Faced With A BOOMING Economy To run Against, Dims Try To Argue Success / More Jobs = BAD

Life Is So Exciting on the BS GOP propaganda machine. No we are not changing
SS Trump is cruising right along
Only on Fox!! North Korea deal was a joke, trade War not a great idea LOL, stock market retracting... I know, a tax cut for the rich!
Not to the real Americans
Brainwashed functional morons you mean... The only question is when the Democratic landslide happens...
Real Americans is what I said
... Fighting for Greedy a hole GOP billionaires LOL...
More jobs that aren't paying a living wage do nothing for the economy of the worker or the United States.

Why is someone who has made bad decisions entitled to a living wage? Please define a living wage and why is anyone entitled to your definition of a living wage?
We had a living wage in this country until the 70s when investors wanted more and more profits.

Google, living wage calculator and you'll have your answer.

Why are you against the American worker making a living wage? Are you a commie?
GOP obviously...
Frank and Dodd were in the minority party until 2007. They had no power until then, Republicans did. And in most of those instances where you show Bush asking Congress to reform the GSE’s, Republicans were in running the Congress and in charge of all the committees. And by 2007, the damage was done. By early 2007, foreclosures were through the roof and at least one major lender had filed for bankruptcy.

Despite imploring the Republican-led Congress to reform the GSE’s and getting nowhere, he still passes the laws making up his home ownership plan.

Thank to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all-time high!” ~ George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention

The damage was done by 2001. From there it was downhill. I have been a Realtor here in Florida since 1974. I am intimately familiar with the events leading up to the Democrat-driven housing/mortgage/financial collapse beginning in July 2007.

Please note that there is no mention, whatsoever of the creditworthiness of the applicants denied a mortgage, only their race.


WASHINGTON - The Clinton Administration is committed to fighting illegal housing discrimination and to giving more minorities opportunities to become homeowners, Housing Secretary Andrew Cuomo told the National Urban League Annual Conference today. At the same time, he signed an agreement to work with the Urban League to further those goals.

Cuomo spoke a day after banking regulators issued a report that found that conventional and government-backed home mortgages to all racial and ethnic groups rose in 1996.

However, the report found that blacks, Hispanics and American Indians were still more likely than whites and Asians to be turned down for conventional home mortgages.

The report said in 1996 lenders turned down 48.8 percent of applications for conventional home mortgages by African Americans, compared with only 24.1 percent for whites. The denial rates were 34.4 percent for Hispanics, 13.8 percent for Asians, and 50.2 percent for American Indians.

Still, the disparity in mortgage denial rates for blacks and whites has narrowed since 1990. In that year, blacks were 2.4 times as likely as whites to have their application denied. Today, blacks are 2 times as likely to have their mortgage applications denied.

"We are proud that minority homeownership is rising and that more Americans of all races are applying and qualifying for home mortgages," Cuomo said. "But more must be done to stop discrimination in its tracks. We will double the number of fair housing complaints we investigate and we will be diligent in our enforcement of laws and regulations to ensure that the American Dream of homeownership is open to all hard-working Americans."

Cuomo said a top goal of HUD will be to reduce the homeownership gap between whites and minorities. While the white homeownership rate stood at 72.1 percent in the second quarter of this year, the homeownership rate was 44.9 percent for blacks and 43.3 percent for Hispanics.

To advance HUD's efforts, Cuomo said the Department of Housing and Urban Development will provide technical assistance valued at up to $1 million to the National Urban League and its 114 affiliates over two years.

The HUD assistance will help the group increase minority homeownership, create more affordable housing, combat housing discrimination, create jobs and take other actions to revitalize inner city neighborhoods, Cuomo said.

Cuomo signed a memorandum of understanding with Urban League President Hugh Price to provide the technical assistance.

Under the agreement, HUD will work with local Urban League affiliates to identify ways to wipe out housing discrimination. All cases of housing discrimination discovered by Urban League affiliates will be referred to the Department for immediate investigation.

Cuomo said the assistance will help the National Urban League and its affiliates better utilize available HUD resources and programs, such as the Department's Community Development Block Grant Program.

"The Urban League is a powerful force for good, and has an extraordinary record of achievement," Cuomo said. "By working in partnership with this group, HUD can create new housing opportunities and new jobs, and bring new life to urban neighborhoods."

