Fact check: Reporter on CNN busts open new ad lie. Wife had iinsurance.

This add solidifies the Democratic party as being replete of any decency, morals or standards. They'll use anybody, anyway to further their agenda.

The modern Democratic Party is the party of scumbags and reprobates.

Yeah, because the GOP has overflowing with decency, morals, and standards with the birthers. Stop being such a partisan hack.
Now Cutter has been caught out in a lie. This is getting really good. All the liars are getting flushed.

This is the same bitch that called Romney a felon.

A top Obama campaign official is being accused of lying over what she knew about the man at the center of a damning super PAC ad tying his wife's death to Mitt Romney.

Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter appeared on CNN Wednesday morning to say, among other things, that "I don't know the facts" about the case of Joe Soptic, a steelworker who appeared in a controversial ad for the pro-Obama super-PAC Priorities USA. In the ad, Soptic, recounts how his wife died of cancer after he lost his health insurance when his plant was shuttered after a takeover by Bain Capital and other companies working with the private equity firm.

Cutter said she didn't know when Soptic's wife fell ill, or about his health insurance.

Yet in May of this year, Cutter herself hosted a conference call in which Soptic detailed his case to reporters. During the call, as he did in the ad, Soptic explained how his wife fell ill after he lost his job, and how he lost his health insurance. The call took place as Soptic began appearing in Obama campaign ads, and was featured in a profile on the Obama campaign website.

Obama campaign aide accused of lying over anti-Romney ad, ties to steelworker | Fox News
I had heard that too. Collusion with a PAC is a felony, I believe.
Then you cant prove this woman was covered can you?

And you can't prove she wasn't.

Privacy is a wonderful thing.

And the burden of proof is on anyone claiming that the ad is a lie. What is with you hyper partisan Republicans spouting out shit that you can't back up with evidence, and expecting people to believe you?

really the Burden of Proof is on us and not the person making the claims in the Ad? I bet you think the Burden of proof is on Romney when it comes to Ried's Claims as well eh?

so much for innocent till proven guilty.

That ad makes an accusation with out any Proof to back it up, and your response is to tell the accused to prove it wrong.

Wow how very American of you.
Now Cutter has been caught out in a lie. This is getting really good. All the liars are getting flushed.

This is the same bitch that called Romney a felon.

A top Obama campaign official is being accused of lying over what she knew about the man at the center of a damning super PAC ad tying his wife's death to Mitt Romney.

Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter appeared on CNN Wednesday morning to say, among other things, that "I don't know the facts" about the case of Joe Soptic, a steelworker who appeared in a controversial ad for the pro-Obama super-PAC Priorities USA. In the ad, Soptic, recounts how his wife died of cancer after he lost his health insurance when his plant was shuttered after a takeover by Bain Capital and other companies working with the private equity firm.

Cutter said she didn't know when Soptic's wife fell ill, or about his health insurance.

Yet in May of this year, Cutter herself hosted a conference call in which Soptic detailed his case to reporters. During the call, as he did in the ad, Soptic explained how his wife fell ill after he lost his job, and how he lost his health insurance. The call took place as Soptic began appearing in Obama campaign ads, and was featured in a profile on the Obama campaign website.

Obama campaign aide accused of lying over anti-Romney ad, ties to steelworker | Fox News
I had heard that too. Collusion with a PAC is a felony, I believe.

This whole Super Pac thing is a joke. I mean come on this Super Pac is ran by Obama's Former Deputy Press Sec, and the Man in the add was used by the Obama Campaign Directly in another ad.

Yeah there is no collusion here at all. lol
remember this Her husband can.

you cant prove anything without her private paperwork.

stop lying about a dead woman for political gain

God you are a disgusting person.

No, you're the disgusting person. You want to sit here, you want to insist that so and so is lying, but you don't want to have to justify that position. You want to claim that a dead woman is being used as a pawn, when the truth is that you're the one using her as a pawn because you have no interest in the truth, all you care about is trying to make Obama look bad. But as it turns out it's stupid shit like what you're pulling that is the reason why Obama maintains so much support.q

The husband is now a proven liar. The ad is a lie. Now Stephanie Cutter one of Obama's key campaign manager has been caught lying.

It's called your side is freaking BUSTED.
This add solidifies the Democratic party as being replete of any decency, morals or standards. They'll use anybody, anyway to further their agenda.

The modern Democratic Party is the party of scumbags and reprobates.

Yeah, because the GOP has overflowing with decency, morals, and standards with the birthers. Stop being such a partisan hack.

The gop consists of millions of people.

Stop acting like you know them all
God you are a disgusting person.

No, you're the disgusting person. You want to sit here, you want to insist that so and so is lying, but you don't want to have to justify that position. You want to claim that a dead woman is being used as a pawn, when the truth is that you're the one using her as a pawn because you have no interest in the truth, all you care about is trying to make Obama look bad. But as it turns out it's stupid shit like what you're pulling that is the reason why Obama maintains so much support.q

You got it all figured out don't ya. Think you know what I think when I never said anything of the sort.

Good show.

No need to debate you further.
oh and I will make a statement on 'Mr.' Soptic;

using his dead wife to make a crass, factually challenged political point is bad juju, karma whatever you wish to to call it.

