Faced With A BOOMING Economy To run Against, Dims Try To Argue Success / More Jobs = BAD

The art of the deal?? lol lol


IRAN: 'I kill you!'
BARRY: 'We will end all sanctions.'

IRAN: 'Death To America!'
BARRY: 'We will give you hundreds of millions of dollars.'

IRAN: 'We won't let you come into our facilities.'
BARRY: 'No need.'

IRAN: 'We won't give you your hostages back.'
BARRY: 'I did not ask for them back.'

IRAN: 'We will make you pay millions in ransom for them later.'
Barry: 'Sounds Fair.'

IRAN: 'We want access to the US Banking system.
BARRY: 'Done.'

IRAN: 'You must protect terrorist-supporting Hezbollah Drug Ops'
BARRY: 'Ok...do we have a deal?'

Last edited:

HAKANI NETWORK: We have your American troop. He tried to JOIN us - wtf? We want $500k for him.

BARRY" 'We will release the Talban 5.

HAKANI NETWORK: Taliban 5? wtf? Are you listening? We want $500k in cash.

BARRY: Nut you are associated with the Taliban 5.

HAKANI NETWORK: LOOSELY. We are not 'religious nut jobs' - we do this 4hit for CASH.' We want $500k.

BARRY: Umm, ok...but we will STILL release the Taliban 5 and tell the world you demanded it.

HAKANI NETWORK: WTF? Ok, whatever you want - just as long as we get the $500k.

BARRY: Done.

Do you remember those 750000 losing jobs in gwb's last month ? Obamas fault ?? Hills??

Do you remember DEMS who controlled congress in 2007 and 2008 intentionally driving the economy in the ditch so they could retake the White House? So yes Obama's fault and the Dem's.
Great, what policies did Democrats pass in 2007 that “drove the economy in the ditch?” Show the forum just how ignorant you are....

Riiiiight Dem's didn't projective vomit doom and gloom for 2 straight years to improve their chances of winning in 2008 riiiiiight. :icon_rolleyes:
Actually, by 2006, record numbers of foreclosures were already being recorded. The weight of those foreclosures led to the collapse of New Century Financial Corp., the nation’s leading lender of subprime loans, which filed for chapter 11 in April, 2007, from years of writing toxic subprime loans. Thd damage was done by 2007, before Democrats took control of the Congress.

Thanks for obliging and demonstrating your abject ignorance.

Lib please we have been all through this. President Bush tried to address this issue multiple times and Dem's were united in opposition claiming everything was hunky dory. The Barney Frank video has been posted a dozen times proving this. I won't debate your made up revisionist propaganda the facts are well known.
You moron... Democrats were the minority party and didn’t prevent the Congress from responding to Bush’s warnings. Republicans did that. Anyone who posts the Barney Frank video proves they’re an idiot since Barney Frank, as a sole member of the minority party, was utterly helpless to block any GOP legislation. He didn’t have to since only one bill passed in the House and it was President Bush, not Barney Frank, who rejected that bill. Not to mention, Barney Frank rushed to pass GSE reform after Democrats took control in 2007, introducing H.R.1427 in March, 2007, as Bush requested from Congress.
Do you remember DEMS who controlled congress in 2007 and 2008 intentionally driving the economy in the ditch so they could retake the White House? So yes Obama's fault and the Dem's.
Great, what policies did Democrats pass in 2007 that “drove the economy in the ditch?” Show the forum just how ignorant you are....

Riiiiight Dem's didn't projective vomit doom and gloom for 2 straight years to improve their chances of winning in 2008 riiiiiight. :icon_rolleyes:
Actually, by 2006, record numbers of foreclosures were already being recorded. The weight of those foreclosures led to the collapse of New Century Financial Corp., the nation’s leading lender of subprime loans, which filed for chapter 11 in April, 2007, from years of writing toxic subprime loans. Thd damage was done by 2007, before Democrats took control of the Congress.

Thanks for obliging and demonstrating your abject ignorance.