"We're extremely excited about the creation of this partnership with HUD," Price said. "This agreement will enable us to do even more to serve the needs of communities that are undergoing tremendous change and becoming ever more diverse."

Despite the disappointing news about the high mortgage denial rate for minorities, the data revealed a number of encouraging trends, Cuomo said. For example: In 1996, the number of blacks owning their own homes exceeded 5 million for the first time.

There has been substantial growth in total mortgage lending activity since 1993. The fastest growth in mortgage lending has occurred for minorities: 56 percent for Hispanics, 53 percent for blacks, 27 percent for Native Americans, 15 percent for Asians and 14 percent for whites.

While the number of conventional loans to blacks decreased by 1.5 percent between 1995 and 1996, this decline was more than offset by an increase in government-backed loans.

Today the overall homeownership rate in the United States is 65.7 percent -- the highest overall quarterly homeownership rate in 17 years. There are more than 5 million more homeowners since the start of 1993.

Under the agreement between HUD and the Urban League, Neighborhood Network Centers will be established in Baltimore, Washington, and Kansas City, MO. The Neighborhoods Network program, created in September 1995, is a HUD initiative that uses computer technology to help residents of HUD-insured and assisted housing developments get training to qualify for jobs. Currently there are more than 220 Neighborhood Networks centers operating.

Another goal of HUD's assistance to the Urban League will be to help people move from welfare to work. Activities that could be assisted include job training, child care and transportation to jobs.

The agreement also calls for HUD to help Urban League affiliates fully engage in the JOBS Plus Demonstration Program, an effort that uses existing local structures to strengthen the ability of communities to support and promote activities leading to the creation of new jobs.

In addition, the agreement calls for HUD to assist Urban League affiliates in working with local housing authorities to develop job training courses for low-income residents and contracting opportunities for businesses that are owned by or employ public housing residents.

Content Archived: January 20, 2009

HUD Archives: Cuomo agrees w/Nat'l Urban League -- to Fight Housing Discrimination
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We had a living wage in this country until the 70s when investors wanted more and more profits.

Google, living wage calculator and you'll have your answer.

Why are you against the American worker making a living wage? Are you a commie?

Investor's had enormous profits were available in the late 70's when interest rates for a 30-year mortgage exceeded 18 percent. That's when Jimmy Carter was in the Oval Office.
I do remember that. Do you remember how badly you progressives handled your 870 billion dollar stimulus? All the "shovel ready" jobs that you promised? Tell me how that worked out, Ed!

Do you remember how the TARP loans that W. made were all repaid...with interest? Do you remember the bath that we taxpayers took on Obama's TARP loans made to GM?
How soon you forget the 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains? Come on old,,you're not that old

How could anyone forget 75 straight months of tepid job growth, Ed! You progressives keep trotting that statistic out like it's something special and it's really indicative of how bad Barack Obama's performance with the economy and jobs in particular was!

They screwed up the stimulus! They screwed up spending the rest of the TARP money that Bush left them!

The truth, Ed...is that if the 2010 midterms hadn't wrested power out of the hands of you progressives...you would have passed Cap & Trade legislation that would have further slowed the economy and if you'd had the power to do so...you would have banned fracking which was what drove the energy boom that was the only thing keeping Barry's numbers from being historically bad!

You really want to discuss economics with me, Ed?

And by “tepid” growth, you mean some 15 million jobs.

The problem with claiming job growth during his two terms as something that Barry did...was that you really can't point out anything that he did that created jobs, Faun. He wasn't the "Fracking President"...pushing fracking as a way to start an energy boom. He was the President who was against fracking. He wasn't the President who got rid of burdensome regulations on businesses. He was the President who added more regulations than any other administration in history!
He did the same as Trump did when you claim he inspired job growth even before becoming president.

Some 15 to 16 million jobs. You know, what you lied and called, "tepid."

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, first administration in history to never have a single year of growth above 3 percent.

At the same time, Labor Participation DROPPED from 66.2 percent down to 62.7. Folks who quit looking.
I do remember that. Do you remember how badly you progressives handled your 870 billion dollar stimulus? All the "shovel ready" jobs that you promised? Tell me how that worked out, Ed!