I don't care if Reagan and Truman climbed out of the grave and made an appeal to me to do same, I'd tell them to pound sand, but some folks have no conscience. Hes morally and ethically challenged to put it lightly.
This add solidifies the Democratic party as being replete of any decency, morals or standards. They'll use anybody, anyway to further their agenda.

The modern Democratic Party is the party of scumbags and reprobates.

Yeah, because the GOP has overflowing with decency, morals, and standards with the birthers. Stop being such a partisan hack.

The only thing you're in the middle of is Obama's nuts

Disgusting really
The husband is now a proven liar.

How so?
He claims that losing his job is the reason his wife died. Yet, she had health insurance and the only reason they found the cancer was because she had pneumonia, and by his own admission, when she went in for that, they found the cancer and it was already in 4th stage.

So, who neglected her if she did not go to get checked when she had health insurance?

His statements that Romney closed the plant were lies as Romney made no such decision and was not with Bain at that time.

There are a number of factually....oh hell, why sugar coat it.....there are a number of lies he told in that ad. The real question is, did he say them for revenge, spite, party or pay.
This add solidifies the Democratic party as being replete of any decency, morals or standards. They'll use anybody, anyway to further their agenda.

The modern Democratic Party is the party of scumbags and reprobates.

Yeah, because the GOP has overflowing with decency, morals, and standards with the birthers. Stop being such a partisan hack.

UP yours with the birther lie. The whole thing started with Obama when he claimed to be born in Kenya until someone told the Constitutional Scholar that he couldn't be born in Kenya and run for president. The first law suits were started by Democrats. What should that tell you? It should tell you that either Obama lied for 17 years or he is lying now. Which do you think it is? The best part is that it is absolutely true and there is nothing that the left can lie about to change it.
People lost their jobs at Solyndra.
So Obama lent money to an Obama supporter who ended up closiong the company down resdulting in the loss of jobs.
I assume Obama will nbever accept a penny from that donor again?

Afterall...he is a bad man. A very bad man.

This whole Bain thing is a fucking joke.

And the democrats know their base are foolish enough to stick with it.

How pathetic is that?

I hope you realize that the Solyndra bankruptcy is Romney's fault as well... just ask someone like TDM. I am sure she understands how Romney caused the collapse of Solyndra.

Now Cutter has been caught out in a lie. This is getting really good. All the liars are getting flushed.

This is the same bitch that called Romney a felon.

A top Obama campaign official is being accused of lying over what she knew about the man at the center of a damning super PAC ad tying his wife's death to Mitt Romney.

Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter appeared on CNN Wednesday morning to say, among other things, that "I don't know the facts" about the case of Joe Soptic, a steelworker who appeared in a controversial ad for the pro-Obama super-PAC Priorities USA. In the ad, Soptic, recounts how his wife died of cancer after he lost his health insurance when his plant was shuttered after a takeover by Bain Capital and other companies working with the private equity firm.

Cutter said she didn't know when Soptic's wife fell ill, or about his health insurance.

Yet in May of this year, Cutter herself hosted a conference call in which Soptic detailed his case to reporters. During the call, as he did in the ad, Soptic explained how his wife fell ill after he lost his job, and how he lost his health insurance. The call took place as Soptic began appearing in Obama campaign ads, and was featured in a profile on the Obama campaign website.

Obama campaign aide accused of lying over anti-Romney ad, ties to steelworker | Fox News
I had heard that too. Collusion with a PAC is a felony, I believe.

This whole Super Pac thing is a joke. I mean come on this Super Pac is ran by Obama's Former Deputy Press Sec, and the Man in the add was used by the Obama Campaign Directly in another ad.

Yeah there is no collusion here at all. lol

Here's a video link to Cutter thanking Soptic. I can't hear it (no speakers right now) the information seems to be correct that this catches out Cutter in a lie.

May 14, 2012: Joe Soptic Tells Story About Wife On OFA Call

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfOoZl0tHvQ&feature=player_detailpage]May 14, 2012: Joe Soptic Tells Story About Wife On OFA Call - YouTube[/ame]
People lost their jobs at Solyndra.
So Obama lent money to an Obama supporter who ended up closiong the company down resdulting in the loss of jobs.
I assume Obama will nbever accept a penny from that donor again?

Afterall...he is a bad man. A very bad man.

This whole Bain thing is a fucking joke.

And the democrats know their base are foolish enough to stick with it.

How pathetic is that?

I hope you realize that the Solyndra bankruptcy is Romney's fault as well... just ask someone like TDM. I am sure she understands how Romney caused the collapse of Solyndra.

Well, he was on that side of the country when it all went...ah...down. So to speak....:D
really the Burden of Proof is on us and not the person making the claims in the Ad? I bet you think the Burden of proof is on Romney when it comes to Ried's Claims as well eh?

Yes. Get educated in logic.

so much for innocent till proven guilty.

Shut the fuck up with that bullshit. You're sitting here and saying people are lying. So prove that they are lying! Don't sit here and babble about "innocent until proven guilty" when you're the one expecting people to prove that they are innocent of your accusations.

That ad makes an accusation with out any Proof to back it up, and your response is to tell the accused to prove it wrong.

An accusation of what? You want proof that the plant closed down? Is that your beef in all of this? Is that all you got?


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