

But who was it causing the violence and civil unrest this year, and their Facebook pages are okay ?

A fake antifa page ? Not even a proper description.

We—the American People—are being setup for genocide. Why do you think the tech giants, who are in bed with the radical left and deep state, don't want patriots/conservatives to coordinate group get togethers or rallies or whatever? Big tech wants us to feel alone, isolated, helpless against he juggernaut that is our own local, state and federal government. The lockdowns, the censorship? You were warned. Also, about this Parler website? Cough, it's a setup, cough.

Ya know..that DID cross my mind about Parler. What if its a set up to get lists of people supporting trump? Libs do want us in work camps. They just haven't decided on what mark to wear on our clothes. And those you trust usually wind up being the ones stabbing ya in in the back. Ask Trump how that feels.

Now ya got me all paranoid.

Not my intent to instill paranoia, simply to warn others—to get the good word out there, so to speak.
"Stop the Steal"?

Oh, you mean that propaganda corporation run by the felon Roger Stone?

Jeepers Wally, I sure feel sorry that a lie factory can't get its skids greased. What ever will we do without lies?
Stone? You are calling Stone a felon after he was railroaded by the corrupt dem machine and the corrupt clinton FBI?
Cabals of powerful businessmen have been visiting this same scam on weak populations since time began. It goes something like this. One company (or religion) comes out as overtly malevolent so a popular man claims to have found a similar but truly benevolent company which is a safe alternative to the first one; a company run by people who would never deceive or cheat or lead to the slaughter the good folk of whatever civilization. Only now, deep into this digital/instant global communication Age, the ante is a bit higher, as are the consequences for playing, and more people can be duped at once than ever before in human history. No one HAS TO use social media platforms to communicate and do all that other Tom-Fuckery, but if someone puts a neat new gadget in front of the masses then the masses are going to bite and swallow the bait—hook, line and sinker.
The Facebook group where supporters of President Donald Trump discussed allegations of voter fraud and organized rallies across the country was purged from the platform in an effort to prevent “violence or civil unrest,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said.

But who was it causing the violence and civil unrest this year, and their Facebook pages are okay ?

A fake antifa page ? Not even a proper description.

Nothing was being stolen...so the page was taking up valuable bandwidth.
FIrst main stream media says there's only a handful of people at Stop the Steal the rallies (if they even acknowledge them), then they say it's a emergency and they have to shut down the rallies leading the mass unrest???

They love having it both ways.

It's called "Doublethink."


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