Do you remember how the TARP loans that W. made were all repaid...with interest? Do you remember the bath that we taxpayers took on Obama's TARP loans made to GM?
How soon you forget the 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains? Come on old,,you're not that old

How could anyone forget 75 straight months of tepid job growth, Ed! You progressives keep trotting that statistic out like it's something special and it's really indicative of how bad Barack Obama's performance with the economy and jobs in particular was!

They screwed up the stimulus! They screwed up spending the rest of the TARP money that Bush left them!

The truth, Ed...is that if the 2010 midterms hadn't wrested power out of the hands of you progressives...you would have passed Cap & Trade legislation that would have further slowed the economy and if you'd had the power to do so...you would have banned fracking which was what drove the energy boom that was the only thing keeping Barry's numbers from being historically bad!

You really want to discuss economics with me, Ed?

And by “tepid” growth, you mean some 15 million jobs.

The problem with claiming job growth during his two terms as something that Barry did...was that you really can't point out anything that he did that created jobs, Faun. He wasn't the "Fracking President"...pushing fracking as a way to start an energy boom. He was the President who was against fracking. He wasn't the President who got rid of burdensome regulations on businesses. He was the President who added more regulations than any other administration in history!
Half a million jobs created by affordable care act.
ObamaCare did not create jobs. Claiming that it did is laughable. It cost jobs.
How did Russia help, Dumbass? HOW?

Again, EVIDENCE proves- specifically - That:
- Hillary took $100+ million from KGB Bank
- Bill took $500k+ from KGB Bank
- Hillary colluded with and paid Foreign Spies and Russians
- The Russians engaged in a military-style operation using US Social Media and successfully got stupid snowflakes like you to organize and march for them
- The Russians successfully paid WILLING recognized Democrat Party-associated groups who then WILLINGLY spread racial division and violence throughout the US....for the Russians....

...and for the last 2 years you F*ING TREASONOUS A$$HOLES have been, as always, blaming others for what YOU did and of being who you are.

Some thinks never change....
The KGB hasnt existed since 1991, and they never had a bank.
That would be like the CIA having bank.
Any money Hillary got from Russia was prior to 2011, when Hillary caused protests against Putin. Putin has hated her ever since.
Republican senate intelligence committee finds that Russia helped Trump and hurt Hillary.
These dumb f'ers won't even believe their own senate intelligence
'Senate Intelligence, Senate Intelligence, squawk, 'Senate Intelligence...'

I challenged you to name 1 specific way, CHILD, and you could NOT! Perhaps you should go back to 'Russia, Russia, Russia!'

How did Russia help, Dumbass? HOW?

Again, EVIDENCE proves- specifically - That:
- Hillary took $100+ million from KGB Bank
- Bill took $500k+ from KGB Bank
- Hillary colluded with and paid Foreign Spies and Russians
- The Russians engaged in a military-style operation using US Social Media and successfully got stupid snowflakes like you to organize and march for them
- The Russians successfully paid WILLING recognized Democrat Party-associated groups who then WILLINGLY spread racial division and violence throughout the US....for the Russians....

...and for the last 2 years you F*ING TREASONOUS A$$HOLES have been, as always, blaming others for what YOU did and of being who you are.

Some thinks never change....
The KGB hasnt existed since 1991, and they never had a bank.
That would be like the CIA having bank.
Any money Hillary got from Russia was prior to 2011, when Hillary caused protests against Putin. Putin has hated her ever since.
Republican senate intelligence committee finds that Russia helped Trump and hurt Hillary.
These dumb f'ers won't even believe their own senate intelligence
'Senate Intelligence, Senate Intelligence, squawk, 'Senate Intelligence...'

I challenged you to name 1 specific way, CHILD, and you could NOT! Perhaps you should go back to 'Russia, Russia, Russia!'

Use google easy You know how to use it ,Right? The truth long ago was carried out on a stretcher at your house
"Felons can not only VOTE now They also run for President!
Hillary 2020!"

"You Need a President not afraid to break laws, to compromise national security, and to needlessly sacrifice American lives then cover it up to get what she wants! Hillary 2020!"

'Can she do better than the best economy in decades, lowest unemployment in decades, highest number of Americans working ever, raises, jobs, bonuses, highest home values in decades, highest stock market, lowest number of Americans on Welfare, Unemployment, and on Food Stamps?