Lib please we have been all through this. President Bush tried to address this issue multiple times and Dem's were united in opposition claiming everything was hunky dory. The Barney Frank video has been posted a dozen times proving this. I won't debate your made up revisionist propaganda the facts are well known.
You moron... Democrats were the minority party and didn’t prevent the Congress from responding to Bush’s warnings. Republicans did that. Anyone who posts the Barney Frank video proves they’re an idiot since Barney Frank, as a sole member of the minority party, was utterly helpless to block any GOP legislation. He didn’t have to since only one bill passed in the House and it was President Bush, not Barney Frank, who rejected that bill. Not to mention, Barney Frank rushed to pass GSE reform after Democrats took control in 2007, introducing H.R.1427 in March, 2007, as Bush requested from Congress.

When you confront the left with facts ^^^ they writhe in agony. We post video proof of then chairman of the banking committee Barney Frank insisting there was no reason for concern at Fannie and Freddie, being run by a Dem at the time, during Dem control of the congress, the left reacts with :aargh:
Great, what policies did Democrats pass in 2007 that “drove the economy in the ditch?” Show the forum just how ignorant you are....

Riiiiight Dem's didn't projective vomit doom and gloom for 2 straight years to improve their chances of winning in 2008 riiiiiight. :icon_rolleyes:
Actually, by 2006, record numbers of foreclosures were already being recorded. The weight of those foreclosures led to the collapse of New Century Financial Corp., the nation’s leading lender of subprime loans, which filed for chapter 11 in April, 2007, from years of writing toxic subprime loans. Thd damage was done by 2007, before Democrats took control of the Congress.

Thanks for obliging and demonstrating your abject ignorance.

Lib please we have been all through this. President Bush tried to address this issue multiple times and Dem's were united in opposition claiming everything was hunky dory. The Barney Frank video has been posted a dozen times proving this. I won't debate your made up revisionist propaganda the facts are well known.
You moron... Democrats were the minority party and didn’t prevent the Congress from responding to Bush’s warnings. Republicans did that. Anyone who posts the Barney Frank video proves they’re an idiot since Barney Frank, as a sole member of the minority party, was utterly helpless to block any GOP legislation. He didn’t have to since only one bill passed in the House and it was President Bush, not Barney Frank, who rejected that bill. Not to mention, Barney Frank rushed to pass GSE reform after Democrats took control in 2007, introducing H.R.1427 in March, 2007, as Bush requested from Congress.

When you confront the left with facts ^^^ they writhe in agony. We post video proof of then chairman of the banking committee Barney Frank insisting there was no reason for concern at Fannie and Freddie, being run by a Dem at the time, during Dem control of the congress, the left reacts with :aargh:
You’re a complete moron. That is not new information for the forum either. Barney Frank said there was no reason for concern in 2003. So why are you lying by falsely claiming Democrats controlled Congress in 2003?

And I didn’t deny Frank said what he said ... I pointed out as a member of the minority party, Frank was helpless to prevent the majority party Republicans from passing much needed oversight of the GSE’s. That falls directly on the Republican Party who was running the Congress during those critical years.
Why are you so full of hate and anger with everything going so great for America? Isn't that anti-America? Just sayin'!
You call what this trump pos is doing Great?? Got the whole world and more than half America thinking he's an ah

if it pisses neo-marxists like you off I say Viva Trump!!!
Marxism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and no one is a Marxist anymore, super duper. Enjoy the trade War

Modern Democrats are Marxist. They hate individual Capitalists and deny that exceptionalism and monetary reward gives people the most freedom. They do not like exceptionalism.....unless......It conforms to their stated goals. Democratic Socialism is a path to destruction. Democratic Socialists want everyone with money to be an 'oppressor' and demand power over their ability to spend their money as a free Americans. IOW Marxism is a SCAM.
Actually we are very good Americans, many of whom are very rich and want the best for the country and to pay more in taxes. You are an ignoramus Dupe of greedy asshole rich people... Thanks for the stupidest Wars ever and the world depression and a trade War now...
so pay more in taxes. in fact pay mine. you like doing that so well.
You call what this trump pos is doing Great?? Got the whole world and more than half America thinking he's an ah

if it pisses neo-marxists like you off I say Viva Trump!!!
Marxism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and no one is a Marxist anymore, super duper. Enjoy the trade War

