Faced With A BOOMING Economy To run Against, Dims Try To Argue Success / More Jobs = BAD


Black unemployment is at an all time low thanks to our first (50%) black president, Barack Hussein Obama. He’s the one who brought it down 9 points (87%). Trump is doing well, but he brought it down only 1.3 points (13%).

Face it, y'all got nothing. All you can do is incite some riots and hope it's enough to get the dummies to turn out for ya on election day. Personally, i truly hope your endless Race Baiting and 'TRUMP IS HITLER!' shite, is a big fail for ya in November. But i guess we'll see.
Your concession is duly noted.

Nah, African American and Hispanic Unemployment are at historic lows. I know that's giving you a real bad case of butthurt, but it is fact. Looks like y'all better incite some race riots. Cause you got nothing.
Why would that be a problem for me when the 50% black president is responsible for 87% of the decrease in black unemployment? :dunno:

Keep flailing, kid. You're only proving what i said. Y'all got nothing. Better start planning those Race Riots. Maybe that'll work the dummies up enough to show up for ya on Election Day?

Your dementia is noted, laughed at, and summarily discarded.
So..you think this bubble will go on forever and we shouldn't prepare for it to burst, eh?

YOUR words, dear.

I am not asking anyone to ignore the fact that the stock market and economy are volatile and can always change....but thanks for trying to spin the conversation and what the Democrats are really doing into something they are not.

'It's the economy, stupid'. Remember that old saying? The Democrats are, again, facing a BOOMING economy and success under Trump...and they are actually trying to convince Americans that all of this success is 'bad' for America. Bwuhahahaha...

Its both a sign of desperation and insanity from the Left.
So..you think this bubble will go on forever and we shouldn't prepare for it to burst, eh?

YOUR words, dear.

I am not asking anyone to ignore the fact that the stock market and economy are volatile and can always change....but thanks for trying to spin the conversation and what the Democrats are really doing into something they are not.

'It's the economy, stupid'. Remember that old saying? The Democrats are, again, facing a BOOMING economy and success under Trump...and they are actually trying to convince Americans that all of this success is 'bad' for America. Bwuhahahaha...

Its both a sign of desperation and insanity from the Left.

And yet, that’s exactly what the right dif with Obama, every single month improved job numbers came out.

Thanks for admitting all those years were nothing but desperation from the right. :113:

Black unemployment is at an all time low thanks to our first (50%) black president, Barack Hussein Obama. He’s the one who brought it down 9 points (87%). Trump is doing well, but he brought it down only 1.3 points (13%).

Face it, y'all got nothing. All you can do is incite some riots and hope it's enough to get the dummies to turn out for ya on election day. Personally, i truly hope your endless Race Baiting and 'TRUMP IS HITLER!' shite, is a big fail for ya in November. But i guess we'll see.
Your concession is duly noted.

Nah, African American and Hispanic Unemployment are at historic lows. I know that's giving you a real bad case of butthurt, but it is fact. Looks like y'all better incite some race riots. Cause you got nothing.
Why would that be a problem for me when the 50% black president is responsible for 87% of the decrease in black unemployment? :dunno:

Keep flailing, kid. You're only proving what i said. Y'all got nothing. Better start planning those Race Riots. Maybe that'll work the dummies up enough to show up for ya on Election Day?
You want some more race riots ?? Sure just get a few more cops killing unarmed blacks
Common sense-thinking Americans know the Democrats have nothing to run on. So my prediction is, they're gonna manufacture some sort of incident that incites civil unrest before the Mid-Terms. I predict CNN, NBC, NY Times and other Democrat Fake News outlets, will collude with the Democratic Party to manufacture some kind of Immigration or 'Racial' incident.

They'll time it for right before the Mid-Terms. I believe it's in the planning stages right now. They have to incite rioting. They just don't have anything to run on. Trump is delivering, and they know it. So expect mass civil unrest. Remember you heard it from me first.
Nothing to run on? LOL! How about living wage Healthcare Day Care paid parental leave cheap college and training, SS ID card to end the GOP illegal immigration scam wedge issue, good infrastructure vacations, taxing the rich their fair share and invest in America and Americans. You dupes obsess about garbage character assassination and conspiracies--worst voters in the modern world... Not your fault dumbasses...

Trump is delivering. African American and Hispanic Unemployment are at historic lows. So your 24/7 Race Baiting isn't gonna be as effective. Intelligent folks won't go along with it. And your Open Borders Agenda isn't supported by most Americans. Y'all just don't have much to run on. That's why you will resort to inciting civil unrest. But we'll see if it works. I truly hope it doesn't though.
Link to anyone saying they are for open borders, dingbat dupe?
anyone who is for DACA is for open borders. anyone not willing to build a wall is for open borders. Anyone complaining about detaining illegals at the border is for open borders. I think that is all demolosers.
No one is for open borders super duper... Pass the 2010 Democratic bill with SS ID card that will end this GOP wedge issue scam.
Common sense-thinking Americans know the Democrats have nothing to run on. So my prediction is, they're gonna manufacture some sort of incident that incites civil unrest before the Mid-Terms. I predict CNN, NBC, NY Times and other Democrat Fake News outlets, will collude with the Democratic Party to manufacture some kind of Immigration or 'Racial' incident.

