Faced With A BOOMING Economy To run Against, Dims Try To Argue Success / More Jobs = BAD

The only thing that has changed is the way the GOP propaganda machine labels the economy... And another giant tax cut for the bloated rich and giant corporations...

That's right - double down on 'stupid'. It worked so well for you in 2016. :p
Would have been a landslide for Hillary without bologna Russian hacked emails and Republican James Comey being a loudmouth moron...
HEY If trump can get Russian money why not BLM??
There's only problem with your comment - YOU LIE!

Hillary got $100+ Million from the KGB Bank.
Bill got $500k from the KGB Bank.
John Podesta, Hillary's campaign manager, got thousands of un-reported Russian stocks.

the President got nothing from the KGB bank.
Your encyclopedic knowledge of of imaginary scandals is typical LOL of doopus americanus...
HEY If trump can get Russian money why not BLM??
There's only problem with your comment - YOU LIE!

Hillary got $100+ Million from the KGB Bank.
Bill got $500k from the KGB Bank.
John Podesta, Hillary's campaign manager, got thousands of un-reported Russian stocks.

the President got nothing from the KGB bank.
Look at TRumps hands They're all chapped from money laundering
HEY If trump can get Russian money why not BLM??
There's only problem with your comment - YOU LIE!

Hillary got $100+ Million from the KGB Bank.
Bill got $500k from the KGB Bank.
John Podesta, Hillary's campaign manager, got thousands of un-reported Russian stocks.

the President got nothing from the KGB bank.
The KGB gave me $100 million. Didn’t you get yours?
Common sense-thinking Americans know the Democrats have nothing to run on. So my prediction is, they're gonna manufacture some sort of incident that incites civil unrest before the Mid-Terms. I predict CNN, NBC, NY Times and other Democrat Fake News outlets, will collude with the Democratic Party to manufacture some kind of Immigration or 'Racial' incident.

They'll time it for right before the Mid-Terms. I believe it's in the planning stages right now. They have to incite rioting. They just don't have anything to run on. Trump is delivering, and they know it. So expect mass civil unrest. Remember you heard it from me first.
Nothing to run on? LOL! How about living wage Healthcare Day Care paid parental leave cheap college and training, SS ID card to end the GOP illegal immigration scam wedge issue, good infrastructure vacations, taxing the rich their fair share and invest in America and Americans. You dupes obsess about garbage character assassination and conspiracies--worst voters in the modern world... Not your fault dumbasses...

Trump is delivering. African American and Hispanic Unemployment are at historic lows. So your 24/7 Race Baiting isn't gonna be as effective. Intelligent folks won't go along with it. And your Open Borders Agenda isn't supported by most Americans. Y'all just don't have much to run on. That's why you will resort to inciting civil unrest. But we'll see if it works. I truly hope it doesn't though.
Link to anyone saying they are for open borders, dingbat dupe?
anyone who is for DACA is for open borders. anyone not willing to build a wall is for open borders. Anyone complaining about detaining illegals at the border is for open borders. I think that is all demolosers.
No one is for open borders super duper... Pass the 2010 Democratic bill with SS ID card that will end this GOP wedge issue scam.
how did you answer the three options I posed?
Trump has done more to hurt our democracy than putin ever could Hostile to our allies friendly to putin.. Praising the murderer
The New York Post

The myth of ‘skyrocketing’ gas prices
By John Crudele

July 9, 2018 | 9:44pm | Updated


Gasoline prices have not “skyrocketed.”

And they are not going to skyrocket — at least that’s the prediction of the US government agency in charge of predicting such things. The price of gas is likely as high now as it is going to be anytime for the rest of this year.

This is starting to annoy me.

As I drive around New Jersey, I see the price of gasoline falling — not rising, much less skyrocketing. And this is happening during the summer when motorists are driving more, gas should be more in demand and it would be normal for prices to rise.

But I’m not hearing or reading about the falling prices. Most of the media seems to have bought into the skyrocketing gas price theme and it keeps repeating that falsehood.