Modern Democrats are Marxist. They hate individual Capitalists and deny that exceptionalism and monetary reward gives people the most freedom. They do not like exceptionalism.....unless......It conforms to their stated goals. Democratic Socialism is a path to destruction. Democratic Socialists want everyone with money to be an 'oppressor' and demand power over their ability to spend their money as a free Americans. IOW Marxism is a SCAM.
Actually we are very good Americans, many of whom are very rich and want the best for the country and to pay more in taxes. You are an ignoramus Dupe of greedy asshole rich people... Thanks for the stupidest Wars ever and the world depression and a trade War now...
so pay more in taxes. in fact pay mine. you like doing that so well.
Great knee-jerk brainwashed pseudo opinion, super duper. Democrats only want the rich to pay more, super dupe. And lots of help for the rest of us...
Riiiiight Dem's didn't projective vomit doom and gloom for 2 straight years to improve their chances of winning in 2008 riiiiiight. :icon_rolleyes:
Actually, by 2006, record numbers of foreclosures were already being recorded. The weight of those foreclosures led to the collapse of New Century Financial Corp., the nation’s leading lender of subprime loans, which filed for chapter 11 in April, 2007, from years of writing toxic subprime loans. Thd damage was done by 2007, before Democrats took control of the Congress.

Thanks for obliging and demonstrating your abject ignorance.

Lib please we have been all through this. President Bush tried to address this issue multiple times and Dem's were united in opposition claiming everything was hunky dory. The Barney Frank video has been posted a dozen times proving this. I won't debate your made up revisionist propaganda the facts are well known.
You moron... Democrats were the minority party and didn’t prevent the Congress from responding to Bush’s warnings. Republicans did that. Anyone who posts the Barney Frank video proves they’re an idiot since Barney Frank, as a sole member of the minority party, was utterly helpless to block any GOP legislation. He didn’t have to since only one bill passed in the House and it was President Bush, not Barney Frank, who rejected that bill. Not to mention, Barney Frank rushed to pass GSE reform after Democrats took control in 2007, introducing H.R.1427 in March, 2007, as Bush requested from Congress.

When you confront the left with facts ^^^ they writhe in agony. We post video proof of then chairman of the banking committee Barney Frank insisting there was no reason for concern at Fannie and Freddie, being run by a Dem at the time, during Dem control of the congress, the left reacts with :aargh:
You’re a complete moron. That is not new information for the forum either. Barney Frank said there was no reason for concern in 2003. So why are you lying by falsely claiming Democrats controlled Congress in 2003?

And I didn’t deny Frank said what he said ... I pointed out as a member of the minority party, Frank was helpless to prevent the majority party Republicans from passing much needed oversight of the GSE’s. That falls directly on the Republican Party who was running the Congress during those critical years.

Watch this stupid liberal ^^^ burst into flames...U.S. News 2008 Frank acknowledges that he dismissed ample warnings about Fannie and Freddie shenanigans five years ago.
Actually, by 2006, record numbers of foreclosures were already being recorded. The weight of those foreclosures led to the collapse of New Century Financial Corp., the nation’s leading lender of subprime loans, which filed for chapter 11 in April, 2007, from years of writing toxic subprime loans. Thd damage was done by 2007, before Democrats took control of the Congress.

Thanks for obliging and demonstrating your abject ignorance.

Lib please we have been all through this. President Bush tried to address this issue multiple times and Dem's were united in opposition claiming everything was hunky dory. The Barney Frank video has been posted a dozen times proving this. I won't debate your made up revisionist propaganda the facts are well known.
You moron... Democrats were the minority party and didn’t prevent the Congress from responding to Bush’s warnings. Republicans did that. Anyone who posts the Barney Frank video proves they’re an idiot since Barney Frank, as a sole member of the minority party, was utterly helpless to block any GOP legislation. He didn’t have to since only one bill passed in the House and it was President Bush, not Barney Frank, who rejected that bill. Not to mention, Barney Frank rushed to pass GSE reform after Democrats took control in 2007, introducing H.R.1427 in March, 2007, as Bush requested from Congress.

When you confront the left with facts ^^^ they writhe in agony. We post video proof of then chairman of the banking committee Barney Frank insisting there was no reason for concern at Fannie and Freddie, being run by a Dem at the time, during Dem control of the congress, the left reacts with :aargh:
You’re a complete moron. That is not new information for the forum either. Barney Frank said there was no reason for concern in 2003. So why are you lying by falsely claiming Democrats controlled Congress in 2003?