Hell NO...but it's not about YOU! 'It's MY Turn!'

Hillary 2020!'

I do remember that. Do you remember how badly you progressives handled your 870 billion dollar stimulus? All the "shovel ready" jobs that you promised? Tell me how that worked out, Ed!

Do you remember how the TARP loans that W. made were all repaid...with interest? Do you remember the bath that we taxpayers took on Obama's TARP loans made to GM?
How soon you forget the 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains? Come on old,,you're not that old

How could anyone forget 75 straight months of tepid job growth, Ed! You progressives keep trotting that statistic out like it's something special and it's really indicative of how bad Barack Obama's performance with the economy and jobs in particular was!

They screwed up the stimulus! They screwed up spending the rest of the TARP money that Bush left them!

The truth, Ed...is that if the 2010 midterms hadn't wrested power out of the hands of you progressives...you would have passed Cap & Trade legislation that would have further slowed the economy and if you'd had the power to do so...you would have banned fracking which was what drove the energy boom that was the only thing keeping Barry's numbers from being historically bad!

You really want to discuss economics with me, Ed?

And by “tepid” growth, you mean some 15 million jobs.

The problem with claiming job growth during his two terms as something that Barry did...was that you really can't point out anything that he did that created jobs, Faun. He wasn't the "Fracking President"...pushing fracking as a way to start an energy boom. He was the President who was against fracking. He wasn't the President who got rid of burdensome regulations on businesses. He was the President who added more regulations than any other administration in history!
Half a million jobs created by affordable care act.
Any private jobs? You know, that government didn’t subsidize? Nope, otherwise you would have posted it
SS Trump is cruising right along
Only on Fox!! North Korea deal was a joke, trade War not a great idea LOL, stock market retracting... I know, a tax cut for the rich!
Not to the real Americans
Brainwashed functional morons you mean... The only question is when the Democratic landslide happens...
Real Americans is what I said
... Fighting for Greedy a hole GOP billionaires LOL...
So there are no greedy a-hole demolosers?
Talk about sore losers.
Come on blues Tell me how happy you are with this jerk in the WH? His ""diplomatic victory in NK"" ? His tariffs ...the throwing of our allies into the gutter, the pain those tariffs will cause to mainly states he won?

Right, so as long as the economy thrives it’s all Obama’s and the second it down turns then it’s Trump’s. You guys crack me up.
No one said it was all Obamas BUT all economic indicators were headed up when Obama stepped down

Ah yeah...you're right...all economic indicators were headed up! I guess that's what happens when someone who's clueless about economics is finally about to leave? Everyone breaths a sigh of relief and gets ready for the guy who majored in economics and understands how to create jobs. Despite dire warnings of total collapse of the economy if Donald Trump were elected from people like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi...the exact opposite has happened. There are now more jobs than there are people to fill them!
Do you remember those 750000 losing jobs in gwb's last month ? Obamas fault ?? Hills??

Do you remember DEMS who controlled congress in 2007 and 2008 intentionally driving the economy in the ditch so they could retake the White House? So yes Obama's fault and the Dem's.
How soon you forget the 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains? Come on old,,you're not that old

How could anyone forget 75 straight months of tepid job growth, Ed! You progressives keep trotting that statistic out like it's something special and it's really indicative of how bad Barack Obama's performance with the economy and jobs in particular was!

They screwed up the stimulus! They screwed up spending the rest of the TARP money that Bush left them!

The truth, Ed...is that if the 2010 midterms hadn't wrested power out of the hands of you progressives...you would have passed Cap & Trade legislation that would have further slowed the economy and if you'd had the power to do so...you would have banned fracking which was what drove the energy boom that was the only thing keeping Barry's numbers from being historically bad!

You really want to discuss economics with me, Ed?

And by “tepid” growth, you mean some 15 million jobs.