Not only that, but also Americans are supposed to be up in arms. Well, we may be irked about some things but gas prices aren’t one of them.

Take what the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Tom Perez, who used to be head of the Labor Department, had to say on this issue on Friday: “With slow wage growth, rising health care premiums and skyrocketing gas prices across the country, Donald Trump’s reckless policies are hurting millions of hardworking families.”

Perez was reacting to the Labor Department’s report that 213,000 jobs were created in June — before he went off on a gas price tangent.

Even President Trump seems worried about rising gas prices. He’s been pestering the Saudis to raise oil production so that prices won’t skyrocket.

Let’s concentrate on the “skyrocketing gas prices” part of Perez’s statement because I want to set the record straight with some facts.

The latest figures from the US Energy Information Administration show that gas prices averaged $2.84 a gallon across the US on July 2. Not cheap, for sure, but down from $2.94 a month earlier.

The New York Post

The myth of ‘skyrocketing’ gas prices
By John Crudele

July 9, 2018 | 9:44pm | Updated


Gasoline prices have not “skyrocketed.”

And they are not going to skyrocket — at least that’s the prediction of the US government agency in charge of predicting such things. The price of gas is likely as high now as it is going to be anytime for the rest of this year.

This is starting to annoy me.

As I drive around New Jersey, I see the price of gasoline falling — not rising, much less skyrocketing. And this is happening during the summer when motorists are driving more, gas should be more in demand and it would be normal for prices to rise.

But I’m not hearing or reading about the falling prices. Most of the media seems to have bought into the skyrocketing gas price theme and it keeps repeating that falsehood.

Not only that, but also Americans are supposed to be up in arms. Well, we may be irked about some things but gas prices aren’t one of them.

Take what the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Tom Perez, who used to be head of the Labor Department, had to say on this issue on Friday: “With slow wage growth, rising health care premiums and skyrocketing gas prices across the country, Donald Trump’s reckless policies are hurting millions of hardworking families.”

Perez was reacting to the Labor Department’s report that 213,000 jobs were created in June — before he went off on a gas price tangent.

Even President Trump seems worried about rising gas prices. He’s been pestering the Saudis to raise oil production so that prices won’t skyrocket.

Let’s concentrate on the “skyrocketing gas prices” part of Perez’s statement because I want to set the record straight with some facts.

The latest figures from the US Energy Information Administration show that gas prices averaged $2.84 a gallon across the US on July 2. Not cheap, for sure, but down from $2.94 a month earlier.
Paid 289 this morning on LI
California screwed: average gas prices there 50 cents to a dollar more than the rest of the country! :cry:
as of PM 07/11

$3.658 /gal
Last edited:
Common sense-thinking Americans know the Democrats have nothing to run on. So my prediction is, they're gonna manufacture some sort of incident that incites civil unrest before the Mid-Terms. I predict CNN, NBC, NY Times and other Democrat Fake News outlets, will collude with the Democratic Party to manufacture some kind of Immigration or 'Racial' incident.

They'll time it for right before the Mid-Terms. I believe it's in the planning stages right now. They have to incite rioting. They just don't have anything to run on. Trump is delivering, and they know it. So expect mass civil unrest. Remember you heard it from me first.
Nothing to run on? LOL! How about living wage Healthcare Day Care paid parental leave cheap college and training, SS ID card to end the GOP illegal immigration scam wedge issue, good infrastructure vacations, taxing the rich their fair share and invest in America and Americans. You dupes obsess about garbage character assassination and conspiracies--worst voters in the modern world... Not your fault dumbasses...

Trump is delivering. African American and Hispanic Unemployment are at historic lows. So your 24/7 Race Baiting isn't gonna be as effective. Intelligent folks won't go along with it. And your Open Borders Agenda isn't supported by most Americans. Y'all just don't have much to run on. That's why you will resort to inciting civil unrest. But we'll see if it works. I truly hope it doesn't though.
Link to anyone saying they are for open borders, dingbat dupe?

Ha, sure thing. :rofl:
Another ridiculous GOP lie you have no problem with LOL!

Desperate Democrats = Cue the Race Riots.

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