And I didn’t deny Frank said what he said ... I pointed out as a member of the minority party, Frank was helpless to prevent the majority party Republicans from passing much needed oversight of the GSE’s. That falls directly on the Republican Party who was running the Congress during those critical years.

Watch this stupid liberal ^^^ burst into flames...U.S. News 2008 Frank acknowledges that he dismissed ample warnings about Fannie and Freddie shenanigans five years ago.

Why would my head explode because you’re a lying imbecile? :dunno:

I already agreed that Frank said what he said in 2003. You lied and falsely claimed that Democrats were control of the Congress back then. And nothing he said in 2003 made him a member of the majority party. He was still a member of the minority party and helpless to stop the majority party Republicans from passing any GSE oversight they wanted. They apparently didn’t want any additional oversight because they never got such a bill to Bush’s desk. That didn’t happen until Democrats took over years later. But by then it was too late, the damage was done.
if it pisses neo-marxists like you off I say Viva Trump!!!
Marxism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and no one is a Marxist anymore, super duper. Enjoy the trade War

Modern Democrats are Marxist. They hate individual Capitalists and deny that exceptionalism and monetary reward gives people the most freedom. They do not like exceptionalism.....unless......It conforms to their stated goals. Democratic Socialism is a path to destruction. Democratic Socialists want everyone with money to be an 'oppressor' and demand power over their ability to spend their money as a free Americans. IOW Marxism is a SCAM.
Actually we are very good Americans, many of whom are very rich and want the best for the country and to pay more in taxes. You are an ignoramus Dupe of greedy asshole rich people... Thanks for the stupidest Wars ever and the world depression and a trade War now...
so pay more in taxes. in fact pay mine. you like doing that so well.
Great knee-jerk brainwashed pseudo opinion, super duper. Democrats only want the rich to pay more, super dupe. And lots of help for the rest of us...
No no, you all want to.
Marxism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and no one is a Marxist anymore, super duper. Enjoy the trade War

Modern Democrats are Marxist. They hate individual Capitalists and deny that exceptionalism and monetary reward gives people the most freedom. They do not like exceptionalism.....unless......It conforms to their stated goals. Democratic Socialism is a path to destruction. Democratic Socialists want everyone with money to be an 'oppressor' and demand power over their ability to spend their money as a free Americans. IOW Marxism is a SCAM.
Actually we are very good Americans, many of whom are very rich and want the best for the country and to pay more in taxes. You are an ignoramus Dupe of greedy asshole rich people... Thanks for the stupidest Wars ever and the world depression and a trade War now...
so pay more in taxes. in fact pay mine. you like doing that so well.
Great knee-jerk brainwashed pseudo opinion, super duper. Democrats only want the rich to pay more, super dupe. And lots of help for the rest of us...
No no, you all want to.
Guess how much Trumps daughter will pay with all her made in china clothing with daddy's tariff crap?? YES you got it JC ,,,,,,, NOTHING ,,,,,,And she's NEVER had anything made in America Doubt the orange AH has either
if it pisses neo-marxists like you off I say Viva Trump!!!
Marxism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and no one is a Marxist anymore, super duper. Enjoy the trade War

Modern Democrats are Marxist. They hate individual Capitalists and deny that exceptionalism and monetary reward gives people the most freedom. They do not like exceptionalism.....unless......It conforms to their stated goals. Democratic Socialism is a path to destruction. Democratic Socialists want everyone with money to be an 'oppressor' and demand power over their ability to spend their money as a free Americans. IOW Marxism is a SCAM.
Actually we are very good Americans, many of whom are very rich and want the best for the country and to pay more in taxes. You are an ignoramus Dupe of greedy asshole rich people... Thanks for the stupidest Wars ever and the world depression and a trade War now...
so pay more in taxes. in fact pay mine. you like doing that so well.
Great knee-jerk brainwashed pseudo opinion, super duper. Democrats only want the rich to pay more, super dupe. And lots of help for the rest of us...

