Facebook Takes Down Event Page for Anti-Caravan Protest.......

They are a private company. Let me know when Brietbart allows pro-immigrant voices.
Briebart doesn't claim to be a service available to all. Facebook is a monopoly and a threat to our Republic. It needs to be dismantled.
What part of it is a private company did you miss?

If it is a monopoly, a case needs to be made and pursued legally. Until then it is no different then Brietbart and there is no requirement for it to post hate group events.

Wasn’t that bakery a private business, but that was probably different to liberals

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Briebart doesn't claim to be a service available to all. Facebook is a monopoly and a threat to our Republic. It needs to be dismantled.
So now you are pro govt. intervention in private business operations progressive, when did this accur?
It occured when the owners obtained a monopoly and made it clear they don't believe in fair play.
Fair play, like when WalMart makes billions but the employees are on welfare?

The CEO makes 22 million.. Yes life is fair, balanced and available for all to have social mobility... (LOL) in business.............
Perhaps your welfare policies are overly generous eh
I'll give free work to anyone that asks..
Lib way......complain about others while doing worse
Many of the snowflakes in here accuse the right of being against free speech. however, it couldn't be more obvious that the left is the side who makes war on freedom of speech. Here we have just one of countless examples where they couldn't allow their critics to speak their mind. It also proves that the left favors open borders.

Facebook Takes Down Event Page for Anti-Caravan Protest | Breitbart

Facebook has deleted an event page hosted by San Diegans for Secure Borders (SDSB), citing a violation of their community standards. The event was a protest against the caravan of illegal aliens aiming to enter the U.S. from Mexico.

Thursday, SDSB received an email from Facebook informing them that their event, titled “STOP the Caravan of 1500 Illegal Aliens from Mexico,” had been taken down.

“Our event page had been up for about four weeks and had about 950 people signed up to either attend or ‘interested’ in attending,” said Jeff Schwilk, founder of SDSB............“There was nothing on it that ‘attacked’ illegal aliens, just the facts about their ongoing scam to claim fake asylum to waltz right into the U.S. Now it is gone,” he said. ” Zapped for hosting a 100% peaceful and lawful event to oppose the unlawful invasion of our country by up to 1,600 illegal aliens from Central America and Mexico.”

They are a private company. Let me know when Brietbart allows pro-immigrant voices.
Briebart doesn't claim to be a service available to all. Facebook is a monopoly and a threat to our Republic. It needs to be dismantled.
What part of it is a private company did you miss?

If it is a monopoly, a case needs to be made and pursued legally. Until then it is no different then Brietbart and there is no requirement for it to post hate group events.

Wasn’t that bakery a private business, but that was probably different to liberals

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Look at the laws. Private business are free to do as they wish within the law.
They are a private company. Let me know when Brietbart allows pro-immigrant voices.
Briebart doesn't claim to be a service available to all. Facebook is a monopoly and a threat to our Republic. It needs to be dismantled.
So now you are pro govt. intervention in private business operations progressive, when did this occur?

Monopolies are abuses of the free enterprise system, and can only be controlled by government.
They are a private company. Let me know when Brietbart allows pro-immigrant voices.
Briebart doesn't claim to be a service available to all. Facebook is a monopoly and a threat to our Republic. It needs to be dismantled.
So now you are pro govt. intervention in private business operations progressive, when did this occur?

Monopolies are abuses of the free enterprise system, and can only be controlled by government.
In no way is FB blocking your access to other social media outlets.
Many of the snowflakes in here accuse the right of being against free speech. however, it couldn't be more obvious that the left is the side who makes war on freedom of speech. Here we have just one of countless examples where they couldn't allow their critics to speak their mind. It also proves that the left favors open borders.

Facebook Takes Down Event Page for Anti-Caravan Protest | Breitbart

Facebook has deleted an event page hosted by San Diegans for Secure Borders (SDSB), citing a violation of their community standards. The event was a protest against the caravan of illegal aliens aiming to enter the U.S. from Mexico.

Thursday, SDSB received an email from Facebook informing them that their event, titled “STOP the Caravan of 1500 Illegal Aliens from Mexico,” had been taken down.

“Our event page had been up for about four weeks and had about 950 people signed up to either attend or ‘interested’ in attending,” said Jeff Schwilk, founder of SDSB............“There was nothing on it that ‘attacked’ illegal aliens, just the facts about their ongoing scam to claim fake asylum to waltz right into the U.S. Now it is gone,” he said. ” Zapped for hosting a 100% peaceful and lawful event to oppose the unlawful invasion of our country by up to 1,600 illegal aliens from Central America and Mexico.”
And here he was testifying before Congress about how they do not do this
They are a private company. Let me know when Brietbart allows pro-immigrant voices.
Briebart doesn't claim to be a service available to all. Facebook is a monopoly and a threat to our Republic. It needs to be dismantled.
What part of it is a private company did you miss?