The problem with claiming job growth during his two terms as something that Barry did...was that you really can't point out anything that he did that created jobs, Faun. He wasn't the "Fracking President"...pushing fracking as a way to start an energy boom. He was the President who was against fracking. He wasn't the President who got rid of burdensome regulations on businesses. He was the President who added more regulations than any other administration in history!
Half a million jobs created by affordable care act.
Any private jobs? You know, that government didn’t subsidize? Nope, otherwise you would have posted it
ACA didnt create any government providers, so they're all private jobs.
But if subsides is the criteria, then fossil fuel industry doesnt have private jobs, because that industry gets $20 billion per year in subsides.
Frank and Dodd were in the minority party until 2007. They had no power until then, Republicans did. And in most of those instances where you show Bush asking Congress to reform the GSE’s, Republicans were in running the Congress and in charge of all the committees. And by 2007, the damage was done. By early 2007, foreclosures were through the roof and at least one major lender had filed for bankruptcy.

Despite imploring the Republican-led Congress to reform the GSE’s and getting nowhere, he still passes the laws making up his home ownership plan.

Thank to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all-time high!” ~ George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention

The damage was done by 2001. From there it was downhill. I have been a Realtor here in Florida since 1974. I am intimately familiar with the events leading up to the Democrat-driven housing/mortgage/financial collapse beginning in July 2007.

Please note that there is no mention, whatsoever of the creditworthiness of the applicants denied a mortgage, only their race.


WASHINGTON - The Clinton Administration is committed to fighting illegal housing discrimination and to giving more minorities opportunities to become homeowners, Housing Secretary Andrew Cuomo told the National Urban League Annual Conference today. At the same time, he signed an agreement to work with the Urban League to further those goals.

Cuomo spoke a day after banking regulators issued a report that found that conventional and government-backed home mortgages to all racial and ethnic groups rose in 1996.

However, the report found that blacks, Hispanics and American Indians were still more likely than whites and Asians to be turned down for conventional home mortgages.

The report said in 1996 lenders turned down 48.8 percent of applications for conventional home mortgages by African Americans, compared with only 24.1 percent for whites. The denial rates were 34.4 percent for Hispanics, 13.8 percent for Asians, and 50.2 percent for American Indians.

Still, the disparity in mortgage denial rates for blacks and whites has narrowed since 1990. In that year, blacks were 2.4 times as likely as whites to have their application denied. Today, blacks are 2 times as likely to have their mortgage applications denied.

"We are proud that minority homeownership is rising and that more Americans of all races are applying and qualifying for home mortgages," Cuomo said. "But more must be done to stop discrimination in its tracks. We will double the number of fair housing complaints we investigate and we will be diligent in our enforcement of laws and regulations to ensure that the American Dream of homeownership is open to all hard-working Americans."

Cuomo said a top goal of HUD will be to reduce the homeownership gap between whites and minorities. While the white homeownership rate stood at 72.1 percent in the second quarter of this year, the homeownership rate was 44.9 percent for blacks and 43.3 percent for Hispanics.

To advance HUD's efforts, Cuomo said the Department of Housing and Urban Development will provide technical assistance valued at up to $1 million to the National Urban League and its 114 affiliates over two years.

The HUD assistance will help the group increase minority homeownership, create more affordable housing, combat housing discrimination, create jobs and take other actions to revitalize inner city neighborhoods, Cuomo said.

Cuomo signed a memorandum of understanding with Urban League President Hugh Price to provide the technical assistance.

Under the agreement, HUD will work with local Urban League affiliates to identify ways to wipe out housing discrimination. All cases of housing discrimination discovered by Urban League affiliates will be referred to the Department for immediate investigation.

Cuomo said the assistance will help the National Urban League and its affiliates better utilize available HUD resources and programs, such as the Department's Community Development Block Grant Program.

"The Urban League is a powerful force for good, and has an extraordinary record of achievement," Cuomo said. "By working in partnership with this group, HUD can create new housing opportunities and new jobs, and bring new life to urban neighborhoods."

"We're extremely excited about the creation of this partnership with HUD," Price said. "This agreement will enable us to do even more to serve the needs of communities that are undergoing tremendous change and becoming ever more diverse."

Despite the disappointing news about the high mortgage denial rate for minorities, the data revealed a number of encouraging trends, Cuomo said. For example: In 1996, the number of blacks owning their own homes exceeded 5 million for the first time.

There has been substantial growth in total mortgage lending activity since 1993. The fastest growth in mortgage lending has occurred for minorities: 56 percent for Hispanics, 53 percent for blacks, 27 percent for Native Americans, 15 percent for Asians and 14 percent for whites.