They'll time it for right before the Mid-Terms. I believe it's in the planning stages right now. They have to incite rioting. They just don't have anything to run on. Trump is delivering, and they know it. So expect mass civil unrest. Remember you heard it from me first.
Nothing to run on? LOL! How about living wage Healthcare Day Care paid parental leave cheap college and training, SS ID card to end the GOP illegal immigration scam wedge issue, good infrastructure vacations, taxing the rich their fair share and invest in America and Americans. You dupes obsess about garbage character assassination and conspiracies--worst voters in the modern world... Not your fault dumbasses...

Trump is delivering. African American and Hispanic Unemployment are at historic lows. So your 24/7 Race Baiting isn't gonna be as effective. Intelligent folks won't go along with it. And your Open Borders Agenda isn't supported by most Americans. Y'all just don't have much to run on. That's why you will resort to inciting civil unrest. But we'll see if it works. I truly hope it doesn't though.
Link to anyone saying they are for open borders, dingbat dupe?

Ha, sure thing. :rofl:
Another ridiculous GOP lie you have no problem with LOL!
The Obama recovery continues.

There was never such a thing.

Barry, a community organizer, spent 8 years aiding, abetting, financing, and supporting terrorists, Mexican Drug cartels, terrorist-supporting Hezbollah drug ops, ISIS Black market Oil Production, Human Traffickers, Hamas, MS13, violent illegals, etc.... drug us into 2 un-Authorized wars, illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices....while playing more rounds of golf than any President in US history....

Trump, an actual businessman, has already accomplished in 2 years what Barry could not do in 8...even if he had wanted to.
You want some more race riots ?? Sure
Why? Is Antifa, Black Lives matter, and the Black Fist still taking Russian rubles to spread racial division and violence?
link to that?
As you know in answer to previous other requests, I have already done so, FFW. 1st dozen times are free, then you are cut off....
The Obama recovery continues.

There was never such a thing.

Barry, a community organizer, spent 8 years aiding, abetting, financing, and supporting terrorists, Mexican Drug cartels, terrorist-supporting Hezbollah drug ops, ISIS Black market Oil Production, Human Traffickers, Hamas, MS13, violent illegals, etc.... drug us into 2 un-Authorized wars, illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices....while playing more rounds of golf than any President in US history....

Trump, an actual businessman, has already accomplished in 2 years what Barry could not do in 8...even if he had wanted to.
He's already played that much golf? He is amazing... So much garbage conspiracy theories, and no actual evidence for any of it super duper.
Barry's idea of trying to improve the economy was to immediately sign into law a FAILED approx. $1 Trillion 'Jobs' bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of Democrat self-enriching pieces of pork, In the end, according to the CBO, the bill cost tax payers approx. $774,000 PER JOB Barry claimed to have saved / created.

In his 1st 4 years he added nearly $7 Trillion in debt, part of which he inherited from his fellow Democrats who controlled the House / spending / Budget / Economy during Bush's last 2 years in office.

Barry was a socialist-trained, communist-tutored, racist-America-Hating-mentored, terrorist-sympathizing Community Organizer...he was NOT a businessman...or even a Constitutional Scholar.
You want some more race riots ?? Sure
Why? Is Antifa, Black Lives matter, and the Black Fist still taking Russian rubles to spread racial division and violence?
link to that?
As you know in answer to previous other requests, I have already done so, FFW. 1st dozen times are free, then you are cut off....
The Obama recovery continues.

There was never such a thing.

Barry, a community organizer, spent 8 years aiding, abetting, financing, and supporting terrorists, Mexican Drug cartels, terrorist-supporting Hezbollah drug ops, ISIS Black market Oil Production, Human Traffickers, Hamas, MS13, violent illegals, etc.... drug us into 2 un-Authorized wars, illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices....while playing more rounds of golf than any President in US history....

Trump, an actual businessman, has already accomplished in 2 years what Barry could not do in 8...even if he had wanted to.
He's already played that much golf? He is amazing... So much garbage conspiracy theories, and no actual evidence for any of it super duper.
Ah, more emotion-driven opinions. Thanks Frank.
You want some more race riots ?? Sure
Why? Is Antifa, Black Lives matter, and the Black Fist still taking Russian rubles to spread racial division and violence?
link to that?
As you know in answer to previous other requests, I have already done so, FFW. 1st dozen times are free, then you are cut off....
The Obama recovery continues.

There was never such a thing.

Barry, a community organizer, spent 8 years aiding, abetting, financing, and supporting terrorists, Mexican Drug cartels, terrorist-supporting Hezbollah drug ops, ISIS Black market Oil Production, Human Traffickers, Hamas, MS13, violent illegals, etc.... drug us into 2 un-Authorized wars, illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices....while playing more rounds of golf than any President in US history....

Trump, an actual businessman, has already accomplished in 2 years what Barry could not do in 8...even if he had wanted to.
He's already played that much golf? He is amazing... So much garbage conspiracy theories, and no actual evidence for any of it super duper.
Ah, more emotion-driven opinions. Thanks Frank.
The only thing that has changed is the way the GOP propaganda machine labels the economy... And another giant tax cut for the bloated rich and giant corporations...
HEY If trump can get Russian money why not BLM??
There's only problem with your comment - YOU LIE!

Hillary got $100+ Million from the KGB Bank.
Bill got $500k from the KGB Bank.
John Podesta, Hillary's campaign manager, got thousands of un-reported Russian stocks.

the President got nothing from the KGB bank.
The only thing that has changed is the way the GOP propaganda machine labels the economy... And another giant tax cut for the bloated rich and giant corporations...

That's right - double down on 'stupid'. It worked so well for you in 2016. :p

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