Democrats, however, never really define who the 'rich' are and they increase taxes on the average American. If they really wanted to tax the 'rich' they'd tax the Soros foundations to the max.
Do you remember DEMS who controlled congress in 2007 and 2008 intentionally driving the economy in the ditch so they could retake the White House? So yes Obama's fault and the Dem's.
Great, what policies did Democrats pass in 2007 that “drove the economy in the ditch?” Show the forum just how ignorant you are....

Riiiiight Dem's didn't projective vomit doom and gloom for 2 straight years to improve their chances of winning in 2008 riiiiiight. :icon_rolleyes:
Actually, by 2006, record numbers of foreclosures were already being recorded. The weight of those foreclosures led to the collapse of New Century Financial Corp., the nation’s leading lender of subprime loans, which filed for chapter 11 in April, 2007, from years of writing toxic subprime loans. Thd damage was done by 2007, before Democrats took control of the Congress.

Thanks for obliging and demonstrating your abject ignorance.

Lib please we have been all through this. President Bush tried to address this issue multiple times and Dem's were united in opposition claiming everything was hunky dory. The Barney Frank video has been posted a dozen times proving this. I won't debate your made up revisionist propaganda the facts are well known.
You moron... Democrats were the minority party and didn’t prevent the Congress from responding to Bush’s warnings. Republicans did that. Anyone who posts the Barney Frank video proves they’re an idiot since Barney Frank, as a sole member of the minority party, was utterly helpless to block any GOP legislation. He didn’t have to since only one bill passed in the House and it was President Bush, not Barney Frank, who rejected that bill. Not to mention, Barney Frank rushed to pass GSE reform after Democrats took control in 2007, introducing H.R.1427 in March, 2007, as Bush requested from Congress.

I never read posts that start with 'you moron.'...........
Marxism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and no one is a Marxist anymore, super duper. Enjoy the trade War

Modern Democrats are Marxist. They hate individual Capitalists and deny that exceptionalism and monetary reward gives people the most freedom. They do not like exceptionalism.....unless......It conforms to their stated goals. Democratic Socialism is a path to destruction. Democratic Socialists want everyone with money to be an 'oppressor' and demand power over their ability to spend their money as a free Americans. IOW Marxism is a SCAM.
Actually we are very good Americans, many of whom are very rich and want the best for the country and to pay more in taxes. You are an ignoramus Dupe of greedy asshole rich people... Thanks for the stupidest Wars ever and the world depression and a trade War now...
so pay more in taxes. in fact pay mine. you like doing that so well.
Great knee-jerk brainwashed pseudo opinion, super duper. Democrats only want the rich to pay more, super dupe. And lots of help for the rest of us...

Democrats, however, never really define who the 'rich' are and they increase taxes on the average American. If they really wanted to tax the 'rich' they'd tax the Soros foundations to the max.
Still over $250,000, super duper. Soros foundations are non-profit and nothing like you think they are... They are for democracy and transparency and he was never a Nazi LOL.
Great, what policies did Democrats pass in 2007 that “drove the economy in the ditch?” Show the forum just how ignorant you are....

Riiiiight Dem's didn't projective vomit doom and gloom for 2 straight years to improve their chances of winning in 2008 riiiiiight. :icon_rolleyes:
Actually, by 2006, record numbers of foreclosures were already being recorded. The weight of those foreclosures led to the collapse of New Century Financial Corp., the nation’s leading lender of subprime loans, which filed for chapter 11 in April, 2007, from years of writing toxic subprime loans. Thd damage was done by 2007, before Democrats took control of the Congress.

Thanks for obliging and demonstrating your abject ignorance.

Lib please we have been all through this. President Bush tried to address this issue multiple times and Dem's were united in opposition claiming everything was hunky dory. The Barney Frank video has been posted a dozen times proving this. I won't debate your made up revisionist propaganda the facts are well known.
You moron... Democrats were the minority party and didn’t prevent the Congress from responding to Bush’s warnings. Republicans did that. Anyone who posts the Barney Frank video proves they’re an idiot since Barney Frank, as a sole member of the minority party, was utterly helpless to block any GOP legislation. He didn’t have to since only one bill passed in the House and it was President Bush, not Barney Frank, who rejected that bill. Not to mention, Barney Frank rushed to pass GSE reform after Democrats took control in 2007, introducing H.R.1427 in March, 2007, as Bush requested from Congress.

