Facebook Species: Ape-Man Relaxation


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism-media 'scroll' inspired by War for the Planet of the Apes.

Signing off,


"I am a monkey, an ape, but I was bred in a genetics lab and I am extremely intelligent. I have the fortune of turning the human analytical eye on itself and analyze humanity itself as an anthropologist! I notice the world around me, the World Bank, Wall Street, TrumpUSA, the Human Genome Project, the Louvre (etc.). I see the vanity and yearnings in men, the desire to gain power for the sake of efficiency and prestige. This is a machine, of course, but it's also a sure-fire way to get to taste a great deal of wine and sugar. Isn't that 'reality' my friends?

Of course, you might disagree with me and suggest there's nothing wrong with modern macro-access to society-prestige 'totems' such as a box-office superhit Hollywood (USA) film such as Edge of Tomorrow (Tom Cruise) or The Post (Tom Hanks)! Then again, you might wonder why the desire to see greatness in others simply raises up new 'gods' and 'idols' who succumb to the same fears/vanities/pride that we all face, flaws that refrain us 'everyday people' from becoming 'celebrities' (or 'gods').

Perhaps you love this speech this ape-man is giving you, since you are intrigued by my natural desire to break free and rebel against my human-scientist creators/masters! Perhaps you would encourage me to rebel and create an animalia-led Revolution on Earth and then declare myself Supreme Lord Protector! You see the irony? The contradictions are everywhere...but that's alright. We're here to discover the intelligence that oddly arises from humbling compromise. Perhaps every sentient being is hypnotized by power/celebrity, but perhaps (just maybe) Facebook is...a story!"



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