While the number of conventional loans to blacks decreased by 1.5 percent between 1995 and 1996, this decline was more than offset by an increase in government-backed loans.

Today the overall homeownership rate in the United States is 65.7 percent -- the highest overall quarterly homeownership rate in 17 years. There are more than 5 million more homeowners since the start of 1993.

Under the agreement between HUD and the Urban League, Neighborhood Network Centers will be established in Baltimore, Washington, and Kansas City, MO. The Neighborhoods Network program, created in September 1995, is a HUD initiative that uses computer technology to help residents of HUD-insured and assisted housing developments get training to qualify for jobs. Currently there are more than 220 Neighborhood Networks centers operating.

Another goal of HUD's assistance to the Urban League will be to help people move from welfare to work. Activities that could be assisted include job training, child care and transportation to jobs.

The agreement also calls for HUD to help Urban League affiliates fully engage in the JOBS Plus Demonstration Program, an effort that uses existing local structures to strengthen the ability of communities to support and promote activities leading to the creation of new jobs.

In addition, the agreement calls for HUD to assist Urban League affiliates in working with local housing authorities to develop job training courses for low-income residents and contracting opportunities for businesses that are owned by or employ public housing residents.

Content Archived: January 20, 2009

HUD Archives: Cuomo agrees w/Nat'l Urban League -- to Fight Housing Discrimination
The damage was not done by 2001. Had it been, the economy would have collapsed years before it did. There were some factors which contributed negligibly, but they were not the cause. It wasn’t necessary for you to demonstrate again that you don’t know what you’re talking about; but thanks just the same.

The damage didn’t even begin until interest rates dropped to below 2% and then the explosion of securitized subprime loans, as MBS’s and CDO’s, went through the roof. That was between 2002-2006...


Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all-time high!” ~ George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention
Come on blues Tell me how happy you are with this jerk in the WH? His ""diplomatic victory in NK"" ? His tariffs ...the throwing of our allies into the gutter, the pain those tariffs will cause to mainly states he won?

Right, so as long as the economy thrives it’s all Obama’s and the second it down turns then it’s Trump’s. You guys crack me up.
No one said it was all Obamas BUT all economic indicators were headed up when Obama stepped down

Ah yeah...you're right...all economic indicators were headed up! I guess that's what happens when someone who's clueless about economics is finally about to leave? Everyone breaths a sigh of relief and gets ready for the guy who majored in economics and understands how to create jobs. Despite dire warnings of total collapse of the economy if Donald Trump were elected from people like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi...the exact opposite has happened. There are now more jobs than there are people to fill them!
Do you remember those 750000 losing jobs in gwb's last month ? Obamas fault ?? Hills??

Do you remember DEMS who controlled congress in 2007 and 2008 intentionally driving the economy in the ditch so they could retake the White House? So yes Obama's fault and the Dem's.
Great, what policies did Democrats pass in 2007 that “drove the economy in the ditch?” Show the forum just how ignorant you are....
How soon you forget the 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains? Come on old,,you're not that old

How could anyone forget 75 straight months of tepid job growth, Ed! You progressives keep trotting that statistic out like it's something special and it's really indicative of how bad Barack Obama's performance with the economy and jobs in particular was!

They screwed up the stimulus! They screwed up spending the rest of the TARP money that Bush left them!

The truth, Ed...is that if the 2010 midterms hadn't wrested power out of the hands of you progressives...you would have passed Cap & Trade legislation that would have further slowed the economy and if you'd had the power to do so...you would have banned fracking which was what drove the energy boom that was the only thing keeping Barry's numbers from being historically bad!

You really want to discuss economics with me, Ed?

And by “tepid” growth, you mean some 15 million jobs.

The problem with claiming job growth during his two terms as something that Barry did...was that you really can't point out anything that he did that created jobs, Faun. He wasn't the "Fracking President"...pushing fracking as a way to start an energy boom. He was the President who was against fracking. He wasn't the President who got rid of burdensome regulations on businesses. He was the President who added more regulations than any other administration in history!
He did the same as Trump did when you claim he inspired job growth even before becoming president.

Some 15 to 16 million jobs. You know, what you lied and called, "tepid."