I never read posts that start with 'you moron.'...........
Just assume we mean brainwashed functional moron. We still love you dearly and are hoping for your recovery. LOL!
Marxism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and no one is a Marxist anymore, super duper. Enjoy the trade War

Modern Democrats are Marxist. They hate individual Capitalists and deny that exceptionalism and monetary reward gives people the most freedom. They do not like exceptionalism.....unless......It conforms to their stated goals. Democratic Socialism is a path to destruction. Democratic Socialists want everyone with money to be an 'oppressor' and demand power over their ability to spend their money as a free Americans. IOW Marxism is a SCAM.
Actually we are very good Americans, many of whom are very rich and want the best for the country and to pay more in taxes. You are an ignoramus Dupe of greedy asshole rich people... Thanks for the stupidest Wars ever and the world depression and a trade War now...
so pay more in taxes. in fact pay mine. you like doing that so well.
Great knee-jerk brainwashed pseudo opinion, super duper. Democrats only want the rich to pay more, super dupe. And lots of help for the rest of us...
No no, you all want to.
All who want to do what? No doubt wrong again, fear-mongered dingbat. Of course we need higher tax rates for the incredibly bloated rich we have today...
The art of the deal?? lol lol


IRAN: 'I kill you!'
BARRY: 'We will end all sanctions.'

IRAN: 'Death To America!'
BARRY: 'We will give you hundreds of millions of dollars.'

IRAN: 'We won't let you come into our facilities.'
BARRY: 'No need.'

IRAN: 'We won't give you your hostages back.'
BARRY: 'I did not ask for them back.'

IRAN: 'We will make you pay millions in ransom for them later.'
Barry: 'Sounds Fair.'

IRAN: 'We want access to the US Banking system.
BARRY: 'Done.'

IRAN: 'You must protect terrorist-supporting Hezbollah Drug Ops'
BARRY: 'Ok...do we have a deal?'

Garbage GOP propaganda as always...
Modern Democrats are Marxist. They hate individual Capitalists and deny that exceptionalism and monetary reward gives people the most freedom. They do not like exceptionalism.....unless......It conforms to their stated goals. Democratic Socialism is a path to destruction. Democratic Socialists want everyone with money to be an 'oppressor' and demand power over their ability to spend their money as a free Americans. IOW Marxism is a SCAM.
Actually we are very good Americans, many of whom are very rich and want the best for the country and to pay more in taxes. You are an ignoramus Dupe of greedy asshole rich people... Thanks for the stupidest Wars ever and the world depression and a trade War now...
so pay more in taxes. in fact pay mine. you like doing that so well.
Great knee-jerk brainwashed pseudo opinion, super duper. Democrats only want the rich to pay more, super dupe. And lots of help for the rest of us...

Democrats, however, never really define who the 'rich' are and they increase taxes on the average American. If they really wanted to tax the 'rich' they'd tax the Soros foundations to the max.
Still over $250,000, super duper. Soros foundations are non-profit and nothing like you think they are... They are for democracy and transparency and he was never a Nazi LOL.

He literally thinks he is a "god" and he did help the Nazi's.
Faced With A BOOMING Economy To run Against, Dims Try To Argue Success / More Jobs = BAD

Funny. Thank President Obama for the BOOMING economy. Trump's economy is the disaster that lies ahead.
Actually we are very good Americans, many of whom are very rich and want the best for the country and to pay more in taxes. You are an ignoramus Dupe of greedy asshole rich people... Thanks for the stupidest Wars ever and the world depression and a trade War now...
so pay more in taxes. in fact pay mine. you like doing that so well.
Great knee-jerk brainwashed pseudo opinion, super duper. Democrats only want the rich to pay more, super dupe. And lots of help for the rest of us...

Democrats, however, never really define who the 'rich' are and they increase taxes on the average American. If they really wanted to tax the 'rich' they'd tax the Soros foundations to the max.
Still over $250,000, super duper. Soros foundations are non-profit and nothing like you think they are... They are for democracy and transparency and he was never a Nazi LOL.

He literally thinks he is a "god" and he did help the Nazi's.
You are out of your tiny brainwashed mind....

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