If it is a monopoly, a case needs to be made and pursued legally. Until then it is no different then Brietbart and there is no requirement for it to post hate group events.

You're completely right. If they want to split their "social network" experiment in half and destroy family/friend co-workers connections -- they'll soon discover that more than 1/2 of their "network" is gone. Because the network connections are multi-layered and you take out some links and MOST of it falls to bits.

Free markets baby. Bring it on.. The deal with Diamond/Silk and the shadow-banning of political speech means my empty Facebook page will NEVER be used...

Also great for USMB.. And we didn't even NEED to monkey-wrench the giant to slay it..
Many of the snowflakes in here accuse the right of being against free speech. however, it couldn't be more obvious that the left is the side who makes war on freedom of speech. Here we have just one of countless examples where they couldn't allow their critics to speak their mind. It also proves that the left favors open borders.

Facebook Takes Down Event Page for Anti-Caravan Protest | Breitbart

Facebook has deleted an event page hosted by San Diegans for Secure Borders (SDSB), citing a violation of their community standards. The event was a protest against the caravan of illegal aliens aiming to enter the U.S. from Mexico.

Thursday, SDSB received an email from Facebook informing them that their event, titled “STOP the Caravan of 1500 Illegal Aliens from Mexico,” had been taken down.

“Our event page had been up for about four weeks and had about 950 people signed up to either attend or ‘interested’ in attending,” said Jeff Schwilk, founder of SDSB............“There was nothing on it that ‘attacked’ illegal aliens, just the facts about their ongoing scam to claim fake asylum to waltz right into the U.S. Now it is gone,” he said. ” Zapped for hosting a 100% peaceful and lawful event to oppose the unlawful invasion of our country by up to 1,600 illegal aliens from Central America and Mexico.”

censorship is a tool of totalitarians

View attachment 190573

Orwell was an ETHICAL socialist wasn't he? :19: You gotta be careful. PRAVDA was "telling the people what they didn't want to hear" also.. :113:
I don't know if you party animals know this yet, but all the run-up to an actual Civil War is the result of your parties polarizing and pranking on each other for too long. Welcome to where the fabric of American society goes on the cutting board..

Been nice knowing the lot of you... Don't envy ANY social media company right now. THEY are gonna be the 1st battlefields. Probably might involve little old places like USMB as well. Cause FOR SURE -- it's getting hot in kitchen here as well.
They are a private company. Let me know when Brietbart allows pro-immigrant voices.
So you are ok with all private companies having any policies they want, then, right?
Within the law.

Freedom of speech and/or expression is Constitutional law, No?

MDK is correct ....businesses rights only concern you when it suits your agenda.

Facebook can do as it pleases but every business should have the same latitude and let the free markets decide.
And it only concerns you when it suits your agenda, is MDK right?

I just agreed with MDK...good gawd. I SAID let a business do as they please and let the markets decide.

You responded with rubbish just to respond and you're the one saying it's ok for one but not the other. Not me
They are a private company. Let me know when Brietbart allows pro-immigrant voices.

I agree with you, but the hypocrisy here is that Facebook and Twitter continuously insist they do not engage in political bias, even though their actions show something quite different
They are a private company. Let me know when Brietbart allows pro-immigrant voices.

I agree with you, but the hypocrisy here is that Facebook and Twitter continuously insist they do not engage in political bias, even though their actions show something quite different
If they had an anouncment that said "conservatives are not welcome here," I wouldn't have a problem with them.
Good. No one is infringing on free speech, Facebook isn't required to give hateful racists a platform.
They are a private company. Let me know when Brietbart allows pro-immigrant voices.
Briebart doesn't claim to be a service available to all. Facebook is a monopoly and a threat to our Republic. It needs to be dismantled.

It's not available to all - its available to those that agree to their terms of service. One of those terms is "you can't be a racist asshole".
They are a private company. Let me know when Brietbart allows pro-immigrant voices.
Briebart doesn't claim to be a service available to all. Facebook is a monopoly and a threat to our Republic. It needs to be dismantled.

It's not available to all - its available to those that agree to their terms of service. One of those terms is "you can't be a racist asshole".
Where does it say that?
You all need to stop saying it's a private business and they can do what they want. Tell the cake bakers that

One would think that if your primary product was expression of oneself then you would be very reluctant to prohibit it
They are a private company. Let me know when Brietbart allows pro-immigrant voices.
Briebart doesn't claim to be a service available to all. Facebook is a monopoly and a threat to our Republic. It needs to be dismantled.

It's not available to all - its available to those that agree to their terms of service. One of those terms is "you can't be a racist asshole".

Are Diamond and Silk racist assholes? Give us list of who you consider to be "racist assholes"...

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