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, first administration in history to never have a single year of growth above 3 percent.

At the same time, Labor Participation DROPPED from 66.2 percent down to 62.7. Folks who quit looking.

You just blamed Bush for the housing bubble, thanks!
Right, so as long as the economy thrives it’s all Obama’s and the second it down turns then it’s Trump’s. You guys crack me up.
No one said it was all Obamas BUT all economic indicators were headed up when Obama stepped down

Ah yeah...you're right...all economic indicators were headed up! I guess that's what happens when someone who's clueless about economics is finally about to leave? Everyone breaths a sigh of relief and gets ready for the guy who majored in economics and understands how to create jobs. Despite dire warnings of total collapse of the economy if Donald Trump were elected from people like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi...the exact opposite has happened. There are now more jobs than there are people to fill them!
Do you remember those 750000 losing jobs in gwb's last month ? Obamas fault ?? Hills??

Do you remember DEMS who controlled congress in 2007 and 2008 intentionally driving the economy in the ditch so they could retake the White House? So yes Obama's fault and the Dem's.
Great, what policies did Democrats pass in 2007 that “drove the economy in the ditch?” Show the forum just how ignorant you are....

Riiiiight Dem's didn't projective vomit doom and gloom for 2 straight years to improve their chances of winning in 2008 riiiiiight. :icon_rolleyes:
No one said it was all Obamas BUT all economic indicators were headed up when Obama stepped down

Ah yeah...you're right...all economic indicators were headed up! I guess that's what happens when someone who's clueless about economics is finally about to leave? Everyone breaths a sigh of relief and gets ready for the guy who majored in economics and understands how to create jobs. Despite dire warnings of total collapse of the economy if Donald Trump were elected from people like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi...the exact opposite has happened. There are now more jobs than there are people to fill them!
Do you remember those 750000 losing jobs in gwb's last month ? Obamas fault ?? Hills??

Do you remember DEMS who controlled congress in 2007 and 2008 intentionally driving the economy in the ditch so they could retake the White House? So yes Obama's fault and the Dem's.
Great, what policies did Democrats pass in 2007 that “drove the economy in the ditch?” Show the forum just how ignorant you are....

Riiiiight Dem's didn't projective vomit doom and gloom for 2 straight years to improve their chances of winning in 2008 riiiiiight. :icon_rolleyes:
Actually, by 2006, record numbers of foreclosures were already being recorded. The weight of those foreclosures led to the collapse of New Century Financial Corp., the nation’s leading lender of subprime loans, which filed for chapter 11 in April, 2007, from years of writing toxic subprime loans. Thd damage was done by 2007, before Democrats took control of the Congress.

Thanks for obliging and demonstrating your abject ignorance.
Ah yeah...you're right...all economic indicators were headed up! I guess that's what happens when someone who's clueless about economics is finally about to leave? Everyone breaths a sigh of relief and gets ready for the guy who majored in economics and understands how to create jobs. Despite dire warnings of total collapse of the economy if Donald Trump were elected from people like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi...the exact opposite has happened. There are now more jobs than there are people to fill them!
Do you remember those 750000 losing jobs in gwb's last month ? Obamas fault ?? Hills??

Do you remember DEMS who controlled congress in 2007 and 2008 intentionally driving the economy in the ditch so they could retake the White House? So yes Obama's fault and the Dem's.
Great, what policies did Democrats pass in 2007 that “drove the economy in the ditch?” Show the forum just how ignorant you are....

Riiiiight Dem's didn't projective vomit doom and gloom for 2 straight years to improve their chances of winning in 2008 riiiiiight. :icon_rolleyes:
Actually, by 2006, record numbers of foreclosures were already being recorded. The weight of those foreclosures led to the collapse of New Century Financial Corp., the nation’s leading lender of subprime loans, which filed for chapter 11 in April, 2007, from years of writing toxic subprime loans. Thd damage was done by 2007, before Democrats took control of the Congress.

Thanks for obliging and demonstrating your abject ignorance.

Lib please we have been all through this. President Bush tried to address this issue multiple times and Dem's were united in opposition claiming everything was hunky dory. The Barney Frank video has been posted a dozen times proving this. I won't debate your made up revisionist propaganda the facts are well known.

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